The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2141: Fanwai's previous life (sixty-six)

The 2141st chapter outside life (sixty-six)

The entire courtyard was quiet.

As the sky gradually forgive, Nan Changfeng took a coat and draped it on the Nine Emperor, but gave her a little warmth.

His hand gently held her from behind.

The teenager's smile is so calm and warm.

"Jiu'er, in the future, you have us anyway."

Jiu'er didn't say anything, but he knew that Jiu'er had left the Feng Dynasty with such despair.

She has been wandering around by herself, and she doesn't know how much suffering she has before she has achieved what she has achieved so far.

The man who was her father had never managed her life and death, but instead had another wife and daughter. If Jiu'er had not returned, he might not have remembered that he still had such a daughter.

His Jiu'er is so beautiful, that guy will know that in the future, he will regret it for life.

The nine emperors raised their lips and turned their eyes back.

"From the moment when I decided to leave that year, there was no longer any relationship between me and him. It does n’t matter if he married another. After all, the world knows that my mother is dead, and he naturally does n’t need to guard her life . "

At this moment, the nine emperors are unaware of the princess of the dynasty that she was reincarnated in after a thousand years.

But even if he knew that his wife was no longer, he still kept for his wife for nearly two decades until his wife came back.

That man is called Feng Tianyu, and his wife is the famous Queen Nalan.

Only such two people are known as the goddess couples.

"I do not know."

Nan Changfeng looked at Nine Emperor with a serious expression on his face, with a light that he could not understand.

"If one day, if you are gone, I will definitely find you."

Nine Emperor looked at Nan Changfeng in surprise. She narrowed her eyes and patted his head with a smile.

"Did you still want to find me based on your skills? It's estimated that even if something happened, it's you who came out first, maybe I have to find you."

At this time, the Nine Emperor did not even know, she said in a word.

After a long time, Nan Changfeng was in danger for her, buried in her arms, and almost distracted.

And she gave up her life at the cost of, only to give him the opportunity to reincarnate again.

Even, she waited for thousands of years before she could meet him again.

And in that life, she was a dandy princess, but he was a cold and gentle national teacher Nanxian.

It's a pity that they don't know everything they will face in the future.

With a smile on his face, Nine Emperor turned his eyes to the sky in front of him, and his eyes softened a lot.

Nan Changfeng stood behind the nine emperors.

Therefore, the Nine Emperor did not see that the young man's eyes were always on her body, with gentleness, and never moved away.

Dongfang Jade looked at Nan Changfeng strangely, then looked at the Nine Emperor, frowned.

She always thinks that Nanchangfeng is weird, should this guy really be playing the idea of ​​Nine Emperors?

Dongfang Jade's heart twitched, and even with a gaze looking southward to Changfeng, he was alert.


When Mu Qingya came home, she was in a state of embarrassment, covered with water, and Princess Qingluo came back right now. When he saw this, Mu Qingya paused for a while, and then got angry.

"Qing Ya, tell me, who made you this way?"

Her eyes were full of anger and her eyes were sharp.

When Mu Qingya looked up, she happened to see Mu Yi also came out. She lowered her eyes and shook her head: "My mother, I'm fine, you don't have to ask anymore, I can change my clothes. thing."

(End of this chapter)

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