The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 900 His mother-in-law? Go to the prehistoric world! 【2 more】

Hearing these words, both Jun Muqian and Rong Qing were stunned at the same time.

Me? She was a little dazed, When the light beauty was born, I might still be a ball of light.

Rong Qing also frowned: Mother, weren't you still in the dark crack when you were pregnant with me?

Although he was not born at that time, it was really the most difficult period of time, because neither he nor his parents knew whether they would have a future.

Yeah... When mentioning this, Qing Yunge was silent for a moment, Mother has never told you, mother is sorry for you.

It was her negligence, she let her child come into her womb when she least expected.

Rong Qing's eyelashes trembled, he raised his eyes and smiled slightly: No, it should be me who wants to thank you.

At that time, after your father and I experienced a great battle, in addition to our cultivation base collapsing, our consciousness was also lost. Qing Yunge said lightly, If we fail to regain consciousness, we will be lost in the dark crack forever Among them, it is impossible to reach the Chaos Galaxy.

I just found out, Qing'er, that you arrived unexpectedly, and what I didn't expect was that the bones of my body were damaged a lot during the battle, and I couldn't give you enough nutrition, and because the dark force in the dark crack was too strong, No matter how much you resist, you still let them enter your body.

At that time, you were just taking shape. You couldn't resist this kind of dark force at all. The only result is the dead.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian's fingers trembled, she subconsciously looked at the man in scarlet clothes, and suddenly felt deeply grateful.

She almost never saw him again.

Rong Qing felt her uneasiness, held her hand tightly, and said two reassuring words: I am here.

I thought that the first child of Ahuai and I was completely lost. Qing Yunge smiled silently, But then, I saw a ball of light, which seemed to be on the way, very fast move forward.

A ball of light? Now, Jun Muqian was so startled that his voice became intermittent, No, it wasn't me?

Of course it's you. Qing Yunge raised his eyebrows, with a little playfulness at the end of his eyes, Xiao Mumu, you're right, you were a ball of light at that time.

Jun Muqian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: Pfft...

Do you want to be so shocking!

She really couldn't accept it, she had been the light for so long.

This— Qing Yunge's eyes were gentle, This is our first meeting.

It's just that I didn't expect such a series of coincidences to happen.

Perhaps, after the front edge is planted, the cause and effect will also blossom.

Then, how did I let the light beauty be born? Jun Muqian was completely stunned, Wouldn't it be possible to help your mother hatch it?

In this way, the seniority of her and her beauty is not wrong.

Qing Yunge was stunned for a moment: Hatch for me?

Rong Qing's complexion sank in an instant, he held the woman in purple firmly in his arms, and clenched his teeth slightly in her ear: Jun Muqian!

This woman actually wants to be a generation above him.

Facing the face that turned all sentient beings upside down, Jun Muqian succumbed immediately, and she muttered: Young beauty, that's not what I mean.

No, no, Qing'er is viviparous, viviparous. Qing Yunge suppressed a smile, The reason why Qing'er could not have been born without you, Xiao Mumu, is because when you passed by me, you left a ray of The primordial power opened the Chaos Orb.

Chaos bead? Jun Muqian took out the round bead from the Hunyuan Bell, Is this the one my mother gave me?

But apart from possessing the law of space, this bead doesn't seem to have anything special.

That's it. Qing Yunge nodded slightly, However, it's not the one I used back then, that one has been destroyed, it was made by me using the law of creation, and it's no different from the original one.

Jun Muqian realized it, and then asked: What is this Chaos Orb?

The Chaos Orb is something from the Great Desolation. Qing Yunge explained, I don't know why it appeared in my hometown, but it must have been because of the collapse of the Great Desolation that the Chaos Orb had been traveling through the Chaos Galaxy for a long time before it came out. fell into a lower plane.

Jun Muqian's eyes froze: Honghuang?

Well, in fact, many prehistoric creatures don't know about it either. Qing Yunge said, Above the three innate treasures of Pangu Banner, Taiji Diagram, and Chaos Clock, there are four other treasures of chaos.

Creating Heaven God Axe, Creation Green Lotus, Creation Jade Butterfly, and Xiao Mumu, this Chaos Orb in your hands.

Qing Yunge smiled and added: This is a treasure stronger than the innate treasure.

The chaotic orb contains the law of space and a small world, in which one can escape the catastrophe.

The way of heaven is fifty, and the forty-nine of Tianyan is one of them.

And this one is the Chaos Orb, which can conceal the secrets of heaven.

Jun Muqian's hand trembled and almost dropped the pearl in his palm: Mother, I really can't take this, it's too precious.

It was originally yours. Qing Yunge blinked, Besides, it's not impossible for me to keep this thing...

As she spoke, she raised her hand and squeezed it in the air.

With a buzz, another chaotic bead appeared between the index finger and thumb.

Jun Muqian was completely startled, and looked at her mother-in-law with burning eyes.

Even the treasure of chaos can be created with the law of creation, her mother-in-law is no longer a question of whether she is powerful or not, this is simply against the sky!

However, for the balance of the universe, one Chaos Bead is enough. Qing Yunge squeezed again, and the bead turned into powder, Xiao Mumu, you can do it in the future.

Jun Muqian's peach blossom eyes bent, and smiled: I also believe that I will do it.

However, I don't know where the other three treasures of chaos are. Qing Yunge thought for a while, The matter of the Great Desolation has nothing to do with the Illusory Daqian.

Rong slightly hooked his lips, and said in a cool voice, Mother, you are lazy.


The sword hilt in Qingyun Singer knocked on the shoulder of the man in scarlet clothes, just right, she snorted coldly: I said Xiaoqing, you have become more and more bold recently, even your mother dare to make fun of you?

Rong Qing remained silent, but mist formed in his dark eyes, and a smile flitted across his pupils.

It's okay, mother, I'm lazy too. Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, What Qingmei said means that he will be very diligent.

Diligent... Qing Yunge had a strange expression upon hearing this word, Well, you should be diligent.

Rong Qing clenched his fists, covered his lips and coughed lightly, very calmly: I will listen to my mother.

Jun Muqian didn't think about other things, she pinched her chin and continued to explore: In this way, I also left the prehistoric prehistoric world before time turned back, just like Wanling Continent?

That's right. Qing Yunge turned his head, Those so-called sub-dragons, protoss, or people with the blood of demon gods and ancient beasts on the Wanling Continent are also because of the blood essence left by the ancestor dragons, and then slowly evolved.

However, the Protoss and the Temple do have Nuwa's will, which is Nuwa before time goes back.

Jun Muqian thought for a while, and then brought up the previous question: The distress signal you mentioned...

The prehistoric time goes back because its demise is irreversible. Qing Yunge said slowly, However, Nu Wa and the others cannot make the prehistoric desolate perish, but they can't do anything themselves, they can only ask other universes for help.

Going back in time will not change the future development trend, but just gain a buffer time.

At that point in time, what should have happened still happened.

Unless, there is enough power to change it.

Unreal Daqian is the youngest universe, so it is greatly affected by the prehistoric world. Qing Yunge said lightly, Naturally, Nuwa and Daode Tianzun have found me and Ahuai here, but we have clearly said that Unreal Daqian Never intervene in prehistoric affairs.

Rong Qing closed her eyes and said lightly, Because once mother intervenes, the immeasurable calamity will come to the prehistoric world and the illusory world at the same time. When the time comes, the result will only be worse.

Infinite Calamity... Jun Muqian's eyes froze.

Among the catastrophes, the biggest is the infinite catastrophe.

Infinite kalpas can directly destroy a universe.

But you, Xiao Mumu, are different. Qing Yunge continued, You are originally from the prehistoric people. Whatever you want to do, the Dao of Heaven will approve it, and it will not attract the attention of Infinite Calamity.

Now, here comes the problem— Her gaze sharpened a little, and she leaned forward slightly, Xiao Mumu, do you really want to save Hong Huang?

Jun Muqian's body shook, and he repeated in a murmur: Do I want to save Honghuang...

She was confused for a while, and said in a low voice: I don't understand.

She admits that she is a very selfish person, and she only saves those around her.

Xiao Mumu, I'll give you two ways. Qing Yunge raised a finger, The first way, you stay in the illusory world, believe me, even if there is anyone in the prehistoric who wants your life, they And absolutely not dare to step half a step into Tianyu.

Your talent is very good, and Qing'er's double cultivation, your cultivation base will also be improved faster and deeper, but—

You can't reach the highest point.

Jun Muqian knew what the so-called highest point was in her mother-in-law's mouth, and her expression became serious: Then the second way...

The second way is for you to go to the wilderness. Qing Yunge said softly, But this way will not be easy. If you take one wrong step, you may be lost forever.

Rong Qing's eyes also changed.

The word unforgettable made him feel a little uneasy.

Not to herself, but to Jun Muqian.

Jun Muqian was very calm, and she even smiled: I want to save my brother and the others, but I have to go to Honghuang.

Qing Yunge's eyebrows twitched, and a smile floated on his lips: So, Xiao Mumu chose the second path?

Mumu. Before Jun Muqian could say anything, Rong Qing held her shoulder.

She was slightly startled, and met a pair of double pupils as deep as night.

Qingmei, I know what you're going to say. Jun Muqian spoke before him, But, I can't ignore my brother and the others.

Rong Qing looked at her, his pupils getting darker and darker.

Many people say I'm lucky. Jun Muqian hugged him and smiled lightly, Look, I met you and so many people, even if I go to Honghuang, my luck will always be good.

She knew that Rong Qing wasn't afraid that the road was too difficult, he just didn't want her to take any more risks.

But why doesn't she want to settle down?

But she didn't reach the highest point, she didn't achieve her heart's longing, and she didn't have the qualifications to talk about stability at all.

... After a long silence, Rong sighed softly, I understand, then let's go to Honghuang together.

After saying that, he tilted his head: Mother, you should be able to see Mumu's life experience, right?

Hearing this question, Jun Muqian suddenly raised his head, and his peach blossom eyes were full of stars.

Life experience has always been a knot in her heart.

Xiao Mumu's life experience... Qing Yunge's eyes darkened slightly, and then, he slowly raised his hand and pressed down with three fingers.

Jun Muqian and Rongqing looked at it, and they both frowned: Six again?

A six, what the hell is it?

It's not that I won't tell you. Qing Yunge spread her hands, Because you also know that your mother is lazy, and some things are better to be discovered by yourself.

Rong gently squeezed the center of his eyebrows, quite helpless.

Qing Yunge glanced at him, and said leisurely: Qing'er, are you afraid that you might not be able to handle your mother-in-law?

Rong Qing: ...

His forehead beat slightly: Mother, you think too much.

Jun Muqian smiled unkindly, and she lowered her voice: Qingmei, you still haven't dealt with my brother yet.

Rong was silent.

This kind of thing is too worrying.

Hey, Qing'er, you have one-tenth of your father's skill, so you won't worry about such things. Qing Yunge stood up and nodded, I'll give you three more days to think about it, and bring a good candidate. Then I will tell you how to go to Honghuang.


It took a full three hours before Guanghua barely recovered 80% of his peak strength.

But even if it is 80%, it must be above the emperors of the lower five regions.

Damn empress. Guanghua looked sullen, When this emperor goes to the prehistoric region, he must let Tianzun take action to destroy Tianyu.


After a cold snort, Guanghua walked towards the woman in purple who was trapped there.

But as soon as he walked in, he immediately realized something was wrong, and his expression changed: Escaped?!

Even if Jun Muqian could be comparable to the peak of the God Transformation Realm, how could he escape from his grasp?

Damn! Damn! Guanghua was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

He must go to Honghuang as soon as possible, once caught, he will...

However, before taking a step, Guanghua's body suddenly turned cold, the blood in his body became cold, and his eyes widened suddenly.

In the ear, there are five words that fall leisurely.

I heard that I'm dead?

Persimmon: This time, can we have a positive face? (?

Although there are two updates, there are 6000-7000 words every day, which is really a lot_(:з」∠)_

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Today should fill in a lot of holes, and by the way, let the book with Yun Ge as the protagonist be more complete. If you don’t understand, remember to ask in the comment area~

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