The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1049: Careful planning

Mo Xie now has a lot of resources in his hand. Among them, there are three types of energy spar. Although he has not yet obtained the energy spar containing the power of the wind system, these three spars in his hand can already satisfy the normal activation of Yufeng Shenzhou. , And attack the system.

In other words, now that he got the Yufeng Shenzhou, although he could not fly in the air, his requirements for launching and attacking in the air were basically satisfied.

The two materials of Red Flame Blood Crystal and Energy Crystal are Mo Xie's greatest guarantee now.

"You need Yufeng Shenzhou now, unless you give the old man a reasonable explanation." The organ master frowned and asked.

"The master knows something. Now that the Orc Legion has been defeated by us, we will soon launch an action against the Huangcheng Mountain occupied by the Protoss. This time, my Royal Highness and I will act together. Once the mission is carried out, it will be very dangerous. With the Yufeng Shenzhou, we can have one more chance of winning. Moreover, the battle between the empire and the gods is inevitable. If you hold the Yufeng Shenzhou against the gods, that would be the biggest waste." Moxie said.

"But, the old man hasn't finished studying the wonders of Shenzhou, what should I do if I hand it over to you?" The organ master craftsman said hesitantly.

"Master, you took so many Shenzhou boats last time, you just leave a few ships for research, and let me give the others quickly." Moxie said.

The last time there were hundreds of Yufeng Shenzhou in the mezzanine of the cave, he was very clear...

"Well, in view of the urgent situation, the old man is willing to hand over the Shenzhou, first give you fifty ships, and I want to keep the remaining half, so that you can't destroy them all." The organ master said in pain.

"Thank you, Master." Mo Xie spoke, and finally returned the 50 Yufeng Shenzhou, which was an unexpected surprise.

"Leave these treasures to you, but use them carefully." The magic craftsman waved his hand, and the silver light gleamed in front of Mo Xie's eyes, and countless miniature silver spaceships were suspended in the air...

Mo Xie quickly used the pickup function to sweep all fifty Shenzhou into the package...

As a result, he was surprised to find that this kind of flying boat takes up one parcel compartment and cannot overlap at all. His parcels are actually not enough...

He hurriedly opened the guild warehouse, and then all the flying boats were stored in, and then immediately contacted Mo Xiaolang, asking the commanders to take out the five flying boats in it for use.

"Let's go." Mo Xie said quickly.

"Don't worry, wait for the old man to take away all the materials and utensils made here." Unlike the craftsmen, the organ master craftsman is different from those craftsmen. The wooden box he carries on his back seems to have a lot of space, walking forward in the cave all the way. While waving his arms, he swept all the materials and accessories, even large pieces of machinery, into the package...

"Master, why is your package so big and where can you get it?" Mo Xie asked enviously.

"The old man's treasure chest is called the Universe Promise Box. It has a very large space inside, which is larger than the capacity of this cave. This is something that the old man accidentally obtained when he was young. You don't have this opportunity anymore." Said.

"Just tell the truth, what price do you have to pay to get such a treasure chest?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

As the players get higher levels and carry more materials, the packages for system upgrades are far from enough. Fortunately, they still have alliance warehouses that can be borrowed temporarily.

But this is also very inconvenient in many cases. In some special environments, the alliance management interface cannot be opened, and some special items cannot be kept in the alliance warehouse. The size of the package has caused more and more troubles to the players...

"Well, let's not tease you. Although this kind of treasure chest is rare, it is not difficult to obtain. But you can't do it now." The mechanism master smiled.

"Don't sell it, time is running out." Mo Xie said without tears.

"As long as you help Her Royal Highness to drive the Protoss out of Huangcheng Mountain, once the imperial throne is firmly established, the imperial city will be opened again, instead of keeping the inner city closed for no one to enter or leave like the Protoss. When Huangcheng Mountain opens, there will be many High-end shops and mysterious merchants, they have such magical treasures in their hands." The mechanism master explained.

"It's that simple? Did you buy your treasure chest from a mysterious merchant?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"You can't buy anything if you have money. Those mysterious merchants don't collect gold coins, only merit points, and they also release treasure hunts. As long as they help them find their treasures, they can get a variety of extraordinary magical items. ." said the organ master craftsman.

"I understand, it turns out that Huangcheng Mountain must be opened to enable these advanced functions..." Mo Xie was overjoyed.

The emotional system is still setting up so many fun systems on Huangcheng Mountain. It seems that we must hurry away from the Protoss...

"Master, let's go." Mo Xie saw that the things in the cave were almost filled by him. He was surprised at the super capacity of the treasure chest and was anxious to take him away.

"You go first, I have a mechanism Feiyuan, I can catch up with you." The mechanism master said.

"Understood." Mo Xie immediately turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave, and the magic craftsman of the mechanism followed towards the entrance of the cave in stride.

Recruiting the mount, Mo Xie quickly rose up into the sky, and a clicking sound suddenly came from behind. I saw that the master craftsman had quickly assembled a peculiar prop that looked like a hang gliding wing, and quickly rushed into the sky, following Xiao Fei Dian. Flew behind...

This old thing is amazing.

Mo Xie was shocked in his heart. The two brothers, Artisan Artisan and Artisan Kuang Geng, are both god-level craftsmen, one is Artisan Master and the other is Casting Master. If the two cooperate and assist enough materials, they can create enough organ props. Can cross the world!

It's no wonder that the mechanism **** craftsman was set to be so loyal to the royal family. If the mechanism gods like him were distracted, the imperial royal family would have been wiped out, and there was no need to wait for the gods to make trouble.

During the fast flight, two black spots passed through the air, and once again trudged on the blue sky, flying towards the imperial city.

Mo Xie knew that the journey took a long time. When he flew into the air, he had already opened the Alliance Channel and began to deploy the alliance mission for these two days...

The entire God Realm League is now making adjustments around his mission process, so only he understands what to do next...

First find Brother Zhao, let them store resources as soon as possible, especially energy materials, hoard as much as they can collect.

Furthermore, the black kerosene veins found in desert mining areas are extremely difficult to collect.

Moreover, the storage container must be made of other materials, and it must be collected as soon as possible, and saved for use in the battle against the Protoss.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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