Okay, urgently hunt down those monsters! And join forces with other [Familiar Tribes]! Go and ask the gods present to provide assistance!

Please, please wait! No matter what the process is, letting the monster escape is our failure. If we use the power of other forces, it will not only disgrace us, but also allow our opponents to take advantage of it...

I am Ganesha! How can we let the citizens who are supposed to be protected be harmed! Our greatest happiness is the smiles of our children, even if we give up our status and reputation!

Chapter 28: Split up (1/4)

O-yes! I'm so sorry!

The festival continues! Don't let the audience who are currently in the arena go out, and don't let them know that the monster has escaped! You must not do anything that causes chaos, okay?

I, I know! There is one more thing, about the search for the person who released the monster...

It doesn't matter. This person didn't let go of all the captured monsters. It shows that he didn't intend to arbitrarily expand the number of victims. I think this person has another purpose.

Making false noises, or causing disturbance... Although it is irritating, let's just do what he wants. We must put the safety of the citizens as our top priority!

Upon hearing Ganesha's order, the members immediately rushed outside.

Only five minutes had passed since it was confirmed that the monsters had escaped en masse. Under the command of God, the [Ganesha Familia] took a quick response.


Strange... Where is Xia Qingren?

After Lefiya and her group arrived at the entrance of the huge arena, they looked around but did not find Xia Qing, who was supposed to be waiting for them here, and suddenly looked around.

Then, they walked slightly into the entrance and saw the scene inside the arena.

The circular arena was now enveloped in a jubilant craze that reached to the sky.

Ganesha is really awesome. He can tame monsters so easily. I really can't learn from him.

That's right. The success rate of taming is already very low, and you have to perform on such a big stage...

And the performance was wonderful. He not only tamed him, but also made moves to entertain the audience. No wonder he dared to collect money from others.

Tiona, Lefiya, and Tione each expressed their thoughts after seeing the scene of the Monster Festival.

They witnessed the various tricks performed by the elites of other factions, and they all expressed their admiration frankly.

The beautiful animal trainer in gorgeous costumes responded to the audience's applause and then left the stage with the well-behaved tiger monster.

Then instead, a strong male animal trainer and a large dragon with a body length of nearly seven meters including its tail appeared from the east and west gates.

As the audience roared, the monster bared its vicious fangs and roared.

Then the big one was also brought up from the dungeon?

How is that possible? It was brought in from outside the city. If it is a dragon monster, even if it was not born in the dungeon, its power should not be much inferior.

Among the auditorium surrounding the field, Tiona and the others were sitting near the middle.

When the battle kicked off, the audience suddenly burst into cheers like a huge wave.

its not right!

Tiona shrank her neck and closed one eye.

Lefia, who was covering her ears next to her, said in a loud voice.

But! Don't you think it's a little strange? I think that monster should have been the finale!

Hearing Lefia's question spoken loudly in an effort not to be drowned out by the surrounding support, Tiona also felt that it made sense and looked at the battle between the trainer and the monster.

Then the huge monsters and courage should be the highlight of today.

It seems that there is no need to call it out at this time, just to take away the opportunity of other monsters to appear.

Or maybe something happened that forced them to change the order of the show and the monster that was originally supposed to be on the show could no longer appear.

And...the people from [Ganesha Familia] have been busy coming in and out since just now.

Ah, Tione thinks so too?

Tione and Tiona raised their heads from the venue and looked at the VIP seats on the top floor of the arena.

The main god Ganesha should be there, as well as the figures of the group members coming in and out.

Not only that, they also went down to the auditorium and whispered to every god or adventurer they met, seemingly asking them for something.

Their seemingly nervous movements made Tiona and others begin to vaguely feel that something was going on.

What should I do?

...Let's take a look at the situation.


What are the children over at Ganesha doing, sister Misha?

Uh, well, they put citizens' safety as their first priority and cooperated with us to induce the citizens of the East District to evacuate.

Hmm... In this situation, we probably won't get any useful information. Let's leave the monster to Ais.

After listening to the somewhat unclear explanation from the guild employee, Loki looked around.

Uniform action finally began in the square surrounding the arena.

The guild employees in black suits took up their respective responsibilities and ran around, frequently discussing the course of action with the armed [Ganesha Familia] members.

Other adventurers who could provide assistance could be seen running out of the square immediately after hearing the instructions.

From far away in the market, monsters roared from time to time.


Huh? What's wrong?

Seeing Tiona and others running towards him, Loki raised a hand to welcome them.

They had sensed the seriousness of the situation from the looks around them and came to inquire about the details.

In short, the monster got away. Said it was wandering around here.

Hey, isn't that bad!

Well, that's bad.

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