The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 873: A Natural Couple! Marriage Ceremony【3 more】

Xian Lingyu raised her hand and broke Yao Fu's right arm. Her tone was even colder: Yao Fu, don't pretend to be stupid with this emperor. You didn't know Hong Huang before, but you know now.

The leaf you took from my father is the lotus leaf of the chaotic green lotus!

The medicine couldn't help but gritted his teeth, resisting the fishy sweetness in his throat, and after swallowing it, he said disdainfully: It's just a broken leaf, the old man has long forgotten, just you dog father and daughter are still treasures, bah, If you want leaves, jump into the lotus pond and pick them yourself.”

What Chaos Qinglian, think that you can fool the old man by just making up a high-end and elegant name?

Xian Lingyu's face turned ashen.

It's a good thing that the medicine can't help, so he even gave her a sloppy eye.

If she hadn't found Hua Li before Jun Muqian, she would have killed the owner of the Medicine King Valley who didn't know what to do.

Now the lotus leaf of the chaotic green lotus is unknown, and the wedding ceremony has not yet begun, and she must not take the initiative to appear in front of Jun Muqian, how can she explain to that cloud of black mist?

Yao Fu couldn't let out a sigh of relief, and grinned.

He is an old bone, it doesn't matter if he dies.

But Chaos Qinglian, absolutely cannot get into the hands of Xianlingyu.

Yao couldn't really know what Chaos Qinglian was, and it was because of this that he couldn't say anything.

Moreover, that piece of lotus leaf has been completely integrated by his precious apprentice.

To take out the lotus leaves, isn't it to kill Huali?

Fairy Jade is dreaming!

Okay, very good. Xian Lingyu exhaled heavily, There is no medicine, you are very good!

Yao couldn't roll his eyes: Of course the old man is very good, you don't need to tell me.

It really is stubborn. Xian Lingyu frowned, as if she had made up her mind.

She raised her hand and shook it in the air.


The explosion sounded, and a cloud of black mist quietly condensed.

Yao Fu's eyes suddenly froze.

Because he recognized what it was, it was exactly the same as the heart demon that Jun girl extracted from Yun Luoran's body in Lingdao City at that time!

Go in. Xian Lingyu opened her hand, Control him.


The moment the black mist came out of his hand, it was flying fast in the air.

In less than half a second, he entered the body that could not be medicined.

Xianlingyu, you...

The veins on Yao Fu's forehead popped up, and he was about to curse angrily, when a dull pain came from his heart, which made him faint directly.

Seeing the unconscious Yao Fu, Xian Lingyu raised her lips.

She bent down and said in a low voice, This emperor just wants you to know, but anyone who follows her, Jun Muqian, and opposes this emperor will not end well.

Medicine can't help, enjoy the last afterglow of your life.

Xian Lingyu's voice was rarely full of malice: Your death will also be used by this emperor!


Two days passed quickly.

On this day, Unreal Great Thousand ushered in an unprecedented grand event——

The fairyland and the heavenly realm are about to merge into one!

Of course, this is based on the premise of getting married.

The grief brought by the Valley of the Medicine King disappeared in a flash.

The immortal cultivators in the Immortal Realm were beaming and extremely proud.

I have long heard that His Majesty Lingyu and His Royal Highness Shaojun grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and they have a very good relationship. Now they can finally become family members.

That's natural. Among the same generation, is there anyone who is more suitable than the two of them? Talented and beautiful, a natural pair!

A cultivator hesitated and said, But didn't I hear that Shaojun Junjun has someone else? It's not His Majesty Lingyu.

So what? Can it be compared to our majesty Lingyu? The other immortal cultivators were all disdainful, The demon queen was passed on to her by the demon emperor, but your majesty Lingyu became emperor alone, and there is no emperor who can compare.

In the eyes of everyone, the acquired emperor is far stronger than the innate emperor.

At this time, a cold snort sounded: No emperor can compare? Where did you put your two majesties?


The noise stopped suddenly, and the immortal cultivators looked at each other, their faces burning with pain.

No matter how powerful the fairy jade is, it is impossible to compare with the two emperors of Tianyu.

The Heavenly Domain Twin Emperors are the true masters.

When this name was mentioned suddenly, many immortal cultivators became excited: Today is the marriage between Tianyu and Xianyu, and His Royal Highness Shaojun is the eldest son of the two majesties, so the two majesties will definitely come today.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The Heavenly Territory Twin Emperors!

To be able to see the Heavenly Territory Twin Emperors once, there is no regret in dying.

The immortal cultivators were so excited that they scrambled to find the open space in the front row.

Today is the congratulations of the Great Thousand and Ten Territories, and at least hundreds of millions of people will come, and if they are late, they will not be able to sign up for a good position.

Glancing at the Lingxiu who were fighting because of their positions, the woman in purple who was leaning on the tree yawned with a lazy expression.

The leaves did not cover her figure, but no one noticed her.

Beside him, there were two other figures squatting.

Sister-in-law, this is not right. Rong Nian kept looking down, Since when did the strength of Immortal Realm become so high? When I came last time, they didn't have so many God Transformation Realms.

Oh, Rong Nian, you're an idiot. Rong Xi patted his head, It seems that the old woman Xian Lingyu used some taboo method to forcibly improve the cultivation of these people.

Rong Nian was aggrieved: Xi'er, I know I'm stupid, so don't keep beating me, mother said, the more you beat me, the more stupid you become.

Nonsense. Rong Xi knocked him on the head again, Mother clearly said that the more you hit, the smarter you will be.

Rong Nian snorted, not believing it.

Jun Muqian spoke at this moment: It wasn't Xianlingyu who was promoted, it was someone from Honghuang.

The connection between her and Honghuang is getting deeper and deeper, and she can detect even a little breath.

Hong Huang. Rong Xi blinked, They even asked their father and mother for help.

Huh? Jun Muqian tilted his head, What do you ask for help?

I don't know either. Rong Xi scratched her head, I was too young at the time, so I forgot.

Rong Nian suddenly said: The fairy jade is here!

Jun Mu turned his eyes slightly, and saw a long procession approaching from the right rear of the Immortal Palace.

Fengguanxiapei, red clothes and plain hands.

Orbs and jade belts, rings with gold patterns.

Xian Lingyu put her hands in front of her waist and walked slowly.

One step, life lotus.

Because she was very nervous, she didn't walk fast.

Even with the cover of the head cover, she can see everything outside clearly.

Listening to those remarks that she and Rong Qing are compatible, Xian Lingyu only feels elated.

Her wish is finally coming true, she is going to marry her sweetheart.

She just needs to stand here now, waiting for him to marry her.

Xian Lingyu's eyes turned to the left, and she didn't know what she saw, her complexion suddenly froze, showing a bit of disbelief, and she became even paler.


Continue during the day.

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