The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 986: The Lord takes action, the scumbag’s face is swollen [2 updates]

The sword energy breaks through the air, and the sword light comes across!

The wind is rolling through the clouds, and the cold light is surging!

Powerful and majestic spiritual energy suddenly burst out from Jiang Qingxue. She raised her long sword in her hand and held a sword flower in the air. She immediately pressed her wrist down and stormed straight towards the position of the boy in white.

Under the sun, the silver-white sword seemed to have snowflakes twinkling on it, and frost flowed and condensed into ice, making Jiang Qingxue flutter like a nine-day fairy.

Several cultivators looked at it carefully and were excited: The Divine Sword, it is indeed the Divine Sword!

Only top-level weapons can have such a vision.

Although they don't know what the grade of Feixuejian is, it will definitely not be lower than a top-grade immortal weapon, and may even reach the level of a divine weapon.

Those in the Golden Core and Nascent Soul stages like them can only use spiritual weapons. Immortal weapons are something they dream of, and divine weapons are something they don't even dare to think about.

Divine weapons can only be used by the immortals in heaven and those above the Taiyi True Immortal.

After all, there are only a few people in the Three Realms who can refine divine weapons.

As for the innate spiritual treasure?

That's just a legend in the book. Only the innate demon god and his disciples can possess innate spiritual treasures, and even Penglai doesn't have one.

This is why Jiang Qingxue really wants to enter the Three Emperors Academy, because even her mother does not have any extra innate spiritual treasures in her hands.

The only Western plain-color Yunjie flag, although it is one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, it is only one of the Five Elements Flags. The incomplete Five Elements Flag cannot be compared with other top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

In the past, her mother was just a virgin who sat under the throne of Taoist ancestor Hongjun. Naturally, she would not receive many treasures like Hongjun's favored disciples.

Moreover, there are several innate spiritual treasures in the heaven that were left over from the ancient heaven, and they are all in the hands of the Jade Emperor.

Jiang Qingxue vaguely knew that the Chaos Bell, one of the three innate treasures, was still placed in the heaven. Unfortunately, millions of years later, the Jade Emperor was still unable to use it.

It is said that this Chaos Bell still contains a ray of soul from the old Lord of Heaven, Donghuang Taiyi.

And unlike spiritual weapons, fairy weapons and divine weapons, innate spiritual treasures need to be refined step by step before they can be used. As long as the innate spiritual treasure recognizes its owner, it can be used directly. It only needs to be slowly nourished with Hongmeng purple energy in the future to improve the compatibility. That’s it.

But if the innate spiritual treasure cannot be recognized as its owner, no matter how hard it is refined, it will be useless.

Jiang Qingxue is short of an innate spiritual treasure now. She is sure that there must be at least one innate spiritual treasure in the Three Emperors Academy.

It can only be hers!

Jiang Qingxue's eyes became colder and she increased the intensity of her attacks.


Just as he saw the Feixue Sword passing straight across Jun Muqian's slender neck, a soft willow branch instantly wrapped around the snow-white sword body, imprisoning it firmly and not allowing it to move forward even half an inch. It's a stalemate there.


Jiang Qingxue's pupils suddenly shrank, and her expression changed.

What kind of willow branch is this? How could her flying snow sword keep cutting it?

——Xue'er, this is a weapon specially made for you by your mother out of jade from the Kunlun Mountains. It has been tempered by the cold springs on the top of the Kunlun Mountains and the extreme flames of purgatory. It is also filled with rare gold from heaven and earth. It can be perfect for your soul. If it matches, you can keep it with you and nourish it in the future, and it can advance along with your cultivation. When the time comes, it will definitely become one of the best artifacts in the three realms.

This was what her mother told her when she got the Flying Snow Sword. Naturally, she never left the Flying Snow Sword. The Flying Snow Sword had already advanced from a high-grade spiritual weapon to a low-grade fairy weapon.

This class can cut down even giant trees in an instant, not to mention willow branches.

what happened!

Jiang Qingxue looked at the boy in white with some surprise, but found that he seemed to have no strength at all, just holding the willow branch so lightly.

The sword is a good sword. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, You don't deserve it.

I don’t know how the Queen Mother raised this illegitimate daughter with such a corrupt and bad character. If she had an upright heart, Feixue Sword would have given birth to a sword spirit long ago, and it would not be a dead sword until now.

Naturally, the Flying Snow Sword can't hurt her, even if it is a divine weapon, it can't hurt her in the slightest. She has too many innate spiritual treasures, and her body is also contaminated with the aura of ancient chaos. Other weapons will only be fearful when they see it.

But Jiang Qingxue didn't know this at all. Her face was ugly, and with her spiritual power, she suddenly drew the sword back: How dare you say such arrogant words!


Qiang Qiang!

In an instant, the flying snow sword transformed into countless flying swords, spinning at high speed in the air and gathering into a sword formation.

Jiang Qingxue suffered a loss and became more cautious. She did not choose to take action again, but only used one of the mysterious powers of the Feixue Sword - Phantom Formation!

She had tried this formation when she was practicing, and it was easy to be trapped to death for a period of time.

Since Rong Mu has agreed to compete with her, even if he dies, that's right!

Countless flying swords spun around, each handle sharp and sharp. Between the interlacing cold light, only the thin white shadows could be seen within the sword array.

The flying swords collided, making a harsh buzzing sound. Suddenly, a light suddenly appeared. Instantly, the shadow of the sword flowed. Suddenly, several flying swords shot out and attacked Jun Muqian.

It seemed like heavy rain was falling from the sky, and it was deadly!

Seeing this, Yan Ting frowned and moved his fingers, but in the end he still didn't take action and stared at the sword formation tightly.

Only then did Jiang Qingxue have enough energy to breathe, she gripped the Feixue Sword tightly, stood up straight again, and smiled coldly and arrogantly at everyone: Even my casual moves can't break it, how can such a piece of trash get in? Three Emperors Academy?

However, after saying these words, she received no response. There were exclamations, but they were not directed at her.

Look! Look!

The practitioners all looked excited and their fingers trembled.

Jiang Qingxue frowned. Before she could look over, she felt a sharp pain in her hand. She raised her hand and opened her eyes suddenly.

The Feixue Sword actually backfired on her!

Doesn't this prove...


An earth-shaking loud noise exploded in Penglai Mountain, and the violent spiritual energy that followed it cut off the surrounding trees and moved them to the ground in an instant!

In the afterimage and broken light, the young man in white stands calmly, his clothes are spotless, as if the winter snow suddenly comes and a wisp of cold wind blows through.

In less than a breath, the sword formation was broken.


There was a loss of voice.

The masters of the Immortal Sect were even more incredible. They all looked at the boy in white as if they had seen a ghost.

Jiang Qingxue was completely shocked: Impossible!

How could Rong Mu break the phantom formation that could even kill people in the Tribulation Stage?

This phantom formation is not only about strength, but also actual combat experience, and even footwork defense.

Not to mention the moment when thousands of swords are launched, no matter how strong your cultivation is, you will never be able to escape!

Jiang Qingxue didn't even care that her arm was still bleeding. Her voice trembled: How did you break it?

Jun Muqian tilted his head, raised his lips slightly, and smiled coldly: How did I break it?

She didn't know how many times she had practiced the small Immortal Killing Sword Formation in Hunyuan Bell.

She could break through the first great killing formation in the world, so why not a formation condensed from a small fairy weapon?

Why can she break the formation?

Because she practiced more than ten thousand times!

Every time she practiced, her skin was torn and her flesh was dripping with blood, but she still continued to practice.

Just because if you don't break it, you will die, so she must break it.

Jiang Qingxue still couldn't believe it, and couldn't help but step back and murmured: No, it's impossible...

The phantom formation was not her strongest move, but it was the first move to kill the enemy. Even the phantom formation was broken. She almost lost the confidence to continue this competition.

But there are still so many people watching, she...

This time, Jun Muxian did not give Jiang Qingxue the initiative. She smiled and said casually: But, thank you very much.

Jiang Qingxue was stunned for a moment: What, you...

Before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed.

The explosion familiar to every cultivator came in the next second. She was the closest, and the bang almost shattered her eardrums and shattered her common sense.

Miaofa Zhenxian, who was still high up, had already been dumbfounded. He stood there blankly, as if in a dream: Again, another breakthrough?


An unprecedentedly powerful aura rose into the sky from the young man in white, causing cyclones to fly. For a moment, the sun became dull and the clear sky turned pale.

The breakthrough was so fast that no one could react. When everyone came to their senses, they saw a golden flower explode on Jun Muzhen's head, and then quickly disappeared.

This vision is a symbol of entering the period of distraction!

The soul is divided and the soul is divided, and the soul is separated. However, mortals do not have the soul, and what is separated is the soul.

At the distraction stage, the Nascent Soul can leave the body.

For this reason alone, the distraction stage can be hundreds of times better than the Nascent Soul stage in terms of saving one's life and escaping.

As long as the Nascent Soul is immortal, the cultivator will not die.

It is precisely because of this that many Yuanying stages are stuck at the peak of the Yuanying stage and can never break through the distraction stage.

But now, in front of them, a period of distraction was born, and they passed through it without even realizing the state of mind!

This is simply...

Everyone was stunned and completely frightened.

Jiang Qingxue's lips lost blood and her face turned pale.

However, before she could say anything else, Jun Muxian appeared in front of her with a swish in the next second.

Lord: There are always people who like to put their faces in front of me and let me beat them.

In the new year, monthly ticket red envelopes are distributed~

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