The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 946 Compared with the backstage? Honorable Lord: Don't slap your face [2 more]

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of gasping in the palace.

The princes and ministers were shocked, and the wine bottles in their hands could not be held firmly.

It's not because Feng Linghan asked to marry Ming Yueqian, but because the Feng family actually showed their beautiful faces!

It's just a younger generation marrying a wife, so it's worth using the cloud temples and beauty?

It is true that everyone in the palace knew that Mingyueqian, a well-known trash from Dayin, had turned into a master of the Jindan period, even if he hadn't been to the genius conference yesterday, but they didn't think that Mingyueqian's value could be compared with Yunbinhua's. Yan is equal.

The cloud temples and beautiful faces are real treasures, which have been handed down from ancient times.

The era of the Three Emperors was the most powerful era of the human race, at least hundreds of thousands of years ago, and there are very few treasures that can be preserved, and the beautiful face on the temples of clouds is one of them, and there are even rumors that it is The treasure bestowed by Empress Nuwa to the people possesses supreme power.

It is precisely because of the existence of Yunbin Huayan that it greatly proves that the Feng family is the descendant of the Three Emperors.

But up to now, no one in the Feng family has been able to discover the mystery of the beautiful face on the temples. They only regard it as an ordinary phoenix crown and enshrine it in the ancestral hall.

The emperor's face was also full of astonishment, and he was extremely surprised: The cloud temples are beautiful?

Yes, beautiful face at the temples. Feng Linghan paused every word, but his eyes were locked on the woman in purple, This is the sincerity of the Feng family.

Also his sincerity.

He has hurt her a lot unconsciously over the years, and only this method can make up for it.

After all, didn't she want to marry him since she was a child?

Feng Yi was sitting next to him with a stiff face, neither smiling nor crying.

Yunbinhuayan is said to be a treasure of the Feng family, but it has been handed over to Feng Linghan by the previous ancestor of the Feng family, and he has no right to dispose of it at all.

When he thought that Ming Yueqian was about to become his daughter-in-law, he felt restless and disgusted.

Feng Yi tried his best to comfort himself: Forget it, she is also in the golden core stage now, and she can barely match Ling Han, so he can just pretend he can't see it in the future.

Seeing Feng Linghan's decisive expression, the emperor was stunned for a moment, and laughed: It's rare that Ling Han can have a woman he loves, otherwise I thought you would really spend your whole life asking immortals to find the way, so I will naturally ask for your request. Yes, but—

He changed the subject: Miss San is still the apple of the eye of General Mingyue after all, I need to ask General Mingyue what he means.

Feng Linghan's attitude was unprecedentedly peaceful: It should, Your Majesty.

The emperor turned his head and said, Mingyue Aiqing, I don't know about this...

I agree, I agree! Before the emperor finished speaking, Ming Yueya couldn't wait to reply, It's her blessing that Xiaoqian can marry into Feng's family, not to mention that these two children already have a marriage contract, so naturally they have to fulfill it. .”

His face was flushed with excitement, and he pinched his thigh to keep calm.

This is a beautiful face with clouds on the temples!

Doesn't the dowry given by the Feng family belong to him in the end?

Since Mingyue Aiqing and Feng Aiqing both have this intention, then I will not break up this pair of good children. The emperor nodded again and again, secretly relieved, and said majesticly, Then today, I will give the two families Give marriage.

What happened at the Genius Conference made him feel apprehensive. Ming Yueqian was too difficult to control, but he could feel relieved by tying her and Feng Linghan together.

The officials were stunned for a long time before they suddenly realized, and began to congratulate repeatedly: Congratulations to General Mingyue, congratulations to Young Master Ling Han, congratulations to Your Majesty, for helping to make a good story.

Hearing these congratulatory voices, Ming Yueya was beaming with joy, her eyes were a little bit kind: Xiao Qian, don't just stare blankly, but also say a few words.

Speak? Jun Muqian raised his eyes slowly, his lips curled up slightly, I do have one thing I want to tell Your Majesty. I wonder if Your Majesty can promise me this little thing?

Oh? The emperor was in a good mood and became interested, What's the matter? Tell me, today is a happy day, and I agree.

Feng Linghan frowned slightly, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, he moved his lips: Xiaoqian...

Well—— Jun Muqian played with the wine bottle in his hand, and smiled slightly, Then please contact me with the engagement with the first genius as soon as possible, Your Majesty.


As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

Feng Linghan's complexion turned pale almost instantly, his body shook violently, and he looked at the purple-clothed woman in disbelief, as if someone had punched him head-on, and the blood on his lips faded completely.

After that, it was a deep loss of consciousness.

She really doesn't want to marry him?

Just because he once misunderstood her?

The emperor was stunned: Disengage the engagement?

What? Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and dragged his voice, Who told you that I'm going to marry the first genius?

It seems that it has become an ironic joke when the name is said on the first day.

The emperor's face turned ugly.

What he said were golden words and words. He only said to give a marriage a second ago, and now he is about to dissolve the engagement. What do the Feng family and the Mingyue family think of imperial power?

Xiao Qian, what crazy words are you talking about! Ming Yueya was shocked for a moment, and then jumped up angrily, He married you with the beautiful face of the cloud temple, the beautiful face of the cloud temple!

Jun Muqian propped his elbows and tilted his head, looked at them and smiled, coldly: What is the beauty of the cloud temples?

What else? Anger made Ming Yueya speechless, Even if you have reached the fusion period, this dowry is more than enough!

Hearing this sentence, everyone was deeply impressed.

Immortals would be greedy for the treasures that Empress Nuwa gave to the people.

Of course, no one would know the identity of the purple-clothed woman standing in front of them.

Whether it is the overseas immortals or the gods of the heavens who worshiped in the past, they are not as good as her finger.

Naturally, the cloudy temples and beautiful face could not catch her eyes.

Oh—— Jun Muqian was too lazy to talk nonsense with these mortals, so as not to lower her thinking, If you want to marry, you can marry yourself.

Ming Yue Ya roared: Ming Yue Qian!

Calm down, Brother Mingyue, calm down. Feng Yi hurriedly said, We'll discuss this matter later, the imperial decree has already been issued, so why bother with the child.

Go back and think about the past behind closed doors. Ming Yueya suppressed his anger, I will find a few nuns to teach you, when the time comes...

Before he finished speaking, suddenly——


Several tables burst apart in an instant, and cracks appeared on the ground.


This time, there was no sound at all, and everyone looked at the purple-clothed woman who slowly withdrew her hands in horror, feeling horrified.

Jun Muqian brows and eyes are light, stroked his sleeves, turned and left: It doesn't matter if you don't get rid of it, don't bother me whatever you like.

Can a marriage contract really bind her?

She is not a lady of every family.

The emperor's face was livid: Bold, bold...

Xiaoqian! Feng Linghan's eyes changed, and with a sweep of his body, he was about to stretch out his hand to pull the purple-clothed woman's clothes.

But when his hand was still half a meter away, it was already blocked.

next second——


The bones cracked at the sound!

Feng Linghan snorted, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

He raised his head with difficulty, and seeing the cold and cruel light in those peach blossom eyes, he threw him away suddenly: Say it, don't call me that, me!

Miss San. Feng Linghan endured the pain, and lowered his voice, I was wrong about the previous matter, you can pay it back however you want, it's better not to make trouble now, the matter between us, let's talk about it when we go back.

What did you say? Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, Go back and marry you?

Hearing this, Feng Linghan's expression paused: The date can be discussed, I can wait.

Are you sick? This time, Jun Muqian was really surprised, You don't really think I like you, do you?

She looked him up and down: If you want looks but not looks, if you want strength but not strength, why should I fall in love with you?


Feng Linghan's complexion turned even paler, and he could hardly believe what he heard.

He only felt his heart throbbing inch by inch, paralyzing his dantian and meridians.

The unprecedented angina made him unable to breathe at all.

He opened his eyes in a daze, pressed his right hand hard on his chest, barely stood up, his ears were still buzzing.

Get out of the way, don't get in the way. Jun Muqian didn't take a look, If you have paranoia in your head, go and treat it quickly.


Everyone watched the woman in purple walking towards the outside of the hall without looking back, looking at each other, not daring to breathe.

Feng Linghan stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

Compared to fighting with these mortals, Jun Muqian still prefers to feed her little beauties.

Not to accompany.

However, at the moment she just stepped out of the Golden Palace, suddenly!

An extremely terrifying force instantly enveloped her!

What a eloquent, arrogant little girl. At the same time, a cold snort fell, My grandson dares to bully me, and I'm getting impatient.

And you, Qing Feng, the immortal asked Ling Han to worship you as his teacher, not because he was wronged, take a look at what you have done?

In the next second, a middle-aged man in a dark blue robe appeared on the stone steps in front of the temple with a gloomy expression.

Old ancestor?

Lord:? Than backstage?

(Everyone backstage is gearing up, when will they appear?)

Thank you for your votes, there will be another update tonight~

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