The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 922 Stealing a marriage with the ghost emperor? The real underworld【1 more】

I'm coming!

Quick, quick! Let's cross the river.

Not knowing exactly what happened, the souls beside the wooden boat were all excited, scrambling to get on the boat.

But there were a few local officials standing guard in front of the deck, with cold faces blocking those souls out: Line up, come one by one, it's not time yet.

There is only such a boat on Wangchuan, and a boat can carry a thousand souls at a time.

But the souls seemed to be crazy, despite the scolding of the local officials, they were still pushing forward.

During this riot, several souls didn't stand firm, they fell directly, and were overwhelmed by the souls coming from behind, rolling into the river of forgetfulness.


Those few souls only had time to let out a scream before they were swallowed up by the tumbling black water and never came up again.

A few bubbles popped up on the surface of the river, and calm was restored.

Seeing this scene, the souls swarming from behind were almost frightened to death again.

They stopped fighting for a while, and stared blankly at the black long river, their already pale faces turned even whiter.

Tsk tsk. Bai Wuchang looked at it with great interest, but in fact he ignored it, A few more flowers will grow on the old woman's place.


Jun Muqian looked at him, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Although Hei Wuchang has a very cold temper, he will patiently explain: These souls just came from the mortal world, they are still living souls, and have been contaminated with a lot of vitality. If they fall into the river of forgetfulness before the vitality is eliminated, they will become Cheng Manzhu Shahua.

Manzhushahua... Jun Muqian murmured softly, looked up and saw a few touches of red faintly, Is this Manzhushahua?

Bai Wuchang hummed, and said with a smile: Many souls are ignorant, and a few will fall into the river every day, so there are more and more manjusawa in the flower garden of the dead old woman.

He shrugged, and said again: It's a pity that for tens of thousands of years, not a single flower has turned back into a soul.

Jun Muqian glanced at him, suddenly said: You call Po Meng an old woman.

Shut up! Bai Wuchang was startled, Don't let her hear it.

Jun Muqian was not threatened: What will happen if I hear it?

Heiwuchang sneered: If he is heard, he will drink Shiquan Dabu Tang.

Shut up, you! Bai Wuchang slapped him up, very angry, Show me some face in front of the little girl.

Hei Wuchang stopped his hand expressionlessly: You can't beat me.

Bai Wuchang was furious: Get lost!

But after a while, the leader of the team is close at hand.

Jun Muqian took a closer look at the huge wooden boat, only to realize that the wooden boat had no bottom.

Bai Wuchang clicked his tongue, pointed at the boat, and smiled: Little girl, do you see that? You will really have to sit still in a while.

Jun Muqian had already tentatively injected a power of primordial spirit into Wangchuan, as she had expected, it seemed like a stone had disappeared without any reaction.

Hearing this at the moment, she remained calm: Of course you have to sit still.

Even if she still can't get the book of life and death, she still needs to control all the information on the land boundary.

After a pause, Jun Muqian asked, Why is there no bottom?

Well... Bai Wuchang smiled slightly, Of course it is to prevent some living people from smuggling.

Jun Muqian's heart trembled slightly.


This alone prevents the living from crossing the river of forgetfulness.

Jun Muqian's eyes moved slightly, and his lips curled up: When I was young, I heard stories that it seemed that a long time ago, a living person broke into the underworld and changed the book of life and death?

As soon as these words came out, the black and white impermanence's face changed instantly.

Bai Wuchang's expression could even be said to be panic. He first glanced around and found that no souls and local officials noticed them, and then he was slightly relieved.

His tone was extremely serious: Little girl, this place is no longer in the mortal world. Be careful what you say.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Jun Muqian coughed lightly, It's the first time I entered the underworld, I'm so excited.

Fortunately, you just told the two of us. Bai Wuchang was a little terrified, If Judge Ghost Emperor and the others hear this, you're done.

Jun Muqian nodded, and said in a lower voice, So, it really happened.

I'm telling you quietly, you must never tell others. Bai Wuchang wiped away the sweat that didn't exist, Oh, I've been holding back this gossip for so long, and I can finally spit it out quickly.

The corner of Heiwuchang's mouth twitched.

Ahem! Bai Wuchang cleared his throat and shook his head, It is said that a long time ago, there was a monkey monster who called himself the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

Jun Muqian was taken aback for a moment: It's the one who made trouble in Tiangong?

It's him, it's him, it's him. Bai Wuchang became excited, He was really one man at the time, and he broke into Yan Jun's palace directly, and with a stick in his hand, he vomited Yan Jun. blood.

Then snatched the Book of Life and Death from Lord Judge's hand, picked up the pen and just ticked it off!

Crack! Bai Wuchang clapped his hands violently, It directly changed the lifespan of many creatures, but it also caused a lot of disasters. In the end, it was His Majesty Jade Emperor who took action to solve this matter.

Great Sage Equaling Heaven... Jun Muqian silently remembered this name in his heart.

She wanted to change the book of life and death, so she had to meet this Great Sage Equaling Heaven no matter what.

When Bai Wuchang wanted to say something, they were already lined up, and the conversation suddenly stopped.

Hey! The drowsy expressions of those local officials instantly revived, Master Hei, Lord Bai, why are you here?

Isn't this seductive? Bai Wuchang tugged at the chain in his hand, How about it, isn't the little girl beautiful?

The magistrate's eyelids jumped wildly, and he reminded in a low voice: Master Bai, don't be overheard by Mr. Meng.

What are you afraid of? Bai Wuchang snorted, What's going on today?

The local official glanced at the woman in purple hesitantly, and whispered something in his ear.

Yo hoo. Bai Wuchang's eyes lit up, This is a happy event.

The local official sighed: But it is said that the bride is not willing.

Who wants to be snatched? Bai Wuchang deeply agreed, Quick, let's get on board.

The local official quickly opened the gate and respectfully let him in.

Bai Wu used an iron chain to hold Jun Muqian, turned his head and said with a smile; I didn't expect that guy Dongfang Ghost Emperor to know that he was married, Old Hei, do you want to go and see?

Heiwuchang said coldly, Send her to Naihe first.

Okay, okay. Bai Wuchang agreed repeatedly, It's going to be fun to watch tonight.

Jun Muqian listened with lowered eyes, his thoughts running at high speed.

In addition to Hades of the ten temples, the ghost emperors of the five directions have the greatest power in the underworld.

The Eastern Ghost Emperor is in charge of Taozhi Mountain and Ghost Gate Pass.

And after she crossed the river of forgetfulness, she was about to pass through the gate of hell.

The Wangchuan River is not wide, but the boat traveled very slowly, and it took a full hour to reach the opposite bank.

Little girl, you have completely entered the underworld now. Bai Wuchang teased, You can't go back to this mortal world.

Jun Muqian glanced at him, but didn't show his true strength, for fear of scaring the madman to death.

After she stepped into the gate of hell, it took two hours.

Jun Muqian did some calculations, she might still be able to make it to the Genius Conference.

He raised his head to look at it casually, but couldn't help but startled.

She is standing at the juncture of the gate of hell at this moment, on top of a mountain.

And from here, you can just overlook the whole picture of the underworld.

Glazed tiles are layered on top of each other, and buildings are row upon row.

All the cities appeared, overlapping and undulating.

There is a continuous stretch of pavilions, large and small, and although the pavilions and palaces are not resplendent, their splendor is undeniable.

The vastness and majesty of the atmosphere is shocking.

What? Are you stunned? Bai Wuchang smiled and said, There's no need to make a big mistake, right?

Jun Muqian came back to his senses, and said lightly, Da Yin is far behind.

The underworld, which everyone in the mortal world is talking about, is no different from the heaven.

It's just that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

It can no longer be called the underworld, it should be the underground palace.

Jun Muqian could clearly see the bustling roads at the foot of the mountain, with souls coming and going, small merchants hawking and selling food, everything was no different from the ordinary world.

Don't look, you don't have any merit, so you can't live here. Bai Wuchang yawned, Let's go, first go and see which path you want to enter.

Jun Muqian knew that it was the judge who was going to meet now, and the book of life and death was in the hands of the judge!

She narrowed her eyes, why don't she try first to see if she can grab it.

She withdrew her expression, and followed behind Black and White Wuchang obediently.

But at this moment, there was a sudden cry: It's not good, the bride has run away!

In the next second, with a whoosh, a red figure flashed past the gate of hell.

The figure flashed quickly, but Jun Muqian could still see the bride's appearance clearly.

Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, and then directly cursed in his heart.

Eastern ghost emperor, your uncle!

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