The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 862 Fuck, sworn sworn marriage with mother-in-law? ! 【1 more】

Qing Yunge.

Tuan shakes and steps on the clouds and sings.

Treading the clouds and singing, the girl's name is really wonderful. Hearing this name, Jun Muqian felt a sense of kindness, My surname is Jun and my name is Muqian, so it's fine for the girl to call me by my name.

After finishing speaking, she ignored the strange eyes of other immortal cultivators in the restaurant, and called the waiter in the restaurant: Serve all your signature dishes here, and... a few pots of tea!

Can't drink, she bears it.

The waiter in the shop almost scrambled and crawled to prepare, and even fell a few somersaults during the run.

Hearing this, a gleam of light flashed across Qing Yunge's eyes, and she smiled playfully: Miss Jun's name is also very good.

Master brought it for me. Jun Muqian was taken aback for a moment, with a slightly dazed expression, But her old man is no longer here.

What a coincidence.

Whether it is her in the Lingxuan world or her in the illusory world, they are both a name and a person.

Strange coincidences, and perhaps often not coincidences, are inevitable.

Why did Jing Lian give her such a name in the first place?

She didn't seem to say, and she didn't have a chance to ask.

Jun Muqian raised his head suddenly: I don't know who the girl is, how could she be entangled by Xian Hanyu?

I'm originally from Tianyu. Qing Yunge nodded and smiled, No, Tianyu has been closed for so long, and I can finally come out for a walk. As for Xian Hanyu—

She swayed the tea in her cup: It's just that there was a conflict between several elixir plants in the forest outside the city.

Well, of course not.

She just wanted to find an excuse to come out and take a look at the girl who was abducted by Xiaoqingqing.

Although I have met many times before, it is still not comfortable to meet directly.

very good.

Qing Yunge's eyes rolled, looking at the woman in purple in front of her.

The more you look at it, the more satisfied you are.

Beautiful, can fight.

These two points are up to her, she likes it.

Tsk tsk, Xiaoqingqing is fine, very fine.

Oh? Jun Muqian was a little surprised, Could it be that the girl is still an alchemist?

Not really. Qing Yunge smiled, Once in a while, it's fine if you don't have new hands.

Jun Muqian nodded, but still couldn't help expressing his thoughts: I seem to have seen a girl somewhere.

When I first met Qing, it was like returning from an old friend.

But where?

Huh—? Qing Yunge raised his eyebrows and smiled, I also think Miss Jun is very familiar.

A long, long time ago, when she was still pregnant with Xiao Qingqing, they had indeed met each other.

When the conversation was idle, the shop waiter had already brought up all the dishes, and ran away quickly.

The taste of Xianyu is light, but the taste is just passable.

The two ate and chatted happily.

Girl, it's better like this. While chatting, Jun Muqian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and clapped his hands, Look, you and I are so destined, why don't you make a vow?

Cough... cough cough! Qing Yunge choked when she heard this sentence, she was a little shocked, and said two words with great difficulty, Sworn?

What? !

What did she hear?

Her precious daughter-in-law, want to marry her?

Yeah, sworn vows. Jun Muqian nodded, feeling that his idea was very good, The girl and I hit it off right away, and we have lived and died together just now. If we don't sworn sworn brothers, wouldn't it be a waste of this opportunity?

No, no, no, no. Qing Yunge almost choked herself to death, she waved her hands again and again, I can't.

What if this is a marriage?

The daughter-in-law has become a younger sister, how can she explain to Xiao Qingqing?

Never make it!

Can't you? Jun Muqian was slightly surprised, and then a little sad, The girl must dislike my grassroots background and don't want to get along with me.

No, no, no. Qing Yunge coughed again from choking, I didn't mean that, and I absolutely must not think so.

How could she dislike her daughter-in-law?


It was so hard for her to have a daughter-in-law, how easy is it for her!

Thinking back to the past 120,000 years, maybe more than 120,000, and the time flow rate of other planes is also different.

For so long, Qing Yunge has been thinking that he probably won't be able to hug his grandson.

The big one is too cold, the small one is too stupid, none of them are suitable for kidnapping a girl.

She is very sad.

The fathers of the two boys are so good at abducting people, how come after one generation, not only did they fail to become better than blue, but they degenerated instead?

But what she didn't expect was that she asked Xiao Qingqing to travel to the next plane, and she really brought back a daughter-in-law.

Moreover, the daughter-in-law here is very kind to her.

But why did things suddenly develop like this?

Qing Yunge was a little confused.

She just came secretly to meet her precious daughter-in-law, and drugged someone unconscious, didn't she break the law?

Since the girl doesn't dislike me, why can't you make a sworn vow with me? Jun Mu's shallow eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and he said, The girl and I have such similar interests, it would be great to be a sister!

Qing Yunge still refused: This, isn't it good?

Not only is it not good, it is simply something bad!

What's wrong? Jun Muqian was very indifferent, Girl, you see that I'm not bad looking, and I'm strong, just enough to protect you, don't you think?

Yes, but... Qing Yunge stopped talking, and said tactfully, What if I am a bad person?

Girl, I can read faces. Jun Muqian spoke righteously, You have an upright face, you must be reluctant to trample an ant to death, and you will definitely not be a bad person.

Qing Yunge tilted her head and coughed lightly.

So in the eyes of her daughter-in-law, she is so kind?

Well, she must not let her daughter-in-law know in the future, she often destroys many lower planes casually.

That's right, she wants to maintain a good mother-in-law image, what if she frightens her daughter-in-law?

Jun Muqian became interested, and then asked, How old is the girl?

Qing Yunge came back to his senses: There should be... a long live one.

She has lived for too long and traveled through too many worlds, and it is no longer possible to use normal measurement methods to calculate her age.

Uh... Jun Muqian was a little confused.

She originally thought that such a weak girl, with a low level of cultivation, might be seventeen or eighteen years old, younger than her, but she didn't expect to have so many reincarnations.

That is to say, she can't be the eldest sister anymore?

If it was for other people, she would definitely not be able to be a little girl, but for this girl Qing...

Jun Muqian glanced at the woman in the red dress, and instantly felt that he could compromise on everything.

I am younger than the girl, I am twenty years old this year. She broke off immediately, The girl is the elder, and I am the younger.

Xiao Mumu. Qing Yunge was very worried, I think the matter of sworn marriage can be postponed.

It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. The sky is bright and clear today, which is suitable for worship. Jun Muqian glanced at the table, It's just that I can't drink alcohol. This time we can only use tea instead of wine, so it's enough.

The corners of Qing Yunge's eyes twitched slightly: It's not a problem to replace wine with tea, the problem is...

It's better if it's not a problem. Jun Muqian interrupted this sentence, picked up the teapot decisively, and slowly poured two cups, Here.

Qing Yunge silently looked at the tea in front of her, feeling a little stiff.

Her daughter-in-law's style is really too aggressive, and she hasn't finished talking yet.

And here, Jun Muqian had already raised his teacup and said: The emperor is above, the earth is the evidence, the mountains and rivers are the alliance, and the four seas are the covenant.

Today, I, Jun Muqian and Qing Yunge are bound together in Jinlan. From then on, we will share the blessings and share the difficulties. If the eldest sister is in trouble, I will help her.

If you swear to this, the sky will strike with lightning!

After speaking, Jun Muqian stood up solemnly, facing the woman in the red dress, and called out in a solemn voice, Sister, drink tea.

Qing Yunge choked directly: Pfft...

She wants to die.


No, it is dead.


She could almost foresee what a big misunderstanding there would be in the future.

However, this is a sin of his own making, and he has to be lifted no matter what.

But it's not a good opportunity right now, so let's bet first, as long as she ignores the title of big sister, she can live!

Qing Yunge calmed down, and only skipped the topic of betrothal, so she asked, Where is Xiao Mumu going in a while?

The other side of the cloud. Jun Muqian responded casually, I want to see the secrets there.

The damn number one son of the Eastern Region is really a dragon who sees his head but doesn't see his end.

She has been looking for him ever since she left Medicine King Valley.

In order to be able to find out this bastard, she even borrowed the power of Xuanguang Auction House, and it turned out!

Still haven't found it.

Who is this bastard? !

For the number one son of the Eastern Region, she has a headache. This feeling of being seen through makes her very uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find him.

The other side of the cloud? Qing Yunge's eyes flickered, and he smiled slowly, It just so happens that I'm going there too.

Huh? Jun Muqian raised his head, Elder Sister is going too?

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