The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 923 Grab the Book of Life and Death? It's me【2 more】

She really didn't expect that she actually knew the bride that those local officials by the Wangchuan River had mentioned before!

Dongfang Ghost Emperor's marriage must be destroyed.

Concern is chaotic, Jun Muqian's movements are faster than her thoughts, and her eyes are cold, and she is about to walk in the direction of the bride.

But just as she took a step, the iron chains on her limbs tightened.

Little girl, where are you going? Bai Wuchang's always smiling voice was chilly at the moment, This way is the Hall of Merit and Virtue.

Jun Muqian's expression paused, she was calm, without showing any strangeness, and said lightly: I'm just curious about what kind of person the ghost emperor can fall in love with.

What's so curious. Bai Wuchang glanced at her slowly, his eyes narrowed, Anyway, you, he must be able to take a fancy to it.

Jun Muqian knew that Bai Wuchang had already become suspicious of her, so she was very indifferent: It's a pity that I'm about to reincarnate.

Now, she must not be exposed.

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor's marriage made her plan change suddenly. She had to find a chance to escape in order to save people.

Just understand. Bai Wuchang returned to his normal tone, and he patted her on the shoulder, You are quite pitiful, you should be able to have a good pregnancy.

Jun Muqian was noncommittal.

It is precisely because of the rigorous system of the underworld that many unfair things will happen instead.

People who have committed serious crimes can still continue to make waves in the next life if they have enough treasures to bribe the local officials.

But if it is a poor and good person, it is also possible to be thrown into the animal realm.

This is the cruel but incomparably real world.

After coming to the underworld, Jun Muqian finally saw what it means to be overcrowded.

There is a queue everywhere, and there is a long line of wandering spirits everywhere.

Moreover, what a mortal is like when he dies is what his soul will be like.

Seeing those wandering souls with arms, legs and heads rushing past her, Jun Muqian could hardly bear it anymore.

Not to mention that the Wangchuan River can keep the living out of the boundary, these wandering spirits can scare the living to death, who wants to come here?

Just get used to it. Bai Wuchang saw her discomfort, and said with relief, None of them have a residence permit, let alone money to dress up, and they all want to enter the six realms of reincarnation.

Jun Muqian was a little unbelievable: Residence permit?

Yes. Bai Wuchang took it for granted, Is your local government able to stay if you want? If you don't have a residence permit, if you live in the city for a day, you need a teacup to produce blood, or you will be thrown there. .”

Jun Muqian looked in the direction of his finger and saw a black vortex.

Did you see, that is the 18th level of purgatory. Bai Wuchang said, Only those who have committed great crimes will be locked up there, and those who run around here will also be sent there.

Jun Muqian only took one look, then looked away.

She thought of Su Qingli's Nine Heavens Profound Fire, which was born in the deepest part of the eighteenth floor of Purgatory.

When the Nine Heavens Profound Fire was born, the Sky Fires in the other seventeen layers of purgatory abyss trembled violently, and a part of the energy in each Sky Fire was also extracted by the Nine Heavens Profound Fire to become nourishment for its growth.

In other words, all the fires in the earth are not afraid of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire.

Jun Mu's shallow lips pursed slightly, after Wan Ling Continent was swallowed by the flood of the general plane, are they really in this underworld?

Could it be that because it is a foreign creature, it is not recorded in the book of life and death, and it is also sent to the eighteenth floor of purgatory?

And each of the eighteen floors of purgatory is extremely difficult and dangerous.

Jun Muqian's eyes are deep, how can she save...

Just as he was thinking, Bai Wuchang's voice came from above his head again: Little girl, why are you so preoccupied, everything is here.

Jun Muqian returned to her senses, she raised her head, and saw a handsome young man looking at her.

He was wearing a blue robe, with a slender figure, and his face was not as pale as black and white, and he looked no different from a living person.

In his hand, he held a volume of books.

Book of life and death!

Jun Muqian's eyes tightened slightly, but her attention couldn't fall on the book of life and death.

It is said that ghosts are clever, and the eyes of these local officials are indeed very sharp.

Bai Wuchang was unhappy: Cui, what are you doing staring at her little girl? What if you scare her?

Hearing this, Judge Cui glanced at him: If you don't look, how can I judge her merits?

After saying that, he ignored Bai Wuchang, but lowered his head and turned over the book in his hand, and then settled on a page: Ming Yueqian, father Ming Yueya, mother Jiang Mo, from Dayin, just turned seventeen this year.

Jun Muqian restrained her gaze, and said calmly, Exactly.

Everyone else grows bigger and bigger, but she lives younger and younger.

Judge Cui didn't respond, but frowned, carefully looking at the book of life and death in his hand.

Hurry up. Bai Wuchang didn't want to wait anymore, and urged, Lao Hei and I will go to watch the Eastern Ghost Emperor get married in a while.

Judge Cui still didn't respond, and after a few seconds, he raised his head and said slowly, Xiaobai, you arrested the wrong person.

Bai Wuchang was stunned: What?

Judge Cui pointed to the list in the book of life and death, and accused: The little girl clearly knows that her life is not over, why did you arrest your soul?

Jun Muqian also saw it, and there were a few words written behind her name - Yangshou three hundred and eighty-four years.

This is the first time she has seen the book of life and death up close. If... she can directly snatch the book of life and death...


After several struggles in Jun Muqian's heart, she still gave up.

She had to admit that if she were to face the King of Hades and the Five Ghost Emperors now, she would die a miserable death.

After confirming that the three hundred and eighty-four were correct, Bai Wuchang was furious: Cui Jue, are you fucking playing with me on purpose, when you showed me the book of life and death in the morning, it was written that life is over!

Otherwise, what kind of soul would he have nothing to do?

Cui Jue was surprised: Really?

Nonsense! Bai Wuchang was so angry that he almost rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to fight. Cui, don't think you are a judge. I'm afraid of you. No one can be promoted.

No way. Cui Jue smiled, Xiaobai, you can't get promoted anymore, it's insane.

Your uncle's you... Before Bai Wuchang could say the last words, Hei Wuchang tightly covered his mouth.

Hei Wuchang looked indifferent: Your Honor, we were wrongly detained.

It's okay. Cui Jue was very good-tempered and smiled, Go to Qingdai's for a drink, and then send the little girl back. The worlds of yin and yang must not be messed up.

Cui Jue, you are shameless! Bai Wuchang was furious, he struggled desperately, You are shameless, you must be jealous that I am better than you, and you play with me like this, I will go to Yan Jun to sue you!

Hearing this sentence, Cui Jue kindly reminded: Master Qin Guang is not here.

I don't talk nonsense with you. Bai Wuchang yelled at him viciously, When I become a judge, I want you to look good!

Isn't it just to die before him and enter the underworld?

Who will be afraid of who will grow up in the future.

I went to the mortal world, I will not come back, I... Bai Wuchang just turned around, looked at the empty chain, and was stunned again, Where is the person?!


Jun Muqian, who had just successfully slipped out of the Hall of Merit, moved his body a bit.

After taking two steps, she turned into a local official.

In the next second, the figure flitted out like a ghost, and in an instant it was on the gate of hell again.

My lord.

A few government soldiers stood in front of the ghost gate, and when they saw her, they hurriedly bowed down.

Get up. Jun Muqian asked, I heard that the bride has escaped from here? Did you find it?

Return to my lord, never. The government soldiers were frightened, Well, it seems that they ran to Feng (feng) capital, and they haven't been caught yet.

Understood. Jun Muqian waved his hand, I'm going to Fengdu City now.

The government soldiers respectfully said: Respectfully send off your Excellency.

Just like what the soldiers said, the bride is in Fengdu city.

Fengdu City is the largest city in the land boundary, which is equivalent to the status of the capital in the Dayin Dynasty.

Wanting to find someone here... No, finding a ghost is even more difficult for the Eastern Ghost Emperor.

At this moment, the runaway bride was hiding in a deep alley, her soul body was shaking violently, and might burst at any moment.

And the voices outside were endless, it was the Yin soldiers sent by the Eastern Ghost Emperor.

It's just that Fengdu City is not controlled by the Dongfang Ghost Emperor, and these Yin soldiers can't mess around, they can only search honestly and according to the rules, which gave her time to breathe.

The woman was quickly thinking about countermeasures, she hesitated for a moment, and prepared to change an escape route.

But suddenly, a hand pressed down on her shoulder.

Her face and back tensed suddenly, without even hesitating, the cold blade in her hand raised.

At worst, everything will be destroyed!

Until that reassuringly familiar voice sounded: It's me, Sister Yue.

I am exhausted physically and mentally recently, because some comments are still a little bit broken, and I am not satisfied no matter how I write_(:∠)_I don’t know how long I can hold on, I will try my best to write well, let’s do it first

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