The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2140: Fanwai Past Life (sixty-five)

Chapter 2140: The Past World (Sixty-Five)

Since Mu Xiaojiu had already said that, she didn't need to continue to be patient. She chuckled at the corner of her lips, and finally said what she wanted to say.

There was irony in both eyes.

Seeing Mu Qingya finally say what she wanted to say, Jiudi's lips were smiling and she walked towards her slowly.

She glanced twice, looking up at Mu Xiaojiu, but her eyes were intriguing.

Mu Qingya's face changed, and she took a few steps backwards, her eyes looking at Mu Xiaojiu full of vigilance.

"what are you going to do?"

Looking at Mu Qingya's look, the nine emperors laughed out loud: "You are so scared of doing what? Just because of your appearance, it is not as good as half the beauty of Oriental jade, not to mention that there is Changfeng around me. You think I will what are you doing?"

Originally, when he heard the words before Emperor Jiu, Nan Changfeng's expression gradually subsided. It wasn't until later that his expression improved a lot, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Mu Qingya stunned, this Mu Xiaojiu ... is it abnormal?

Her face sank: "Mu Xiaojiu, I am here for my father today. Besides, you should know that it is already the Tianfeng Chaomao that the father left first. Even if he hurts you, it is impossible for you to abandon the one you have now. seat."

"Um." Jiudi caressed his chin, his face was calm, but his eyes were smiling, but he had already taken a bit of chill, "Then you go back and tell him, he's enough to be his pony here, let Don't bother me if you are in the horse house. "

"Otherwise ..." Jiu Di shook his head with a slight smile, "I would not bully, or it would be too bullying."


After hearing this, Mu Qingya sneered, the smile on the corner of her lips was ironic, and she looked up at Jiu Di.

The chill at the bottom of her eyes was even more obvious in her words.

Before, she only had a bad temper for Mu Xiaojiu, but she did not expect her character to be so arrogant and proud.

"Mu Xiaojiu," Mu Qingya smiled lightly, "you take care of yourself, and you ah ..."

She paused and turned to Oriental Jade.

Dongfang Yu always kept her face cold, and she did not even want to look at Mu Qingya.

"This girl is able to seduce the old man in public, but you have not disciplined her so much." She pursed her lips and smiled colder.

Jiudian sneered, and she strode towards Mu Qingya.

When Mu Qingya turned to her side, she faced the stunning beauty.

She had to admit that the woman really looked good and made her all jealous.

Unfortunately, no matter how good-looking this continent is, it doesn't help.

"Since you don't want to leave, I'll send you a ride."

As soon as she raised her hand, she raised Mu Qingya's whole body.

Mu Qingya's expression was flustered, her hands fluttered, her face pale and colorless.


Before she had time to struggle, Feng Yi loosened her hands and threw her into the lake.

"From here you can swim out."

She stared at Mu Qingya struggling in the water, expressionless.

Mu Qingya's face with anger: "You ..."

Jiu Di's hand had quietly landed on the water, and a loud wave set off a huge wave. Under this huge wave, she was swept out by herself.

As if there was a huge wave behind her, she was pushed out until she disappeared in front of her eyes ...

(End of this chapter)

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