The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 375: Hidden tree hole

"Two holes?" Mo Xie was a little surprised, and walked into the large vines all the way behind the beauty, his figure also drowned in the dense bushes.

Avoiding a large area of ​​thorns, the two quickly approached the trunk, with a large area of ​​long vines in front of them, entwining the trunk tightly in circles.

When Niya walked to the tree trunk, she used her staff to pull out the thick long vines, and a dark secret hole was immediately revealed, just like other tree holes Mo Xie had seen, a rotten smell suddenly puffed her nose.

"This is an ordinary poisonous mushroom tree hole. There is no veteran you want to find in it, but there is a second hole above this tree. This is a situation that other big trees don't have." Niya said.

"You mean, this big tree has a second tree hole, and it's still on it?" Mo Xie looked up in surprise. The tall tree trunk was densely covered with long vines, but it was four or five meters above the ground. The tree grows countless branches, and the thick leaves completely cover the space above the head, making it impossible to see the situation on the tree.

"Master En Gong, you come with me." Niya suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed Mo Xie's arm, and her slender figure suddenly jumped upward.


Mo Xie only felt huge power coming from his arms, his body was lifted by Niya and flew into the air, his eyes dimmed, he was actually taken by the beauty into the middle of the tree trunk and penetrated into the dense foliage...

And where he stood now was a sturdy branch that stretched out horizontally. Among the leaves, there was a large space hidden from the outside.

Branches protruding horizontally form a huge canopy in mid-air. The leaves block the outside view, but the inside is extremely empty.

"Master En Gong, the tree hole is there." Niya stood beside him, stretching out her finger towards the top of her head...

Mo Xie hurriedly looked at the position of her finger, and saw that there was a circular tree hole in the middle of the three sturdy branches above the trunk a few meters high above her head!

In the tree hole, faint light flickered, which made Mo Xie feel extremely curious.

"Have you checked that tree hole?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"After I found this place, I just took a quiet look at the entrance of the cave and told you that I was sure that there was someone living inside, but I didn't go in and check it." Niya replied.

"I see, go, let's go up and take a look." Mo Xie nodded excitedly, grabbed the nearby branches with both hands, and slowly climbed upwards.

Niya followed behind him, carefully protecting him from crawling slowly, she just shook her body a little, and then easily followed behind him, slowly approaching the tree hole...

This kind of hidden tree hole quietly set in the midair of the big tree, but Mo Xie never expected the situation. If he didn't bring Niya to help this time, he would not be able to find this tree hole by himself. Secret.

The discovery of this hidden tree hole made Mo Xie feel sure that this was the hiding place of the veteran he was looking for...

Slowly climbed to the vicinity of the tree hole, holding the trunk in his hand and approaching the hole, a faint light appeared in front of his eyes from the hole...

This is the light of torches!

Mo Xie was extremely surprised, and now he was even more sure that there must be someone living in it...

Sticking out his head and looking carefully at the hole, what enters the eye is a circular hole with a diameter of 1.5 meters. The marks of the knife chopping at the hole are still there. It can be seen that this is a tree hole dug out by hand, and under the tree. The entrance of the hole is completely different.

call out!

The terrifying sound of arrows breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and a cold light shot out from the entrance of the cave. The target was the head of the dumbfounded Mo Xie!

"My dear, be careful!" Niya had already reacted when she heard the voice, grabbing the front foot with one hand, and pulling back.

At the moment of the moment, Xin Yinya reacted quickly and pulled Mo Xie's body back an inch.

Just this inch of distance, happened to save his life!


The strong wind hit his face, and a short arrow flew out of the bush against the top of Mo Xie's head, scaring him almost into a cold sweat.

The attack further proved that there was someone inside. Mo Xie hurriedly hid on the side of the cave entrance, no longer daring to look out easily.

"The people inside don't shoot arrows, we are not enemies." Mo Xie hid in the cave and quickly shouted.


But in response to him, there was still a continuous sharp sound of breaking through the air, black light shot out from the hole, and flew into the distance through the dense branches and leaves.

But what made Mo Xie's heart frightened was that two short arrows hit a tree branch, easily penetrated the thick branch, shot two small holes, and continued to fly out of the leaves...

It can be seen that the opponent's attack is really amazing. If the arrow hit his head just now, he will definitely be shot out a big hole!

"Master En Gong, be careful, this is the power of penetrating the crossbow." Niya warned behind her.

"What is a penetrating crossbow?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"This weapon is the army weapon of the Sun Empire, and only high-ranking marksman officers can be equipped." Niya replied.

"Legion weapons...can only be equipped by officers?" Mo Xie was delighted. The person shooting arrows in it must be the veteran he was looking for!

He hurriedly exhaled the package and took out the kit that the anode general gave him. Although the mission letter in it had been opened for use, the kit was still there.

At that time, Mo Xie was also curious, and the task had already been taken. Why didn't the tips disappear?

He didn't think too much, but put the empty kit in the package. It seems that this empty kit is still useful...

The mission requirement is to find the veteran and gain his trust. This kit must be a mission prop to gain the trust of the veteran!

"Don't let go of the arrows, but they are under General Anode? I am ordered by the general to come and collect letters and packages." Mo Xie shouted again.

At this moment, the short arrows that were continuously shot from the entrance of the cave finally stopped attacking, but the people inside did not speak, and the surrounding suddenly became quiet...

what happened?

Mo Xie waited for a few seconds, very puzzled.

The other party did not launch an attack, presumably because the words just now had an effect, and the other party was distinguishing the friendship between them.

However, the other party remained vigilant and seemed unwilling to believe his own explanation easily.

It seems that you have to prove your identity to gain the trust of the veterans.

"Is you a veteran? I am a messenger sent by General Anode. If you don't believe me, I can throw in the task kit that the general gave me. You will know it at first glance." Mo Xie shouted into the cave entrance and raised his wrist. Then threw the kit to the entrance of the cave...

Throwing the kit into the tree hole, Mo Xie hid at the entrance of the cave and waited for the news inside. If even the kit was useless, then he could only think of other methods.

But he didn't let him wait long, suddenly the fire in the cave was shining, and the extinguished torch was ignited again...

"Friends outside, you can come in, I won't attack you." An old voice sounded from the entrance of the cave.

Ah, is it useful?

Mo Xie was pleasantly surprised, and there was no trouble now.

"Okay, let's come in." Mo Xie quickly answered, poking his head out of the hole again, and after confirming that he was not attacked, he crawled into the tree hole with his hands and feet...

Entering the entrance of the cave, a spacious space immediately appeared in front of his eyes. One meter away from the front was a downward opening, and the light of fire came from under his feet.

Lying on the edge of the tree hole, I saw a hole more than three meters deep below. Under the light of the fire, countless leaves were densely piled. On the opposite side of the hole, among a pile of leaves, there was obviously a man hiding!

The man's whole body was covered with leaves, and in his holding hand, a short crossbow was pointed in the direction where Mo Xie appeared, and it seemed that he might attack at any time.

And beside the man, a burning torch hung on the wall of the tree hole. As long as the other party waved his hand, he could extinguish the fire extinguisher away from home.

"Don't worry, we are friends, not enemies." Mo Xie quickly raised his hands, indicating that he was not malicious.

"Come down, who else is behind?" The old voice sounded from the leaves.

"Behind is an elf, she is also her own." Mo Xie quickly answered, jumping down the tree hole.

With a pop, he fell into a thick pile of fallen leaves and was immediately buried alive.

A silhouette at the entrance of the cave flashed, and Niya followed to the entrance of the cave, looking at the situation inside in surprise...

"It really is an exiled elf, the old man is relieved." The old voice looked particularly tired, and the arm holding the short crossbow finally fell.

Mo Xie had already got his head out of the pile of fallen leaves and approached the man carefully.

Niya followed by jumping down the tree hole, standing among the thick fallen leaves, only showing her beautiful upper body.

The two gathered around the man covered in fallen leaves, looking at each other curiously.

I saw a line of purple characters on the head of this old man...

Badly wounded veteran mission

Sure enough, he was finally found!

But the line of font displayed by the opponent's purple name made Mo Xie feel very curious.

According to the setting of the system, in this virtual world, as long as they have combat effectiveness, they will either have their own names or give a strength appraisal.

But in front of this, the name on the top of his head is very strange, and the strength and quality are not divided, which is really very strange.

There is only one answer to this situation, that is, the identity of the other party has not been officially revealed.

When Mo Xie was curious, the leaves fell one after another, and the image of an old man appeared before Mo Xie and Niya.

One wears a broken black leather cap on his head and a torn black leather armor. Two black quivers hang on his chest. There are no short arrows left on it.

The old man's hair and beard were all white, and his face was also white, and he seemed to be seriously injured!

He sat weakly in the pile of fallen leaves, leaning against the tree hole wall, his whole body seemed to have no strength...

"The General has finally sent someone here. If you come here later, the old man may not see you anymore." The old man stretched out his hand laboriously, holding the red kit that Mo Xie had thrown in, his eyes flashed with surprise.

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