The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 985 Bringing humiliation to oneself! The Lord tortures the scum【1 update】

Immortal Miaofa was shocked, and was dumbfounded when he saw Jiang Qingxue suddenly violently violent.

Yan Tingke was still standing there, and she actually wanted to take action against that Rong Mu?

When he was still in the era of the Three Emperors, Yan Ting's strength was second only to the Three Emperors. Now that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, his cultivation level may not even be that of the Daluo Golden Immortal, but he must have the strength of the upper level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. .

Compared to Yanting, the Lord of Penglai Mountain is far inferior.

Jiang Qingxue is only in the integration stage and is still far away from ascending to immortality. How can she hurt someone in front of Taiyi Golden Immortal?

This is no longer overestimating one's capabilities, this is simply as stupid as a pig!

True Immortal Miaofa was very impatient, but he could not intervene. He could only watch Jiang Qingxue rush toward the boy in white, his palms raised, and the cover lowered.

However, what he expected did not happen. Yan Ting did not take action at all, nor was he furious.

But after Jiang Qingxue slapped that palm, her body flew backwards. If she hadn't turned around in the air in time, she might have fallen directly into the crowd.


The masters of the immortal sect, including the Immortal Miaofa, could not help but be shocked. They firmly fixed the young man in white who raised his hand so lightly. This seemed to be just a blocked blow, but it exploded with unimaginable power. .

It was already against the common sense of cultivation to be able to fight the golden elixir stage with the distracting stage, but now they actually saw that Yuan Ying was able to block even the attacks from the distracting stage in the first stage, and it seemed to have given Jiang Qingxue a big bite. What a loss!

After Jun Muqian blocked Jiang Qingxue's menacing move, she tilted her head and nodded slightly: Senior Yanting, let me settle the matter here first.

Hearing this, Yan Ting was stunned for a moment, then laughed: Okay, okay, wait as long as you want, you can do whatever you want.

These words were clearly meant to support Jun Mu Qian.

Neither Miaofa Zhenxian nor Jiang Qingxue are deaf, so they can naturally hear.

Jun Muqian turned around, glanced at Jiang Qingxue with an ugly face, and curled her lips: Jiang Qingxue, I gave you face.

She originally thought that after all her three lives combined, she was already two hundred years old, and there was no need to argue with a twenty-three-year-old brat. However, she was provoked again and again, and the flies were swatted away and then flew back. You already have a bad temper, so it’s better to just get rid of the flies.

But she didn't want to involve Heavenly Court and get involved in trouble right now, so she would just let Jiang Qingxue be unable to move for a while.

Give me face? Jiang Qingxue seemed to have heard something funny, her face full of sarcasm, Not to mention you telling lies with open eyes, and you also deserve to give me face?

She is the daughter of the Queen Mother, how can she be trampled by a little mortal?

Moreover, the men always looked at her with admiration and enthusiasm, but this Rong Mu not only disrespected her, but also stepped on her face on the ground.

What's even weirder is that always when she is about to win, someone comes out to help her.

This is simply incredible!

Jiang Qingxue's expression became even more ugly. She had already sent someone to check Rong Mu's identity, but he was just an orphan in Dayin. He didn't even have a family, let alone any connections.

How can such a person be better than her in the background?

A fantasy!

If I don't give it - Jun Muqian said calmly, the smile in his upturned eyes was cold, but it was cold on his lips, You were already lying down just now.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a series of gasps from the crowd.

This is really too arrogant and arrogant to say. A Nascent Soul Stage is going to bring down a Distraction Stage?

Isn't it because you have been daydreaming too much?

Hey, don't you think he is too ungrateful? He is able to enter the Three Emperors Academy, a blessing that cannot be achieved in eight lifetimes, but in the end he still has to fight with Miss Qingxue.

Tsk, tsk, I guess people think they can defeat even Zhong Xingchun, so they don't take Miss Qingxue seriously anymore.

How can the distraction stage be compared with the combined stage? Even Zhong Xingchun can't survive even half a move under Miss Qingxue!

Hearing this, Li Qing was very interested: You have fought against both of them, what do you think?

Zhong Xingchun's eyes flashed slightly and he said calmly: It goes without saying that Qingxue has a strong foundation, but Rong Mu... his methods are weird.

What he didn't say yet was——

When he was fighting Rong Mu, he could feel a kind of supreme pressure, like the arrival of the ancient innate demon god, looking coldly at the mortal ants.

But that's not contempt, but disregard, which makes people feel even more uncomfortable.

Let’s not talk about the strength of Jiang Qingxue and Rong Mu. The aura of Rong Mu alone was able to crush Jiang Qingxue to death.

A flash of doubt flashed in Zhong Xingchun's eyes, who is this Rong Mu?

How could an ordinary person be more powerful than an emperor who holds the land in his hands?

Jiang Qingxue took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and did not reprimand again, just because she did not want to lower herself to care about a mortal.

Now that she has kept Rong Mu, there is still room for maneuver.

She looked at Yan Ting and said in a deep voice: As far as I know, every disciple accepted by the Three Emperors Academy must pass a strict assessment. Rong Mu has not experienced the assessment. If the Three Emperors Academy accepts him, then It doesn’t make sense.”

Yan Ting didn't even raise his head when he heard the words, and his voice was cold: Just take it, take it. What can you do?

... Jiang Qingxue was speechless.

What can she do?

Is it possible that she still has the ability to force Yan Ting to expel Rong Mu from the Three Emperors Academy?

The status of the Three Emperors Academy is much higher than that of Penglai. Behind Penglai is Heaven, yes, but how can Heaven compare to the Six Saints of the Ancient World?

But if Rong Mu is really accepted as a disciple by a heavenly saint one day, then she is really beyond her reach.

Jiang Qingxue's expression darkened a bit, knowing that she could not prevent Rong Mu from entering the Three Emperors Academy from Yan Ting, so she turned around and looked at the boy in white.

There was a look of disgust in her eyes: Rong Mu, you entered the Three Emperors Academy without taking the exam, don't you feel ashamed?

Why should you be ashamed? Jun Muxian raised an eyebrow, Whether I participated in the assessment or not, is it none of your business?

You, you... Jiang Qingxue shivered at the dirty tone, but what she couldn't bear even more was that the boy in white looked at her like he was looking at a blocking stone on the roadside, clear and clear, without any admiration. Feelings.

You are not ashamed, I am ashamed for you. She said coldly, I, the Jiang family, are descendants of His Majesty the Earth Emperor. How can I see you insulting His Majesty's legacy?

Even if the Three Emperors Academy wants to accept a disciple, it should be her.

In terms of superiority and inferiority, she is the daughter of the Queen Mother.

In terms of closeness and distance, she is the young lady of the Jiang family.

Hearing these words, Jun Muxian couldn't help but fell silent and did not answer.

Seeing this, Jiang Qingxue said coldly: You have nothing to say? Be wise, you'd better quit voluntarily.

Jun Muqian pressed her eyebrows, then raised her head and glanced at her, as if in disbelief, she curled her lips and smiled: Are you sick? Are you ashamed of me? Are you my father or my mother? You have such a big face, Why don’t you walk around without a face?”

Jiang Qingxue was stunned, then in disbelief: What did you say?

Hahahaha! Bai Que laughed out loud, What my little brother said really touched my heart. Yes, some people don't know where they got their faces.

The other cultivators looked at each other and discussed in lowered voices.

Jiang Qingxue is in trouble today. Is she out of her mind when she says this?

Are you ashamed of others for being so nosy?

I have never heard of Miss Qingxue being so ignorant of praise. Could it be that she is possessed by an evil spirit?

Listening to these words, Jiang Qingxue could no longer suppress her anger. She sneered: I am neither your father nor your mother. I am the ancestor you want to kowtow to and worship!

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly turned cold, and murderous intent burst out of his calm pupils.

Since you insist on entering the Three Emperors Academy and insulting the legacy of the Three Emperors, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of His Majesty the Three Emperors. Jiang Qingxue raised her hand, and a long sword appeared, Beat me, and then you can Enter the Three Emperors Academy.

Jun Mu looked at her lightly and suddenly said, What if I can't?

No? Jiang Qingxue said coldly, No, you will naturally still be from Penglai. If you don't join the Ghost Refining Sect, you will be deprived of your Dantian.

Immortal Miaofa shouted in surprise: Qingxue!

What I'm saying is, if you can't. Jun Muqian curled her lips, And whether I can beat you or not, I can still enter the Three Emperors Academy.

That's right. Yan Ting spoke at this moment, his voice cold, In the short period of integration, the mantis' arm is used as a chariot, and it is humiliating itself.

Jiang Qingxue's face turned pale, her body trembled, and she managed to maintain her standing. Her expression was still cold: If you can beat me, wouldn't I become a waste?

Okay - Jun Muqian chuckled, I will remember your words for a while.

Arrogant! Seeing that Yan Ting had no intention of defending, Jiang Qingxue felt relieved and shouted coldly, Then let's take a look!

She gripped the sword tightly, put her toes on the ground, and then moved forward.

Standing in the air, Jiang Qing's snow-clad hair fluttered and she said coldly: This sword is called Feixue.

It is also a tradition to announce the name of the weapon before the competition.

As soon as these words came out, someone below suddenly exclaimed: The legendary Flying Snow Sword made from Kunlun Mountain stone? It has also been tempered by the cold pond?

Jiang Qingxue said coldly, It's your turn.

Jun Mu's eyes were light, and he raised his hand and waved his spiritual power, a gust of wind swept out, swept the willow tree in the distance, and brought back a willow branch.

This move made everyone stunned for a moment.

What is this doing?

Jun Muzhen wrapped the willow branch around her wrist, raised her eyebrows and smiled: This thing is called a dog whip.


After these three words fell to the ground, there was dead silence.

Is Rong Mu deliberately insulting Jiang Qingxue?

Not only did he use a willow branch as a weapon to fight against the Flying Snow Sword, but he also gave it such a name?

Okay, okay, I... Jiang Qingxue almost fainted from anger. Her face turned red from anger, her whole body trembled, and she shouted angrily, I'll kill you!


There are still a few votes left to reach 300, and there will be an additional update at 300~ Hey, please vote~

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