The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 376: Rescue veterans

The veteran finally found it, but he was a dying old man, and he might die at any time!

"You are here just right. A few days ago, the old man went out hunting, but after hiding for more than ten years, he was still spotted by the protagonists.

"After a bitter struggle, although the old man escaped by chance, he was seriously injured. The most troublesome thing is that the package and letter entrusted to me by the general are now not available." The veteran sighed helplessly.

"What... the package and letter are not with you?" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

His task is to find the veterans and return the packages and letters entrusted by the general anode, but the current situation is indeed a bit troublesome!

"The old man has been carefully keeping the things delivered by the general for more than ten years. In order to protect these important things, the old man dared not bring them with him. Instead, he looked for a hidden place to hide, and went there every few days when he went out hunting. Check it again. But I didn't expect that this time, the Protoss spies discovered that they ambushed the old man at the place where the things were hidden, so it became what it is now." The old soldier sighed.

"Do you mean that the parcel letter has been obtained by the Protoss?" Mo Xie's heart shook, his expression extremely nervous.

These things must be very important. If they fall into the hands of the Protoss, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Don't worry, young man, they just suspect that something is hidden there, but they don't know how to take it out. You just need to help the old man go there and get the package back." The veteran said, shaking his head.

"It's simple, you tell me the location, I'll pick it up." Mo Xie nodded excitedly.

"Don't worry, it's not that simple. Although the spies injured the old man, they will definitely stay there and wait for the old man to appear again. So as long as you get close to the hiding place, they will immediately attack." The old soldier shook his head and said .

"What... how could this happen?" Mo Xie's mouth opened wide in surprise.

"The young man does not know that these Protoss spies have been chasing and killing the old man for more than ten years. If the old man hadn't been hiding in this forest, he would have been caught by them." said the old soldier.

"Impossible, they have chased you since the last imperial power rebellion?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"To be precise, after the old man broke up with the general, they have been chasing after him, the purpose is to get those things that the general entrusted to the old man." The old soldier said helplessly.

"Since they have been chasing you down, why are you hiding in this forest and not leaving quickly?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"At the time, the General asked me to take the packages and letters. I just received the order to escape quickly. I was hunted down by a large group of Protoss soldiers behind me. The entire forest was surrounded by water. These things were hidden in a very secret place, but after the protoss soldiers evacuated, some masters were left to continue tracking my whereabouts. They also knew the approximate location of the hidden things, but without my help, it would be impossible for anyone Find the location of the package." The veteran said.

"I still don't understand. Since the Protoss already knows your location and even found the approximate location of the hidden things, why didn't they send a large number of troops to search the woods and razed the entire forest to the ground? It's not difficult." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"The boy is right. The Protoss does have this power, but you may not know one thing. The soldiers of the Protoss cannot participate in the battle for a long time, or stay away from their temple, otherwise they will die. For example, these hunts and kills. My guy will change a group of people every once in a while, otherwise the old man will not be able to survive until now." The veteran said lightly.

"My Lord Grace, he is right. Although the Protoss possesses powerful combat power, they all need the support of divine power. If they stay away from their temple for too long, even their high priest-level masters will suffer from divine exhaustion. Lower her strength until she finally dies...This is the legendary curse of the gods." Niya nodded and said.

"The curse of god...what's the situation?" Mo Xie felt a little weird in his heart when he heard this new term for the first time.

"The so-called curse of the gods, according to legend, was that a long time ago, there was an internal fight between the gods, and there was little left of their own strength. At this time, the humans took advantage of the situation to rise, and they took away the rule of the eternal continent that the gods had controlled for a long time. Taking advantage of the situation, they established the two human empires, Yaori and Holy Moon, and forced the Protoss to sign a strength limitation contract, so that they must not stay away from the temple for how long, and they must not cross the cursed land between the two empires to restrict the Protoss’ A powerful force to protect the emerging imperial power of the human race." Niya replied.

"The little girl explained it well. This is probably the case for the curse of the gods, so it can be guaranteed that the two royal families of the human race can last such a long time. Although the gods are helpless, because of this contract restriction, they have to live under the human race." The veteran nodded. Said.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder the Protoss is always making trouble, but it has not been able to regain the throne from the humans..." Mo Xie once again understood some of the core settings in the virtual world.

"Because of the curse of the gods, they limited their scope of activities. When they participated in the imperial power chaos last time, they could only use the power and identity of the big prince and the help of the orcs to defeat the holy princess. Your Highness," the veteran said.

"Then I want to get back the package and letter from the General, will I be ambushed by the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked nervously.

"The old man's injury can prove that they have been secretly guarding there. If you rush over, you will also encounter accidents." The old soldier nodded.

"Then what should I do?" Mo Xie touched his head, knowing in his heart that the difficulty of this task was slowly rising...

"As for what to do, the old man is seriously injured now and his life is dying. This task can only be completed by your own strength. However, the old man warns you that your time is running out. The old man's life can last for three days. If you have not been able to get back those important objects within these three days, no one will be able to open the iron lock set by the old man in the future, and you will not be able to take out the packages and letters." The veteran reminded.

"Ah...You still locked the package and letter?" Mo Xie was completely stunned by his words.

"Of course, the command the General Lord gave me was to protect the packages and letters to the death. Even if I die, I can't leave these things in the hands of the Protoss. That's why I set up a strict mechanism. Without me, no one can Open the treasure chest." The veteran said sternly.

"Okay, I will try my best to bring things safely to your eyes within three days." Mo Xie said helplessly.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a mission setting. He finally understands that the content of the mission requirements must make him win the trust of the veterans. This so-called trust is to retrieve the treasure chest safely...

However, within three days, under the high-level monitoring of the Protoss, to safely retrieve a treasure chest, the difficulty of this task may have exceeded his upper limit of strength.

In other words, this task can only be taken wisely. If you want to confront the Protoss master, the fate of the veteran will be his future encounter!

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