The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 899 Is Rong Qing exclusive to act like a baby? The prehistoric truth! 【1 more】

After saying that, she raised her right hand and pointed so far away.


The space in front of him was suddenly blurred.

Not collapsing, not tearing apart.

There is a curl of cloud and mist, and the center of the cloud and mist sets off another place.

Jun Muqian's expression lifted, and he carefully observed his mother-in-law's hand, and started further bloodbath.

She looked very carefully, it was just... and opened up a space!

Not only the law of space is used, but also the law of creation.

Xiao Mumu, let's go. Qing Yunge stepped into the clouds first, followed by Jun Muqian.

After she walked in, the cloud and mist disappeared.

This space is not large, only a hundred square kilometers.

Surrounded by small rivers, she was standing on one of the stone steps, looking down, she could still see colorful goldfish swaying past.

Jun Muqian suddenly recognized that these goldfish were the legendary dragon-tailed phoenix fish that had disappeared for a long time.

Legend has it that the dragon-tailed phoenix fish has the effect of life and death, flesh and bones, and can also help practitioners improve their cultivation, remove bottlenecks, and has no attack power. Therefore, they have been hunted down for a long time.

Over time, there will be no more left.

And here, there are so many!

Jun Muqian looked in other directions, and then saw many geniuses and land treasures that were also extinct.

Hey, Xiao Mumu. Her mother-in-law's voice came at this moment, Don't be in a daze, I'll send you off as soon as I like it.

Cough, cough, cough... Jun Muqian coughed due to choking, and walked forward quickly, No, no, no need.

At the beginning, she was afraid that her mother-in-law would not like her, but now she did not expect that her mother-in-law would be so enthusiastic.

Just the gifts given, each one will shock the world.

Huh? Jun Muqian walked to the pavilion at the end of the stone steps, and was a little surprised to see the man in scarlet clothes sitting there drinking tea for an unknown amount of time, Qingmei, are you there?

Hearing this, Rong Qing's movements paused, his heavy pupils narrowed, a bit dangerous: It seems that Mu Mu herself is too chic, she has already forgotten about me.

No way. Jun Muqian would not admit it, she sat down and looked at him with her hands on her elbows, Even if I forget myself, I won't forget you.

Yeah. Rong Qing's lips pursed slightly, as if she had been coaxed.

Seeing this, Qing Yunge glanced at her eldest son, without showing any face at all: How old are you, and you still act like a baby.

Jun Muqian: ...

So, this is Rong Qing's way of acting like a baby?

Rong Qing: ...

He really wasn't close.

Mother. Rong pinched the center of his brows lightly, feeling extremely helpless, You should call dad here.

What's your name? No. Qing Yunge yawned, Your mother, I finally managed to come out and roam around by myself.

Jun Muqian thought for a while, then lowered his voice and asked, Qing Meiren, what does Lang Yi Lang mean?

Rong Qing: Just let yourself go and have fun.

That's it. Jun Muqian said thoughtfully, cheerfully, Then I'll have to make waves by myself in the future.

It was only then that she found out that her mother-in-law had spent some time in a technological world without any aura, and some words in her uncle and sister-in-law's mouth also came from there.

She needs to learn more.

Rong fell silent.

He finally realized that it was a mistake to let them meet. He originally thought that his mother and wife would have a good time, and his status would also rise.

Unexpectedly, it dropped instead.

Qing Yunge's eyes were meaningful, and she blinked: Xiao Mumu, I can take you to another lower plane for a while when I have time.

Jun Muqian replied decisively: Okay, okay.

Rong Qing: ...

For the first time, he thought of his father so much.

Okay, let's get down to business. The smile on Qing Yunge's face faded, Since the time has come, I should tell you all about Honghuang.

Hearing this sentence, Jun Muqian's expression became a little tense.

She sat up straight involuntarily, leaning forward slightly.

Xiao Mumu, Qing'er, you should have already thought of it— Qing Yunge paused, and then said slowly, The Wanling Continent where you stayed for a long time is the reorganization of the prehistoric and broken plates.

Jun Muqian nodded: Besides, it's still the prehistoric past.

That's right. Qing Yunge praised, It's the former Great Desolation, but the current Great Desolation has completely swallowed up the traces of the previous Great Desolation, and there is only one Great Desolation left.

Jun Muqian frowned and thought for a while: Mother, what you mean is that if the Wanling Continent is not swallowed up, then it is very likely that there will be another flood in the future?

It's possible. Qing Yunge nodded, However, I don't know how many million years it will be.

After speaking, she waved her hand, and a floating image appeared on the stone table where the three of them were sitting.

Jun Muqian took a look, and found that it was the one shown on the map of Shanhe Sheji.

It is also... the vast world of the prehistoric!

The first flood was destroyed. Qing Yunge said lightly, Many innate treasures also collapsed, and only a few followed the damaged continents, dissociated in the darkness and nothingness, and after several cycles, they synthesized new continents.

As soon as this sentence fell, the floating picture also changed.

Just like replaying the destruction of the prehistoric era, with Mount Sumeru as the center, the cracks spread rapidly until they covered the entire continent.

Then, with a boom, the continent collapsed and strong winds blew up.

Countless creatures were wiped out in this destruction, and their vitality was gone.

Jun Muqian saw that Dongsheng Shenzhou, Donghai, Mount Sumeru, and Kunlunxu were gradually reunited in the process of splitting.

And in the process of moving forward in the dark, it absorbed the wind and sand fragments from other places, and began to expand continuously.

Until this gradually formed continent came to an extremely faint light and shadow, and rushed in.


When Jun Muqian saw that this continent fell directly above the Huaxu Continent, and the Heavenly Steps evolved naturally, his heart was shocked.

This is the Wanling Continent. Qing Yunge said, The appearance of the Wanling Continent actually came before Ah Huai and I came to the Illusory Daqian.

Jun Muqian nodded silently.

At the beginning, I asked Qing'er to go to the lower plane to collect the power of luck... Qing Yunge's eyes were filled with the tenderness that belonged to his mother alone, Except for Qing'er to constantly wear down the energy in his body in the process, That dark force is also to investigate the traces of the prehistoric.

Hearing this sentence, Jun Muqian clenched Rong Qing's hand tightly, and sweat broke out in his palm: So, Qingmei will go to Wanling again because of the investigation of Honghuang?

Not bad. Qing Yunge smiled slightly, It seems that my decision is correct.

It doesn't matter whether Honghuang has detected it, the important thing is that you are all safe.

Jun Muqian's heart moved slightly, she and Rong Qing looked at each other, and they both understood what the other was thinking.

She thought for a while, and then asked: Mother, what I haven't understood is that if the Great Desolation is just a universe, why does Unreal Daqian always regard it as an era?

Hearing this, Qing Yunge raised his eyebrows: Little Mumu, most of the people you came into contact with in your previous life were below the God Transformation Realm, and this part of the people also accounted for ninety-nine percent of the Illusory Dao.

Jun Mu was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something, his eyes widened slightly: Mother means...

No matter how strong the prehistoric world is, this place is an illusory universe after all, and it can only affect weaker creatures. Qing Yunge explained slowly, The state of transforming gods is a very embarrassing state, because casual cultivators have no It is qualified to know about other universes, and the prehistoric is not enough to affect them.

Jun Muqian recalled Yao's bewildered face when he heard Honghuang, because he was not affected by Honghuang's power like those spiritual practitioners in the Lower Five Regions.

As for why, Xiao Mumu, you all regard Honghuang as an era, it's because... Qing Yunge curled her lips and smiled meaningfully, This is Honghuang's distress signal.


Rong Qing was a little surprised by this answer.

His eyelashes moved slightly: Is Honghuang asking for help from Unreal Daqian?

To be precise, it was the former flood. Qing Yunge said slowly, Because the current flood has not yet reached the point of destruction after time has flowed back.

She looked at the woman in purple: Xiao Mumu, the Nuwa and Daodetianzun you saw in the Wanling Continent are also remnants left by them before time went back.

After going back in time, this part of the trace has not been erased, because it has been separated from the prehistoric, and has not been included in the scope of going back in time.

Both Zhen Yuanzi and the Eight Immortals of Shangdong also left the Honghuang before the time was turned back. The time back cannot create a living being out of thin air, so during the period when the Wanling Continent existed, the Honghuang did not have them.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian suddenly became enlightened.

No wonder!

Back then when she was accepting the power of primordial spirit, Nu Wa would say such inexplicable words to her.

Because time goes back, the current Nuwa doesn't know what she has done!

Does this mean that once known, it will cause irreversible consequences?

Thinking of this, Jun Muqian was slightly terrified: Mother, what is Hong Huang asking for help?

Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge stared at her for a long time, but smiled: You know, Xiao Mumu, without you, Qing'er might not have been born.

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