The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 914: The Strongest Backstage in the Three Realms! Who dares to provoke? 【2 more】

The sound of bones breaking was extremely clear, echoing in the silent street.

The common people did not open their mouths on purpose, just to watch Ming Yueqian make a fool of himself.

They were ready to ridicule and looked over happily.

But seeing this, the common people were dumbfounded.


In the middle of the long street, a young man in white stood quietly, his picturesque brows were lazy and indifferent.

He just clasped Mingyue Fei's wrist bone with one hand, and twisted it directly in the next second, the movement was ruthless and fast.

It hurts... it hurts it hurts! Ming Yue Fei's face turned pale, sweat rolled down, she raised her head in disbelief, Ming Yue Qian, what are you doing? Let go! Let go!

This is impossible!

Including Mingyue Fei, everyone has the same idea.

Who is Ming Yueqian?

The well-known waste in the capital, eighteen years old, is still on the second floor of the day after tomorrow.

As for the bloodlines of the four major families, which one is not born with at least the third level of innate cultivation?

But Mingyueqian is a different kind. When she was born, she had no innate cultivation level at all. After more than ten years of cultivation, she was only at the second level of acquired days.

Since she was a child, her body was still weak and unable to train her body. If she hadn't had a good mother, she would have been expelled from the capital by Mingyue's family long ago.

But what do they see now?

An acquired second floor, controlled an acquired eighth floor?

Okay. Jun Mu smiled slightly, and really let go.

However, a power of the primordial spirit that mortals can't see at all has quietly emerged.

Mingyuefei rubbed her wrist, she gasped in pain, tears in her eyes: Mingyueqian, I think you are weak, let me give you a moment, is this how you treat me?

Hearing these words, the people suddenly realized.

It turned out that Ming Yueqian was let go, no wonder.

For a while, there were more voices of disgust.

It seems that I have a guilty conscience to be so cruel to my sister-in-law.

If my family wants to have such a daughter, I will definitely strangle her to death when she is born.

I don't know what sin Mingyue's family committed, it's shameful.

But Mingyueqian, your cultivation seems to have increased? Mingyuefei took a long time to recover, and she snorted coldly, It seems that your adulterer is also very kind to you, what kind of panacea did you find for you? ?”

The common people consciously understood the deeper meaning from this sentence, and whispered to each other without concealing it.

It's useless to rely on men.

Is there any young man in Dayin who can compare to Mr. Ling Han? I really don't know what to do.

I hope that Mr. Ling Han can rest as soon as possible, Ming Yueqian, and embrace the beauty back.

Ji Xuanqing heard it too, he frowned and looked at the boy in white.

He was not the person involved in these words, so he couldn't bear to hear them.

But Jun Muqian ignored it, and nodded slightly to Ji Xuanqing and Jiang Wenhao: I'll go first, see you later.

The seven characters are not loud, but they are clearly audible.


The words of the people suddenly froze.

Some of them looked at it and turned around and walked outside. The boy in white was dumbfounded again.

Why did you leave?

They haven't scolded enough yet.

Mingyue Qian, you still dare to leave? Mingyue Fei stomped her feet angrily, her eyes were red, Come back, come back!

This bitch, not only did something to her, but also disobeyed her, was possessed by a ghost?

The upper body of the ghost... yes, the upper body of the ghost!

Ming Yuefei's eyes suddenly lit up, and she left in a hurry, leaving behind a group of people who didn't finish the good show.

Tsk, Ji Xuanqing, I thought you made a lot of progress, but I didn't expect you to retreat instead of advancing. Ji Xiu withdrew his gaze from watching the excitement, and said contemptuously, If you want to go back to Ji's house, it depends on my permission!

Let's go. He snorted coldly, waved his hand, and led a few younger brothers towards the Zuihualou ahead.

Xuanqing, Ji Xiu has gone too far. Jiang Wenhao was trembling with anger, Back then, it was you who supported him, so he was able to enter the Ji family's main family.

Feng Shui just takes turns. Ji Xuanqing shook his head, Let's go, first go to Ji's other courtyard.

With his current status, he is not qualified to step into Ji's Mansion at all.

The villain will succeed. Jiang Wenhao spat, When Xuanqing recovers, let's see what he will do.

Recovery... Ji Xuanqing's eyes moved, thinking of the pale eyes of the boy in white, he became a little more determined, If I can recover, I must repay Miss Mingyue for my kindness.

Xuanqing, I feel something is wrong. Jiang Wenhao was very puzzled, Doesn't it mean that Yueqian is a waste? But look at her perverted cultivation speed, even Feng Linghan can't match it.

He wanted to ridicule at the time, this was all trash, and Feng Linghan didn't have to be a first-time genius.

You can't judge by appearance. Ji Xuanqing smiled, This is also someone else's secret, we don't need to go into it.

I don't dare. Jiang Wenhao shrank his neck, recalling the time when he was almost pierced by chopsticks, he felt lingering fear, The bright moon is shallow, it's really scary.

After a pause, he suddenly seemed to remember something, slapped his thigh, and said enthusiastically: Xuanqing, let's go, I'm going to find out how the Feng family will react, they must already know.

As a trash, Ming Yueqian is naturally not good enough for Feng Linghan, but it's different now, even if Feng Linghan wants to marry, he won't marry him.

As Jiang Wenhao thought, although the disturbance in the capital did not spread widely.

However, as one of the four major families, the Feng family naturally has eyeliners everywhere, and soon got first-hand information.

At this time, Feng Yi was holding a piece of paper, frowning deeply.

After carefully reading it three times, he put it down, raised his head and said, Ling Han, what do you think?

It was a tall and handsome man,

Feng Yi looked at his son, the more satisfied he became.

He is the son of an old man, and the first few were all daughters. After finally having a son, he naturally wanted to pamper him.

What made him even more gratified was that his son was extremely talented, and his innate cultivation was the seventh level of acquired.

Now, it has reached the middle stage of Jindan.

As long as there are no accidents, Feng Linghan can become Dayin's first person to reach the Nascent Soul stage before the age of thirty.

What does dad want me to think? Feng Linghan didn't show any superfluous expression on his face, it was very indifferent.

He looked down at the portrait of a young man in white printed on the paper, his eyes were dark.

This bright moon is shallow, do you still want to marry? Feng Yi frowned, Father has also heard about what she did, she really has no shame, if you don't want to marry, go to Mingyue Mansion now and annul the marriage.

After saying that, he snorted again: Your mother is good in everything, but this is the only thing that I didn't expect. I thought that Mrs. Mingyue's gentle and virtuous temperament would give birth to an excellent daughter, but I didn't expect it to be so. Despicable.

Feng Linghan was silent for a while, and said lightly: If you don't marry, others will say that our Feng family is not trustworthy.

Now that Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Mingyue are gone, it would be really disrespectful to trample on their promises.

It's easy. Feng Yi said casually, Zuo Mingyueqian's reputation has already been ruined, and it won't matter if it is ruined again.

Feng Linghan raised his head, his brows were warm and cold: Father means...

It's very simple. Isn't the day after tomorrow the Genius Conference? Feng Yi knocked on the table and muttered, After the genius conference, the emperor and empress will hold a banquet.

At that time, you only need to find a way to bring Ming Yueqian into the palace, and then let a few guards break her innocence in front of everyone. You have a bright future, and you may even be accepted as a disciple by the immortal. The emperor will not let this happen. A woman of disrepute tripped you up.

Hearing this, Feng Linghan frowned: Father, she is a daughter's family after all.

Return to my daughter's house? Feng Yi sneered, She has someone outside behind your back, and even seduces her elder brother. I don't think she thinks of herself as a young lady from a big family, but from the Zuihualou. Whore.

Feng Linghan remained silent.

Although he and Ming Yueqian are unmarried couples, they rarely see each other, and he is not close enough to her to speak for her.

Ling Han, you don't need to talk too much, just do it like this. Feng Yi waved his hand, Go, homework is important, and being a father won't take up your time.

Feng Linghan nodded.

By the way, Ling Han. Feng Yi suddenly stopped him again, Wei father heard a news, after a while, there may be immortals coming to Dayin, you must seize the opportunity.

Feng Linghan paused, and said in a low voice, Yes, father.

Seeing Feng Linghan's disappearing figure, Feng Yi stroked his beard, feeling very pleased: When my son rises to immortality one day, he can recreate the legacy of His Majesty the Emperor.

Immortals can control a dynasty.

Feng Yi's eyes flickered coldly, and he began to swipe his pen: This bright moon is shallow, I have to get rid of it...

At this time, the Three Realms, the Heaven Realm, and the Heavenly Court——


Bodhi: (Whirl the whisk) Bullying my apprentice?

Dasheng: (Swinging the golden cudgel) Bullying my junior sister?

Jun Muqian: (○w○) Who are you guys?

Rong Qing: Heh

[Do you know that abusive stalks like amnesia can also become sweet? 】

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