The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 950 Husband and wife raising a baby? Daozu appeared! 【1 more】

Just one look, and the whole body is cold.

Qing Feng's heart was beating violently, and he almost exploded to death.

But fortunately, the coercion is only a blink of an eye.

When Qing Fengsong collapsed to the ground in one breath, there were only a group of mortals left in the hall.

After a long time, the emperor waved his hands wearily and ordered all the officials to disperse.

Feng Yi seemed to have aged decades overnight. After collecting Feng Yuan's dilapidated body, he staggered to Feng Linghan's body: Let's go, Ling Han, let's go back.

In my heart, at this moment, there is infinite self-mockery.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it wasn't that he despised Ming Yueqian as his daughter-in-law, but that Ming Yueqian looked down on their Feng family at all.


In front of that powerful and noble man, what is the beauty of the clouds and temples?

Feng Linghan let Feng Yi pull him, he didn't say anything for a long time, he was at a loss.

Mrs. Jiang glanced at the people of the Feng family, walked up to Ming Yueya, who was also in a daze, on crutches, and said coldly: This is the good daughter raised by your Mingyue family!

I don't know the status, I don't know the age, and in the public, hugging and kissing men, it's really degrading!

Ming Yueya was already filled with remorse, but now that she was questioned like this, she immediately became furious: Can I blame this general? Why don't you go underground and ask your good daughter first!

Cough, cough, cough! Mrs. Jiang was so angry that she coughed, her cloudy eyes were as sharp as knives, I told you the words here, starting tomorrow, the Jiang family will take back Mo'er's daughter , so that she won't be able to marry in the future.

Take it back? Ming Yueya sneered, It's as if your Jiang family is just as powerful, don't even be able to get close to their door.

This is not something you have to worry about, General Mingyue. Mrs. Jiang looked at her son-in-law, and then gave Jiang Jie a cold look, I can't do anything well, go back and kneel in the ancestral hall.

Jiang Jie shivered for a moment, and said in a trembling voice: Mom, it's no wonder I, didn't you see how arrogant this bastard is today? And that man, he...

Girls, you must abide by the women's precepts. Mrs. Jiang remained unmoved, Today's incident proves that she is not suitable for cultivation, so let's learn female celebrities and calligraphy at home. If you forget this thing, marry her off again.

Mrs. Jiang scoffed at the first-class overseas immortals. To her, following her father at home and following her husband after marriage is the correct way.

Moreover, she is Ming Yueqian's grandmother, who can she stop Ming Yueqian from marrying?

Mrs. Jiang let out a hum from her nostrils, knocked the crutch in her hand on the ground a few times, and then turned and left rather arrogantly.

Ming Yueya was so angry that she was dying, but there was nothing she could do to her.

He had a gloomy face, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a muffled dong.

Jiang Jie was stunned for a moment, then screamed in the next second: Mother! Mother?!

The other Jiang family children were also stunned, and hurried forward: What's going on? What's wrong with mother?

Mrs. Jiang closed her eyes tightly and fell to the ground without breathing.

A personal nurse placed her trembling hands on her nostrils, and yelled in fright: Old lady! Hurry up, call the imperial doctor, the old lady is out of breath!

However, what they didn't see was that Mrs. Jiang's soul had already left her body, floating anxiously beside her, trying her best to bump into her body, but she couldn't get in anyway.

Mrs. Jiang was completely unaware of what happened, and was about to collapse.

what happened?

She was still healthy, why did she die?

Hey, where are you running!

Bai Wuchang, who had just made his grand debut, flung out the long chains and imprisoned Mrs. Jiang's soul that was running around.


Heiwuchang also came out at the same time, and also locked Mrs. Jiang's feet with another chain.

Old man, you are an insignificant little ant, and you don't need this seductress to take action at all— Bai Wuchang snorted coldly, However, you have done so many evils that the judge and that bastard can't stand it anymore. In the next life, you must only You can go to the animal road.

Heiwuchang glanced at him coldly, but didn't expose his lie.

What kind of judge couldn't stand it anymore, he clearly wanted to take the opportunity to curry favor with that human woman whose physical body was weak but her spirit was terrifyingly strong.

Seeing that the black and white impermanence that can only be found in legends actually exists, Mrs. Jiang's eyes widened and she was finally terrified.

She doesn't know what the way of a beast is, but she knows what a beast is:! I don't want to be a beast, no!

I can't help you. Bai Wuchang clicked his tongue, Maybe you don't even have the qualifications to reincarnate, what are you looking at? Your lifespan is at the end of your life, and even a genius doctor can't save you.

After saying that, the chains were tightened, and the struggling Mrs. Jiang was forcibly taken away.

Bai Wuchang was beaming: Oh, I'll find the dead old woman to beg for soup in a while.


Jun Muqian didn't know about this matter, but when the palace was in chaos, she had already ransacked the treasury.

However, Dayin is indeed too barren, and there is not even a single medicinal herb that is more than a thousand years old.

She casually took a few hundred-year-old copies, extracted the aura from them, sent them to her sea of ​​primordial spirits, and gave them to the little beauty to eat.

But this is not enough even to plug the teeth.

Jun Muqian sighed: After all, it is a big country with thousands of years, why is it not as good as Hua Xu.

Hearing the words, Rong Qing raised her eyes and said lightly: Da Yin's life is approaching, and there were still at least a few hundred years left, but now it seems that within a few years, the mortal world will change dynasties.

In Honghuang, the power of luck is more important.

The change of dynasties all stems from the level of luck.

And this luck is determined by the way of heaven.

The heavens even regard the mortal world as a battlefield for immortals to compete for power. All the immortals in the heavenly court like to bet with mortals.

Jun Muqian nodded: It has nothing to do with me.

After finding Jiang Mo's Tibetan letter, she no longer needs to stay in Dayin, but...

Jun Muqian suddenly turned her head, her eyes burning brightly: Did I just forget you?

Bringing up this matter at this moment is indeed unavoidable.

Rong Qing's eyelashes moved slightly: Probably yes.

The only thing that can resist the power of the universe is the memory of the most important person.

Then I really don't know who that Taoist is. Jun Muqian squeezed his chin, It shouldn't be Patriarch Bodhi, could it be his senior brother?

I once accepted the inheritance of Bodhi's ancestors, but Jun Zunzhu has forgotten.

Taoist... Rong Qing frowned slightly, This name can be called many people.

Forget it, whoever he is. Jun Muqian simply gave up thinking about it. She looked up at the sky and said to herself, It's time to go to Penglai.

At the beginning of September, it is the day when the Overseas Immortal Mountain Zongmen will open, and they will recruit disciples in the mortal world to fill the Zongmen.

In addition to Dayin who will send some geniuses, other wanderers from the world will also go.

Even, there will be real fairy sects who will come to the mortal world to practice in order to join overseas sects.

With the examination order, you just obtained a preliminary qualification. If you want to really join Penglai Shang, you still need to pass the examination.

However, out of a hundred cultivators with an examination order, only one can stand out in the end, and the chances are extremely low.

Dayin is too far away from the East China Sea, with her current cultivation level, she might have to travel for a month.

Rong Qing looked sideways, and was about to speak when he heard the heartfelt voice of his queen.

——Hmph, when I arrive in Penglai, I will dump people and practice with peace of mind.

She took back the promised words, and gently pressed the center of her eyebrows: No, it's too late, go to sleep before starting.

Why does he have a feeling that he will be abandoned at any time?

The power of the universe is too great, and he can't tell when the memory disorder will be restored.

This kind of day is really too tormented.

Huh? Hearing this, Jun Muqian was a little surprised, With the strength of my soul, I don't need to sleep at all.

Rong Qing looked down at her, and said in a leisurely voice, Nursing a baby.

Jun Muqian: ...


I don't know where, and I don't know when.

The space here is closed, the time is still, there is no sound, let alone the slightest breath of life.

In the nothingness, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, sitting in the air, firmly.

He was wearing a purple robe, with a little cinnabar between his eyebrows. Although he had silver hair and misty hair, his face was unexpectedly young and handsome.

There are thousands of stars rolling past the young man's head, and the clear and turbid air is under his feet, surging back and forth, vast and myriad.

In the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes and narrowed them coldly: What a Demon Ancestor Luohu...

His Holiness: What? Patriarch Bodhi or my master? When did this happen?

Bodhi: QAQ

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