The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1175 Wangchuan! I understand, this is a couple’s love [2 updates]


In one word, the surroundings became silent.

King Qin Guang, who had finally freed himself from the pain of his soul, felt that he had heard a big joke. It was extremely funny: You know? You have met Lord Ksitigarbha? You are so shameless for such nonsense. How thick does it have to be to tell?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a very clear explosion sound suddenly came from the soul, which shocked King Qin Guang to break an arm, and even the soul became somewhat transparent.

Cui Jue was shocked: Yan Jun!

Jun Muqian kicked him up with a fierce look in his eyes: If you curse again, I will tear apart your soul bit by bit.

King Qin Guang's body trembled violently, and the pain made him almost unable to speak.

He gave up his physical body and purely cultivated his soul. Having his arm cut off would not cause any defects in his body, but would result in the loss of part of his soul.

It would take at least a hundred thousand years to reunite this part of the soul!

Senior brother, please watch them first. Jun Muxian thought for a while and said to the Monkey King, I have something to do.

It's easy to talk about. Sun Wukong waved his hand, Without the magic weapon, the underworld is just a decoration. Go and do your business.

Jun Muxian said again: Okay, Nezha is still dealing with King Pingping and the others. Please ask senior brother to come and lend a helping hand.

Sun Wukong still nodded lazily.

Jun Muqian then looked at Ying Zijin, held her wrist, and said in a low voice: Follow me, let's go this way.

Ying Zijin nodded and did not refuse.

Watching the two people leave, Qingdai and Cui Jue looked at each other.

Can the Book of Life and Death really be restored? Qingdai frowned, Although I think it is possible, it doesn't feel that simple.

Don't look at me now, I don't even know. Cui Jue wiped his sweat and spread his hands, In the past hundreds of thousands of years, do you think I am using the Book of Life and Death? That is the Book of Life and Death. You’re using me.”

Qingdai's mouth twitched and she stood up silently.

Cui Jue saw this and called out: Hey, Xiaoqing, where are you going?

Qingdai's face was expressionless: Back to Naihe Bridge, the book of life and death is destroyed, the six paths of reincarnation will be unstable, and it is very likely to be closed suddenly. I will go over and stabilize it.

Oh - Cui Jue suddenly realized, I understand, you are looking for Xiaobai, right? He is restless, so you have to watch him closely. If he sees any good-looking soul, he will probably take it back by himself. Well, then you can just...

Before he finished speaking, there was a pain in his feet.

Cui Jue, don't worry. Qingdai sneered, When I develop a new Meng Po soup, I'll let you drink a bucket.

Cui Jue: ...


Jun Muqian took Ying Zijin to a deserted place and set up a barrier before asking in a low voice: What's going on? Why did you meet Ksitigarbha again? Qingmei said that Ksitigarbha should be there now I don’t know my identity yet.”

Well, he is right. Ying Zijin said calmly, So I don't know who Ksitigarbha is. I only calculated that he is in the Infinite Hell and I had a summons with him.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian frowned: In other words, Ksitigarbha's seal is being broken step by step, but it is still unstable. Sometimes he wakes up and sometimes he gets lost?

Yes, that's not right either. Ying Zijin responded, Because his power is incomplete, sometimes he has memory and sometimes he has no memory. By luck, I asked the question during the period when he had memory. How to restore the book of birth and death.”

Insufficient power? Jun Muqian was startled, How come he is not in full strength? But because he was injured in the Infernal Hell?

Ying Zijin raised his eyebrows slightly: Ksitigarbha has a mount, have you forgotten?

Jun Muqian blurted out: It's true listening!

Di Ting has some of Ksitigarbha's luck, which makes him weak. Ying Zijin said lightly, So, we must find Di Ting as well.

Ksitigarbha has been hidden so deeply. He must have used the way of prophecy to erase the traces of listening. Jun Muqian frowned, It's hard to find, but this is not the first priority. The first thing is to restore the Book of Life and Death. .”

Ksitigarbha is not fully powerful and cannot come out on his own. For her sake and for the sake of the Great Desolation, the book of life and death must be restored.

She raised her head: Ksitigarbha also encountered the situation where the Book of Life and Death would be destroyed?

Ying Zijin was silent for a moment: Yes, we all foresee it.

No matter how she divined and met all the tens of thousands and hundreds of millions of possibilities in the future, the result without exception was that the book of life and death was destroyed.

This is an unchangeable future. You cannot change it no matter what you do, you can only make up for it afterwards.

Jun Muqian rubbed the center of his eyebrows: Sometimes I envy you, you can tell everything at a glance, but sometimes I feel sorry for you because it's too tiring.

It is true that the unknown is scary to people, but being able to predict everything is a shackles that can never be removed.

What are you talking about? Ying Zijin shook his head, Ksitigarbha told me that if you want to restore the book of life and death, you have to go to the bottom of the Wangchuan River.

It seems that Wangchuan is really related to Ksitigarbha. Jun Muxian said thoughtfully, But I really don't want to take a look at that color.

She raised her legs and walked away, asking as she walked: How about going down to the bottom of the Wangchuan River?

Then let's go down and look again. Ying Zijin said, I only exchanged these words with Ksitigarbha, and he lost his memory again.

Jun Muxian: ...

Okay. She thought for a moment, Let's go over from the Naihe Bridge. Although Bai Wuchang is unreliable, we can still rely on it.

Okay. Ying Zijin tilted his head, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, which was a bit cold and cool, I will listen to you today.

You gave in so easily? Jun Mu Qian was slightly surprised, It's not like you. With your temperament, shouldn't you fight me and fight for a say?

Ying Zijin: Lazy.


That is to say, when Jun Muzhen and Yingying were heading towards Naihe Bridge, Bai Wuchang was standing on the Naihe Bridge, shouting: One bowl for each person, one bowl for each person, don't drink too much, whoever dares to drink more will be punished by Wuchang Turn someone into a manzhushahua and send him to the garden of a dead old woman.

The wandering soul, who had experienced a torture, had a bitter look on his face and his calves were trembling. After drinking up the Meng Po soup handed over by Bai Wuchang, he ran away, fearing that he would be turned into a flower.

The wandering soul behind felt desolate, Master Meng Po, when will you come back?

Xie Bian! came an angry shout, You simply want to die!

Bai Wuchang was still serving soup to the wandering souls with a smile, when he suddenly heard his name, his legs went weak and he fell down: Damn...

Qingdai was so angry that she stepped forward and lifted him up: Do you think of the bridge like this?

What do you think? Bai Wuchang bared his teeth and said with confidence, You can't bully me and I'll tell you. If you bully me, I'll tell you... Hey! Grandma, Grandma, are you here?

Qingdai was stunned, turned around and found that the woman in purple was indeed behind them: Senior?

What are you... Jun Muqian looked at them for two seconds and suddenly realized, I understand, you are busy, you are busy, I will go to the river.

Qingdai: ...

Bai Wuchang yelled: No! Auntie, I don't know her, really.

I understand, I understand. Jun Muqian looked like someone who has come before, It's fun and interesting, this is the relationship between husband and wife, let's go, you can slowly cultivate your relationship.

After saying that, she and Ying Zijin entered the Wangchuan River.

The two souls are powerful, and they are not afraid of the forgetfulness river that corrodes the soul.

Bai Wuchang was stunned for two seconds, then became filled with grief and anger: It's all your fault, you ruined my reputation as a good family man!

Qingdai chuckled: Just get out of here.

She kicked Bai Wuchang, walked to the pot containing Po Meng's soup, picked up the spoon, and said coldly: Next, whoever dares to take one more sip will kill me.

Wandering Souls: ...

Is it okay for them not to enter reincarnation?


Today, half of the color of the Wangchuan River has returned to its original blood-yellow color, spanning half of the underworld and a million miles long river.

Jun Muqian originally thought that the Wangchuan River was very shallow, but he didn't expect that he had to swim for an hour before he could barely see the bottom.

After another incense stick, they touched the ground.

There is no breath of life. Jun Muqian felt it, It is a dead river.

Except for you and me, King Qin Guang and the others will not go down to the Wangchuan River. Ying Zijin curled his lips lightly, Because they think there is a curse here. Once they enter, they will be beaten to the bottom of the Wangchuan River and will never be reincarnated. .”

But in fact, there is no curse, but they really can't get rid of it. This River of Forgetfulness swallows ordinary wandering souls, and it will also swallow the memories of gods.

Qingdai: Apple flavor, strawberry flavor, chocolate flavor, which flavor of Meng Po soup would you like to drink?

That's right =w= Today is a super smooth time.

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