The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1116: Flower banquet accident (1)

Chapter 1116 Accidents on Flower Shows (1)

In the Imperial Garden, flowers bloom.

In addition to those young talents, there are countless girls who compete with the flowers, fighting for each other.

Even though everyone knows the purpose of the flower banquet, if the youths are too monotonous, they have invited many singers to accompany them.

No matter how delicate and beautiful these golden coins are, they are not as good as the white ones, just like Fu Qingyi of the fairy.

Fu Qingyi stands in the crowd and seems to stand out from the crowd. It is conspicuous and amazing.

"His Royal Highness," a delicate girl walked up to Fu Qingyi and asked with a little pleading. "I have a question I want to ask the princess."

Fu Qingyi nodded gently and smiled purely: "Well, if you have any questions, ask me."

The girl’s heart is happy, and the delicate face is smiling: “The minister heard that there are rumors from the outside world that the princess reincarnate for the Nine Emperors, so that the spirit beast is so close to you, so we are very curious, the princess you have also gone After the Tomb of the Nine Emperors, can you have a relationship with the Nine Emperors?"

Fu Qingxi's smile is not diminished: "You all say rumors, how much credibility can there be in rumors? I am only Fu Qingyi, and I am not willing to live in the name of anyone."

The girl’s eyes twitched and turned around.

Now she is just Fu Qingyi...

What she said is only now.

In other words...

In the past, she may be the nine emperors!

"The princess is always so modest, without any shelf."

"Our kingdom of Haitian is different from other countries. Those spirits can survive in the kingdom, and because of the magnanimity of the princess, it has created the situation of today. The kindness of the princess is unparalleled."

"Yes, that's right, and the princess is different. She is always gentle to us. Faced with those chasing men, they haven't given a good look. Unlike the girls outside, they are pitiful in front of men." And a white lotus flower, like a princess, never cares about others' eyes."


In the Royal Garden, the voices of those who talked were floating in the wind.

Fu Qingqi took the tea from the hand and gently sipped a bite, no longer speaks loudly, she is light and windy, like a fairy, like a white lotus that is independent, pure and innocent, the smoke of the world can not tarnish her Pure beauty.

She looked up and saw the red hair carried by a group of guards carrying the stretcher. The eyebrows were slightly lifted, and a disgust in her eyes flashed.

Sure enough, this time, the flower banquet, Murong Yang is still here!

He was so sick that he even came to participate! I heard that he was poisoned before, and thought that he might not be able to come today. It seems that she still looked down on Murong Yang’s attachment.

These men... are always the same.

All are greedy for the power behind her, and I want to be the Hummer of the Haitian Kingdom!


What she wants to find in this life is just a man who has nothing to do with power and appearance, only loves her.

If she can't find such a person, she would rather not marry forever, and she would never want to!


Murong Yang’s face was very ugly. He was originally bitten by the snake, but the snake was still poisonous.

This is also true, even worse, he has injured the city like this, his own Laozi also let him come to participate in this flower banquet!

He really wants to go home, take a good sleep, and don't care about anything.

"The son, we sent you here at the command of the general, and we will wait until the end, and we will take you back."

(End of this chapter)

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