The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 951: Demon Ancestor Revives! Eat the vinegar of the little beauty [2 more]

Demon ancestor Luohu.

This name is definitely the most impressive one in Hongjun's life.

Nearly a million years have passed since the first robbery of the dragon and phoenix. Not only the three giants Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin fell, but the demon ancestor Luohu was also personally beheaded by him afterwards.

Afterwards, he successfully joined the Dao with his body, became the Dao Patriarch, escaped into the void, no longer managed the world affairs, and escaped from the world ever since.

It was only when he was signing the list of gods that he came out, and it was even more difficult for his favorite little apprentice Tongtian to see him.

I thought it would be so quiet forever.

But for some reason, at this moment, he suddenly sensed the breath of Luo Hu's primordial spirit.

It's broken, it's shallow, but it's by no means weak!

This proves... Demon Ancestor Luohu is actually being resurrected!

The youth frowned.

He remembered the day when he strangled the Demon Ancestor Rahu, he didn't even do it alone, he invited several other sages of heaven.

At that time, Luo Hu got the blood essence of Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin, coupled with the supreme grievances of the dragon, phoenix, and qilin, forcibly broke through Pangu's seal, and summoned the long-sealed Zhuxian Sword Formation .

The Zhuxian Sword Formation is the supreme formation that dominates the killing of the heavens. It is composed of four swords: the Zhuxian Sword, the Killing Sword, the Trapping Immortal Sword and the Juxian Sword.

At least four heavenly saints are needed to break it.

Heaven's first kill!

Legend has it that when Pan Gu created the world, countless unknown creatures forcibly obstructed it.

Dao had a feeling, so he lowered the Zhuxian Sword Formation and beheaded these creatures.

After Pan Gu successfully opened up the prehistoric universe, he believed that the Four Swords of Jade Immortals and the diagram of Jade Immortals were against the laws of heaven, so before he died, he sealed the Four Swords of Jade Immortals and the diagram of Jade Immortals at the foot of Mount Sumeru, the center of the world.

It was supposed to never be used, but it happened that Luo Hu was an anomaly.

Luo Hu has a cruel temperament and is addicted to killing, which is intolerable by heaven.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian summoned by him disturbed the entire prehistoric region and almost destroyed all living beings.

Therefore, after he and several other heavenly saints broke through the Zhuxian formation together, Luo Hu, who invited out of the Zhuxian formation, also suffered a great backlash, and finally died of serious injuries.

After Pan Gu's seal was released, Zhu Xian Sword Formation was subdued by him, and finally bestowed on Tong Tian.

It can be said that although there is the will of the universe in it, the first robbery of the dragon and phoenix can be regarded as caused by Rahu alone.

The young man can be sure that Luo Hu is indeed dead.

Innate demon gods like them, after death, will not even exist, and everything will be reduced to chaos, feeding back to the universe.

But now that the facts were in front of him, he didn't feel wrong... Luo Hu might really be coming back.

However, now that he is in harmony with the Dao, every word and deed represents the Dao of Heaven, so he cannot easily make a move.

But the demon ancestor Luohu had to be eliminated.

Otherwise, Honghuang will be in turmoil again, and catastrophe will come.

The young man pondered for a while, and after a while, he raised his right hand, paused for two seconds in the void, and suddenly flicked his fingers!


A white ray of light suddenly appeared, piercing through the void of nothingness, piercing into the Great Desolate Continent!

Without even pausing, he went straight to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain outside the Three Realms!

Patriarch Bodhi hasn't come back yet, all the disciples in Fangcun Mountain are still practicing as usual, and only after Patriarch Bodhi returns to Fangcun Mountain will they be checked.

However, including the strongest elder brother, none of them noticed this white light.

With a whoosh, this white light passed through the mountain and entered a cave.

This cave is exactly where Bodhi Patriarch used to retreat, board and lodging.


The white light blasted on a stone wall, and it circulated quickly, and immediately turned into a sentence, with big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes, piercing three points.

Luo Hu is about to come back to life, Zhun Ti, Yuan Feng's son Kong Xuan is under your command, you must let him go in this matter, and during this time, the heavens and the underworld must obey his instructions.

The signature is two majestic words, but one can feel the supreme coercion coming at a glance.



In one night, Dayin changed drastically.

People in the capital are in panic, and everyone is in danger.

The four major families are the first among them.

An old ancestor of the Feng family died at the level of a fairy. On the first day, Feng Linghan fell into a slump, and Mrs. Jiang, the head of the Jiang family, also failed to be rescued after a heart attack.

The situation of the Ji family is still good, and they have not been involved in any disputes, but after the return of the former genius Ji Xuanqing, the Ji family is also in great turmoil, only a few days.

But the loss of any of these three major families is not as great as that of the Mingyue family.

Mingyue yarn is useless, Mingyue Fei is dead, Mingyueheng is ignorant and incompetent, originally Mingyueya was there to support her, but no one expected that early the next morning, the attendants in Mingyue Mansion discovered that Mingyueya's dantian was broken .

The golden elixir is intact, but how can there be a doctor in Dayin who can restore the dantian?

Becoming an ordinary person has already dealt a great blow to Ming Yueya, what made him pass out immediately was that Ming Yueqian had disappeared!

Together with the medicinal materials and silver taels in the Mingyue family's treasure house!

Look...find it! Ming Yueya lay paralyzed on the bed, unable to move, her eyes were scarlet, her fingers trembling, Find her for me! I must find her!

As soon as the order came out, the attendants hurried to find someone, and reported it to the emperor, and the emperor's list was posted all over Dayin's cities.

Of course, Jun Muqian knew that many people were looking for her, and she went to the bottom of the imperial list with great interest, very disgusted that the people on the list didn't draw her at all.

Regardless of whether she has seventy-two transformations in hand, even if she doesn't, Ming Yueya can't find anyone for her.

Dayin is just a force in the mortal world.

The Mortal Realm is the most expansive space among the three realms. The monster race and the witch race are all in the Mortal Realm, but the places where other races are located are more hidden, and ordinary practitioners dare not step into it.

Rong Qing tilted his head to look at the sky, and said lightly, Cross the river from here tomorrow, and in two days, you can reach Penglai.

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, and his eyes fell on the table again, and he slowly raised his hand to pick up a spicy lobster.

Then, the slender fingers quickly peeled off the lobster's shell and picked out the red meat.

The originally ordinary and unremarkable movements, let him do it, but it is a different kind of elegance.

Jun Muqian looked at the shrimp in his bowl which was already full, and suddenly had the illusion of being kept in captivity——

She lay here without moving, and someone slowly fattened her up.

Looking at Rong Qing's actions, Jun Muqian felt a little ashamed. She had never been very careful in terms of basic necessities of life, and she also ate and drank as she liked, and her life was really rough.

Ahem... She scooped up a bowl of soup decisively and handed it over, her peach blossom eyes blinking, Little beauty, you can eat too.

Rong Qing paused for a moment, raised her eyes, and slightly bent her thin lips: Mumu is serving me?

Yes, I'll serve you. Jun Muqian leaned on his elbow, You've been serving me all the way, so it's reciprocal.

Although she has no memory, but looking at the appearance of Qingfeng, the elder of Wangxianmen, she also knows that after crossing the gate of the universe, her situation is completely different from that of Rong Qing.

Her cultivation is gone, her treasures are sealed, she's a poor girl.

In the end, nothing happened to the little beauty's father.

Jun Zunzhu felt a little desolate in his heart, but then he thought that sealing her would be better than sealing Rong Rong.

Therefore, Rong Qing originally wanted to take her directly to Penglai, but later changed his mind.

There is still half a month before the Zongmen Exam in September, so stopping and stopping on the road is enough.

Go early, but can only pitch a tent at the foot of the mountain.

Then, she became a rice bug all the way, and she was happier than ever.

No hurry. Rong Qing peeled another crab, removed all the shells, and put it in her Wanli, There is still a lot of time in the future.

That's not necessarily true. Jun Muqian ate very full, and snorted slightly, When the little beauty is really born, I won't have time to serve you.

Hearing this, Rong lightly frowned.

Obviously, I didn't expect that there would be such a day.

He raised his eyelashes slightly, took a slow look at her abdomen, and said calmly: In a short time, the child won't be able to come out.

Jun Muqian: ...

Look what her belly does!

There is nothing wrong with her body, do you look down on Yuanshen Huaizi?

Believe it or not an earth-shattering baby is coming out?

Jun Muqian poked at the shrimp in the bowl, ready to concentrate on the food, when he picked it up, the table suddenly shook, the chopsticks shook, and a large piece of shrimp fell to the ground.

She raised her head and found more than a dozen people in the restaurant, all dressed in blue robes, with proud expressions.

The shock just now was caused by the footsteps of these people.

As if deliberately trying to attract the attention of all the quacks, these people walked very loudly, stepping on the junction of the floors with every step, shaking the entire restaurant.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and immediately judged the cultivation of these people.

Nascent Soul Stage!

It was the woman who looked about twenty-five years old, and she was also in the early stage of Yuanying.

Although this is a city close to the East China Sea, it is also under Dayin's command, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, Dayin still can't manage to come here, but it is indeed a secular place.

Except for the occasional few Jindan stages, most of them are ordinary people at the acquired and innate levels

Right now, there are so many multiple infants, even overseas, it is not a small force.

The other quacks also stopped their movements, out of apprehension and fear.

The leading woman had coquettish makeup and very revealing clothes, with a long whip tied around her waist, and only a layer of tulle skirt dragging on the ground, her figure was graceful and exquisite.

Immediately, it attracted the attention of many men.

She was followed by a burly man carrying an axe. After scanning around the restaurant, she cupped her fists respectfully: Miss, there is no room.

What time is it? The woman frowned in disgust, In the afternoon, there are no seats?

This sentence was said to the waiter in the shop.

No, no separate table. The waiter stammered, breaking out in a cold sweat, But, but you can join the table.

Presumptuous! The burly man glared and shouted coldly, Do you know who our lady is? Let our lady share the table with other people?

The waiter in the shop became even more frightened, and was so anxious that he couldn't speak: This, this, this...

Okay, don't bully an ordinary person. The woman waved her hand casually, Go, find me a table. I, Liu Yin, have been traveling the rivers and lakes for so many years, and I have never heard of what is called a table sharing.

As soon as the words fell, someone screamed: Liujiabao?!

The others couldn't help but change slightly.

Liujiabao is a force on the border of Dayin, and on the surface it has a subordinate relationship with Dayin, but in fact Dayin can't suppress Liujiabao at all.

The castle owner of Liujiabao is already a strong man in the fusion stage, and there are countless masters in the Nascent Soul stage and the distraction stage in the castle.

The only daughter, Liu Yin, is only twenty-four years old this year, and she is already in the early stage of Yuanying. I am afraid that within five hundred years, she will be able to successfully overcome the catastrophe and enter the Mahayana stage.

It seems that my vision is not low, and I know Liujiabao. Liu Yin covered her lips, giggled, and looked at the awe-inspiring expressions on everyone's faces with satisfaction.

But immediately, she didn't know what she saw, but her eyes suddenly stopped and became cold instantly.

Immediately afterwards, she took a step forward and walked towards a table by the window with a vicious look on her face.

The Liujiabao guards beside him have been by Liu Yin's side for many years, and they already knew what she meant.

This is because you have taken a fancy to a person and are using it for cultivation.

After following Liu Yin, he found that there were only two people sitting at that table.

The burly man picked up the ax directly, flatteringly said: Miss, did you like this table? This subordinate will snatch it for you.

Liujiabao has always acted arrogantly, which is related to the exercises they practice, and they often need to rob people in the street.

Don't be in such a hurry. Liu Yin waved her hand and knocked on the table pretending to be reserved, Hey.

Jun Muqian had seen it a long time ago, but she just didn't bother to care about it.

After being disturbed, a little irritability and impatience floated between her brows, and her tone was cold: Don't fight, don't give, get out.

Liu Yin was stunned.

The guards behind her were even more stunned.

When did anyone dare to talk to their Liujiabao like this at the border of Dayin?

Immediately, the big man was furious, and the ax in his hand was about to strike down: Stinky bitch, you are courting death.

Say it, don't worry. Unexpectedly, it was Liu Yin who stopped the burly man, she raised her chin, Tsk tsk, could it be that the sun came out from the west today to let me see such a strange sight , Beautiful men match ugly women.

In a word, it attracted everyone's attention.

Liu Yin tilted her head, she was very curious, and dragged her voice: Could it be that men are blind nowadays? Or is it that you, a woman, are shameless and insist on holding on to this young man?

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