The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 874 Rong Qing, This Young and Delicate Flower [4 More]

how so?

Xian Lingyu couldn't believe what she saw, and couldn't help taking a step back.

However, her feet were unsteady, she stepped on the hem of the skirt, and almost fell down.

His Majesty!

The maid behind her was shocked and hurried forward.

The eldest princess has become an emperor, how could such a thing happen?

Xian Lingyu's emotions had subsided in an instant, and she said coldly: This emperor is fine.

She took a deep breath before continuing to walk forward, at a slower pace.

Because no one knows how angry and humiliated Xian Lingyu is in her heart at this moment.

Just because the Immortal Domain will be merged into the Heavenly Domain in the future, today is the last time for the Immortal Domain to exist.

Once today is over, there will be no more immortal realms.

Therefore, in order to show sincerity, Tianyu set the wedding ceremony in Xianyu.

All procedures are subject to Immortal Domain.

Xian Lingyu was very pleasantly surprised by this. Doesn't this prove that the Tianyu Emperors value her?

But now, this surprise has become nothing.

Because the seats belonged to the Tianyu side, no one came!

Not even a lord ever existed.

Is this a blatant slap in the face?

Xian Lingyu's nails dug into her palm, her expression was gloomy.

No matter how arrogant the Tianyu Emperors are, they wouldn't even attend the wedding ceremony of their eldest son, but she had clearly confirmed that Rong Qing would indeed come to marry her today.

After all, these days, Tianyu is also making careful preparations for this wedding ceremony.

what happened?

The Lingxiu who received the invitation to watch the ceremony also noticed this anomaly, and their eyes widened in surprise.

Although the Immortal Emperor has passed away, the Immortal Empress is still there.

But what about the elders on the Tianyu side?

All of a sudden, the noisy sound continued.

Why do I feel that His Majesty Shuangdi didn't approve of this marriage? Otherwise, why didn't he attend?

Brother Xian is very right. If the two majesties did not come back, it is understandable, but the two majesties have already returned, why not come?

It can't be... His Majesty Lingyu's wishful thinking?

Everyone was whispering, and suddenly felt a coldness, they couldn't help but fell silent, and shivered in unison.

They looked up subconsciously, and saw the woman in wedding dress standing in front of the fairy palace, on the 9999th floor, looking down with extremely cold eyes.

The Immortal Palace is built in the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist, it is undoubtedly a real fairyland.

It was originally a picturesque scene with splashed ink, but it made every spiritual practitioner feel chills in his heart.

Your Majesty, there must be some delays in Tianyu. The body of the personal maid trembled, It's not the auspicious time yet, so it's normal not to be seated.

After a pause, he said cautiously: Today is Your Majesty's auspicious day, Your Majesty must not get angry.

Hearing this sentence, Xian Lingyu's face softened a bit: Yes, there is still a stick of incense before the auspicious time, and this emperor made wild guesses.

Tianyu has already agreed to get married, and if he doesn't come, he will break his promise.

In this way, the authority of Tianyu can be greatly suppressed, so why not do it?

Seeing this, the maid breathed a sigh of relief, and served in fear.

The current fairy jade has become almost unrecognizable to them.

Xianyu set the auspicious time at noon, and it will not be long before the sun moves to the center.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the outside of the fairy palace was eerily quiet.

The ninety-nine maids standing behind Xianlingyu also became anxious, secretly praying that someone from Tianyu must come.

Looking at the still empty place, Xian Lingyu's face became more and more ugly.

Until the last second, when she was about to be furious, someone finally came.

The maids couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but when they saw who came, they were all horrified.

Your Majesty Lingyu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It was a servant, and he cupped his hands apologetically, My Majesty is still in retreat, and I really can't come to attend the grand ceremony. Please don't mind, Your Majesty Lingyu.

Before everyone could react, he said again: The nine lords were also coming, who knew that the cat of the Empress was missing, and the nine lords were busy catching this cat, so they couldn't come, Your Majesty Lingyu Don't take the blame either.


The spiritual practitioners were taken aback.

The lord whose strength is comparable to the emperor of the five domains, even went to catch cats?

Hearing these words, Xian Lingyu's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Tian Yu sent someone, but unexpectedly only sent one servant!

This servant is only at the early stage of transforming the gods, which is only the beginning of cultivation in Tianyu.

Tian Yu definitely did it on purpose!

Xian Lingyu managed to stabilize her body so that Lingxiu, who came to watch the ceremony, could not see anything strange.

There was a forced smile on the face hidden under the red silk cloth, and it was noble and elegant: It's okay, but I didn't think carefully, and I forgot that my father-in-law and mother-in-law are still in retreat.

Bah! Hearing this sentence, Rong Xi burst into anger, Xian Lingyu is such a shameless old woman, how did she say such disgusting words?

That's right. Rong Nian was also very angry, I am an old bone of hundreds of thousands of years old, not only looking at this young and delicate flower like my elder brother, but also calling my parents old, bah!

At first, she was going to echo Jun Muqian, who was choked up in shock: Ahem, ahem...


Rong Qing this young delicate flower?

What kind of fresh description is this?


Jun Muqian thought about her beauty's comprehension in some aspects, and agreed.

It is really a young flower.

Let her train for so long.

Sister-in-law, come on! Rong Xi jumped on the branch, baring her teeth and claws like a little leopard, Tamp this old woman to death.

Just like Xian Lingyu, you still want to be her sister-in-law?

I don't even look for a mirror to look at myself.

No hurry. Jun Muqian looked indifferent, It's not yet time.

If Xian Lingyu's long-awaited wedding ceremony is so easily ruined, it would be really cheap for her.

For the tragedy in Yaowang Valley, it would be trivial to pay back a hundred times.

Jun Mu smiled slightly, his eyes were light: I won't make Xian Lingyu feel better.

On the premise of protecting everyone, she wanted Xian Lingyu to be punished the most.

Desperate to die!

On the stage, the servant seemed to have not noticed the humiliation of Xian Lingyu, but was extremely happy and said: His Majesty Lingyu has a kind heart, and it is a great blessing to be able to look at it like this.

The anger that Xian Lingyu finally calmed down was aroused again, but she could only grit her teeth and say, Extremely.


The spiritual cultivators who watched the ceremony did not dare to say a word, they looked at each other in blank dismay, they had never seen such a wedding ceremony before.

What the hell is going on in Tianyu?

Is it serious, or perfunctory?

In the midst of the silence, someone suddenly shouted in surprise: Young Master... Your Highness, Young Master, is here!

Xian Lingyu suddenly raised her head.

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