The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 861 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law abuse scum! My name is Qing Yunge【2 more】

Crazy... must be crazy!

Does this mid-immortal-level human know what she is doing?

She was so overconfident that she provoked Princess Lingyu!

Although the battle of Yaowang Valley has reduced the prestige of Xianlingyu a lot.

However, the immortal cultivators who went to the Yaowang Valley Sacred Code are only a few tens of thousands out of tens of billions. In the minds of all immortal cultivators, fairy jade is their belief.

Now, their beliefs are actually humiliated by a little immortal who doesn't know what to do, it's simply unbearable!

Immediately, several immortal cultivators slapped the table and stood up, sneering: What do you think you are? Are you worthy of talking to Princess Lingyu like this?

In the world, there is nothing that Princess Lingyu dare not do. You'd better apologize to His Highness Hanyu quickly, and don't embarrass yourself here.

That's right! The other immortal cultivators were also very angry, If Princess Lingyu really came out because of someone like you, it would be too much face for you.

All of a sudden, it was full of crusades.

The woman in the red skirt who was still sitting by the window narrowed her purple eyes, a murderous look flashed across her pupils, and she seemed to whisper: Xianlingyu...

However, no matter how these immortal cultivators ridiculed and slandered, the woman in purple still had no emotions.

She stood here, looking down at Xian Hanyu from a high position, her eyebrows raised slightly.


The cultivators all felt a little aggrieved, as if they had punched cotton.

After scolding for such a long time, people simply ignored them, what is this?

Cursing and cursing became boring, and the noise gradually died down.

At this moment, all the cultivators suddenly saw that the woman in purple was sitting on the chair with her clothes up, and her legs were raised, very leisurely.

The cultivators were at a loss: ?

What the hell is this human being doing?

They stared at the woman in purple closely, eager to know what she was going to do.

However, he was so angry at what he said next.

Is that the end? Jun Muqian's eyes swept away, as if slightly surprised, I still plan to sit down and listen to you slowly, do you want me to invite you to drink tea today?

As soon as this word comes out!

The faces of the immortal cultivators all changed. They looked at the woman in purple in disbelief, completely unable to understand why she was still so calm.

How could they not hear that this sentence was mocking them?

It's too arrogant!

But the cultivators looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them moved.

Quick. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, and the seven-star moon whip was wrapped around Xian Hanyu's throat.

As long as he exerted a little force, Xian Hanyu's head would fall to the ground.

Sound transmission to your elder sister. She tilted her head and smiled softly, Let her come over.

Xian Hanyu was also a little dumbfounded: Bitch, you...


Before he finished speaking, he was slapped hard on the right cheek.

Xian Hanyu's expression was extremely painful, and he spit out some pieces of liver when he opened his mouth.

Your Highness!

The guards wanted to step forward, but found that they couldn't move at all.

Not because of being pinned down, but because of fear!

I was so frightened that I couldn't control my body, and my heart was trembling.

who? who is it!

Who is deterring them with coercion, but why they can't detect it?

To what extent is it so well controlled?

Jun Muqian glanced at it, and was slightly taken aback.

She didn't control these guards, why are they all suffering from epilepsy?

Could it be that she was frightened?


Beside the window, the woman in the red dress lowered her eyebrows slightly, her expression remained motionless, but her cherry lips were playful.

Hurry up. Jun Muqian still imprisoned Xian Hanyu, coldly, You can't call Xian Lingyu today, and you don't even want to see the sun tomorrow.

Xian Hanyu's cheeks were swollen and his face was blue.

He wanted to cry but had no tears, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Without much hesitation, Xian Hanyu immediately took out the son-mother stone, and tremblingly began to transmit the sound to the fairy jade.

After a while, a cold female voice sounded from the mother-child stone, with a bit of surprise.


Elder Sister, it's me, it's me! Xian Hanyu cried directly, hissing at the top of his lungs, Elder Sister, come to Yuncheng City quickly, come to Yuncheng City to save me!

He was so fascinated by crying that he didn't realize that there was still a bit of impatience in Xian Lingyu's tone.

Xian Lingyu's voice suddenly turned cold: Where did you go to cause trouble again?

No, no, Eldest Sister! Xian Hanyu felt a little guilty, and continued to cry, I just talked to her girl, and she chopped off my hands and legs without saying a word...

Sister, you must be so angry for me.

As he said that, Xian Hanyu gave the woman in purple a fierce look.

Xian Lingyu frowned: Where is the girl from?

She is aware of Xian Hanyu's temperament and loves beautiful women.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Xian Hanyu doesn't kill people, it has nothing to do with her.

Sister, I don't know about that either. Xian Hanyu hurriedly said, I was chasing and killing a commoner who robbed me, and this human jumped out.

Eldest sister, you don't know that this human being is so cruel. Her cultivation base is lower than mine, and she is only in the middle of the immortal state. She even smashed the armor my father made for me with a whip.

He cried bitterly: Sister, I've thought about it, and only you can help me.

Hearing this sentence, Xian Lingyu's pupils shrank immediately.

Almost for a moment, without even thinking about it, she already knew who Xian Hanyu was talking about.

Jun Muqian.

The real young emperor and queen of Tianyu.

The idiot Xian Hanyu actually messed with Jun Muqian!

Although Jun Muqian was the first person she wanted to kill, it was impossible for Xian Lingyu to go out at this time.

It is even more impossible to put his face on the ground and be trampled on again for the sake of Xian Hanyu.

Xian Lingyu could almost imagine that if she went like this, she would not have to talk about how to win people's hearts.

The right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, she cannot be short of any of them.

Moreover, the most important thing for her now is to marry Rong Qing as his wife after becoming the Young Master of Tianyu.

She has engraved their names on the Sansheng Stone.

Although these are treasures from the prehistoric times, they are all in chaos, so the Unreal Great Thousand can naturally use them.

Rong Qing will definitely fall in love with her.

But not yet.

Sanshengshi also has a buffer period, which takes at least seven days.

That's why she set their wedding ceremony six days later.

At that time, when everything is settled, she will naturally clean up Jun Muqian.

She will pay back all the humiliation she has suffered in the past!

Xian Hanyu wants to spoil her good deeds?

There are no doors.

At this time, she couldn't let Jun Muqian see something.

Get out, don't bother me. Xian Lingyu's voice was cold, with a bit of ruthlessness, This time, no one will collect your body even if you die.

Never expecting to get such an answer, Xian Hanyu was stunned: Eldest sister? Elder sister!


With a click, the mother-in-law stone in his hand split open.

This means that in order to prevent Xian Hanyu from contacting her again, Xian Lingyu destroyed the mother stone.


There was a dead silence in the whole restaurant.

Seeing this scene, the cultivators were speechless, dumbfounded.

This kind of thing has happened many times, but it has never been the result like this.

Xian Hanyu would often ask Xian Lingyu for help, and Xian Lingyu would always protect her younger brother.

But now...

The immortal cultivators stared blankly at the woman in purple clothes, and suddenly the previous words rang out.

——Ask Xian Lingyu, does she dare?


The cultivators were shocked.

Xian Lingyu really didn't dare!

Otherwise, why not come out?

Even if there is some urgent matter, there is no need to be so eager, or even destroy the mother stone of the communication?

Thinking of this, the faces of the cultivators turned pale.

No, no, it must not be because of fear, their Princess Lingyu is the strongest.

There must be something else.

They comforted themselves like this, but they didn't realize that their beliefs were already decreasing.

It's a pity. Jun Muqian stood up slowly, and smiled with his lips curled up, You didn't call Xian Lingyu out, you failed my hope.

Xian Hanyu was really scared this time, he broke out in cold sweat and yelled loudly: Don't come here...don't come here!


Why doesn't elder sister come out? !

How could the eldest sister say the words to let him die?

Don't worry. Jun Muqian said lightly, You and Xian Lingyu have such a good relationship, you will be reunited in Huangquan Difu.


The Seven Star Moon Whip quickly swung up, and slashed straight at Xian Hanyu's Tianling Gai!

The sudden and turbulent flow of spiritual energy caused the space to fluctuate.

The woman in the red dress also raised her head abruptly, but her eyes shimmered.

Her eyes moved slightly, then quickly closed again.

Protect, protect Your Highness! The guards found that they were finally able to move, and shouted, Kill her!


Simultaneously with the spiritual power, there is also a strong immortal power.

Dozens of rays of light intertwined together. A huge net was formed, and it rushed towards the woman in purple with all its teeth and claws.

Multiplayer formation!

The other cultivators took a step back in unison. Nervously watching this confrontational battle.

Xian Hanyu was paralyzed on the ground, he didn't have the heart to resist.

He just wants to escape now, or maybe his guards can kill this human being.

Of course, Xian Hanyu's idea is doomed to fail.

The purple-clothed woman acted as if she hadn't seen this formation at all, she turned her eyes, first locked on to the dozen or so immortals, and then flipped her hands!


There was an extremely ear-piercing explosion, and the long purple whip directly pierced through those immortal cultivators.

The heart burst instantly!

Forcibly break the formation!


The Seven Stars pulled the moon whip back into the sleeves, but it didn't stain a drop of blood.

The dozen or so immortal cultivators stared at each other without realizing what happened, and they turned into cold corpses.


Only the remaining two in the early stage of transforming gods were shocked, their lips were trembling, and they couldn't believe the facts before them.

And when they thought about what to do, they felt a sudden pain in their heart veins!

The purple long whip struck again.


Jun Muqian was really surprised: Why are you two so bad?

Although she is not afraid of the God Transformation Realm, she is not capable of killing the early stage of the God Transformation Realm with one move.

When the two God Transformation Realm heard this, they didn't come up in one breath, and they were so angry that they died.

Plop, plop.

Another two corpses fell to the ground, and the restaurant was completely silent.

Xian Hanyu looked at the purple-clothed woman tremblingly, there was a whooping sound in his throat, he rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

No one dared to step forward.

Jun Muqian kicked Xian Hanyu, with a calm expression: This look should be seen by more people.

After saying that, she flicked her fingers.

A wave of primordial spirit power flew out of the restaurant carrying Xian Hanyu.

All the cultivators hurriedly looked outside, and found that the ugly and ugly Xian Hanyu was parading around the entire fairyland at this moment, making sure that everyone could see it.

...So ruthless!

This is a blatant slap in the face of Xianyu!

Who is this woman in purple?

Why are you so arrogant?

But no one dared to say any more sarcasm, and they all walked away in despair.

Jun Muqian restrained his killing intent, then turned around, and saw the woman in the red skirt sitting by the window, she seemed a little scared, but she forcibly remained calm.

She stepped forward: Girl, are you all right?

As soon as the words came out, Jun Muqian felt a little wrong again, why did she care so much about a stranger?

But this time, the action was still faster than consciousness.

When she came to her senses, she was already seated.

It's good. The woman in the red skirt raised her eyes and smiled, I haven't thanked you for saving my life.

You're being polite. Jun Muqian didn't know how he came up with such a sentence, Walking in the rivers and lakes, if the road is uneven, you should draw your sword to help.


This is false to her, right?

Jun Muqian coughed lightly, covering up his unnaturalness: Dare to ask the girl's name?

The woman in the red skirt shook her head slightly: You don't need your surname.

After a pause, she smiled. Under the sun, her eyes were as clear as the sea.

My name is Qing Yunge.

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