The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1178 What the two emperors of Tianyu did [1 update]

A full minute after Yuanshi Tianzun’s words came to light——

A faintly laughing voice sounded helplessly.

Second brother is really perceptive. I clearly hid my aura, but I was able to be discovered by second brother.

It seems that over the past hundreds of thousands of years, the second brother's practice has not fallen behind. If he comes to the master in the future, the master will definitely praise the second brother well, and maybe even give the second brother a lot of treasures.

When the time comes, I can also follow suit.


As the voice fell, a slender figure appeared, standing under the thousand jade steps of Yuxu Palace.

He was an extremely handsome man, wearing moon-white clothes and a white jade hairpin. His long dark hair fell neatly, but he was a bit unruly, like a mortal dandy, without any trace of a saint. Air and majesty.

But if it is placed among women, it will gain a lot of favor.

One of the Six Saints of the Prehistoric Age, the founder of the Jie Sect, the third disciple of Taoist Hongjun, and the leader of the Shangqing Tongtian Sect!

Yuan Shi raised his hand and motioned for the handsome man to come up. He said calmly, Who doesn't know that Master's favorite is you? No matter how high our cultivation level or how powerful our Dao is, how can we compare with you?

At the beginning of the world, Taoist ancestor Hongjun distributed treasures to his disciples on the Fenbao Rock. The total treasures obtained by Taishang Laojun of Shangqing and Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuqing were more than those of Tongtian Cult Master.

Other innate demon gods have always been unable to understand why Tongtian Cult Master was so naughty and impulsive, yet he managed to gain Hongjun's love.

Tongtian moved and arrived in front of Yuxu Palace. He looked Yuanshi Tianzun up and down and smiled thoughtfully: Second brother, have you worked too hard recently? Why do you look so much older?

Yuan Shi glanced at him and said nothing with a cold face.

Innate demon gods like them can change at will without practicing the way of change, but their initial external manifestation is fixed.

His eldest brother Taishang Laojun's external manifestation is old age, which corresponds to the word 老 in his name.

His external manifestation is that of middle age, while the external manifestation of his third brother, Tongtian Cult Leader, is that of a young man.

When I went out and took a look, they didn't look like three brothers at all, but more like a grandfather, father and son.

Yes, among the other innate demon gods, for some reason only Tongtian Cult Leader was favored by Taoist Ancestor Hongjun, but how could their brothers not notice it?

Probably because the external manifestation of Taoist ancestor Hongjun is a young man, and he cannot pamper a middle-aged or an old man. It just so happens that the leader of Tongtian Cult is also used to having a bad temper. In short, he is acting like a spoiled child. It happens that he has Hongjun's wish, so he can prepare for it. Be pampered.

However, even Yuanshi Tianzun had no control over this matter. He might have cared a little about it before, but over time he no longer cared about it.

After all, no matter in the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, or in the eyes of him and Taishang Laojun, Master Tongtian is just a spoiled child.

I think the second brother is also very busy recently. Tongtian smiled slightly, So I made a special trip to see the second brother this time to bring good things to the second brother.

It's hard for you. Yuan Shi said calmly, You don't want to kill me, but you still want to bring me something.

In the eyes of other demon gods, the battle between the first calamity, dragon and phoenix, and the second calamity, the lich, was the most damaging to Honghuang.

But in fact, the third calamity battle is the most dangerous among the three calamities.

Although Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals like Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin, Donghuang Taiyi, and Di Jun did not die in the Battle of the Gods, most of the dead were mortals and some Taiyi Golden Immortals, and the main battlefield was also in the mortal world. .

But this war successfully divided the Six Saints of the Ancient World.

On the surface, it looks like it's just a war between two mortal dynasties, but in fact, it's all guided by saints.

Lord Tongtian has a bad temper, but he has some similarities with Patriarch Bodhi——

They all advocate teaching without distinction, and all living beings can listen to their teachings. Regardless of whether they are demons, humans, or gods, they are all equal, as long as they have the talent.

Therefore, the Jiejiao religion founded by the leader of Tongtian is the largest religion among the four religions. It is known as gods pay homage and thousands of immortals come to court.

The leader of the Tongtian Sect has many disciples, including those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, and those who swim in the sea. Most of them are formed by practicing beasts and birds and have ascended. However, because of this, the disciples of the Jie Sect are mixed, and they are often ridiculed by other sects.

Among them, the most ridiculed one is the Chanjiao founded by Yuanshi Tianzun. The Chanjiao says that the Jiejiao is a mess, a mixed bag of good and bad, and heresy, which cannot be put on the stage and is simply an insult to Pangu's authentic sect.

The List of Conferred Gods was jointly signed by Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader in order to fill the manpower of Heavenly Court.

The Master of Tongtian Cult has the most disciples, so the more names he signed on the Apotheosis of the Gods.

But once you are on the List of Gods, you will lose your freedom, be enslaved by the whip of the gods, and be controlled by the heaven.

Although the leader of Tongtian Cult has an irritable personality, he also cares about the world. He couldn't bear his disciples to mistakenly appear on the Apotheosis of the Gods, so before the Battle of the Conferred Gods, he warned all the disciples of the Jie Cult, but he did not say it clearly because the secret could not be leaked.

And because he was worried that some disciples would not be able to understand it, he specially distributed some code words to deepen the warning.

However, the destiny set by Heaven cannot be changed, and even the saints of Heaven cannot be enemies.

Whoever Heaven wants to go to must go up; whoever Heaven wants to be in must be there.

Therefore, even if the warning has been issued, most of the disciples of Lord Tongtian still serve as officials and generals in the era when Heaven determines that they will lose.

Also due to different camps, the Human Sect of Taishang Laojun, the Chan Sect of Yuanshi Tianzun, the Bodhi Patriarch, and the Western Sect of Jieying Taoist joined forces to deal with the Jie Sect of Master Tongtian.

In the end, Jiejiao was defeated and suffered heavy casualties. Many disciples were killed, leaving no intact corpses.

It is true that this was all planned by Tiandao, and the saints of Tiandao were helpless, but the disciples of the other four sects still framed the disciples of the Jie sect.

The leader of Tongtian Cult could not bear it any longer and was so angry that he immediately summoned the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to fight other heavenly saints with his own strength!

Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation was the first great killing formation in the world, it was finally defeated by Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Bodhi Patriarch and Taoist Jieyin.

After the Zhuxian Sword Formation was broken, Master Tongtian ordered his disciples to set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation to meet the enemy again, but they were still defeated.

Both of these formations caused a lot of casualties to Honghuang, alarming Dao Ancestor Hongjun who had already adapted his body to Taoism.

Even if Hongjun pampered his little disciple, he could not ignore the Tongtian leader after he committed a crime, so he immediately punished him with confinement and was not allowed to leave or leave for 500,000 years.

After this battle, the Heavenly Saints parted ways. On the surface, they seemed peaceful, but in reality they were in conflict.

At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun and his disciples attacked the leader of Tongtian the most fiercely. For a while, the two brothers were nothing more than enemies with a blood feud.

The second brother is joking. I am not as strong as the second brother. If you want to kill the second brother, you have to weigh it carefully. Tongtian still smiled, waved his hand, took out a bottle of wine from the portable space, and placed it on the stone table. This is the good thing I brought back to my second brother. It can increase the source.

Second brother worked too hard and must have consumed a lot of his original energy. He needs to repair it properly.

Yuan Shi frowned, took the pot of wine, and took a sniff: I remember that your confinement was lifted a hundred thousand years ago. A few days ago, I went to Biyou Palace to look for you, but you were never there. Where did you go?

The last four words were full of sharpness and faint murderous intent.

Oh? Tongtian raised his eyebrows and smiled, I thought my whereabouts should not be hidden from my second brother. Apart from going to the lower planes, the mortal world or other universes to be free and unrestrained, where else can I go?

I'm no better than you and your eldest brother. I like to play. I'll go wherever it's fun. It's too boring in the early days, so I don't want to stay here.

It's okay to tease girls or play with pets. It's all good.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shi stared at the handsome man for three seconds, then suddenly sneered and said slowly: Can you still damage your soul by going out to play?

What could hurt the Heavenly Saint?

It is more difficult to hurt the saints of heaven than to kill them!

Second brother has noticed all this. The sword is indeed not old yet. Tongtian folded his clothes and smiled. There was nothing strange about him. I met the two emperors of Tianyu when I went to the Illusory Great Thousand. They regarded me as He hit the intruder and hit him with a palm, only to be damaged as a result.

If second brother doesn't believe it, you can go and ask. Or does second brother think that I can defeat the two emperors of Tianyu?

Yuan Shi frowned deeply when he heard this.

Leader Tongtian: Yes, it was the two emperors of Tianyu who did it.

The Two Emperors of Tianyu:?

Master Tongtian: You guessed it, I am favored by Master because I am good-looking

Leader Tongtian: Actually, I am the one who runs the zoo:)

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