The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 857 Light beauty, can you do it? Must have a son! 【2 more】

He had just woken up before, and because of a series of things, he hadn't accepted the memory yet.

At first he thought that there would be nothing special about these memories, so he accepted them by the way.

but now……

Rong Qing's expression changed again and again, and his emotions, which he had never shown, were difficult to stabilize, and he seemed to be losing his composure.

He actually...

Qing beauty? Realizing that she hadn't waited for a long time to answer, Jun Muqian realized that Rong Qing's voice stopped there.

The man in scarlet clothes stood there, motionless.

The eyes seemed a little strange.


Jun Muqian raised her hand and shook it in front of his eyes. Seeing that he still didn't respond, she became confused and called again, Qingmei?

Why is her beauty suddenly stupid or something?

Could it be that there will be such sequelae if he suddenly wakes up?

Rong Xi poked her head over, looked at her elder brother, very curious: Sister-in-law, has the elder brother's primordial spirit gone out of his body?

No. Jun Muqian checked again, but he didn't find the aura of Yuanshen's departure, so he was stunned, Is it because I woke up too suddenly and my consciousness has not been fully recovered?

The two of them have no idea what kind of pain and suffering Rong Qing is enduring now.

When accepting the memory of the first soul, he felt that it was good. Although his personality did not match his, at least he could accept it.

Except, the operation that he offered to ask for a hug.

When reaching the second soul, Rong Qing suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

When I found out that he also said a sentence-I like beauties the most, I stole them for you.

He began to wonder if this was really him.

However, overall it is not satisfactory, at least there is no shame.

But the last two souls...

Rong Qing's unmoving expression finally showed a crack.

The more he accepted, the more he couldn't calm down.

How did he do something like being jealous of himself and himself?

It was completely unexpected that such a thing would happen when two souls gathered together at the same time.

If he had known earlier, he would never have done this.

Rong Xi looked at it for a long time, and then said something: Brother seems to be very depressed.


Jun Muqian carefully looked at the expression on the face of the man in scarlet clothes, and he really saw that, and became even more puzzled: Little beauty, what are you depressed about?

This sentence brought Rong Qing back from the restlessness of accepting the memory.

He pinched the center of his brows, calmed down his emotions, and said slowly, without showing any strangeness, I'm a little tired.

Absolutely absolutely absolutely not, let Mumu see it.

Absolutely absolutely absolutely not, let Mumu think of it again.

The only two thoughts are very firm in His Highness Shaojun's heart.

Jun Muqian really didn't worry about her beauty's strange behavior before, but was a little worried: Looking at the beauty, can you still do it?


How could he not be able to do it?

Hearing this, Rong Qing's expression paused for a moment, and the lips curled up in an arc, which was extremely seductive: Why don't Mumu come and see if I can do it in a while?

His voice was low and cold, with a slight smile at this moment, very pleasant to hear.

After getting such an answer, Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

This is too...

Her eyelids twitched, she didn't know what to say, and after a while she said: You really failed at learning.

I snorted in my heart, how could I be worse than her?

However, because of the matter of the third and fourth souls, she had already recorded the accounts for him in a small book.

Want to enter the room so soon?

There are no doors!

Jun Muqian looked solemn: Qingmei, don't think you can do it, I think you definitely can't. What you should do now is to lie on the bed and have a good rest.

That's right, brother. Rong Xi agreed, Maha also said that after you finish gathering your soul, you have to retreat for a few more days.

Jun Muqian was serious: It takes a hundred days to hurt your muscles and bones, but to despise a beauty, you are so soul-stirring, why does it take a hundred years?

Rong Xi still agreed, and nodded: Yes, brother, anyway, a hundred years will pass in the blink of an eye.

Rong Qing: ...

He finally understood a little bit why his father often threw his sister out, and couldn't stand it.

He pinched the space between his eyebrows again, and skipped the topic: Xi'er, you go back first.

Oh. Rong Xi obediently responded, still a little reluctant, and lifted the pig in her hand, Sister-in-law, this roast pig is for you.

Jun Muqian's eyes twitched slightly as he looked at Rong Qing's roasting skills.

She really didn't want to let herself be poisoned again, but seeing the hopeful eyes of her sister-in-law, she accepted it, and praised by the way: Xi'er is really amazing.

Of course. Rong Xi became proud again, My cooking skills are the best in our family.

Jun Muqian: ...

Very well, she decided that in order to prevent her from being poisoned to death in the future, she must start practicing cooking.

Sister-in-law, then, I'll see you in Tianyu. Rong Xi waved her hand and started to leave.

But in the next second, her footsteps stopped, her expression suddenly changed, and she blurted out: Brother, the Immortal Emperor, the Demon Lord, Uncle Buddha, and Aunt the Demon Queen have all come to Tianyu.

Hearing this sentence, Rong Qing was not surprised.

Oh? He was noncommittal, indifferently, It's just in time.

The opening of the Tianyu, and the return of the Tianyu Emperors, the other emperors of the domain should have known about it.

They would naturally go to Tianyu immediately, some came to say hello, some came to test.

In short, it will not be peaceful.

Yao couldn't be surprised: They're all here?

But this is impossible!

Boy Rong obviously killed one just now, how could they all come?

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes and realized something in his heart.

Mumu, my parents haven't left the customs yet, I need to go to the Nine Realms City to sit in town. Rong Qing tilted his head, I'll send you to Shaojun Palace first, in Tianyu, no one dares to do anything to you.

Qingmei, that's just right, you go and deal with this matter first. Jun Muqian thought for a while, I'll go to the other side of the cloud by the way.

Some things still need to be confirmed in person.

What's more, the last time I left the Promise Forest, the lotus lantern also disappeared strangely, as if it had never appeared before.

The other side of the cloud? Immortal Realm? Rong Qing frowned, That place is a bit weird, Mumu, wait for me to accompany you...

The words were not finished yet, but they were blocked in his lips and swallowed all the words into his stomach.

The double pupils of the man in scarlet clothes suddenly deepened, and just as he raised his hand to grab her waist, wanting to take a step deeper, the person in his arms suddenly pulled away again.

The residual temperature allows the air to gradually warm up.

Don't worry, don't worry. Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, but no matter how uncomfortable the young master was, I'm not that fragile. As long as the emperor doesn't come out, no one else can beat me.

Not ego, but self-confidence.

Even if she meets the Lord God, she is sure to escape unscathed.

Before returning to the world of Lingxuan, she had to find out what the black mist was.

Jun Mu slightly frowned.

What she didn't understand was, with the strength of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, how could the black mist penetrate into the illusory world?

Rong Wei was a little helpless, and could only agree: I will come anytime.

Although he is not as good as his parents right now, he can deal with those people who harbor evil intentions in Unreal Daqian with just a wave of his hand.

Jun Muqian's peach blossom eyes blinked: See you in seven days.

Yeah. Rong nodded lightly, and tightened the waist of the person in his arms, Mumu... When the Lingxuan matter is resolved, come back, and we will get married.

He had waited too long for this moment.

Jun Muqian was startled, and then smiled: Okay.

If she hadn't met Rong Qing, she would never have thought that such a day would come.

Her life should have been drifting with the wind, making her home everywhere.

However, she can settle down for him now.

Wow, getting married! Rong Xi's eyes lit up, I'm going back to get ready too.

One of the great pleasures in life is to watch other people get married.

She watched the wedding ceremony of her father and mother, so naturally she couldn't miss that of her elder brother and sister-in-law.

Rong Qing's eyes were slightly cold: Aren't you going back?

Hui Hui Hui! Rong Xi shuddered, not daring to say anything, and ran away in a hurry.

Just kidding, if she stays again, she will probably be spanked.

Rong sighed softly, turned her head and said: When my parents got married, this girl hid under the bed. When we get married, we must tie her up.

Ahem! Jun Muqian choked, Under the bed?

What is this operation?

Yeah. Rong lightly said, I was spoiled by us when I was young.

That's right. Jun Muqian thought for a moment, Xi'er is so cute, I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Rong Qing seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: Mumu, we must have a son in the future.

Huh? Jun Muqian was a little curious, Qingmei, do you like boys?

Rong Qing hesitated to speak: I'm afraid I will raise another Xi'er.

I can't control this. Jun Muqian held back a smile, Look at your hard work.

Hearing this, Rong Qing's eyelashes moved slightly, his thin lips curled up, and he smiled softly: Well, I will work very hard.


At this time, Immortal Domain, Emperor Palace.

The Immortal Emperor went to the Demon Realm before going to the Tianyu.

After apologizing to the demon queen with an extremely humiliating mentality, the demon queen lifted the seal in Xian Lingyu's body.

Although this matter was carried out secretly, how could Yaoyu miss such a good opportunity?

Under the hype, even the Lower Five Regions knew about it.

All of a sudden, the majesty of the Immortal Emperor was greatly reduced, and even a lot of power of faith was lost.

The Immortal Emperor went to Tianyu this time because he wanted to use the hands of the Tianyu Emperors to see if he could kill the Demon Queen's prestige.

Therefore, there is only Xian Lingyu in the Emperor's Palace now.

She is leaning over the desk, not knowing what to write.

His Royal Highness, all the invitations you need have been prepared. The servant saluted respectfully, I just don't know, what should be written on these invitations?

Three days ago, Xian Lingyu ordered all the idle servants in the Emperor Palace to make tens of billions of invitations.

Although the servants were puzzled, they didn't ask.

Moreover, they all discovered by coincidence that since the eldest princess came back from the Valley of the Medicine King, her whole person has changed a lot.

It was an inexplicable change, but it gave them an inexplicable panic.

Coupled with the fact that the Immortal Emperor was injured and half-dead by the demon queen, the power of the Immortal Territory was greatly weakened.

Xian Lingyu put down her pen and raised her head indifferently: Is everything done?

One copy is not bad. The waiter handed over a spirit ring, Follow the instructions of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

Very good. Xian Lingyu glanced casually, I'll send out these invitations in a while.

The servant was stunned: But there is no message written on it yet, dare to ask Her Royal Highness, where should I send it?

Xian Lingyu said coldly: Naturally, it will be sent to all places in Daqian. Anyone who can be famous in the world, no matter whether it is the upper five domains or the lower five domains, will receive this invitation.

As for what message to write, I'll just say it once— Xian Lingyu tapped her finger on the table in an orderly tone, For the sake of future peace, Xianyu will make peace with Tianyu soon.

I, Xian Lingyu, will also marry the young master of Tianyu, and the dowry will be the entire Xianyu.

This invitation is an invitation for a wedding ceremony. Anyone who receives the invitation must come. If they don't come, they will die.


The servant was shocked: His Royal Highness the eldest princess wants to marry into Tianyu? Your Majesty never said anything about it.

Father has already entrusted me with full authority over this matter. Xian Lingyu's eyes sharpened, Or do you mean that I have no right to marry?


The waiter was silent, a little at a loss.

But hasn't Tianyu already appointed a young monarch and queen?

As far as he knew, it wasn't the eldest princess at all.

Besides, the eldest princess didn't want to worship Buddha wholeheartedly, she wanted to convert to Buddhism, when did she still think about getting married?

What the hell...

The servant swallowed and spit, and said anxiously: Princess, do you want to talk to Tianyu first? What if...

There is no chance! Xian Lingyu's expression changed, and a layer of black mist suddenly covered her face, full of evil spirits, so ferocious that it was terrifying, Of course he will marry!

In the future, after the real birth——

Rong Qing: My face hurts!


The last Halloween lottery draw was [Beichenbei], remember to send the address to the management~

The physical gifts for this period will be sent out in December!

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