The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 971 Such a hard and fast slap in the face! 【2 more】

When the scene progressed to this point, suddenly... there was an eerie silence.

In the entire assessment hall, there was no sound of breathing.

Everyone stared at the picture projected by the image stone and forgot their words.

Even though the scenes are still flowing, there is no need to look at the rest of the things. Just those few words are enough to prove everything.

The air was silent for three minutes before the practitioners finally came back to their senses. They still couldn't believe their eyes and ears.

It turned out that Rong Mu did not violate the rules at all, but because Jiang Qingxue was unwilling to wait any longer, she asked the person in charge to directly cross out Rong Mu's name.

Not only that, but he also bitten Rong Mu, saying that he violated the rules.

Is this really Jiang Qingxue, the number one cold beauty that everyone in Penglai admires?

How could she do such a thing?

Jiang Qingxue is aloof and always avoids strangers, but she will not let others lose their qualifications for assessment just because of her impatience. What is the difference between this and abuse of power?

Although there are some secluded immortal sects overseas that are not under the control of Penglai Mountain, if a cultivator is disqualified from the assessment by Penglai Mountain, other immortal sects will never want him.

This is obviously going to end that Rong Mu’s way of cultivation!

Everyone was shocked.

Jiang Qingxue's hands were trembling, and she felt that all the fig leaves on her body had been torn off. She was completely naked and exposed to the public, and those suspicious eyes were like thorns on her back.

There was even more crimson on his face, and it was so hot that it hurt.

She stared at the man in white, her voice trembled violently, she was extremely embarrassed and angry, and she gritted her teeth and said: Baique!

Bai Que came out at this time and even opened the photo stone. He clearly came to oppose her on purpose!

What good would it do him if he slapped her in the face like this in public?

Jiang Qingxue, you are really vicious. Bai Que ignored her anger and smiled faintly, This junior brother obviously just came out a little late, but you are angry because of your eldest lady's temper and don't want to wait any longer. , he took it upon himself to cross out his name, causing him to be disqualified from the assessment...

After a pause, his voice turned cold: This is Penglai, don't put on your eldest lady airs here, no one will eat it.

Jiang Qingxue clenched her fist angrily: Bai Que, what are you talking about?!


No one else dared to interrupt and couldn't help but swallow.

Jiang Qingxue and the others were there to look up to. Although Bai Que's status was not as good as Jiang Qingxue's, he was not someone ordinary cultivators living in Penglai could offend.

But Bai Que never comes out very often, so why would he come out today for a small golden elixir period?

Bai Que seems to be smiling every day, but in fact he is hot on the outside and cold on the inside. He is even harder to get close to than Jiang Qingxue. It is simply a fantasy that he would draw a sword to help when the road is rough.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes slightly.

She had no interest in Bai Que, but she noticed what he said.

Miss temperament?

She knew that Jiang Qingxue was from the Jiang family, and after all calculations, if she was really Jiang Mo's daughter, they could still be considered cousins.

But the Jiang family only has some status in Dayin Capital and the surrounding cities. It is absolutely impossible to get into the eyes of overseas immortal sects, and they have never even heard of it.

Jun Mu looked at Bai Que lightly and found that his cultivation level was also in the integration stage, and was a little higher than Jiang Qingxue.


What other identity does Jiang Qingxue have?

Am I talking nonsense? Bai Que lazily raised his eyebrows, Jiang Qingxue, the facts are in front of you, and you are still telling lies. If I hadn't appeared in time, this little brother would have been bullied by you.

As he spoke, he waved to the young man in white with a very gentle tone: Come on, little brother, don't worry, with me here, not only will your qualifications for the assessment not be cancelled, Penglai will also compensate you with one hundred yuan of high-grade Yuanling. stone.


As soon as this number came out, it was like a thunder exploding in the crowd.

One hundred Yuanling Stones, that’s a thousand middle-grade Yuanling Stones!

If you put it in Penglai, it would be enough to buy a top-quality spiritual weapon from the auction house.

The person in charge's face suddenly turned green. The compensation he gave was only a mid-grade Yuanling Stone. Was this a slap in his face?

Jiang Qingxue's usually cold and calm face also showed a look of astonishment: Bai Que, you are crazy! A core disciple's cultivation resources for a month are only a high-grade Yuanling Stone!

Now, you actually want to give Rong Mu, who is nothing, a hundred dollars?

Jiang Qingxue, I am making up for the mistakes you made for you. Bai Que shrugged, but his tone was stern, Because of your own selfishness, you caused this little brother to lose the qualification for the assessment. If it spreads, it's bad. It’s our Penglai’s reputation!”

Jiang Qingxue was speechless, and her fair face turned even redder.

And you. Bai Que raised his hand and pointed, From today on, you are no longer a disciple of Penglai. Pack your things and get out now.

The person in charge who was called was dumbfounded: Mr. Baique, I...

Stop talking nonsense. Bai Que showed no mercy, If you don't get out, I can send someone to take you out.

The person in charge's face turned even greener. Everything he said before was now returned to him, making him want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

He reluctantly stood up, staggered, and cupped his hands towards Bai Que: I'll leave right now, no need to trouble Senior Brother Bai Que.

Bai Que didn't pay attention at all. He turned around and looked at the old disciples at the bottom of the stone steps: And who scolded this little brother just now? Slap each of them ten times and then apologize.

Hearing this, the old disciples were all shocked: Senior Brother Baique?

Hurry up. Bai Que became impatient, Don't let me do it one by one.

Before I could even finish my words, I remembered the sound of applause one after another. The huge assessment venue was all filled with the crisp sound of pah-pah-pah.

None of the old disciples dared to hold back, they all hit him with the hardest force. After ten slaps, all of them were swollen into pig heads.

Bai Que then handed a bag of high-grade Yuanling stones to the young man in white: Little brother, don't be angry. Penglai's supervision is not strict this time. If you have any difficulties, little brother, you can raise it.

Jun Muxian was not polite and took it directly: Thank you very much.

No need to thank you. Bai Que waved his hand and said with a smile, That's right.

Even though he said that, he stared at her directly, and his eyes were a little strange. He was very kind, but this kindness was like a parent looking at a little Zai Zai.

Jun Muxian: ???

Does anyone else want to be her father?

After a few seconds, Bai Que realized that his gaze was too direct. He clenched his fists and coughed lightly: I scared my little brother.

He returned to the stone steps again, lifted up his clothes, and sat down at the long table. He ignored Jiang Qingxue's hard-to-see expression and drank tea by himself.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes and glanced briefly at Bai Que, with a look of understanding in his eyes.

It turns out that’s the case, no wonder.

This Bai Que didn't really come for her, which is interesting now.

Leave me alone, you continue to record. Bai Que saw those pig heads looking at him blankly, frowning and said, I'm just watching the excitement, you continue.


Even Jiang Qingxue was dealt with. Those old disciples who dared to say more did not dare to stop and quickly picked up their work.

Little brother, come here. An old disciple smiled flatteringly at Jun Muzhen, Just put the golden beads and genius treasures here, and they will automatically count.

They couldn't please Bai Que, but they could please Rong Mu.

Jun Muqian glanced at him and walked over.

Just at this moment, exclamations broke out from another table.

A thousand gold beads? And a sea Ganoderma lucidum? My God, as expected of Miss Liu Yin, she can still find the genius treasure on the list.

Although Ganoderma lucidum is the lowest form, it is not easy to find in the extremely dangerous East China Sea.

Jun Muqian turned her head slightly and saw that the enchanting and exposed woman surrounded by many people was none other than Liu Yin, the daughter of the Lord of the Liu Family Fort whom she had met in the restaurant earlier.

Liu Yin didn't know what reserve was. After receiving so many compliments, she laughed twice, hugged the nearest male practitioner and started kissing him.

How dare you be so reckless with a thousand gold beads? Another voice said proudly, My young master found 6,749 gold beads! There is also a Fire Heart Flower and an Ice Crystal Grass!

With one sentence, everyone's attention was drawn away, and they all looked in the direction where the sound came from.

The person who spoke was an attendant, who had the cultivation level of the lower Nascent Soul stage, and standing next to him was a young man with an outstanding temperament. It was conservatively estimated that his strength would be at the upper Nascent Soul stage, or even about to break through the distraction stage.

Someone immediately recognized the young man and couldn't help but screamed at the doctor.

Zhong Xingchun! It's actually Zhong Xingchun!

He actually came to take part in this assessment?!

Zhong Xingchun is only twenty years old this year. If he takes the assessment again in a few years, he will kill everyone in an instant.

Hey, not only did he kill everyone in one instant, don't you know that Zhong Xingchun is still ranked ninety-three on the Earth Ranking! Anyone who can be on the Earth Ranking must be in the middle stage of distraction, but Zhong Xingchun is in Nascent Soul In the mid-term, he broke into the local rankings, and he was not a different person at all.”

Oh my god, Zhong Xingchun is still on the earth rankings?

Jun Muqian withdrew his gaze and asked the old disciple in front of him: What is the Dibang?

Uh, little brother, you don't know? The old disciple was stunned for a moment, but he still answered, Little brother, you have just stepped into the world of cultivation, right? This Earth Ranking is a list of masters in the mortal world. Anyone under the Earth Immortal can be on it. Get on the land list and rank according to strength.”

The Zhong Xingchun they are talking about is Zhong Qiuyun's only son, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Hmm - Jun Muzhen thought thoughtfully, Since there is an Earth Ranking, then there is also a Heavenly Ranking?

Heavenly Ranking? The old disciple shook his head, Don't even think about the Heavenly Ranking. Only after reaching the Mahayana stage and successfully ascending can you enter the Heavenly Ranking. I heard that the number one on the Heavenly Ranking is a mysterious immortal. !”

Jun Muqian nodded slightly.

Xuanxian is also the highest level of loose immortal, because as long as you take the next step and become Taiyi True Immortal, you will be recruited by the heaven, and you will have a position and salary.

Little brother, when you reach the Nascent Soul stage, you can also try to hit the Earth Ranking. The old disciple added, Don't think Zhong Xingchun is only ninety-three on the Earth Ranking, but he can receive one reward every month. Hundreds of high-grade Yuanling Stones, if you can enter the top ten on the Earth Ranking, you will be able to own the top-grade Yuanling Stone, which is something with a price but no market.

Jun Muxian didn't nod or shake his head, and smiled slightly: Let me record it first.

She didn't ask any more questions, but her thoughts became clear.

The best Yuanling Stone is a rare treasure in the mortal world, but to the heavenly world it is just an ordinary stone.

This Earth Ranking and Heaven Ranking are just for cultivating talents for Heaven.

But she can go to the rankings. There are never too many Yuanling Stones.

The old disciple hurriedly took out the recording tool: Okay, little brother, you can just put it here.

Jun Muqian raised his hand and pressed a spiritual ring on his hand. A white light flashed, and a full bag appeared on the table.

It is true that she did not take things from the spiritual ring, it was just to cover up.

But this hand also shocked the old disciple: Little brother, you actually have a spiritual ring?

He was filled with envy. Only the disciples of great powers could possess a spiritual storage device like a spiritual ring, which could only hold one cubic meter of things.

Even the gods may not have a spiritual ring like that that can move a house in.

It seems that the power behind this Rong Mu must not be simple.

Thinking of this, the old disciple became more respectful.

He moved quickly and started recording.

There is no need for them to count the weights themselves, the weights distributed by Penglai Mountain will be displayed directly.

When the old disciple saw the words appearing in front of the weight, he was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes, then rubbed them again, and found those same words. In an instant, he jumped up and knocked over the weight on the next table.

Hey, what are you doing? Another old disciple muttered dissatisfiedly, picked up the weight again, and recorded the data of an assessor.

But this old disciple was still staring at those few lines of words, his eyes were red and his lips were trembling, whether he was excited or shocked.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand and waved it in front of his eyes: Hey, are you still not feeling well?

Ah, you're fine! The old disciple jumped up in shock again. He wiped his neck and found that his clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and he was still a little confused.

This, this is so exciting!

The old disciple swallowed his saliva, suppressed his excitement, and then began to read the line of words displayed on the scale.

By chance, several voices came from the other side.

Brother Zhong is still amazing. In just one month, he has found more than 6,000 gold beads and three thousand-year-old genius treasures. This time, Brother Zhong must be the first.

Hey, don't worry. Brother Li has also found a lot this time. We haven't found out who is number one yet.

Li Qing? His cultivation level is far inferior to that of Brother Zhong.

It's not your cultivation that you're looking for in Jinzhu.

Suddenly, just as they were arguing, a trembling voice sounded.

Ten, ten thousand golden beads, ten, ten genius treasures on the list, among which the dragon's blood vermilion fruit is one hundred thousand years old, the ice and fire jade essence is one hundred thousand years old, and the fallen wood and black vine is fifty thousand years old... Because the age is too high, it exceeds According to the list, the final total number is three million gold beads!


Lord: If you want to slap someone in the face, you have to hit it louder.

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