The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 867: The Empress Takes Action! Rong Qing: Pull out the fire and take charge of [2 more]


There was another crisp sound, and the tiny crack in the hair suddenly widened.

A huge energy riot came from it, directly pulling the woman in the red dress into it.

In less than half a second, he disappeared instantly.

Sister! Jun Muqian's expression changed drastically.

She raised her hand, wanting to push open that cosmic crack and enter it.

But right now!

The fissure closed suddenly, without revealing even the slightest gap.

Jun Muqian's figure suddenly stopped, she shook her fingers, her eyes were terrifying.

In the next second, a violent aura gushed out uncontrollably.

Crack, click.

The space trembled violently, and countless space cracks burst open.

The wind howled and the earth shook.

It seems that in the next moment, the whole world will collapse.

But suddenly...

Xiao Mumu?

Jun Muqian was shocked, she turned around very stiffly, and saw the woman in the red skirt standing a step away, smiling at her with gentle eyes.

...Elder Sister? Jun Muqian's killing intent subsided, and he was stunned, Didn't you be swallowed by a crack in the universe?

How can you be safe and sound?

That's a cosmic crack!

Involved, the emperors of the lower five domains may die.

She said she wanted to protect her eldest sister, but she couldn't do it.

Crack in the universe? Qing Yunge raised his brows, as if extremely confused, Where is there any crack, Xiao Mumu, could it be a mistake?

Um? !

Hearing this sentence, Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment.

I read it wrong?

She immediately raised her head and found that the woods were silent, and there were a few rabbits jumping over the stones.

Everything is safe as before.

Jun Muqian blinked, and then blinked again.

After a while, she rubbed her head and muttered, I was wrong, I shouldn't...

She cultivated the Dao of Heart, and all fantasies would be useless to her.

There is a phantom flower here. Qing Yunge smiled meaningfully, and said shallowly, I also saw some phantoms just now, it's normal.

Jun Muqian was still a little dazed, but after hearing what her elder sister said, she didn't think about it any more.

Sister, fortunately you are fine. She breathed a sigh of relief, If something happens to you, I don't know how to explain it to my brother-in-law.

Cough, cough, cough! Qing Yunge coughed and was choked, What do you have to explain to him?

She held her daughter-in-law's hand, bent her eyes and smiled: Xiao Mumu, didn't you mean to send me home?

The more familiar intimacy came, and Jun Muqian quickly put the previous matter behind her mind, and she was very happy: Go, sister, I promise to hand you over to brother-in-law safe and sound.

Qing Yunge smiled warmly.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law walked in the direction of the teleportation array.

Jun Muqian didn't know that it was no longer her mother-in-law's body in front of her, but a clone.

Previously, that cosmic crack was also real.

The difference is that Qing Yunge was not involved, but she stepped in on her own initiative.

In order to prevent his daughter-in-law from being harmed, with a wave of his hand, he closed this cosmic rift that could kill even the emperors of the next five domains.

At this moment, the woman in the red skirt is standing between the prehistoric world and the illusory world.

The slender and tall figure seemed very small in the two chaotic galaxies.

But her demeanor suddenly changed at this moment. It was no longer the tenderness and warmth she had when facing Jun Muqian, but she was fierce and aggressive in an instant.


The two chaotic galaxies trembled a little at the same time, and they were forcibly separated!

It's just unbelievable.

Dao powerhouses are just roaming the lower planes, and if they want to pass through the barrier of the chaotic galaxy, they have to reach the level of the Demon Queen Buddha.

But the empress of Tianyu is just standing here, but it is enough to make the two universes fear!

However, the chaotic galaxy on the left seems unwilling.

Shua Shua!

A thick black mist gushed out of it, opening a hole, trying to enter the chaotic galaxy on the right.

However, before these fogs condensed and formed at the junction of the two universes, suddenly!


An extremely shrill explosion sounded from it, and the black mist suddenly burst open and turned into nothingness.

But there were still a few wisps left, and he jumped up angrily, wanting to enter the flesh of the woman in the red dress.

Qing Yunge smiled coldly, without even using the sword in his hand, his words directly suppressed the abnormal movement of the black mist.

Three words, full of coercion.

Get back!


The screams became more wailing, and the chaotic galaxy where Hong Huang was located finally calmed down and retreated towards the rear.

The two universes, running independently, passed each other again.

A quiet darkness, deathly silence.

Qing Yunge raised his eyes, his eyes passed through the chaotic galaxy, traveled through thousands of planes, and directly reached another huge continent.

She whispered, lightly: The time is coming again, this time, it cannot be reversed.

Measuring robbery...

Qing Yunge read these two words slowly, the light in his eyes changed.

In the next second, the figure flashed, and there was no one in place.



Outside the Shaojun Palace.

There were many people hiding in the bushes beside the rockery and flowing water, and their expressions couldn't hide their excitement.

Really? Did you read that right? Our Young Master really brought back the Empress Dowager?

I can't go wrong! It's a pity that I didn't see the face of the Empress Jun, but I just look at the figure, and the beauty can't escape.

Hey, you said that our Young Master is so cold, like an ice cube, why did you suddenly become enlightened?

As soon as this question came up, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Until one of the servants thought he knew everything, he said inscrutably: You don't understand this, do you? It must be that the Empress and Empress have trained her well. His Royal Highness, this is a mistake.


The others suddenly realized.

In this case, His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress can finally rest assured.

Not long after this, Tianyu will be able to welcome the little master.

They secretly looked at the closed door, scratching their heads and wondering what was going on inside.

However, the ladies-in-waiting also knew that they would definitely not be able to see anything.

It was a great luck not to be driven away.

There is no strict hierarchy in Tianyu, unlike other realms, the maids and maids are just servants.

As long as they entered the Nine Realms City and the Emperor's Palace, they would be a harmonious family.

The elderly maids and maids all treat the three highnesses of Tianyu as their own children, and under such circumstances, it is normal for Rong Xi to be lawless.

Across a palace door, how could Jun Muqian not know that what she thought was a secret surprise this time turned into a public gossip.

It's just that with the enchantment, she certainly won't have anyone other than her father-in-law and mother-in-law know what they are doing.

Light beauty. Jun Muqian propped his elbows, squinted his eyes and smiled, a bit wickedly, Do you know who you look like?

Huh? The scarlet-clad man who was lying in front of the sandalwood table paused his hand and raised his head, Who is it?

Don't you think of the time when his soul was separated?

Rong Qing's throat rolled slightly, but his face was still indifferent.

You... Jun Muqian paused for a long time before he smiled deeper, Like my man.

Hearing this answer, Rong Qing's eyebrows twitched, slightly helpless: Mumu.

Jun Muqian blinked, then suddenly said: Hey, beauty, do you know the difference between me and a Buddhist?

Rong Qing's expression paused, and his heart felt turbulent again, he hesitated for a moment: Mumu is better?

Wrong! Jun Muqian was serious, I will marry you as a Buddhist cultivator to learn from the scriptures.

Rong Qing: ...

This is, being teased again?

Before he could react, the people in front of him suddenly moved closer, and they could hear each other's breath.

From this angle, he could see the smile at the end of her eyes, flamboyant and arrogant.

His mumu is very beautiful.

At this time, Jun Muqian spoke for the third time, and asked again: Little beauty, guess where my heart is.

Rong Qing's eyes moved down and settled for a moment.

He covered his lips with his fists and coughed slightly, very calmly: On the left.

Wrong again. Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, she leaned closer, her voice sounded bewitching, low and seductive, My heart is with you.


One second, two seconds, there was no response for a long time, not even the sound of breathing.


Jun Muqian was surprised.

No, why doesn't it work.

Just as he was about to move out the fourth ax——


The voice is cold.

Huh? Jun Muqian raised his head, Qingmei, do you have a lot to say to me?

She knew it would work.

What was written in that book?

One Hundred Ways to Talk About Love!

As a result, the sentence just came out.

The next moment, the world was spinning, and when she came back to her senses, she was already on the bed.

Jun Muqian was dumbfounded.

Above, cast a shadow.

Lord: I suspect that I was tricked by this book, who wrote it? !

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