The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1174 Chapter 1173 Restoring the Book of Death! I’ve seen Ksitigarbha [1 update]


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even Sun Wukong couldn't help but stop, looking surprised.

This Wheel-turning King actually knows his junior sister?

Look at this tone, it seems that they are not familiar with each other, or are they called by their first and last names?

That's not right. The Wheel-turning King has not left the underworld for hundreds of thousands of years, so how can he recognize his junior sister?

King Qin Guang's eyes widened even more, and he could hardly believe his ears: Tenth, tenth brother?

Even Jun Muxian's pupils shrank, as if he had seen a ghost for the first time: You, you...

It seems that my disguise is pretty good. The Wheel King's voice changed at this moment, from a deep male voice to a female voice, with a bit of coldness and a slight smile, You have reached the level of cultivation now. The Taiyi Golden Immortal peak, Yuanshen is about to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, but he didn’t recognize me at the first sight.”

In full view of everyone, the Wheel-turning King raised his hand and removed the black robe on his body, revealing his original appearance.

It was a slender and tall woman, still wearing a long black dress.

She has a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, which are slightly raised and captivating. They should be a stunning color, but because her eyebrows are dull and distant, they give off a somewhat cold feeling.

Extreme beauty and extreme coldness intertwined together, revealing a kind of extremely magnificent beauty.

At this moment, the woman in black and the woman in purple stood opposite each other, and the two extreme beauties suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the impact was huge.

All the gods of the underworld were dumbfounded, including King Qin Guang.

Cui Jue was stunned: did Shi Yanjun become a woman?

Yes, Chakravartin is very mysterious, but it is not so mysterious that even the gods of the underworld have never seen him.

Because the male dominates the yang and the female dominates the yin, if a woman cultivates the soul alone, the progress will be very slow. Therefore, among the gods of the underworld, only Meng Po Qingdai is a woman, and the others are all men.

Not to mention the King of Wheels who can compete with King Qin Guang in terms of cultivation.

You can't, have you changed your gender?

Don't be okay, of course you must be okay! But how could Jun Muqian care so much? She took a step forward and hugged the person in front of her. When she felt the warmth of the essence, her eyes suddenly turned red. , You're okay, that's great.

She closed her eyes and said again, her voice trembling, as if she was surviving a disaster: It's really great...

She has been unable to contact Ying Zijin, and she also knows that he is not in the Infinite Hell, but she has traveled to so many places in the wilderness, but she has not found him.

The most important thing is that she is afraid that something will happen to Ying Zijin again.

Although Ying Zijin does not practice prophecy, he is also a god who predicts the world and has strong divination ability, so she is afraid that Heiwu and Yuanshi Tianzun will also pay attention to Ying Zijin and secretly kill him.

Not bad... not bad, nothing happened.

Hearing this, Ying Zijin's eyes moved slightly. She also hugged the woman in purple, lowered her eyelashes, and smiled faintly: I haven't finished the battle you should fight with you, how can something happen to me?

When true friends meet, they often don't need to say anything, just a hug is enough.

Because only when you hold each other, you can feel the real warmth.

Nothing will happen after the beating. Jun Muqian let go of her hand and her mood slowly calmed down, but her eye circles were still red. She looked at the woman in black and narrowed her eyes, It was agreed upon at the beginning. , you want to reach the top together, haven’t you forgotten?”

Ying Zijin was stunned for a moment, and a slight mist passed through his eyes: I haven't forgotten.

Although Mei is only one of her many incarnations, it is also the only one that carries all her consciousness and emotions, and it is also the existence that she has truly lived.

Very good. Jun Muqian patted her shoulder, If you dare to forget, I'll beat you to death.

Yeah. Ying Zijin glanced at her, I'm quite scared.

Speaking of which, where is the real Wheel-Winning King? Jun Muqian made a clicking gesture, Were you killed?

She was shocked, but she also knew that Ying Zijin was definitely not the King of Wheels. After all, her friend of life and death had never been to the prehistoric times.

At that time, she was only focused on helping Sun Wukong, and started to do it without even looking at Chakravartin King.

No. Ying Zijin looked careless, It's just tied up.

She pondered again: I've been unconscious for a few years, I can't remember clearly.

Jun Muxian: ...

It would be better to kill him and let him lose the face of a generation of kings of hell.

Ying Zijin seemed to have seen what she wanted to say, and raised his eyebrows slightly: Although I didn't sacrifice my cultivation to try again like you, I am only in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, and it is enough for me to tell fortunes. I don't want to practice at all. .”

Jun Muqian pressed her eyebrows and was speechless: I know.

Whether it is the cultivation of spiritual power or the cultivation of soul, Ying Zijin is not very focused. She only focuses on the path of divination, and she has reached the ultimate on this path.

Being good at everything involves being mediocre sometimes.

As if thinking of something, Jun Muqian suddenly asked: Are those ghost emperors you...

Ying Zijin nodded: Oh, they were also fainted. Of course I couldn't defeat them, so I used some tricks.

Jun Muxian: ...

She knew what the little trick Ying Zijin was talking about was to calculate the opponent's next move in advance. This was simply a dimensionality reduction attack. How could several ghost emperors who were retiring in the underworld be opponents?

No wonder, she has never been intercepted by the Wheel King and several other ghost emperors. It turned out that Ying Zijin helped her.

But I'm sorry - Ying Zijin's expression paused, Although I have been in the underworld for a long time, there are some things that I still cannot change.

I know, you have helped a lot. Jun Muqian said, I am just glad that you have some brains and did not expose yourself. Otherwise, you will be wiped on the neck and I will have no place to cry.

Even Ksitigarbha, the former Lord of the Earth Realm, did not dare to show up in advance.

Moreover, Ying Zijin could say this because she must have calculated something and foresee the future, and then she knew that even if she stopped it, she would not be able to save the fact that the book of life and death was destroyed.

Just like the prehistoric times, even though Ksitigarbha and Emperor Wa could see the end of the prehistoric times, they were still powerless.

Who are you?! At this time, King Qin Guang finally came to his senses. The veins on his forehead were beating violently and he roared, Where is the tenth brother? Where are you?

A spy sneaked into their underworld and took the place of the Chakravartin King of the Ten Palaces, but no one discovered it!

Moreover, according to this woman in black, she has been sneaking in for a few years!

Simply incredible!

Are you deaf? Didn't you hear that your tenth brother was fine and just fainted? Jun Muxian turned around, What's so bad about it? I'm so weak and pitiful. Are you still a man?

King Qin Guang: ...

Sun Wukong: ...

A group of people from the underworld: ...

What did they hear?

Ying Zijin's expression did not change, and his eyes did not waver: I think you are still weaker than me.

Go away, I already have a Vajra body, and you haven't refined my bones yet. Jun Muqian clenched his fist and struck at Zhutian Qingyun, which was already full of cracks!

At the same time, the red hydrangea was sacrificed, and the red light was so bright that people could not open their eyes.


The cracks exploded, and Zhutian Qingyun completely collapsed under this punch, quickly shrinking back to its original form.

Hearing a pop sound, Jun Maqian opened and clasped his hand and held Zhutian Qingyun in his hand so fast that King Qin Guang didn't even react.

Senior brother, I give it to you. She turned around, looked at Sun Wukong, and raised her eyebrows, Although it is quite shabby, it can be used appropriately.

Sun Wukong was not polite, took it directly, and said with a smile: Thank you very much, little junior sister.

Well, he must be the most favored senior brother in the division, even that peacock can't compare.

As for this - Jun Muqian turned his head, his eyes fell on Wuji Xinghuang Banner, and he opened and closed his hands again.

With a swish, one of the five innate flags transformed from the chaotic green lotus leaves was also taken away.

This is for you. Jun Muzhen slapped the Wuji apricot yellow flag directly on Ying Zijin's hand, You are so weak, you should defend yourself.

Ying Zijin took it: I don't like the color.

Why do you have so many things to do? What kind of sex do you like?

I prefer red.

Is there a red color in the Xiantian Five Directions Flag? It seems to be, it is a flaming flag off the ground. Do you want this? This thing seems to belong to Taishang Laojun, then I...

That's enough! King Qin Guang couldn't listen anymore and was furious, Rong Mu, you are so presumptuous! These are the treasures of Tianzun, how dare you take them away?

So what if I just took it? Jun Muqian curled her lips, You go to Yuanshi Tianzun now, tell him all this, and ask him to come down and hold me accountable, what's wrong?

However, before King Qin Guang had time to speak, he only felt a blur in front of him. When his vision became clear again, he had been lifted into the air.

The woman in purple locks his throat, with a smile on her lips, but her eyes are cold: How to restore the Book of Life and Death?

King Qin Guang gritted his teeth and said nothing.

I know what you are thinking. You think I can't kill you. Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, Because after all, you were identified by the Tao Ancestor. Before the second Lord of the Earth Realm came out, you were protected by the Dao of Heaven. If I kill you, I will be revolted.

So this is also the reason why Ying Zijin did not kill Chakravartin, he just fainted.

King Qin Guang glanced at her in surprise, then sneered: It's good that you know.

But I'm not afraid of Heaven's backlash against me, but you're not worth it for me to bear the Heaven's backlash. Jun Muqian tightened her fingers, I'm asking you for the last time, how to restore the Book of Life and Death!

It's a joke. King Qin Guang said harshly, The book of life and death has been destroyed, how can we recover? Do you think the cup was broken? This is the best innate spiritual treasure!

You don't know, but someone knows. Jun Muqian said lightly, Now, contact Yuanshi Tianzun and ask him to tell me personally!

We have reached this point, are we still afraid of facing Yuanshi Tianzun?

No, it should be that Yuanshi Tianzun doesn't dare to confront them yet.

Now the saints of Heaven have not taken action, firstly because of the restrictions of Heaven, but also because there is no breaking point.

Before King Qin Guang could answer this time, Cui Juexian spoke with sweating profusely: Master, Tianzun has already left the three realms and entered the void. It is Tianzun who always contacts us, so what ability do we have to contact Tianzun?

Don't talk about us. Even His Highness the Third Prince's master can't be found.

Jun Muqian ignored him at all and just looked at King Qin Guang. The power of his soul suddenly burst out and enveloped King Qin Guang in an instant: Hurry up.

No! There is no way to recover! King Qin Guang screamed in pain, Even if there is, I can't know, just kill me!

This Master Rong Mu's methods were so ruthless. He directly caught his weakness and used the power of his soul to attack his loopholes.

If this continues, his Taoist heart and roots will be greatly damaged.

Jun Muqian's eyes turned cold, but he didn't let go.

But she knew that in this extreme pain, King Qin Guang couldn't lie even if he wanted to.

Sure enough, is there really no way?

Jun Muqian pursed her lips. It seemed that she could only ask Patriarch Bodhi. However, this would bring Patriarch Bodhi and Yuanshi Tianzun into confrontation in advance. What if Patriarch Bodhi was also imprisoned? what to do?

Little Junior Sister, don't worry. Sun Wukong frowned, There will definitely be a way. I, Old Sun, will go to Heaven now and ask Haotian!

Jun Muqian's eyes dimmed slightly: But there is no time.

A few years have passed since one round trip between heaven and earth took place.

Without the control of the underworld, the torture of the endless hell will only be greater, and those inside will simply not be able to hold on.

Is there really no way out?

Ying Zijin closed her eyes, as if she had made up her mind. After a few seconds, she slowly spoke: Jun Muqian, I know how to restore the book of life and death.

After a pause, she added: I have met with Ksitigarbha.

Ying Zijin: Harmful friend:)

Lord: If I don’t harm you, who will I harm?

Let me see who always regards Ying Zijin’s victory as a win?

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