The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 980 Reap the consequences! Tie up the light beauty【1 update】

Rong Qing remembered the fragments of Sansheng Stone that he had found from the Emperor's Palace in the Immortal Realm, and the glimmer in his eyes became even colder.

The Three Life Stone is a product of the ancient times. If it were placed in the previous Illusory Universe, it would really be able to forcibly reverse a marriage. However, since his mother came to the Illusory Universe to control the way of heaven, a broken scrap of the Three Life Stone has no power at all.

But now we are in the wilderness, and it is still a complete three-life stone, so we have to guard against it.

Although the Sansheng Stone can be regarded as created by Nuwa, in fact, she awakened her spiritual wisdom in the long process of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and Nuwa may not be able to control it.

After he came here, he quickly collected information of all sizes in the Three Realms.

There is a legend that has been circulating in the world. If you can find the Sansheng Stone and carve the names of yourself and your loved one on the stone, you will never be separated forever.

But the names on the Sansheng Stone have always been in pairs. If you want to never be separated, you must engrave it before another name appears on the Sansheng Stone.

But it is not that easy to engrave words on the Sansheng Stone.

It has nothing to do with cultivation, nothing to do with strength, it has nothing to do with the illusory will of God.

Go to the underworld? Jun Muzhen was surprised at first, then snorted, Who said that I'm not allowed to go to the underworld in the first place?

Does this mean that only state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps?

You can't do it alone. Rong Qing said calmly, I'm here, that's all.

Jun Muxian: ...

This kind of behavior is very banditry.

However, she also knew that he was afraid that she would be in danger.

Nearly two months have passed. Time flows at the same speed in the earth world and the human world. She really needs to go to the underworld. Although she still cannot enter the endless hell, she can still take a look at her master wife.

Then let's go to the underworld. The night is still long. Jun Muzhen thought for a while, I happen to be a shady person, so I can go in directly, but you, Qingmei——

She casually transformed a chain and cuffed the man in scarlet clothes. She raised her eyebrows and said, You have no choice but to be the soul caught by me.

This binding technique is inexplicably interesting.

As if he heard the profound meaning in her words, Rong Qing glanced at her lightly and followed her obediently: Let's go.


Both of their souls were very strong, but in just a moment, they had already arrived at the black Lethe River.

There is no big event like the Ghost Emperor getting married today, but because it is late at night, wandering ghosts come out at this time, so there are a lot of wandering ghosts queuing up to take the boat.

Unlike the last time when Black and White Wuchang was kidnapped like a prisoner, this time Jun Muxian showed the token representing Yin difference and was immediately beaten by the Yin officials coming out of the ferry.

Yin difference also has high and low status. The Yin difference token given to her by Meng Po Qingdai is the highest level. It can be used to deal with Yin soldiers and Yin officials easily.

Jun Muxian came to the restaurant where she met Cangyue last time. After sending a message to her mistress, she ordered a few dishes suitable for wandering souls and sat there waiting slowly.

At this moment, Rong Qing stood up, raised her hand and stepped down a layer of barrier around her, and said: Mumu, you are here, wait for me to come back in a while.

Huh? Jun Muqian was slightly startled, Where are you going?

Rong Qing nodded, but did not answer: Go and come back. If there is danger, just call me directly.

He didn't say anything, and Jun Muqian didn't ask any more questions, because he always had his own reasons, so she warned: Be careful in everything.

Rong Qing raised his hand and rubbed her head. Fei Yi moved and disappeared instantly.

The next second, he had arrived at the end of the Wangchuan River.

The black river flows quietly. Looking east from here, you can see the Naihe Bridge. Next to the Naihe Bridge, there are clusters of bright red Manzhushahua, blooming quietly.

Each Manzhushahua plant actually represents a soul.

Because they fell into the Wangchuan River, they forgot all their memories and turned into a flower. No one remembers it, and no one remembers it.

In front of Rong Qing, there was a ten-foot-high stone tablet, rectangular in shape, with dark patterns on it, like some kind of ancient summons, ancient and strict.

Three life stones.

The reason why the Sansheng Stone can control the marriage of all living beings in the mortal world is because when Nuwa created humans from clay, she would take a grain of sand for each person she created. Each grain of sand represented the fate of the mortal world. people.

Later, there were more and more creatures in the mortal world, and the Three Life Stones continued to become wider and taller over the long years.

The densely packed characters on it represent each name.

Some are in pairs, some are literally alone.

Rong Qing raised his hand, a faint primordial power flashed from his fingertips, and began to quickly examine the Sansheng Stone.

At present, all the kings of hell in the ten palaces are in the underworld, so it is not convenient for him to use too much energy.

Before he could completely protect Mu Mu, he could endure anything and hide anything.

The power of the soul flew back and forth on the huge Sansheng Stone, quickly scanning every name on it. A pale golden light emanated from the Sansheng Stone, as if it was forcibly resisting something.

And finally, after two full hours, the power of the soul stopped in one place.

Rong raised his head slightly, swept his body, and came to a place level with it. He raised his hand and touched the stone wall, and whispered softly: I found it...

The three characters Ming Yue Qian were quietly engraved on it, with no names connected to them around.

This means that marriage has not yet come.

For the first time, Rong breathed a sigh of relief.

There were few things in the world that he was afraid of, just a few.

He raised his hand again, and covered the Sansheng Stone with his slender fingers. Another stream of soul power surged out, covering the three words Ming Yue Qian, as if some strange power was injected into half of it, even if it was separated. The names with some distance between the three words Ming Yue Qian spread out.

Rong Qing frowned.

He also didn't find out what Mu Mu's life experience was. Whether it was the guide in the world or his mother, they only gave him a vague number six, but this number was too small and too big, and there was no way to know. Check it out.

The name engraved on the Sansheng Stone is not her true identity, but there is no guarantee that some of it will not be revealed.

Rong Qing glanced at him, and when he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly froze.

Because there are several shallow scratches next to the words Ming Yue Qian.

Obviously, this place originally had a name.

But for some unknown reason, it is disappearing and has become invisible.

After it disappears, there will be no more talk of marriage.

When such a situation occurs, it may be that one of the parties has already decided on a marriage, and the Three Life Stones cannot change it and can only be eliminated slowly, or there is no fate at all and it is just a random designation of the Three Life Stones before.

Rong Qing looked intently, and with the powerful power of her soul, she instantly determined what the name was that was about to disappear.

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes, a little surprised.

It turned out to be him.

I see.

Rong Qing pondered for a moment, and his thoughts suddenly became bright.

Since it is related to this seems that he knows where he should find out Mu Mu's identity.

Now, there is no need to worry about the Sansheng Stone.

Rong Qing flicked his sleeves and withdrew the power of his soul, and then moved towards Fengdu City.

The Wangchuan River was still silent, not even a splash of water rolled.

The only colors are Manzhushahua and Sanshengshi.

After the man in scarlet clothes left, the pale golden light on the Sansheng Stone was still flowing slowly, covering all the names on the stone tablet, spreading out, condensing, and spreading out again.

This went on and on for several reincarnations, and when the golden light dispersed again, the name had completely disappeared.


Among the restaurants in Fengdu City——

Cang Yue arrived as promised. Her energy and spirit have been much better recently than last time, and her soul has been further consolidated.

The last time she came to the underworld, Jun Muxian asked Po Meng Qingdai for another urban residence certificate. With this certificate, the wandering soul could live in Fengdu City.

But the consumption of the underworld is really too huge. It uses not the Yuanling Stone commonly used by overseas immortal sects, but the Underworld Stone. One meal requires ten Underworld Stones.

And ordinary wandering souls can only get twenty-five underworld stones after moving bricks in the underworld for a day, which is very little.

Cang Yue sighed: This man could still eat and drink enough when he was alive, but after he died, he had no money.

Jun Muqian also felt helpless.

There is such a thing as burning paper money in the world. Ten thousand taels of paper money can be exchanged for a hundred ghost stones. However, of the hundred ghost stones, only ten can reach the hands of the wandering souls, and the rest will be exchanged level by level. The penis is removed, and in this way, it is actually only enough for one meal.

Therefore, even if you have meritorious deeds and can live in the underworld, your wandering soul will one day ascend to immortality and give dreams to your relatives in the mortal world from time to time, asking them to burn more paper money.

It's not that Jun Muxian has never done this before. She just needs to record the paper money she burned in the name of her mistress. However, her mistress is now a shady person, so even if she burns it, it will be useless.

It is impossible for her to exploit Bai Wuchang anymore. What if she is discovered?

Sister Yue, it's okay. She comforted, I will come to see you every month from now on, and at least let you have a meal.

Hearing this, Cang Yue was amused: Why do I feel like a beggar?

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words were spoken, a package was dropped from above and hit the table with a snap, revealing a bag of underworld stones, totaling tens of thousands of pieces.

Jun Muqian was startled by this heroic move. She looked up and found that Rong Qing had gone and returned: Qingmei, where did you get it?

Didn't you just go out to move bricks?

Cang Yue was also a little confused: Did you go on a robbery?

Don't worry, there will be it every month. Rong Qing sat down, paused, and then said, Sorry, I can't enter the Infinite Hell at the moment.

He came here to hide his identity. It is true that if he takes on the identity of the young master of the illusory universe, he can do anything, but it will cause turmoil in the universe.

Cang Yue was stunned when she heard this, and then shook her head: Xiao Qian and you have already helped us a lot, otherwise, we would have been dead long before the ancestral witch invaded Wanling, and everything... was probably our lives.

That war is still her nightmare.

It will be fine, Sister Yue. Jun Muzhen was silent for a moment. I am practicing hard and will rescue the masters.

If she needs the Jade Emperor's permission to release people from the Infinite Hell, then she is stronger than the Jade Emperor!

If the way of heaven blocks it, then she will also step on the way of heaven!

No one can stop her!

Cang Yue smiled and patted her shoulder: Okay, it's almost daytime, you should go back quickly.

Master, take care. Jun Muqian nodded. After saying goodbye, he and Rong Qing left Fengdu City and crossed the Wangchuan River again, except for the land boundary.

Sure enough, it was already bright, the morning light was dim, the white clouds were rolling slightly, and the breeze was blowing.

Jun Muxian opened the door of the house and walked out, only to find that the books outside were in a mess and many people were wailing. The seven-foot-tall man was so frightened that he cried for his father and mother.

Uuuuuuuuah, daddy, mommy, it's so scary.

As soon as daytime arrived, the wandering souls had already returned to the underworld, but the night of fright caused these examiners to have a nervous breakdown, and only a few could still keep their expressions intact.

Just as they were crying, swish, a sound fell from the sky.

Everyone, gather at the original venue.

After hearing these words, the examiners did not dare to cry, they all got up and hurriedly ran out.

No matter what, they were able to enter Penglai, and the shock they suffered yesterday was nothing to mention.

Jun Muxian also followed, and arrived at the assessment venue within a moment.

This time, there were several long tables on the steps. The people sitting at the tables all looked like immortals, old and young, men and women, with strong auras and profound cultivation.

Jun Muqian looked up and glanced at the woman in white sitting beside her, her lips curled up slightly.

Jiang Qingxue's face was pale, her whole body was shaking, even her legs were weak, and sweat was dripping from her forehead, almost soaking her clothes.

Her nails fit into the palm of her hand, and her eyes, which were always calm, were filled with hatred.

Damn it!

What a Rong Mu...

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