The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1048: Ask for Shenzhou

Players have already started to carry these mechanical weapons under the order, holding a dozen props in one hand, they began to line up and leave...

"The artifacts are different this time. The top-grade artifacts are different from ordinary weapons. Look at my wrist..." Mo Xie smiled and stretched out his hand.

"This is..." Mo Xiaolang's eyes were taken aback, looking at Mo Xie's outstretched wrist, there was a bright pattern, like a tattoo.

The pattern is impressively a flaming red phoenix that spreads its wings, and looks like a king of birds...

"This is when the artifact is not in use, it becomes this pattern. Look at it again..." Mo Xie smiled, and a flash of fire flashed on his wrist. For an instant, a small phoenix flew out of his wrist in the flame, and then the fire flashed. In Mo Xie's hand there was an extra long staff with sparkling fire, and his whole body was also wrapped in a circle of fire...

"I'll go, the magical tool must be so powerful!" Mo Xiaolang's eyes beamed.

"I haven't tried its power yet. I will be able to demonstrate the power of the artifact when I level up with you tomorrow. By the way, I will discuss how to explore Huangcheng Mountain." Moxie said.

"Are you planning to enter Huangcheng Mountain?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"The time is ripe, with the guidance of the holy princess, presumably this trip to Huangcheng Mountain will not be dangerous, and I have to solve a secret." Mo Xie told him the formula.

"There is also this secret. This is a way to deal with the Protoss, and it is also a plot deliberately set by the system. As long as the plot is unlocked, the Protoss is dead!" Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Well, I think so too. There are a lot of things to do in these two days, especially the Great Court meeting ten days later, which will affect the final situation of the entire Sun Empire. We must be prepared." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, the brothers are very serious these days, leveling leveling, leveling, task tasks, as long as we give an order, we will soon be able to gather an elite army, and the strength of the Protoss has become closer and closer. "Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"According to the setting of the system, the battle within the camp is the main storyline after level 60. That is to say, the soldiers of the Protoss Legion will not exceed level 70, and the most are below level 69. This is a very good opportunity for us. "Mo Xie smiled.

According to his understanding of the rules of the God Realm, when the official set up a large-scale plot, a phased arrangement was made. When players reach a certain level, they will violate certain tasks.

It’s just this time, because the mission is so fast that even the official can’t predict it, the battle of the Sun Empire’s camp has been drawn too much closer, and maybe it’s not waiting for most players to reach level 60. The battle had to start early.

Of course, starting the battle ahead of time, the Protoss must have a hierarchical advantage in terms of the comparison of the strength of the two sides.

But on the other hand, this is another great challenge for the players. As long as you defeat the Protoss in advance and unlock the mission story, the players of the Sun Empire will be at the forefront, far ahead of the mission route of the Holy Moon Empire...

At that time, the national war priority rights of the two camps of the Sun and the Holy Moon can be firmly controlled by the players of the Sun Empire!

The mission clues of the national warfare, according to the system settings, are the mission plots that will be opened for players at level 80...

It's a pity that the system settings can never judge the players' abilities in advance...

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang talked, watching a large number of players take all the weapons in the cave, and then set off to the west of the city with hundreds.

"Your Excellency, all the weapons have been taken away, and we should also leave," said the master Kuang Geng.

"Let's go." Mo Xie nodded, and together with Mo Xiaolang, led Master Artisan to the entrance of the cave.

When he walked out of the cave, Mo Xie confessed that Mo Xiaolang escorted him along the way. He would also go to see another master craftsman...

For Mo Xie, having seen the role of these craftsmen, he had already made plans in his heart, and in any case, he must firmly control these craftsmen in his own hands!

Each of these craftsmen are priceless.

Directly use the Huicheng scroll to fly back to the town of God Realm, Mo Xie immediately drove the mount and flew towards the valley where the magic craftsman of the agency lived...

With flying mounts, running diagrams become much easier, and the environment overlooking the ground in the air is more comfortable than running on the ground.

In less than twenty minutes, Mo Xie had flown to the familiar waterfall pool, bypassing the waterfall and entering the cave.

The clanging percussions continued to be heard, and the mechanism master wielded the hammer, and was still building piles of mechanism accessories.

Seeing Mo Xie's arrival, the magic craftsman threw down his sledgehammer and walked to him with a smile.

"Master, I'm here to pick you up and leave here this time. Her Royal Highness Saint Princess has been found, and your brother, Master Kuang Geng, is also waiting for you there." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh my God, are both Your Highness and Kuang Geng okay?" The organ master craftsman was shocked by his words, his eyes widened and his expression was extremely excited.

"It's all good, so I came to pick you up." Mo Xie nodded.

"Young man, your ability really exceeded the old man's expectation. I didn't expect that Kuang Geng was also found by you!" The mechanism master was overjoyed.

"Master, don't worry, not only Kuang Geng craftsman, but hundreds of royal craftsmen were also safely escorted to the safe environment I arranged for the holy princess. Now I am waiting for you to meet in the past." Mo Xie deliberately revealed his credit. .

"You have done a great job. Not only did you find the princess, but you also saved my brothers and so many old guys. How can I thank you for your great grace?" The organ master asked excitedly.

"Master craftsman, doing these things is for the glory of the empire. May I tell you that I have led my legion and completely defeated the entire orc army. From now on, the gods will no longer have the help of the orc army." Mo Xie Smiled.

"The Orcs were also defeated by you... This is incredible! So many things that the imperial generals can't do, you have completed them one by one, you are really the hero of our empire! Please be respected by the old man!" Excitedly bent over to salute.

"Master, you don’t have to be polite, these things are over, I will soon start the battle against the Protoss, ready to drive the Protoss out of Huangcheng Mountain, and then completely annihilate them! But now, my legion and the Protoss still have great strength. The gap, I wonder if the master can do me a favor?" Mo Xie asked.

"You have to deal with the Protoss, not to mention asking the old man for help, you just want the old man's life, please don't hesitate to take it." The organ master patted his chest excitedly.

"How can there be such a horror, the life of the master is more precious to me than the army of 10,000. I just want the flying boats you took last time. With them, I will be more confident in dealing with the gods." Mo Xie said.

"You are talking about the Yufeng Shenzhou left by the ancient wind type gods... These things are kept by the old man. If you want it, it is very simple. As long as you find the energy spar that can drive them, the old man will of course not stop it. Without energy spar, even if you give them to you, it's just broken copper and iron." The mechanism master laughed.

"What the master said is true" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"The old man has said everything. As long as you can find the energy spar and can really use the Yufeng Shenzhou, the old man has no reason to refuse, and even helps you equip these flying boats with some commonly used weapons."

The mechanism master smiled.

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