The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 981: Pulling the Queen Mother out of office? Abuse【2 updates】

It turns doesn't even matter!

Moreover, I don’t know what method was used to let the wandering spirit enter her room.

She was resting and dreamed that Rong Mu was torn into pieces by the wandering spirit, and she became a wandering spirit and could only enter the underworld and reincarnate.

But what Jiang Qingxue never expected was that just when she was sleeping deeply, she felt something dripping on her face, and she smelled the smell of blood on the tip of her nose.

At first, she thought that the room had not been cleaned after the last fight, but when she opened her eyes, she found that the ferocious wandering spirit that she had lured there with her own hands was staring at her motionless from the beam of her house. She also showed a gloomy smile, holding the broken limb in her hand, and the blood on her face was really dripping from it.

Even if Jiang Qingxue is the illegitimate daughter of the Queen Mother, she is just a mortal now. No matter how fast she cultivates, she will never be a match for an Earth Immortal-level wandering spirit when she is only in the integration stage.

In order to ensure that Rong Mu could pass the master level in the third assessment, she chose such a wandering soul.

Jiang Qingxue's original intention was to use this wandering spirit to intimidate Rong Mu, but she never expected that this person would become herself.

However, no matter how much she shouted, no one came. She was chased by this wandering spirit all night long, and the houses could not be opened, as if they were sealed.

She couldn't stop, as long as she stopped, the wandering spirit would pounce on her, just to scare her and attack her spirit.

Jiang Qingxue could only keep running, her whole body was on the verge of collapse, and she couldn't understand why things turned out like this.

Coincidentally, as soon as daylight came, the wandering spirit left automatically, leaving her no time to pursue the matter.

The maids who were responsible for guarding her at the door also stood there without any influence, as if she had a terrifying dream last night.

But Jiang Qingxue knew that it was not a dream, she had experienced it personally, and now her scalp was numb and she was extremely scared.


How did Rong Mu do it?

Even she relied on the Queen Mother's personal power. How could Rong Mu, an ordinary mortal, order the wandering spirits?

Jiang Qingxue suddenly remembered what Bai Que said to her yesterday - be careful you offend the wrong person.

This is naturally impossible. Except for the demon clan, no one in the mortal world has a better background than her. It must be because Rong Mu used some kind of trick.

Jiang Qingxue bit her lower lip, her face was still pale and colorless, and her body was shaking constantly.

An old man with a long beard sitting next to her noticed her strangeness and asked with concern: Qingxue, didn't you get a good rest last night?

Jiang Qingxue shivered and shook her head: No, Uncle Miaofa, I...

Why haven't you had a good rest? I guess the eldest lady is sick again. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Que sarcastically, Who would practice running in the middle of the night?

Practice running? Master Miaofa was stunned for a moment, Qingxue, are you exhausted from the Immortal Sect exam? You and I are only assigning disciples today, why don't you go down and rest.

Thank you Uncle Miaofa for your concern, but I won't use it anymore. Jiang Qingxue gave Bai Que a cold look and flatly refused, I will naturally complete the task assigned to me by Master.

Isn't it just for today that she has endured the humiliation and hardship these days?

She just wanted to see that Rong Mu could not enter Penglai even if he got the first place in the three assessments. He deserved to be arrogant and unbridled. By then, this name would only become a joke to the entire overseas cultivation world.

In the history of Penglai, there had never been a person who was rejected by all the large immortal sects, so she sent Rong Mu to be the first person.

Miaofa had no idea what Jiang Qingxue was really thinking in his heart. He sighed: Alas, Master, he is too strict sometimes, but everything is for your own good, Qingxue. You are now in the integration stage, so immediately It is about to reach the period of transcending tribulations. When you successfully survive the ninety-nine tribulations and enter the Mahayana period, it will only be a matter of time before you ascend to immortality.

At that time, Master will definitely let you enter the heaven, Qingxue, you will be blessed.

Hearing this, Jiang Qingxue smiled faintly and did not respond.

Even without her master's recommendation, she would have entered the Heavenly Palace. The Queen Mother had already reserved the Taiyin Palace. As long as she ascended to immortality, she would be named the Taiyin Star Lord and be in charge of the Taiyin Star.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qingxue couldn't help but laugh lightly. She had really lowered her status, so why bother fighting with a mortal.

But what is not pleasing to the eye must be removed.

She glanced down at the young man in white standing below, and the corners of her lips curled up.

After a while, there was a good show to watch.


Jun Muxian was too lazy to pay attention to Jiang Qingxue. She was listening to Bai Wuchang report last night's results to her.

Grandma, you didn't see that the idiot sitting above was scared to death. I even used your mortal photo stone to record it. Bai Wuchang said with great interest, If I release it, her mother will definitely not be able to see it. Don’t even know who she is.”

He was quite wary of the identity of the Queen Mother's illegitimate daughter, but he had a kind of magical confidence that his grandmother would not even dare to offend the Queen Mother, so he watched Jiang Qingxue being chased by wandering spirits with great pleasure, feeling very happy in his heart. no.

Well done. Jun Muzhen raised her eyebrows, and she threw something out casually, I'll give this to you.

What? Bai Wuchang took a piece of transparent jade. As soon as he took a look, his eyes suddenly widened and his hands started to tremble, Spiritual jade?

Spiritual jade is a rare nourishing item for Yuanshen, especially those earthly immortals who have been living in the underworld, because they often travel back and forth between the mortal world and the earthly world, constantly shuttling between the dead aura and aura, and the Yuanshen will A big loss occurred.

A piece of spiritual jade the size of a fingernail can complement an Earth Immortal of Taiyi True Immortal level, and now his hand is as big as a fist!

Bai Wuchang almost cried. His cultivation level is not high. He was promoted to Taiyi True Immortal just a while ago, but his soul is not strong enough for him to be promoted again. But now that he has the spirit jade, he can still move towards it. Taiyi Jinxian launched an attack.

Is it more than just the gift of reinvention?

Grandma, I, I... Bai Wuchang stammered, I'm, I'm so sorry.

Even King Qin Guang doesn't have such a large inventory of spiritual jade, so an Earth Immortal of his level is not qualified to touch it.

It's okay, it's not mine. Jun Muzhen pressed her eyebrows, It was stolen from Ao Guang's treasure house. Be careful when using it.

What? Bai Wuchang was shocked, Dongdongdong... How dare you steal Grandma Grandma, the treasure house of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?

He held the piece of spiritual jade and burst into tears of happiness: Awesome, grandma, you are the one I admire, so I know there is nothing wrong with hanging out with you.

Jun Muqian had no expression on his face and held down the Hunyuan Bell that he wanted to shake proudly.

Damn it, please give me peace of mind!

Bai Wuchang couldn't wait to take a bite of the spiritual jade and said angrily: Grandma, if you give the order, I will help you scare that illegitimate daughter to death.

Farewell, be careful that the Queen Mother comes to settle accounts with you. Jun Muqian said lightly, I don't like killing people.

Unless she provokes her and the person who kills her again and again, she will appear to be in a hurry to get her hands dirty and bring the sin upon herself.

Oh, that's true. Bai Wuchang scratched his head, and suddenly his eyes lit up, Grandma, then you should remove the Queen Mother from power, become the emperor yourself, and then make me the King of Hell.

Jun Muxian was choked and couldn't help but kicked him: Go back to your underworld.

Bai Wuchang rolled around and picked up a few more souls on the way.

Fortunately, among the masters of the Penglai Immortal Sect present at this moment, no one has a higher level of cultivation than Bai Wuchang, and they did not see what happened to Jun Mu Qian.

Master Miaofa is an elder of Wangxian Sect, but his cultivation level is much higher than that of Feng Linghan's master Qingfeng, and he is already a true immortal.

He glanced majestically below and spoke slowly: I am very happy to see all the young heroes gathered in Penglai. From now on, we will all work together in Penglai. No matter which immortal sect we join, we are all members of Penglai. We should work together to Let’s create prosperity together.”

As long as you are willing to practice hard, you will definitely have a place in the future heaven!

These words made all the practitioners excited and their eyes lit up.

Who doesn’t want to enter heaven?

Once you enter heaven, you will experience supreme glory and splendor.

Jun Muqian's expression was calm, and his eyes showed no fluctuation.

If everyone could really enter the heaven, there wouldn't be so many loose immortals.

There are tens of millions of immortals, but only 99% of them are loose immortals.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Penglai, thanks to the protection of the Queen Mother, has sent many talents to the heaven. Master Miaofa clasped his fists toward the sky with a somewhat respectful look, After you enter Penglai later, your respective immortal sects will organize You go and offer incense to the Queen Mother.

After speaking, he picked up the roster in his hand and said: Now, starting from the first place after the three assessments, the top ten can choose any sect, and the last two hundred are selected by the sect. Don't worry. , you will definitely be able to enter Penglai if you pass the first two assessments.

The practitioners all stared closely at Master Miaofa and could no longer hold back.

First, Rong Mu. Master Miaofa glanced at the names on the roster, Step forward.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian looked casual and lazily took a step forward.

Jiang Qingxue's eyes were cold. She could not change the results of the assessment, otherwise she would definitely change this mortal's ranking to the last one.

But it doesn't matter, get out of here no matter what.

Zhong Xingchun's face didn't look any better either. There was a bit of gloom on his face. This first place should have been his.

Seeing a slender but tall young man in white, Master Miaofa frowned: Are you Rong Mu?

How did you get first place in the Nascent Soul Stage?

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes and said calmly: Exactly.

Interestingly, it seems things are not over yet.

That's right. After Miaofa confirmed it, he said calmly, When you choose Xianmen later, you don't have to choose me, Wangxianmen. I hope Xianmen won't accept you, so I'll tell you in advance. one time.

See you next year!

By the way, I’ll book the guaranteed monthly tickets for the Lord and Qingmei for tomorrow (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭ Because voting is now restricted, double monthly tickets will be added to 150 votes during the period ~ no cap

Sort out the timeline.

Everyone should be familiar with the Romance of the Gods. The time period in which the current Lord is located is hundreds of thousands of years after the Gods were made. The rulers have changed as follows.

Heavenly Court: Emperor Jun, Xihe, Donghuang → Jade Emperor, Queen Mother

Western Paradise: Bodhi Patriarch and Guided Taoist → Tathagata

Underworld: Ksitigarbha → Ten Palaces of Hell

The previous ruler's status and accomplishments were all higher than those of the latter one.


There are relatively few people now. It seems that no one attended the event. Physical peripherals will be given out after a while~

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