The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1177 The leader of Tongtian Cult appears! It’s not in vain that I favor you [2 updates]

These three words are still dark red, with a faint light flowing on them, like burning flames and flowing blood.

gate of hell!

Jun Muqian frowned: Why is there a ghost gate here?

The Ghost Gate is the only entrance from the human world to the earth realm, but any wandering soul or cultivator who enters the ghost gate must undergo inspection by the earth realm.

Not to mention that the Wangchuan River hinders the passage of living people. Even if they can sneak in, they will be blocked from the gate of hell, unless they are soldiers traveling between the human world and the earth world.

After the death of a creature in the human world and its soul leaving the body, it will also receive a pass issued by the earth world.

This pass, the so-called road guide, leads the wandering soul to the underworld.

However, due to the large number of creatures in the ancient world, there would occasionally be omissions in the realm, resulting in the wandering souls of the dead having no passes and being unable to pass through the gate of hell.

In order to prevent people from sneaking into the underworld, the Tenth Palace of Hell set up heavy troops outside the gate of hell to prevent stowaways from breaking through.

The ghost gate in front of her was no different from what Jun Muzhen had seen in the underworld before, except that the giant bronze door was closed.

Ying Zijin also took a look at the giant bronze door. After doing some calculations, he said, Do you know the mirror image?

Mirror image? Jun Muqian thought for a few seconds, You mean, this is reflected by the Wangchuan River?

Yes. Ying Zijin nodded slightly, But this place does exist. You can think of it as another underworld, but you just haven't used it.

It should be that Ksitigarbha has long since rebuilt an underworld at the bottom of the Wangchuan River, just in case the underworld might collapse one day in the future.

So - Jun Muzhen blurted out, There is an underworld here, and there will also be a new book of life and death?!

Theoretically, it is true. Ying Zijin glanced sideways, But we have to go in first.

Let me take a look. Jun Muzhen walked forward and came to the giant bronze door.

She raised her hand and put it down very carefully.

The giant bronze door didn't respond at all, and the three large bright red characters flashed above the head like a warning.

Use blood. Ying Zijin stared at the two door knockers for a few seconds, One for each person.

Very good. Jun Muqian patted her shoulder, her expression became cheerful, With you here, we will be much more relaxed, and I can be lazy. My good sister, you really think about me. It's not in vain. I have spoiled you for so many years in vain.

With a divine calculator around you, things can be much simpler.

Forget it later. Ying Zijin sighed, seemingly helpless, I have a headache.

Easy to say. Jun Muqian looked lazy, After I get the book of life and death, I will buy some pig brains to replenish it for you. Just tell me what you want to eat.

After saying this, she waved her hand and used her spiritual power to force out some of the blood and poured it into a skeleton.

Ying Zijin on the side also did the same, and the same blood flowed out.!


The white skeleton suddenly shook after drinking the blood.

The next second, a series of clang, clang, clang, clang sounds were heard, as if some kind of mechanism was operating, affecting the entire giant bronze door in an instant.


Following a roar, the tightly closed giant bronze door slowly opened from the middle, making a heavy muffled sound, revealing the scene behind the door.

But from the outside, it was still dark inside.

Jun Muqian glanced at it and said, Let's go, I'll take the lead.

Ying Zijin nodded: Okay.

Hey, wait a minute. Jun Muqian seemed to have remembered something and took out a few things from the Hunyuan Bell, This is for you, for self-defense.

What she held between her fingers was the talisman she had refined.

A five-element transposition talisman, a yin-yang fixation talisman, a chaos tracking talisman, and a heaven and earth command talisman.

When Ying Zijin saw these talismans, her expression moved slightly, with an unknown emotion. She reached out and took it: Yes.

Even if it's a little less, I can't repay your life-saving grace last time. I will make up for it in the future. Jun Muqian took a step forward, After thinking about it, nothing else is of use to you, so I will give it to you. This one, you are more fragile and impatient, this thing can help you run away and cheat on others.

That's enough. Ying Zijin narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly, How could I not like what you gave me.

I said you are such a heartless person, it's really disgusting. Jun Muqian almost stumbled, I think your character has not changed, but you used to be coquettish openly, but now you are coquettish on the inside.

She suddenly remembered how she and Ying Zijin had become life-and-death friends.

At that time, the situation in the illusory world was treacherous and turbulent, and because they were the type with enemies flying all over the sky, they were hunted down a lot.

Along the way, they saved each other many times, and even when they were at the end of their rope, they never gave up on each other.

Moreover, when she entered the illusion last time, she lost too much blood due to the enemy Buddha in the Buddha Realm. Ying Zijin was completely feeding her blood by exchanging his life for his life.

What is life and death?

A life-and-death acquaintance is the kind of person who can completely trust the other person's back and never have to worry about an escape route.

Friendship is not inferior to love and family affection.

She's lucky to have all three.

I regret it very much. Ying Zijin paused and glanced at the woman in purple, Jun Muqian, you talk so much.

Jun Muxian choked for a moment: I deeply feel that if you and my beauty meet one day, you two can freeze me to death. I am really pitiful.

After some banter, the two entered the gate of hell.

After they entered, the giant bronze door closed again with a bang.

As Jun Muqian thought, after entering through the Ghost Gate, you can see the Naihe Bridge.

The Naihe Bridge here is no different from the real Naihe Bridge in the underworld. Of course, there is no Meng Po like Qing Dai making soup.

Meng Po Tang provides a place for wandering souls to settle their past affairs, while the Sansheng Stone beside the Naihe Bridge records the marriages and past and present lives between ancient and ancient creatures.

Naihe Bridge is also called the Reincarnation Bridge, because after stepping on the Naihe Bridge, it is a new reincarnation.

Will the Book of Life and Death be in the place where Judge Cui Jue lives? Jun Muqian glanced around, After all, the Book of Life and Death has always been in his hand.

No. Ying Zijin shook his head slightly, There should indeed be a book of life and death here, but it hasn't appeared yet. Ksitigarbha said that he wanted to go to the place where the book of life and death was destroyed.

Eternal hell? Jun Muqian understood, Where can the book of life and death be restored?

As the two of them spoke, they also headed towards the endless hell in the mirror hell.

Well, Ksitigarbha has set up checkpoints here. Only by passing these checkpoints can we bring back the new book of life and death. Ying Zijin said again, After all, if someone who is interested can get the new book of life and death, The book of life and death is nothing more than a catastrophe for the prehistoric times.

I know. Jun Muqian's eyes were filled with determination, But I have to save Master and the others at all costs. I can't let them die.

Okay. Ying Zijin smiled slightly, No matter the cost.


Beyond the void, there is Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi glanced at the black mist crawling on the ground, and sneered: The Book of Life and Death has been destroyed, Ksitigarbha cannot come out, and Ting Ting's whereabouts are unknown. Can you rest assured now?

Jie Jie Jie... It's just the first good thing. Heiwu smiled sinisterly, I hate Ksitigarbha's prophecies, and I also hate the wandering souls in the eighteenth level of hell he transformed into. He is even more annoying to me than Zhunti and Jieyin!

The master wants him to be imprisoned in the endless hell, so that he will never be reincarnated. Let's see how he can transform the wandering soul and purify the ancient world!

Yuan Shi said calmly: You can lift and pick up, but you can't move now.

You can't move now, but you can in the future. Hei Wu disdainfully said, Hongjun is a waste, and Jie Yin and Zhunti are even more so. None of the saints of heaven can see it. I really don't know what the prehistoric period did to raise you.

Yuan Shi's face remained calm, showing no sign of anger.

Right now, I can't do anything. I can't even create men and horses. Some tasks can only be done by you. Hei Wu was not worried about whether Yuan Shi would defect, Yuan Shi, you showed me your loyalty. Very good, very good, when I achieve great success in the future, you will definitely have a place.

Stop talking nonsense. Yuan Shi said coldly, You just need to talk about the mission.

I want you to find these people and a few things. Heiwu was not annoyed, but laughed arrogantly, After finding them, they all fell asleep, except of course those who surrendered.

Yuan Shi frowned: What are they?

Heiwu asked: Do you remember Ancestor Hongyun?

Him? Yuan Shi frowned even more tightly, Remember, what happened?

This ancestor of Hongyun is also an innate demon god. He was born when the first red cloud attained enlightenment between heaven and earth.

He, his eldest brother Taishang Laojun, his third brother Tongtian Cult Master, Donghuang Taiyi, Dijun, and Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, once listened to Taoist ancestor Hongjun's sermon in Zixiao Palace.

Because it is also nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Ancestor Hongyun is kind-hearted by nature, has an extremely pure heart, is not contaminated by any sins and causes, and is friends with the innate demons.

However, his relationship with Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, is the best.

At first, when Tiandao awarded the holy title, Patriarch Hongyun also got the holy title, but he gave it up in the end, so he was also a quasi-sage - the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

Even Donghuang Taiyi has not reached this step, and he has not obtained the holy status at all.

It's just that Ancestor Hongyun's attack power is not strong, and his defense power can only be considered above average. Moreover, his luck is not strong, which makes him particularly unlucky.

In a battle, Jiutian Kunpeng Shunchu attacked Ancestor Hongyun halfway. Ancestor Hongyun was defeated and his body was destroyed. Fortunately, his soul was protected by his companion spiritual treasure Jiujiu Hongyun Sansoul Gourd and survived.

However, due to the destruction of his physical body, the origin of Hongyun Ancestor was severely damaged. In order to repair himself, he prepared to enter the six paths of reincarnation, reincarnate and rebuild, and reach the top again.

As a result, when he was about to enter the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he was discovered by the Ancestor of Styx who lived next to the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Ancestor Minghe has a weird temperament, and no one in the ancient world has looked down upon him. When he saw that Ancestor Hongyun dared to directly break into his territory, he also thought that even he couldn't go to Hongjun to listen to the sermon, but this guy could .

Therefore, Patriarch Minghe was angry at that time and wanted to eat Patriarch Hongyun to strengthen his own cultivation.

Ancestor Hongyun was naturally outmatched, so he had no choice but to sacrifice the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Sansoul Gourd, and was able to escape into the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

But this Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul-Removing Gourd was picked up by the Ancestor of Styx, and it should be in the Asura clan's treasure house now.

Since Patriarch Hongyun entered the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the innate demon god who had been friends with him has never seen him again, and it is not known where he has gone.

Although the wandering souls in the lower planes are not subject to the management of the six realms of reincarnation, people from the general plane can be reincarnated into the lower planes. Three thousand lower planes cannot be found at all.

That's right, I sensed that Ancestor Hongyun is now in this general plane. Hei Wu was very proud, This Hongyun is really cunning and can survive until now, but it is impossible to get him to surrender, so Yuanshi You need to inject the spirit of the inner demon into his soul before he can recover.

Yuan Shi nodded.

Also, the lotus lantern must be found. Heiwu suddenly screamed again, The two boys and girls who sat down with Hongjun were so stupid. They put the lotus lantern in the illusory world to find the lost wick. As a result, they The lamp was also thrown away, trash!

Yuan Shi was a little impatient: I know, is there anything else?

And - Just when Heiwu was about to say more, he felt something and suddenly disappeared from the ground.

Yuan Shi's eyes suddenly became sharper. He turned around, looked at the thousand layers of jade steps, and suddenly said, Third brother, long time no see.

Since you're here, why don't you come in and sit down?

Leader Tongtian: This leader finally has a role ^_^

Ancestor Hongyun: Yes, I also have a vest, let’s pick it up :)

Ancestor Styx: He is defeated!

Queen Su, who was forced to leave a mess by her father: Haha

Qing: Welcome to the large-scale group horse-racing scene

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