The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 915 The Lord is Pregnant! ! ! 【3 more】

Since the Lich War, after Hongjun appointed his boy and girl as the ruler of the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court has not only not declined, but has become more prosperous.

The Xiantian Demon God has long since retired, and now the people who live in these thirty-three days are the Acquired Demon God, as well as many mortals who have cultivated to become immortals.

There has always been a rumor in the mortal world. It is said that above the sky, the place where the Ziwei star and the Big Dipper correspond far away is the legendary Nantianmen.

The Nantian Gate is also the entrance to the heavens.

From inside to outside, there is no end.

There are many immortal islands, and the floating clouds rise straight up.

There are thirty-six palaces and seventy-two treasure halls in the heaven, in which all kinds of immortals live.

After passing through the Nantian Gate, passing through the Jieyin Hall and the Chaohui Hall, you will reach the Lingxiao Palace.

Lingxiao Palace, the land of courtiers of the Jade Emperor in four seasons.

Every day, just like in the mortal world, there will be immortals reporting important matters in the Three Realms, which will be decided by the Jade Emperor.

However, this only appeared after the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

When the brothers Di Jun and Dong Huang were in charge of the Heavenly Court, there were not so many red tapes.

In the past, after the courtiers, the Jade Emperor would leave first to deal with other affairs.

But today, he stayed in the Lingxiao Palace, sitting on the throne without speaking for a long time.

After a few minutes, footsteps sounded hurriedly, coming from behind.

Afterwards, she stopped in front of the screen, and the female voice sounded melodiously, with the majesty of the matriarch.

His Majesty.

Come? The Jade Emperor seemed to have been awakened, and then he came back to his senses, Come in quickly.

Hearing these words, the woman behind the screen nodded slightly and walked towards the treasure hall.

It is the Queen Mother.

Since the death of Emperor Junxihe, there is no such thing as the name of Emperor and Empress in the Heavenly Court.

Only the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother.

Although the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are the masters of the Three Realms, they will still be governed by Yuanshi Tianzun in everything.

Not to mention, tens of thousands of years ago, there was an incident that made the Heavenly Court lose face.

There was a stubborn monkey demon who claimed to be the Monkey King, and killed himself on the Nantian Gate.

I don't know who the monkey monster was under his tutelage. His cultivation was so strong that he defeated all the immortals in the heavenly court, and the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were also in a panic.

In the end, Heaven had no choice but to ask Tathagata, the head of all Buddhas in the West, to suppress the monkey monster.

But since then, the majesty of the heavenly court has also plummeted, and it has only improved in the past few thousand years.

But this kind of thing will not spread to the mortal world.

Ordinary people still believe in the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. As long as the power of faith continues, the heaven will never decline.

Ever since the Great Sage Equaling Heaven made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace tens of thousands of years ago, the Jade Emperor has been more cautious, and wisely, he did not provoke the current Fighting Victory Buddha again.

The recent peace in the Three Realms has made him relax a little bit, but he never expected that what happened today would give him a blow in the head!

Why is Your Majesty worried? The Queen Mother looked worried, But you are too tired today, and you are exhausted?

In the past, the boys and girls who sat down as Hongjun were not as happy and comfortable as those who ruled the heaven.

Not to mention, Dao Patriarch Hongjun and Emperor Zongwa of All Spirits are nowhere to be found. Xu Shi has retired and will no longer interfere in the affairs of the Three Realms.

In this way, the Three Realms are their world.

No and no. The Jade Emperor pressed his temples with a tired expression, Maybe I'm thinking too much.

The Queen Mother realized something was wrong: What is it?

The Jade Emperor hesitated for a moment before saying: There are memorials saying that there are three Emperor Stars rising slowly.

Upon hearing this sentence, the Queen Mother's face changed greatly: But in the heaven?

Of course, it's in the heavens. The Jade Emperor smiled wryly, You and I are even familiar with this Emperor Star.

Di Jun, Tai Yi, and... The Queen Mother realized in an instant, her voice was a little unbelievable, Xi He?!

The Jade Emperor was silent.

Impossible... This is absolutely impossible! The Queen Mother's expression changed completely, They died during the calamity, and they are not qualified to be resurrected at all.

Otherwise, Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin would not have any signs of recovery after the first robbery of Longhan.

That's how it is... The Jade Emperor sighed softly, But their emperor star has indeed risen.

When they were children and virgins, they followed them to the ancient Heavenly Court and met Tai Yi, Di Jun and Xi He.

At that time, in the heavens, no one could stop the splendor of these three people.

Ascension does not mean that it will be replaced. The Queen Mother's eyes turned cold for a moment, Your Majesty, you and I were personally appointed by the Taoist ancestor. The Taoist ancestor has already joined the Tao with his body, and no one can violate the order of the heaven.

I think so too. The Jade Emperor nodded, But to prevent problems before they happen, we need to find out the reason why the three emperor stars rose.

For no reason, why?

That's right, we must investigate. The Queen Mother's eyes were cold and cold, Start with the underworld.

The Jade Emperor agreed very much. He stood up and flicked his wide sleeves: One day in the sky, one year in the world, let's go now.

Otherwise, time will be too late, and they absolutely cannot watch the emperor star in the heavens appear and change.

The Queen Mother changed her attire and followed, frowning: If it's really what you and I think, what should I do?

No matter how strong they are, they are not innate demon gods after all, and they are no match for Tai Yi, Di Jun, and Xi He.

But this seat has been sitting for so long, who is willing to give it up?

The Jade Emperor's eyes darkened: Then destroy the Book of Life and Death.

The Queen Mother was shocked: Destroy the book of life and death? Isn't the six reincarnations going to be messed up?

The book of life and death is nothing more than the book of life and death, and the reincarnation of the six realms will only be chaotic for a while. The Jade Emperor smiled lightly, isn't it enough to exchange the lives of the three of them with a book of life and death?

The queen mother was silent and sighed.

Yes, that's enough.

The book of life and death is destroyed, and it is not impossible to recast it in the future.

But Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun and Xi He... absolutely cannot come back.

There can only be one master in heaven.


Dayin, capital city.

It's midsummer at this moment, and the night wind is blowing up a little bit of anger, making it hot.

There is a curfew in the capital, and it is now the third watch. There is no one on the street, but many windows are still lit.

In an inn, Jun Muqian was practicing.

There was a faint light floating around her, and that was because too much aura had condensed into substance.

And in just a few hours of cultivation, her cultivation has stepped from the first level of innate to the fourth level of innate!

Such a terrifying speed of cultivation, not to mention the human world, even within the Three Realms, is unmatched by anyone.

Jun Muqian is not afraid that people from Mingyue's family will find her, let alone that Mingyue Fei will make trouble in secret.

Although she didn't bring all of her cultivation, her primordial spirit might not be weaker than the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Moreover, the first six turns of the Nine Turns of Good Fortune Divine Art have nothing to do with spiritual power cultivation and can be used completely.

With seventy-two changes, it is extremely convenient to walk in the three realms.

In her eyes, let alone the Mingyue family, even the whole Dayin is nothing.

However, with her current low level of cultivation, she still cannot leave the human race.

Before the Golden Core Stage, she was unimpeded, but when she reached the Golden Core Stage, she would have to endure calamity.

One calamity is stronger than one calamity, and she must not use the Nine Revolutions Good Fortune Magic Art and Yuanshen to block it, otherwise it will attract the attention of the heavenly court.

If you want to go to the underworld, you have to cultivate to the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal no matter what.

After practicing for another hour, Jun Muqian's eyebrows suddenly twitched, and he let out a slight doubt: Huh?

How did she feel that the aura she absorbed was less than one-tenth of what she absorbed?

It stands to reason that she has drawn almost all the aura within a thousand li radius, and within four hours, it is not a problem for her to reach the ninth floor of the Xiantian.

But now all the aura she absorbed went to other places, causing her to be stuck on the fourth floor of the innate.

what happened?

Jun Muqian felt it carefully, and then realized that there was something wrong with his soul.

Except for washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, the rest of the aura was absorbed by her primordial spirit.

But at the time of Unreal World, this kind of thing clearly never happened.

Jun Muqian became more and more confused, so he stopped his cultivation first, sank down his consciousness, and entered his own soul.

Since beheading the fairy jade, the golden light of merit in her sea of ​​primordial spirit has become so thick that it has become a thin stream, floating up and down.

Jun Muqian glanced at it, but he didn't find any cracks in the barrier of the sea of ​​primordial spirit.

So where did all the aura she absorbed go?

Jun Muqian was very surprised, and began to observe inch by inch.

Suddenly, with a glance in her eyes, she suddenly saw something.

In an instant, he was so shocked that he couldn't even stabilize his consciousness, and was directly ejected from his sea of ​​primordial spirit.

The next moment, Jun Muqian opened his eyes suddenly, his hands began to tremble, and he murmured: No, it's impossible...

Jun Zunzhu: Huh, huh, it's unscientific, I'm still a girl

Rong Qing:?

Aww, babies who have votes support the Lord, it's a bit desolate _(:∠)_

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