The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1115: Can't eavesdrop (5)

Chapter 1115 cannot be eavesdropped (5)

Outside the house, Qing Han curiously erected his ears, and his big eyes were full of sorrow: "Fuchen brother, what is it with the mother?"

Fu Chen’s little face was red, and he caught the small ears of Qinghan.

"Don't overhear, it's not something that kids can know. You are still jealous and I am watching."

Xiao Qinghan licked his mouth and was not happy.

Hey, Fuchen’s brother is sleeping more than her for a while, so she grew up to such a big size. Now she actually abandons her as a child, and it seems that he was not a child before.

"If you don't listen, you won't listen. Fuchen's brother is really bad. I don't care about you."

Xiao Qinghan twisted his head and anger seemed to ignore him.

Fu Chen Qing’s face flashed a blush, and after hearing the sound inside the door, he subconsciously looked at Xiao Qinghan.

The little girl's lips are angry, just like a little apple, cute to the extreme.

It is a pity that this time Qing Han did not grow up.

Do not!


How can he have this idea?

He and Qing Han sister grew up together from Xiaoqingmeizhuma, and they were watered together into human figures. Besides, Qinghan sister always called his brother. According to humans, they are brothers and sisters.

Brother and sister are impossible!

Although there are some cousins ​​in human beings, it is natural that he and Qing Han are not blood relatives.

They are brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters! Never have any thoughts!

If Qing Han was angry before, Fu Chen would go to marry him, but this time she waited for so long, Fu Chen did not open her mouth and said a word, her mouth slammed, the tears of grievances fell, like pearls Got, round and round.

This time, Fu Chen was completely panicked: "Qing Han, what happened? Are you injured? Where is it hurt? Is it hungry?"

Qing Han cried even more fiercely, but she still remembered her task and did not cry.

The eyes were full of sadness and grievances.

"Fuchen brother grows taller, I am still a little dwarf, so I will abandon me, I don't like me, I definitely want to find other elixir sisters, but it doesn't matter, I have a mother-in-law, and there is a cheaper. Hey, Fuchen’s brother doesn’t want me, and I’m no longer alone.”

She didn't just grow short, and Fuchen's brother began to dislike her.

Hey, she must eat more elixir in the future, strive to grow taller, more than Fuchen brother, and then... she can dislike him!

Fu Chen stunned.

Does he dislike her?

Why didn't he know?

"Green Han, I didn't dislike you."

"I don't believe you. You didn't yell at me. You must have dismissed me as a little dwarf! I am very angry, and I still don't want to be good."

Xiao Qinghan sniffed the sniffing nose and snorted, and then turned his head again, not looking at Fuchen.

Fuchen quietly Mimi took out a pill from behind and handed it to Xiao Qinghan.

The seductive aroma made Xiao Qinghan swallow and his eyes were uncontrollable and turned to the elixir.

"Want to eat the elixir? I secretly took it from my mother's room."

Xiao Qinghan's saliva almost fell, and her eyes could not be removed from the elixir.

"Want to eat..."

I really want to eat it.

"Is that good?" Fuchen asked with a smile.

Xiao Qinghan nodded desperately and tried to restrain himself from stealing the elixir.

Seeing that Xiao Qinghan was so greedy, Fu Chen couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

My sister is so good, what if I am cheated by the elixir one day...

(End of this chapter)

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