Xia Qing ignored the shy shouts of the girl whose cheeks instantly turned red, and moved quickly through the crowd like a ghost.

Lights of different colors illuminated the street, and their brightness was no less than that of stars.

The shops lined up in rows and on both sides of the bustling streets are tall and large, and their appearance is luxurious and majestic. Even facilities such as high-end wine bars, gambling venues, and grand theaters exclusively for nobles can be seen.

Turning from this street, you enter another street that is no less prosperous.

Pedestrians passing by couldn't help but cast curious glances when they saw the clothes on Xia Qing and Zhenji, who was holding him in his arms.

Those clothes look so strange. Are you a child from the countryside...?

That little girl is so beautiful, I really want to date her!

Didn't you notice that the boy seemed to be a little too fast...??

Such strange voices passed around her. As Xia Qing, who lived in the 20th century, they were all boring nonsense.

Finally, after exerting the physical fitness he had developed over nearly two years, Xia Qing moved as fast as a swift shadow even while holding a petite girl, becoming the most eye-catching sight on the entire street.

Fortunately, the women in front did not notice that there was a person following closely behind.

Hey, put me down quickly!

After experiencing a brief cultural baptism, the girl who had completely woken up from her sluggish state immediately jumped out of Xia Qing's arms.

The handle of the Nichirin sword hidden in the kimono was somewhat exposed at this moment. From below...

After realizing this, the girl casually lowered her arms and took out the sword together with the scabbard.

Passers-by were stunned.

I seem to have seen this scene somewhere before...

Regarding this strong sense of déjà vu, Xia Qing could not find a similar influence in his mind no matter how much he thought about it, and finally had no choice but to give up.

After following the girl named Asami all the way to a gorgeous building, Masaki couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

You talk about being freed from uncleanness. That landlady is really good at talking. She just moved from a small local prostitute to a town prostitute...

Xia Qing nodded.

Well, I was indeed deceived, that girl.

Then, he stood up and walked towards the smooth stone steps, and the girl behind him quickly called out.

Hey, what are you doing!?

The corner of Xia Qing's mouth curled up and he answered with a slight smile.

Needless to say, of course I walked in openly and openly!

With that said, Xia Qing took out a wad of banknotes from his arms and answered seriously.

“If you don’t use it when you should use it, it’s meaningless!!”


When the girl was speechless, Xia Qing had already arrived at the door of the building.

However, after hesitating for a minute, he came back.

Why don't you go in...?

Masaki asked.

They're so horny, I'd get really excited if I got in there.

Xia Qing glanced at the girls on the steps again and said.


Zhenji was silent for a few seconds, then pushed Xia Qing's back and sent him in.

Let's go!

The young man was pushed into the whirlpool of beauty.

The girls wearing kimonos made of fine silk and satin couldn't help but narrow their eyes slightly after seeing Xia Qing's shockingly handsome face. That face seemed to be exuding an aura that no one dared to violate. It was like a sacred light, making it difficult for them to get close easily.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you Xingchen for your monthly ticket*1, Ouyang Tatsuya for your monthly ticket*1, and Silly Thing for your monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 32 The scent of thin blood (1/4)

But after blinking his eyes, everything just seemed like an illusion, it was just a handsome guest.

Xia Qing, who was surrounded by enchanting flowers, followed them in with a calm face and stiff body.

Zhen Sang, who saw this scene, stood beside the crowd outside, as if he had been abandoned.

Seeing this weak and pitiful little girl, a man who was about to go into the building had a smile on his face as if he had discovered a treasure.

That petite and graceful body, those beautiful glazed eyes, that bright kimono she was wearing, that girl's whole body exuded an attractive temperament that made people unable to take their eyes away.

Hey~ little girl, isn't it lonely to be alone here?

go to hell!!

Bang————! !

Stab————! !


The passers-by stopped and looked at the unconscious man who had been beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and then took a look at the figure of the girl who had disappeared. At this moment, everyone went from confused, to dull, to panic. It took just three seconds.

After a brief silence, the crowd began to commotion with the screams of several women.


That's great!

Several drunk men suddenly became excited after seeing this scene. Then they turned around and punched their companions to the ground.

Oh oh oh, is it time to fight? Come on, my blood is already boiling!!

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