The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 858: Hiding evil intentions! Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law meet! 【1 more】

The servant was taken aback by Xian Lingyu's slightly distorted appearance, and couldn't help taking a step back: His Royal Highness...

He had never seen such a fairy jade.

In the past, Xianlingyu wore a veil and did not show her face, but she was calm and steady from the beginning to the end.

She was rarely seen smiling, but she was never angry either.

People of Buddhism should be pure-minded and have few desires.

Cut off the seven emotions and eliminate the six desires.

But the current fairy Yu Mo said that she has no desires, and her desires are already hard to fill.

how so?

The servant couldn't understand it, and quickly lowered his head, muttering and not daring to speak.

But Xian Lingyu became more and more excited. She slapped the table and stood up, sneering: In the entire imaginary world, among the women of the same generation, I am naturally the highest.

If he doesn't marry me, who will he marry?


Of course he will marry me, there is no chance. Xian Lingyu repeated, and her emotions eased a bit, He married me, and the fairyland belongs to the Tianyu.

In the future, the Unreal Great Thousand will only have the Nine Realms. I don't even want the Immortal Realm. Will he still marry me?


The servant turned pale with shock this time: Is this what the eldest princess said about the dowry?!

He also thought that it was just Xianyu's choice and Tianyu's surrender.

After all, even though it is the Great Thousand Realms, the Heaven Realm is far away.

But according to the meaning of this sentence, the fairy jade is actually going to make the fairyland a part of the heavenly realm, and there will be no more fairyland? !

Naturally. Xian Lingyu sat down again, waved her hand, and threw the spirit ring to the waiter again, Fill it out quickly and distribute it!

She can't wait, can't wait!

She's worn the mask for too long over the years.

She always remembers that she is the eldest princess of Xianyu, and she has to take on the responsibility of revitalizing Xianyu.

Not only does she have to cultivate spiritual power and soul, but she also needs to learn poetry, calligraphy and etiquette, because she is a fairy jade, and she must be perfect in everything.

She can't show the slightest bit of fatigue and fragility. Once she appears, the outside world will speculate whether something serious has happened to Xianyu.

So she can't.

Even if she has someone she likes, she can't tell him. She can only watch from a distance and hide it in her heart.

But what about the facts?

Since she met in Tianyu more than 100,000 years ago, the person she puts on top of her heart, the person she has always regarded as her own, has been snatched away.

Moreover, it was completely stolen.

And that human being must just stand in front of her and tell her——I took your people away, are you angry?

Thinking of this, Xian Lingyu's hands trembled, and she could hardly hold the pen steadily.

With a stab, it left a lingering mark on the paper.

The scarlet imprint is bright and dazzling.

She took a deep breath before suppressing the strong feeling of jealousy.

Seeing that the servant was still a little dazed, Xian Lingyu's face darkened, and she said coldly: Why don't you go soon?!

Follow the order of the eldest princess. The servant dared not resist and ran away quickly.

In the absence of the Immortal Emperor, the words of Xian Lingyu are absolutely authoritative.

Therefore, the servant didn't even think about reporting it to the Immortal Emperor, so he quickly went to do this matter.

After being brought to the study room where she was left alone, Xian Lingyu stayed for a while, then suddenly covered her mouth forcefully and cried bitterly.

Things should never have been like this. She chose to devote herself to the Buddha because Rong Qing lived in the Buddha's realm for a long time when she was a teenager.

All she wanted was to be closer to him, to go where he had been.

Because Xian Lingyu never thought that one day in the future Rong Qing would really have a queen.

There are no seven emotions and six desires, how to love others?

So she can calmly concentrate on practicing Buddhism and choose the way of great love.

He won't marry, and she won't marry, even if they can't be together, it's good.

But now...

Jie Jie Jie... Suddenly, there was a gloomy laughter in the empty study, with a breath of death, What's the use of crying? Does crying mean that he will marry you and fall in love with you? ?

Shut up! Xian Lingyu suddenly raised her head, lowered her voice and roared, I tell you to shut up!

It was a black mist, very thick.

The sound is also coming from it.

Jie Jie... just want to tell you that crying is useless. The voice didn't care, With this time, you can do more things.

Stop talking nonsense. Xian Lingyu said coldly, Where's the stuff?

As soon as the words fell, there was a whoosh, and a white light flashed.

Xian Lingyu's pupils shrank, and she raised her hand in time to catch it.

I opened my hand and looked, and found that it was a stone the size of a fingernail.

She frowned and was displeased: What is this? Can it make him fall in love with me?

This is called the Sansheng Stone. The voice said, Of course, it's just a scrap.

Xian Lingyu was even more displeased: You give me the leftovers?

Humph! Hearing this question, the voice snorted coldly, The Sansheng Stone was created by Nuwa when she created man. , easy come?

Although the Sansheng Stone was created by Nvwa, it gradually exceeded control because it absorbed too much essence from the heaven and the earth.

Nuwa can only seal this stone with supreme spiritual power, place it in front of the gate of the underworld, and endow it with the power to control the reincarnation of marriage.

Hei Wu smiled coldly: As long as you engrave your and his names on it, this marriage will be yours!

What's your purpose? Xian Lingyu is still the eldest princess of Xianyu after all, she calmed down a bit, I won't let you hurt him.

Otherwise, why would such a good thing happen to her?

Injury? How could it hurt? Heiwu smiled disdainfully, As long as they don't have time to intervene in Honghuang's affairs, that's enough!

Family, it's best not to meddle in other people's business!

Speaking of this sentence, the voice suddenly became a bit hideous.

Honghuang... Xian Lingyu's eyes moved, and he said coldly, Don't worry, Unreal Daqian and Honghuang have never interfered with each other. Even if you Honghuang perish, it has nothing to do with Unreal Daqian.

Remember your words. The voice was cold, The Sansheng Stone is given to you, as long as his cultivation level does not surpass Nu Wa, he will definitely not be able to escape.

I know. Xian Lingyu said indifferently, You go, don't let others find out.

Jie Jie... A snort came from the black mist, Are you afraid that others will see your true face? Xianlingyu, you can't turn back anymore.

After the words fell, the space distorted, and the black mist quickly disappeared.

Xian Lingyu glanced at the piece of gravel in her hand, her eyes blurred for a moment, then she became firm.

She raised her hand, with spiritual power attached to her fingertips, and began to carve words on it.

The glowing light flickered, but quickly disappeared.


One day later, Immortal Realm, Cloud City.

Yunyun City is a large city in the Immortal Territory, where many large sects and forces have gathered.

Jun Muqian sat in a restaurant in the center of the city, looking out the window.

In her line of work, she has not restrained her appearance and figure.

The Other Bank of the Cloud is located in the Cloud City, but it is not always possible to enter.

Just like its name, the other side of the cloud is above the cloud city.

It will only appear on the night of the full moon on the fifteenth of each month.

It is rumored that there is also a treasure that can shake the Ten Realms in the other side of the cloud, but it is difficult to find.

Therefore, many spiritual practitioners have gone to the other side of the cloud with curiosity, wanting to find out.

But either they never return, or they return in vain.

Over time, rumors about the other side of the cloud became more and more strange.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, the Immortal Emperor issued a death order——

Every month, only twelve people can enter the other side of the cloud.

Violators, beheaded!

Most of the Lingxiu who came to Yunyun City wanted to go to the other side of the cloud to try their luck.

The restaurant was as lively as ever.

Although it was only a short day, what happened at the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony has quickly spread throughout the entire illusory universe.

Whether it was the demise of the seven major sects of the Eastern Region, or the sudden attack of the young master of the Tianyu, the spirit cultivators of the Ten Regions were shocked again and again.

Have you heard? That day, the Sovereign Sovereign destroyed the seven sects by himself!

I've heard, I've heard, and I also heard that the Sovereign Lord only has the cultivation base of the Longevity Realm, but he can block thousands of troops by himself. It really shocks us.

Isn't it? I heard that the emperor of the Eastern Region has never shown up. I don't know if he was also frightened.

Hey, don't talk nonsense, what kind of existence is the emperor? I guess he is in retreat and doesn't know about it at all.

I don't care, from today on, Jun Zunzhu is my idol.

Jun Muqian rubbed his ears, feeling at ease physically and mentally.

There is no way, she is too narcissistic, she just likes to hear others praise her.

Hey, your news is outdated. Do you know that something happened in Foyu?

Something happened to Foyu?

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and turned his head away.

Before he could hear the next sentence, he saw a bright red dress suddenly came into view.

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