The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 972 Fight! A move from the Lord! 【1 update】

As soon as these words came out!

The few cultivators who were still arguing about whether Zhong Xingchun or Li Qing came first were instantly dumbfounded, and the proud smiles on their faces now turned into blatant ridicule.

Other cultivators and the old disciples responsible for recording were also shocked.

Even Jiang Qingxue showed a bit of disbelief.

What did they hear?

Someone actually found 10,000 gold beads and ten heavenly and earthly treasures?

Are these ten genius treasures all over ten thousand years old?

No, saying it is ten thousand years old is an understatement. Except for the fallen wood and black vine, which is fifty thousand years old, the other nine natural and earthly treasures are all one hundred thousand years old!

The reason why Penglai Mountain has listed the names of these heavenly materials and earthly treasures is because they are extremely difficult to find in the East China Sea, and their medicinal power is very strong. Even if the dragon blood red fruit is only a hundred years old, it will It can upgrade a golden elixir stage to one level.

But where is the Dragon Blood Vermillion Fruit so easy to obtain?

The Dragon Blood Vermilion Fruit was cultivated by the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea with its own blood. It is placed in the Crystal Palace like a treasure. Unlike other genius treasures, at least there are traces of it outside.

who? He even entered the Crystal Palace?

Zhong Xingchun and Li Qing both frowned. Thanks to the forces behind them, they had already embarked on the path of cultivation, and naturally knew the various forces in the mortal world today.

The East China Sea Dragon Clan is definitely one of the strongest!

The East China Sea Dragon Clan can actually be regarded as a demon clan, but even though the ancestral dragon bloodline has been lost, the dragon clan is still stronger than other demon clans, so it has long been independent of the demon clan. Their true power is so strong that it is unimaginable.

Regardless of the fact that Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was granted the title of Heavenly Court, if he rebels, the other Dragon Kings of the Three Seas will definitely respond, and Heavenly Court will not be able to take advantage of him sooner or later.

But now, someone can actually get the Dragon Blood Vermillion Fruit from the Crystal Palace?

Everyone looked over for that voice, wanting to see what kind of genius it was. When they saw the indifferent-looking young man in white, they were all stunned.

How could it be Rong Mu?

He is just the first phase of the Golden Elixir!

Jiang Qingxue's expression suddenly changed, her nails dug into her palms, and her expression was dark and unclear.

Oh. Bai Que was also surprised, This little brother is so awesome, but I also misjudged him.

Even a Taiyi Golden Immortal would not dare to enter the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Awesome? Jiang Qingxue couldn't help but sneered, Do you really think he is the Dragon Blood Vermilion Fruit found in the Crystal Palace? He is a golden elixir stage and will die before entering. It's just good luck to pick it up.

Hearing this, Bai Que glanced at her contemptuously: Then you should also pick up a 100,000-year-old dragon-blood red fruit for everyone to see.

Baique, you... Jiang Qingxue was choked and a little angry, That's because I didn't go to the East China Sea.

If he had gone to the East China Sea, she would have found the Dragon Blood Vermillion Fruit first.

The power of destiny she possesses is not something that anyone can compare to.

Yes, yes, yes. Bai Que yawned, Everyone knows how to react in hindsight.

After saying this, without looking at Jiang Qing's livid face, he smiled slightly and said: It seems that this time the number one has been revealed.

Even though half of the people are still unrecorded, in the face of the terrifying figure of three million gold beads, no one can stand a chance.

Moreover, it is truly unprecedented and unprecedented. Such achievements will definitely be written into the history of Penglai!

The old disciple in charge of recording was also very proud: Little brother, put your things away, but don't lose them.

Even the Taiyi Golden Immortal would covet the Dragon Blood Vermilion Fruit that is one hundred thousand years old.

She naturally understands the reason why holding a jade is a crime.

Jun Muqian nodded slightly, and with a movement of his fingers, he put the bag back into the Hunyuan Bell.

Suddenly, all eyes fell greedily on the spiritual ring on her hand. If they could take it away...

Liu Yin no longer cared about recruiting the handsome men around her. She frowned and looked at the young man in white standing there, and asked, Who is this Rong Mu?

The attendant who was asked what to say hesitated for a moment: I don't know, but it seems that this is the person who caused the eldest young master to suffer.

Oh? Liu Yin became more interested, And did you let my good brother suffer?

She looked Jun Muqian up and down again and clicked her tongue: He doesn't look very good, and he is still small. He didn't attract my interest at first, but now I have decided that I want him to bow down to me. Under the pomegranate skirt.”

After saying that, Liu Yin took a charming step with her legs and walked over gracefully.

With a scent coming over her, she said softly: Little brother, look at me, do you like me?

As he spoke, he put his hand on Jun Muzhen's right shoulder, making his movements even more graceful.

But no one who is a male cultivator below her can refuse her.

As long as they take one look at her, they will be fascinated by her beauty, fall madly in love with her, and beg her to favor them.

However, this time Liu Yin made a mistake, because before her fingers could touch her, suddenly, a strong force came from her arm, and then she was lifted up, and then she suddenly He threw her violently over the shoulder, knocking her to the ground.


Liu Yin was stunned.

Others who had been paying attention to Jun Mu Qian were also a little dumbfounded.

This Rong Mu can't do it, right? A great beauty doesn't care about her beauty, but she throws her out?

The attendant screamed and ran over quickly: Miss!

Rong Mu! Seeing this scene, Jiang Qingxue sternly said, Do you regard the Penglai Mountain Rules as nothing? How dare you attack other students during the assessment?

Oh - I also want to know why she came to put her arm on my shoulder when I was standing here properly. Jun Muqian's expression remained unchanged, and she suddenly sighed, feeling a little sad, Maybe it's because I'm so handsome. That’s why it’s so attractive.”

Jiang Qingxue: ...

Everyone: ...


Is there any misunderstanding about this word?

Jiang Qingxue was choked and felt very uncomfortable. When she was about to say something, Bai Que interrupted directly: During the assessment, you are not allowed to seduce the opposite sex. Anyone who seduce you will be beaten directly like this little brother. If you beat him to death, I will be responsible.”

Liu Yin, who had just been helped up by the attendant, heard such words, and her face darkened.

These words were clearly meant for her, but what could she do? Her status is not as good as Bai Que's.

And, is that called seduction?

Liu Yin glanced at Jun Muqian, who had a calm expression, with an unkind look, snorted coldly, and stood on the other side.

Dare to treat her like this. When the second assessment comes, she will make this ignorant brat look good.

Soon, the data of all examiners were recorded.

And the ranking also appeared on the huge stone tablet standing next to the long table.

First, Rong Mu, the peak of the golden elixir, three million golden beads.

Second, Zhong Xingchun, distracted in the next period, 10,000 gold beads.

Third, Li Qing, the peak of Nascent Soul, eight thousand golden beads.

Nearly nine out of ten people just happened to get a gold bead.

Next, let's conduct the second assessment. Jiang Qingxue, as the person in charge of the second assessment, said coldly, Immediate drawing of lots, elimination system, no matter life or death, in the end, only a thousand people can enter the final assessment.


The assessors were all shocked. The odds were twenty to one.

Why did Penglai only accept so few people this time?

Jiang Qingxue's cold eyes swept away: Let's get started.

With a wave of her hand, tens of thousands of light signatures spun out from the hall behind her, hovering in the air at extremely fast speeds, and each flew towards one of the examiners.

Jun Muzhen raised her hand casually and took the light lottery in front of her.

She unfolded it and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Oh, what a coincidence. Liu Yin also saw the name she had drawn. She chuckled and shook the light lottery in her hand, feeling a little proud, Rong Mu, you are really unlucky. You have to win in the first game. Meet me.”

Between the Nascent Soul stage and the Golden Core stage, you don’t need to compete to know who wins and who loses.

Hearing these words, the others looked at the boy in white with a little more pity, but more with gloating.

So what if I got first place in the preliminary exam?

Aren't you going to kneel down in the second round of assessment?

It's quite unlucky. Jun Muqian said lightly, If we don't meet in the first game, how many more games can you hold on to?

Me? Liu Yin's expression changed and she chuckled, No one can compare to you in your ability to talk big words. It's a pity that just being able to talk big words is of no use.

Jun Muqian ignored him, closed his eyes and began to rest.

Now you all have your own opponents. Jiang Qingxue moved her hands secretly, her voice cold, There will be a hundred groups of assessments conducted at the same time. Now, I will announce the list.

The corners of her lips curled up coldly: The first group, Rong Mu and Liu Yin, you are the competition stage in the middle.

Liu Yin was stunned for a moment, then laughed, her flowers trembling: Oh, this list really suits my heart. I was still thinking about how long I had to wait, but I didn't expect it to arrive so soon. What a coincidence. What a coincidence.

She laughed a few more times before tiptoeing towards the largest fighting platform.


Jun Muqian's eyebrows were still light, it was just artificial, what a coincidence.

She was not afraid and walked up calmly.

Since someone wanted to die so quickly, she gave them a ride.

Jiang Qingxue then read: The second group, Li Ming versus Yeats, the third group...

After the current one hundred groups were assigned, the other assessors also stepped aside and looked nervously at the battle stage.

Although they didn't win this match, they can't rule out that they will fight against these people later. They must see their flaws and know their enemies and themselves, so that they can survive every battle.

Neither Zhong Xingchun nor Li Qing were assigned, so they stood aside lazily and cheered.

For them, the assessors at the Golden Core Stage are of little value.

Naturally, it is the middle platform that attracts the most attention.

Many cultivators wanted to see how Liu Yin taught the young man in white a lesson and to dampen his spirit.

This was exactly what Jiang Qingxue was thinking. She used some tricks to put Rong Mu and Liu Yin together and let them play in the first game.

The fly Rong Mu kept buzzing in her ears made her unable to bear it any longer and she wished she could swat him to death as soon as possible.

But now that she was in the middle of the assessment, she couldn't do anything herself, so she could only borrow a knife to kill someone.

Jiang Qingxue glanced at Bai Que, who had no intention of taking care of him. Her face looked a little better, and she said, The assessment has begun.


As soon as he finished speaking, barriers were raised around each battle platform to ensure that other assessors would not be harmed.

At the same moment, the practitioners on the battle platform couldn't wait to move, and they all wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, but there was no movement on the largest middle battle platform.

The cultivators watching below were a little confused and bored.

In Liu Yin's eyes, she could kill Jun Muzhen with just one move, so she couldn't do it.

She flipped her hair coquettishly and smiled seductively: I don't need to pursue the matter just now.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes.

You have a lot of strength, I like it a lot. Liu Yin added, But your strength should also be used for business, so you just have to kneel down and lie down at my feet, sweetly call me sister, How about I take you in?

After a pause, the conversation changed: Or, you can think of a way to make me happy, and I can be merciful. You should know the difference between the Nascent Soul stage and the Golden Core stage, right? I can solve it with one move. you.

Seeing that the boy in white didn't respond, Liu Yin frowned: Did you hear that?

Well - Jun Muzhen picked her ears and finally looked at her, Are you done?

Hearing this, Liu Yin became more interested: Why, do you have a better way?

There is one. Jun Muqian moved her wrist and said slowly, I guarantee you will be satisfied.

Know what's interesting. Liu Yin smiled, but did not relax her vigilance. The protective aura was still on, Why don't you come here quickly?

If this Rong Mu dared to play any tricks, she wouldn't mind executing him on the spot.

Jun Muxian really walked over, his pace was leisurely.

Liu Yin's smile grew bigger and bigger.

And when Jun Muqian was still one meter away from Liu Yin, she stopped, immediately raised her right leg, and kicked Liu Yin in the abdomen. The speed was so fast that only an afterimage could be seen, seemingly Ordinary, but very ruthless and decisive.



With one kick, Liu Yin, who was smiling slowly, was kicked off the stage, mercilessly, neatly, and absolutely unable to get up.


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