The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1154 Calculation! The whereabouts of Ksitigarbha [1 update]

Thunder came and roared continuously.

All the white clouds in the sky are gathering crazily, rushing towards the center of the original site of the Netherworld Blood Sea.

But the next second, something shocking happened.

This white cloud layer is turning red bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few breaths, the sky seemed to be filled with a vast sea of ​​blood. It was so bright that it made people feel frightened. Looking from a distance, there was actually a feeling that they wanted to worship.

And all of a sudden——



Almost at the moment when the clouds completely turned blood red, heavy rain fell from the sky. This rain was also blood red, but it was crystal clear. It did not have a deep aura of killing, but instead exuded a certain kingly atmosphere.

The heavy rain fell very intensively, covering the dry ground in just a few minutes.

The red raindrops rolled into the cracks caused by dryness. Drop after drop, they were repairing the land. After the repair was completed, more and more raindrops accumulated.

If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be able to form a river or a sea.

Now, the rainwater has directly passed the first step, directly gathered into a river, and then expanded to the sea.

Boom boom——

The blood clouds all over the sky are brightly colored, and the bloody rain has not stopped yet. There is a strong possibility that the former sea of ​​blood in the underworld will be condensed back together, and the momentum will be even greater, signaling the arrival of the successor.

This movement naturally shocked the entire Asura clan!

Although they are located within the barrier formed by the ancestor of Styx in the past, they are not completely sealed.

Seeing the rain falling from the sky, and the bloody aura coming towards her face, Tian Fei suddenly stood up, with a look of shock on her well-maintained face: What's going on?!

Mother Concubine... This was the first time Wu Ying saw such a battle. She grabbed the hem of Tian Fei's skirt and trembled, I'm afraid...

The other demon officers were also very confused, but more out of fear. They all stared blankly at the terrifying bloody sky.

Only Indra's pupils suddenly shrank, and he murmured: Your Majesty...

The sky is falling with red rain. Could it be that the ancestor of Styx is coming back?

Of course Indra knew that the ancestor of Styx did not disappear at all, but only a residual soul remained, which was no different from death.

Although there was a chance to be resurrected, Ancestor Minghe gave up this opportunity and chose to let Su Qingli be born to take care of Honghuang for him.

Your Majesty... Indra's fingers tightened until his bones cracked and hurt, If you can come back, you will be able to make the decision for Princess Li...

If he were at his peak, Wu Jiao and the others would naturally not dare to touch Su Qingli, but what can be done... Now that his origin has been damaged, his cultivation has regressed to the lower stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and he is completely unable to fight against Wu Jiao and her tribe. He could barely protect Su Qingli.

But when this idea first came up, Indra's body suddenly shook, and his face showed a bit of disbelief.

Because he suddenly discovered that his lost origin was being repaired bit by bit at this moment!

Not only that, but also because he has never slackened in his cultivation over the years. With the recovery of his origin, his cultivation level has also begun to soar rapidly. Once fully recovered, it will even be higher than before!

Although he has not yet reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he is definitely the top among Daluo Jinxian.

Indra's eyes burst into ecstasy, and he knelt down suddenly, one knee on the ground, and bowed to the sky: Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will protect Princess Li until death!


Any movement in the Three Realms cannot escape the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun. He knows that the source of the change is the Asura clan without even looking.

The black mist that had turned into a human form was floating on the other side of him.

Hmph, I didn't expect Styx to have a hand... Hei Wu slowly clenched his fist, looking at the eastern sky with his head without facial features, his voice was extremely gloomy, Sure enough, these things related to this idiot Pangu are not that easy to solve!

He hates Pangu even more than Hongjun!

It would be fine if Pangu took the credit for the creation of the world, but he would continue to stay in the wilderness after his death.

Not only did this fool transform his soul into the three brothers Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Cult Master, his essence and blood were restless, and he gave birth to twelve ancestral witches, and an ancestor of Styx!

If Pangu hadn't been completely dead, he really wanted to cut Pangu into pieces!

Hearing this, Yuan Shi turned to look at him: Do you have such a great hatred for Pangu and Master?

Jiejiejiejie...Yuanshi, don't try to deceive me. Heiwu didn't answer at all, just smiled sinisterly, Since you have chosen to side with me, then do your duty. Don’t worry about other things!”

Speak less and do more, and then I will give you a great opportunity.

Yuan Shi said coldly: I am not your subordinate. You don't need to talk to me like this. I choose to help you, not to fear you.

After all, I am also Pangu Zhengzong. Do you want me to stand on your opposite side?

This time, it was Heiwu's turn to be speechless. After a few seconds, he said angrily: Yuanshi, this loser Hongjun said that you only respect him. I think this is really right.

Heiwu knew very well that he did not dare to push Yuanshi Tianzun too tightly.

Yuanshi Tianzun has an arrogant temperament, and it is impossible for him to bow his head for anyone. Before everything is settled, he does not want to break up with Yuanshi Tianzun.

No matter what, everyone in these three realms... are just his pawns!

Excuse me. Yuan Shi said lightly, Tongtian doesn't even respect his master.

Black mist: ...

The Styx is completely dead and cannot come back. Yuan Shi put his hands on his back and raised his head, It is his descendants who have inherited his inheritance, shall we kill him?

Of course I want to kill this master! Heiwu was silent for a while, and then said in a cold voice, But the Asura clan has a twelve-level karma red lotus. I can't move yet, and neither can you.

Among the four great treasures of chaos, Chaos Qinglian is definitely the number one!

Therefore, it is also called the Creation Green Lotus.

Not only the twelfth-grade karma fire red lotus of the ancestor of Minghe is formed from the disintegration of the chaotic green lotus, but also the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus of the Taoist guide, the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus of the demon ancestor Luohu, and the river map of Emperor Jun. Luo Shu and Nuwa's Lotus Lanterns are all made from Chaos Green Lotus!

Therefore, these spiritual treasures are all treasures born from chaos. With his current strength, he cannot kill the owner of the spiritual treasures.

Yuan Shi raised his eyebrows and mocked coldly: It seems that you were not the one who killed Styx back then. It was Styx who did not want the Asura clan to perish and took the initiative to die. Your ability to calculate people's hearts is quite powerful.

Humph, it's a joke, Yuanshi, you don't even think about what my title is. Hearing this, Heiwu couldn't help but feel a little proud, In terms of calculations, no one can compare to me, even...

At this point, his voice suddenly paused and he changed the topic: By the way, I just found out recently that Ksitigarbha is actually in the Infinite Hell.

The Infinite Hell? Yuanshi was surprised, Will Ksitigarbha be in the Infinite Hell?

Humph, I'm just afraid of being discovered. Who knows that this master has gradually transcended the way of heaven, and his prophecy can no longer hide himself. Heiwu sneered, Go tell the Jade Emperor and let him do it within a day. , destroyed the book of life and death.

One day in heaven and one year on earth are already a lot of time.

Destroyed the Book of Life and Death? Yuan Shi's brows suddenly sank, Once the Book of Life and Death is destroyed, the six realms of reincarnation will be in chaos, and the prehistoric world will collapse in advance.

Jie, Jie, doesn't matter. Heiwu smiled sinisterly, Do you think that this master has not done anything serious in the past hundreds of thousands of years in the primitive world and the illusory universe?

Yuan Shi frowned even more tightly.

The next second, he heard Heiwu laughing wildly: Now with my master's strength, I can control half of the six paths of reincarnation. Even if the book of life and death is destroyed, the six paths of reincarnation will not collapse, but will be used by me!

He wanted the entire prehistoric world to taste the taste of failure and let Hongjun and the others experience death again!

He wanted to see who else could give them time to reverse this time!

I understand. Yuan Shi nodded lightly and suddenly said, If Sun Wukong controls the Book of Life and Death, I'm afraid it will be a big threat to you, right?

It's good to know. When the name Sun Wukong was mentioned, Heiwu couldn't help shouting sharply, You'd better keep your word. After a while, this master is no longer under the control of heaven, you Just go and kill this Lingming Stone Monkey, otherwise, if you let me come then...

He smiled coldly: Things are not that simple.

Yuanshi looked cold.

Yuanshi, I also want to ask you - the color of the black mist suddenly became a little stronger, and the words were a little sharp, Tai Shang Laojun is trapped like Nuwa, but where is your third brother?

The Biyou Palace is closed, or it may have gone to the lower plane again. Yuan Shi's expression did not waver, If you are worried about Tongtian, then there is no need, he is just a spoiled child.

I am not worried, of course. Heiwu smiled, After all, whether it is your eldest brother or your third brother, as long as he does not surrender to me, he will die... Yuanshi, by then you will be able to hold the power alone.

The voice gradually became lower, and the black mist slowly disappeared.

Yuanshi did not look back, looking far to the east and stood there for a long time.


At this moment, in the banquet hall of the Asura clan——

The heavy rain still did not stop. Tianfei Wu Jiao and other Asura demon officers were still in shock and horror, standing still on the spot.

Sun Wukong turned his head away, supported his chin with his furry hands, and looked out of the hall with interest: I didn't expect that the legendary red rain from the sky would come true one day. This is an eye-opener for me.

I heard that when Patriarch Minghe was born, such a phenomenon happened in the ancient world. Nezha's expression became more solemn. Now that it appears again, could it be that Patriarch Minghe is coming back?

To this day, the entire Three Realms still do not know whether the ancestor of Styx is dead or alive.

Tongtian: I haven’t appeared yet but I’ve been cueed all the time. Maybe it’s because I’m too charming.


I saw this question posted to me on Zhihu today——

What level is Sun Wukong in the Avengers? Can he defeat Thanos?


Zhihu, are you trying to spy on my information? I checked the information about the Great Sage on Baidu:)

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