The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 868 Rong Qing counterattacks: Mu Mu, it's too late

It was a piece of crimson clothing.

The soft satin fell on the skin of the wrist, bringing a kind of itching.

The clear fragrance of Sala flowers almost enveloped her whole body. At this moment, it was as if she was in the sea of ​​Sala flowers in the Buddha realm.

Sanskrit sounds filled the sky, and Buddha's words were whispered.

Jun Muqian was lying on the wide and soft bed, both hands were fixed and could not move.

Rong slightly leaned over and looked at her from a height, his double pupils were dim.

Such a distance gave Jun Muqian a bad feeling.

She looked up at the person above and blinked.

Moreover, why was she counterattacked again? !

Mumu. A low voice, hooking the end, sounded very attractive, Where did you learn it? Huh?

The lights flickered on and off, making his face unclear.

Liuhua floats in a flash, reflecting the white skin under the skirt, revealing a hazy and unreal beauty.

Where did you learn it? Jun Muqian didn't intend to explain, she looked away, Qingmei, let me go.

This time, she is immune to the beauty trap!

Mu Mu doesn't want to say it? Rong Qing narrowed her eyes, leaned down a few more inches, and slowly stroked her cheek with slender fingers like jade, Mu Mu, if you don't say it, you will be punished.

These words made Jun Muqian vigilant.


Still be punished?

In the two days since she came to Tianyu Shaojun Palace, she found out that although Rong Qing had fully recovered, the former ice beauty was gone forever.

Jun Muqian was very sorry.

Because she really wanted to see the scene where Rong Qing was teased to flee away, or blush.

The current Rong Qing is simply a collection of all the temperaments of the souls in the past.

Of course, the ability to be jealous has also doubled.

Can punish her?

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, narrowed her eyes, and smiled with her lips curled up: Little beauty, are you really willing to punish me?

She can also use beauty tricks.

Sure enough, Rong Qing's movements stopped, his eyes froze for a moment, and he said two words slowly: Be willing.

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly widened.


The air became thinner little by little, and the light fragrance of the Sala flower became heavier, almost drowning her.

Jun Muqian grabbed onto the shoulder of the man in scarlet clothes, as if hugging the only piece of driftwood in the vast ocean.

All senses were sealed off, leaving only him.

After a long period of time, when the confinement was finally relaxed——

I'll say it, I'll say it! Jun Muqian chose to surrender, she took a deep breath and struggled, I'll say it now.

This person, relying on his cultivation base to be higher than her, forcibly played a beauty trick.


Ke Rongqing still didn't let her go.

His head was still lowered, and his forehead was pressed against her: Huh?

Qingmei, I swear, what I said is true. Jun Muqian took out a book from the Hunyuan Bell with a solemn expression, I really picked up this book on the ground outside your palace. , I just learned a few tricks, and I haven’t read it yet.”

I was thinking of drawing it slowly, and then ran away after flirting.

Who would know, just explode? !

This is not what she wanted.

What about One Hundred Ways to Talk about Love, she thinks it is One Hundred Ways to Ignite a Fire

Whoever wrote this broken book did her a lot of harm.

Rong Qing stared at her for a moment, and after a while, she slowly let go of one hand and picked up the book.

Jun Muqian breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to stand up.

Who knows——

The voice was still warm and cool, with a low and hoarse voice: Don't move.

Jun Muqian: ...

Not good.

Could she be...playing with fire and setting herself on fire again!

Rong Qing glanced at the words on the book cover, and his brows twitched.

A Hundred Moves of Love Story?

He narrowed his double pupils, and as expected, he saw two extremely small characters in front of the title of the book——


Rong Qing: ...

He knew whose book it was.

Ahem... Jun Muqian looked at her beauty's changing expressions several times, and discussed, Little beauty, please put me down first, let's sit down and talk if we have something to say.

However, the monarch made a fatal mistake.

It was at this time that he said such a sentence in a tone similar to begging.

This is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire for Rong Qing now.

He first glanced at the person on the bed with deep eyes, and slowly clenched the Hundred Taste of Love in his hand.

next second——


The book was reduced to fragments and carried away by the wind.

Jun Muqian's eyelids twitched.

What's going on, it's getting worse?

She couldn't stand the storm.

Mumu was very happy when the fire was lit, now... Rong Qing slightly raised her lips, lowered her head, and whispered in her ear, Mumu, it's late.

Jun Muqian's body froze, with an urge to curse.

Now she must find out the person who wrote this One Hundred Ways of Love and strangle him to death.

Ah Choo!

Outside the palace gate, Rong Xi suddenly sneezed.

Rong Nian on the side became nervous: Xi'er, are you not sick?

How is that possible. Rong Xi rubbed her nose, I'm still at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, so why would I get sick?

That's true. Rong Nian pondered, and said decisively, That means someone scolded you!

Nonsense! Rong Xi was furious, I'm so cute and well-behaved, who would scold me!

The corner of Rong Nian's mouth twitched: ...

He can't stand this kind of narcissism.

Cute is barely counted, and well-behaved can't be contaminated no matter what.

Rong Xi made a decisive decision: My sister-in-law must be thanking me.

Rong Nian was stunned: What does this have to do with sister-in-law?

Of course I have. Rong Xi was very proud, I personally handed over the 100 Taste of Love that I made up to my sister-in-law, so that it will be much easier for the sister-in-law to deal with her elder brother.

Who told her elder brother to bully her last time, she will take revenge this time.

One Hundred Moves of Local Taste of Love? Rong Nian thought for a while, Is this the trick that Dad used to lie to Mother?

I made it up, it must be more advanced than daddy. Rong Xi said confidently, I'm the most flirtatious in our family.

Rong Nian: ...

The true nature of a witch.

It's a pity that brother, this wood, like daddy, likes to make barriers. Rong Xi suddenly became frustrated, I still can't hear anything.

Rong Nian agreed, and asked again: But are you sure your book is useful?

Of course it's useful. Rong Xi snorted, My book is sold out in several lower planes.

Rong Nian thought.

Very well, his sister has successfully harmed many people.

But things will not go according to Rong Xi's idea, she thought that her sister-in-law had the upper hand, but she didn't know that the fire was too hot, and her elder brother successfully counterattacked.

Rong Xi listened hard for a while, then gave up: Oh, I'd better go and see when Daddy and Mother will come out.

After speaking, he hummed a ditty and left.

Rong Nian hurriedly followed, fearing that this little witch would cause some trouble again.

After the two left, Shaojun Palace suddenly experienced a shock.


With Rong Qing's hands resting on the bed, he lowered his head, the corners of his forehead throbbed faintly, gritted his teeth for the first time, and said with his first and last name: Jun Muqian!

There was no one else on the bed.

There are no people, but there is an extra beast.

Fluffy, only the size of a palm, very cute.

Jun Muqian, who had turned into a small round-haired beast, shook his tail, straightened his body, and slowly raised his paws, with an innocent look on his face.

How could she have forgotten that she still has the profound ability of seventy-two transformations.

Even if he entered this room, he still couldn't get in after all.

Rong Qing endured it, lifted the round-haired little beast, narrowed his eyes slightly: Change back.

The round-haired little beast shook its head resolutely.

No change, no change!

Rong Qing took a deep breath, raised her other hand, and raised it a little in the air.



The little round-haired beast disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by a human.

In the next second, Jun Muqian fell down, and was held firmly in the arms of the man in scarlet clothes.

Jun Muqian: !!!

Can it still be like this?

She was stunned, and her thoughts slowly returned to her mind.

Only then did I realize that the seventy-two changes are just mystic skills derived from the way of change.

She has just started with the seventy-two changes, and she has never specialized in the way of changes.

After Rong Qing recovers, her cultivation will far exceed her, so naturally she can be transformed back.

After thinking of this, Jun Muqian became depressed: Qingmei, I won't take someone like you!

After all this tossing, Rong Qing calmed down instead.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and locked the person in his arms again: Stop making trouble?

Jun Muqian said gloomily, Stop making trouble.

Still learning or not?

Stop studying.

Yeah. Rong Qing half-closed his eyes and lowered his voice, Mu Mu is so good.

Jun Muqian looked at him and groaned inwardly.

When her cultivation base is also raised, she will definitely continue to make trouble.

Just when Jun Muqian was thinking about how to close the door again, there was a sudden dong dong knock on the door outside.

Brother, report urgently! It was Rong Nian's anxious voice, Yaowanggu was washed in blood last night, tens of thousands of doctors, not one left!


Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly enlarged.

Rong Qing's eyes were slightly deep, but his expression was calm.

Besides, the current situation is very bad. Rong Nian took a breath, and continued, In addition to the Tianyu, the troops from other realms have been mobilized, and the fairy palace has also released a message. To hunt down the murderer with all our strength, we must To avenge the Medicine King Valley.

Because many people saw the murderer who washed the Yaowang Valley with blood. After I saw the portrait, the person in the portrait is no different from my sister-in-law!

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