
After making such sounds one after another, the bodies of the three strong men immediately arched up, and then flew backwards towards the opposite building like bullets!

Their bodies broke through the crowd and smashed through the doors and windows, scaring the other guests inside who were selecting targets and fled in all directions.

After Xia Qing and Zhen Shang had a discussion, they collaboratively came to the back of the backyard wall and hid in the shadows.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the door to the backyard finally opened slightly.


In the hazy orange light, a girl wearing a lavender kimono walked out of the backyard surrounded by several other women.

There were four women following her, two in front and the remaining two behind.

Why does it feel like I'm not taking her away, but more like...

Seeing that scene, Zhenjiu whispered as if he noticed something.

It seems to be preventing her from escaping.

Xia Qing answered.

It seems like things are not that simple after all. According to the direction they are heading now...

Masaki looked ahead along the path of the girl named Asami. There was a town a few kilometers away.

You actually want to go to the town...could it be that ghosts are still in the city...?

Zhenshen said with some disbelief.

According to the past, ghosts usually haunted mountains and forests. So far, they have not encountered ghosts that haunt towns.

At this time, they should be able to reach the town before one o'clock in the morning.

It should be revealed when the time comes.

Xia Qing murmured against her chin.

Speaking of which...

Zhen Yan lowered his head and scanned Xia Qing's outfit from bottom to top.

You actually changed back to your previous uniform. Is it necessary? The kimono looks so beautiful.

Fuck you...oh no, it's just that the kimono is inconvenient to move around, and I'm not used to wearing it either.

Is this so...

Regarding Xia Qing's answer, the girl looked a little regretful.

What are you feeling sorry for? ! ? ?


On summer nights, the air in the forest is filled with a sultry humidity, like fog.

The only lanterns gave off a faint light, making the night even more silent.

Xia Qing could hear the chirping of cicadas ringing in her ears from time to time, stretching out into the scenery, and repeatedly felt that it was a crisp and sweet song, composing a unique charm of the night.

The silvery white moonlight fell on the ground, and there were all kinds of insect sounds everywhere.

The hazy mist shrouded all the scenery inside, and everything the eyes came into contact with was covered with this soft net. The knowledge of every plant and tree was not as real as it was during the day.

Chapter 31 If you don’t use it when it’s time to use it, there’s no point! (4/4)

They all have vague and illusory colors. In this quiet forest, they only give people a dreamlike illusion.

The second dimension is just different...

Xia Qing sighed as she looked at what was only an ordinary scenery for people in this world.

Once upon a time, how many people dreamed of coming to such a world, and he naturally had such fantasies. It was not until he actually traveled through time that he discovered that the second dimension was not necessarily beautiful.

In addition to beauty and joy, there is also good, evil, and blood.

What nonsense are you talking about?

The girl who was also standing on the big branch asked with a look of confusion on her face.

Don't worry about it, it's just a meaningless emotion.

The moon was covered by thin wandering clouds, giving off a faint glow.

The night sky is so deep that it seems like you will be sucked into it just by looking at it. The scattered clouds make it difficult to find the stars.

After the two of them hung far behind the five-man team and followed them for two hours, they finally arrived at the city gate.

There are no so-called guards here, but there are some people in special clothes observing the crowd.

The bustling crowds were constantly coming in and out of the city gate, and even at about one o'clock in the morning, they were still unaware of it.

Hey, Zhenshen, follow me quickly... um...? What's wrong with you? ?

When he noticed that the girl following him had a dumb look on her face after looking at the scenery in the city, Xia Qing quickly shouted to her.


The girl made such a sound in a daze. Compared with the previous village, the scene in front of her was two extremes. It made the girl who had lived in a small village since she was a child and grew up in the mountains after becoming a teacher as if she had entered the modern world from the mountains and forests. Socially dull expression.

Orange lights illuminated the neatly laid stone slabs on the ground.

The pedestrians on the street are very lively. The whole street is filled with noisy conversations. People wearing various gorgeous costumes and kimonos are walking back and forth. Even the means of transportation have been transformed into four-wheeled cars.

The residents of the street seemed to have become accustomed to this scene. Even when they saw this, they were not aware of it. However, there was a hint of envy in the eyes of some people.

Occupying the center of the crowd and the street, the colorful light of the electric lamp was reflected in the girl's eyes at this moment.

Cheerful singing and playing music flowed out from the wine bar or the square, and lights of various colors filled both sides of the street. No matter how you looked at it, this street was so prosperous that it amazed the girl. It was crowded with people at this moment.

Don't be in a daze. It's just a few light bulbs and a car. What's so surprising? You can still see the whining train in the future. Let's go quickly.

Seeing that the target in his sight was about to turn into another street, Xia Qing didn't care about being rude and stepped forward to hug the girl who was still in a daze.

After discovering that the perspective was reversed, Zhen Shang suddenly became alert, and then let out a scream from his slender throat.

Ah! What are you doing!?

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