The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 945 Marriage Proposal! Edible little beauty【1 more】

As if hearing this name for the first time, the woman frowned slightly.

She swept her eyes, and when her eyes fell on Ming Yuesha's abdomen, her expression turned cold: Your injury was done by this person named Ming Yueqian?

It's her. Ming Yuesha smiled sadly, Qingxue, you went overseas early, and you don't know what happened in the capital afterwards. Speaking of which, Ming Yueqian's mother's family is Jiang's.

Oh? Jiang Qingxue's eyebrows became even colder, Mingyue's family was married to Jiang's family?

It's your aunt Jiang Mo. Ming Yuesha lowered her eyes sadly, You probably remember her, she was the number one beauty in the capital at that time.

Remember. Jiang Qingxue nodded, and said calmly, But it's just a false name.

After a pause, she frowned even deeper: Jiang Mo is so arrogant, how could he marry Ming Yueya?

Ming Yuesha forced a smile and told all the events of the past seventeen years.

The more Jiang Qingxue listened, the colder his breath became.

Even, this cold breath has affected the surroundings, and a layer of frost has formed on the bed.

Ming Yuesha couldn't help wrapping the quilt tightly, and coughed violently, feeling envious and jealous in her heart.

Everyone said that Feng Linghan was Dayin's number one genius, but it was not.

Because when Jiang Qingxue was three years old, she had already been accepted as a disciple by the immortals from overseas fairy mountains and left Dayin.

At that time Jiang Qingxue was too young, no matter how talented she was, her reputation was not well established.

There were also rumors that Jiang Qingxue was not a member of the Jiang family, and her real identity was too powerful and mysterious to reveal, and she was just using the Jiang family as a cover.

Moreover, Jiang Qingxue has a cold and arrogant temper since she was a child, and strangers are not allowed to enter, and she has few playmates.

In the ten years since I went to Penglai Island to study as a teacher, I haven't had any communication with the Jiang family. The only contact I have is with Ming Yuesha every month.

Ming Yuesha is well aware of Jiang Qingxue's true strength, but she is usually unable to call Jiang Qingxue back. After all, the rules of overseas fairy mountains are stricter, and once she enters the sect, she cannot easily leave.

This time Jiang Qingxue actually returned to Dayin, which almost made her weep with joy.

Sha'er, you underestimate the enemy. Jiang Qingxue frowned coldly, Where can there be real waste in the deep palace?

Ming Yuesha pursed her lips: But father has consulted many imperial physicians, as well as overseas quack warlocks, and they all believe that Ming Yueqian will not be able to practice in this lifetime.

Who would know that she just used a small plan to drive Ming Yueqian out of Mingyue's house, and when Mingyueqian came back, everything would change?

Not only is Ming Yueqian no longer a waste, but she also soared into the sky, trampling Feng Linghan under her feet.

These two days have been Ming Yuesha's nightmare.

Probably because of an adventure. Jiang Qingxue was noncommittal, The reason why her cultivation has risen so quickly is because of her accumulated accumulation over the past ten years. She is not as talented as you think.

I think so too. Ming Yuesha's eyes flickered slightly, and she said sadly, But I am indeed no longer her opponent.

In my heart, I also hated Ming Yueya.

Sure enough, Feng Shui turns around, and the dog's eyes look down on people!

Sha'er, I can't make a move in Dayin. Jiang Qingxue said, But I will help you with this favor.

Ming Yuesha was taken aback: Qingxue, then you...

Since she has entered the Golden Core Stage, she will definitely go overseas. Jiang Qingxue smiled lightly, Even if she is not in Penglai, she will choose a place between Abbot and Yingzhou.

Hearing this sentence, Ming Yuesha immediately beamed with joy: Yes, overseas is Qingxue's territory.

Yeah. Jiang Qingxue nodded, Sha'er, you can rest easy and recover from your injuries. I'll check when I go back to Penglai to see if there is any way to restore your cultivation.

Recovery? Ming Yuesha sneered, My golden cores are all in Ming Yueqian's place.

Jiang Qingxue frowned again: She is just an ordinary cultivator, and cannot refine the golden alchemy like demon cultivators and demon cultivators. Don't worry, when she goes to Penglai, I will help you get it back.

Mingyue Sha saw that at this step, Jiang Qingxue had no intention of taking her to Penglai, her heart cooled down, and she smiled weakly: I don't know, I can't wait until the day I meet you, Qingxue.

Don't talk nonsense. Jiang Qingxue scolded softly, I will leave two Nascent Soul Stages to protect you.

Hearing this, Ming Yuesha said in a low voice, I thought that in September, I would be able to go overseas to participate in the assessment, join Penglai, and be with Qingxue, but now it seems impossible.

Jiang Qingxue was startled, and then sighed: I didn't know that this kind of thing would happen, and I prepared everything for you for the examination order.

It's okay Qingxue, as long as you do me this favor. Ming Yuesha shook her head, and suddenly asked, Will you attend the palace banquet tonight?

I'm not going to participate, it's not interesting. Jiang Qingxue got up, You are so self-cultivated, I have other things to do in Dayin.

After speaking, regardless of Ming Yuesha's persuasion, her figure quickly disappeared from the room.

This level of cultivation is obviously not as simple as the Nascent Soul Stage!

I'm afraid, it's time for distraction!

Ming Yuesha opened her mouth, lowered her eyes, her expression was dim.

The nails dug deeply into the palm, bleeding out.

If it wasn't for Mingyueqian, how could she have fallen to this point?

She should have reached the stage of distraction one day in the future, maybe she might even ascend to immortality!

Mingyueqian, just keep going crazy. Mingyuesha sneered lowly, With Qingxue here, I'll see if you can still do somersaults!


In the evening, the palace was brightly lit and very lively.

This time, only the four major families were invited to the palace banquet. It was said to be for the Genius Conference, but in fact it was to test the opinions of all parties and to welcome the distinguished guests from Mount Penglai.

The emperor had also been frightened a lot in the past two days, but the emperor was ruthless. Seeing that Mingyuesha was completely abolished, he withdrew his love for her.

Originally, she wanted to punish Ming Yuesha to please Ming Yueqian, but what she didn't expect was that Jiang Qingxue, who had gone overseas to cultivate immortality for seventeen years, suddenly came back and said she wanted to protect Ming Yuesha.

After much deliberation, the emperor finally agreed with Jiang Qingxue.

Compared with the Shangxian behind Ming Yueqian who has not appeared until now, Dayin naturally couldn't afford to offend Jiang Qingxue.

But Jiang Qingxue didn't come today, so the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the woman in purple who was sitting under the table, and there was a bit of displeasure in his eagle eyes.

It used to be a waste, useless, but after it was no longer, it turned the capital upside down, and it was like seeing him as a ninety-five-year-old as nothing!

Jun Muqian's spirit is strong and her spiritual sense is keen. Naturally, she can feel all kinds of eyes in the hall looking at her, but she doesn't care, and leans on her elbow to meditate.

She thought that Rong Qing was just saying on the surface that he wanted to find food for the little beauty, but she really did find it.

The concentration of Dayin's spiritual energy is low, so naturally there are few natural materials and earth treasures, and the year is even lower.

But they turned over all the land outside the capital, and all the medicinal materials that were more than a hundred years old were dug up.

It's a pity that the aura in these medicinal materials is only enough for the little beauty to absorb for a day.

When I was still a primordial spirit, I could eat like this, what should I do in the future?

Jun Muqian was a little worried, not because she couldn't afford it, but because she couldn't find enough natural treasures for the little beauty to eat.

What's more worrying is that she is afraid that she will give birth to a ball.

Jun Muqian first thought about her transformed into a ball, and then thought about Rong Qing transformed into a ball, and stopped her thoughts in time.

It is simply unbearable to look directly at.

Moreover, there was another thing that bothered her very much.

If every night in the future, there is a beauty sleeping next to her, how long will she have to endure it?

Fortunately, Rong Qing said that her cultivation level is not enough now, so he went overseas first to find some rations for the little beauty, so that she can sleep well tonight.

Jun Muqian is not interested in today's singing and dancing, what she is interested in is Dayin Treasury.

She will go to Penglai, and she needs to plan ahead, and it is absolutely impossible to have no money on her body.

Just when she was thinking about how to go to the treasury, suddenly, the singing and dancing stopped, someone left the seat, walked to the center, and bowed to the emperor on the dragon chair: Your Majesty, I have something to ask, please It can be fulfilled.

Hearing these words, the others also stopped moving, looked over curiously, and were somewhat surprised to find that the person was Feng Linghan.

Oh? What is it? The emperor still loves Feng Linghan very much, and he was surprised that he would say such a thing, If you say it, I will satisfy you.

Feng Linghan's eyes rested on the woman in purple for two seconds before he raised his head again: I have already had a marriage contract with the third lady, but it has been delayed and failed to implement. Recently, there have been some misunderstandings. I dare to marry you. I hereby beg Your Majesty to grant you a marriage.

He looked serious: The Feng family is willing to use Yunbin Huayan as an employment.


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