The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1153 It’s me, I’m dad [2 updates]

Su Qingli's hands trembled even more. She was a little afraid to look down, but she had to look down.

She knew that the words above must be related to Feng Yimo. When she learned that Feng Yimo was missing rather than dead, what she had always wanted was to find him.

Su Qingli calmed down before opening the letter.

Li'er, it's me, I am the father.

When you see this letter, it should be hundreds of thousands of years later. My father... my father wants to say sorry, because my father is... no longer here.

Su Qingli's hand shook again, and she almost failed to hold it. The sourness that she had suppressed for an unknown period of time suddenly surged up in an instant, and her eyes became so heavy that she could hardly bear it.

Looking at the last three words, she suddenly remembered that a long time ago when she was still a minor in the Shengyuan Dynasty, her mother, Emperor Su Yu, passed away, and the maid who took care of her hurriedly came to her to inform her of the matter.

——Your Majesty, Your Majesty is no longer here.

——What does it mean to be gone...?

——If you are gone, you are dead. Your Highness, from today on, you are the Queen of Shengyuan, and the people of Shengyuan are all waiting for you.

But Su Qingli didn't want to be the Saint Yuan Queen at that time. If she could, she would rather Su Yu was still here, and now her father is still...

As if the letter in her hand knew her mood at the moment, it moved up an inch on its own initiative, revealing the next words.

This is the first time my father has apologized to others. Even those bullshit saints, my father, won't give them a good look. But who made you my daughter?

Father has long heard Bo Xun whispering in his ears that raising a daughter must be rich, so as not to be abducted by bad boys from outside. Li'er, although your father has not been with you since you were a child, he should not be with you. Which bad boy has the ability to abduct you, right?

Seeing this, Su Qingli couldn't hold back, she was still crying, and suddenly she smiled.

But it doesn't matter if he ran away. Anyway, it's definitely not as big as your family. Anyway, your father is also the second demon to create living things after Nuwa. That guy Taiyi is not as good as your father, so even if you have a bad boy , then you can only marry into the family, if you like more than one, marry a few more, and you can afford to support them.

Su Qingli thought to herself, couldn't she just get married?

Father, I know what you are wondering about. You are wondering why you are involved with the Asura clan even though you were born and raised in the Lingxuan world, right?

Su Qingli nodded subconsciously.

Don't think too much, you are my daughter of Styx, Feng Yimo of the Feng family of Wanling Continent is me, and Su Yu, Queen of Shengyuan of Huaxu Continent, is also your mother and queen, but we were not complete at that time, but Transformed into a trace of the remaining soul left behind by the disciples.”

Although maybe hundreds of thousands or even millions of years later, your father and your mother may be able to use this remnant soul to restore their souls and return to the primitive world, but we later decided to let you be born, even though your father is a rough man. , but I also know that there is an old saying in the human race that 'the youth is better than the blue', and it should be left to the young people.

After reading this sentence, Su Qingli's body suddenly shook.

Does this sentence mean that they could have been resurrected, but in order to let her be born, they gave up the chance of resurrection?

Li'er, a catastrophe in 600,000 years, the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation led to the demise of the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin clans. After the Lich War, the Wu clan declined, and the demon clan also suffered heavy losses. The Asura clan could have taken this opportunity to rise, but But my father knows that if the Asura clan grows stronger, the next target of the calamity will definitely be the Asura clan.

So my father still does not allow the Asura clan to leave the Sea of ​​Blood of the River Styx. Unexpectedly, the Asura clan was not destroyed by calamity, but it was still destroyed overnight.

Just before the third calamity was about to come, the Asura clan was besieged, and until my father died... he didn't know who the attacker was, but he was sure that the attacker was still in the wild, and he wanted to The purpose of destroying the ancient world is still unknown.

'The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river of Styx never dies.' Even the heavenly saints could not kill the father, but this attacker did it. Not only that, the four great demon kings Bo Xun, Brahma, Desire Realm, and Shiva all died in the battle. No one will survive.”

The four great demon generals, Ghost Mother, Rutora, and Vishnu, rushed thousands of miles to help, but were killed on the way. Only Indra survived by chance, but his origin was greatly damaged.

Your mother was the last stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but she also died in this battle, and her body and soul disappeared.

Bo Xun's wife, Heavenly Concubine Wu Mo, was also the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo. She died together with the enemy in order to protect the Asura clan...

The next ten or so sentences are full of blood-stained names!

Su Qingli was shocked physically and mentally.


Who actually has the strength to slaughter all the top forces of the entire Asura clan? !

Fortunately, after our death, the attackers also retreated. To protect the Asura clan, my father turned the sea of ​​blood into a barrier to prevent the enemy from invading.

After that, with the help of Dao Lord, my father was able to go to the illusory universe, use his last strength to become a human, and give birth to you with your mother, passing on your bloodline and mystical power so that you can grow up safely.

It's just that there are many eyes on the enemy. My father is afraid that your traces will be discovered, so I have to stay away from you and spread a fog to prevent the enemy from attacking. In order to protect you, my father sent Indra to the Lingxuan world to hide him. Until one day, Only then can I take you back to the ancient times and take charge of the Asura clan.

Li'er, since you have seen this letter, which proves that you have passed through the Shura Abyss, your father can finally give you the remaining inheritance. Do you see the bead in the box?

Su Qingli was stunned for a moment, then looked down and discovered that there was another bead in the black box.

This is the twelfth-grade karma fire red lotus. Back then, the Chaos Green Lotus was the creation green lotus that disintegrated and a lotus seed fell into the sea of ​​​​blood. My father sealed this twelfth-grade karma fire red lotus. Only Your blood can re-open the seal, and this twelfth-grade karma red lotus contains all of my father’s cultivation and mystical powers.”

By refining this thing, you can refine 480 million clones of the Blood God Son, create another sea of ​​blood, cultivate the way of the netherworld, and become immortal!

And no matter who is in power in the Asura clan at the moment, all Asuras will respect you and regard you as their king!

Su Qingli's eyelashes trembled and she picked up the bead.

But Li'er, my father actually doesn't have any wishes anymore. My father is used to fighting and killing all his life, and he doesn't talk much about relationships. But my father also just wants you to live happily for the rest of your life.

Father will not force you. If you don't want to take over the Asura clan, then you must leave the ancient world quickly and return to the illusory world. There is a teleporter in this Netherworld formation. Only you can use it. The ancient world will be in chaos. , your demise is certain, the further you go the better, my father will not blame you.

But if you choose to inherit the Asura clan, and you meet Ksitigarbha in the future, you must deal with him severely for your father. He is your father's mortal enemy. You don't know how powerful this guy is. Annoying.

I don't preach about Buddhism in hell or the underworld, but I stay at the sea of ​​blood every day, copying sutras and chanting Buddha's name. It's called transformation of the Asura clan. It makes my ears go calloused. I really want to tear him into pieces!

Well, Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha is cultivating the way of prophecy. I have to rely on him for some things. It's difficult. It really gives me a headache. My father can't do anything anymore, so I have to rely on you for everything.

Li'er, no matter which path you choose, you must always remember that your father is proud of you.

——The final poem of Styx.


After reading the last four words, Su Qingli was completely stunned. She seemed to have lost her soul. Tears flowed down drop by drop. She raised her head to stop it, but she couldn't stop it.

Jun Mu frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward: Ali, what's wrong?

Xiao Qian... After hearing these words, Su Qingli's throat choked up, as if all her strength had finally been exhausted, she burst into tears, sobbing, Xiao Qian, I don't have a father anymore, no more...

Jun Muqian was silent for a moment, her lips moved slightly, and after a while, she said: It doesn't matter, neither do I, but we are all here, and there are still people.

Su Qingli tried hard to hold back her tears, but she still couldn't suppress them.

Su Yu had told her since she was a child - Li'er, as the future Queen of Shengyuan, no matter how tired or miserable you are, you cannot cry. You must set an example for your people.

She was very obedient, so she never cried. She also knew that crying was useless. Crying could not save her relatives, nor could she recover everything she had lost.

The Demon King and Demon General headed by Bo Xun was also stunned at this time, and couldn't help but lost his voice: Your Majesty actually still has descendants alive?!

I don’t know if it’s because he is the creator, but he has had no heirs since the birth of Patriarch Styx.

They only thought that Su Qingli was a talented Asura princess, but they never connected her with the Ancestor of Styx.

What did they do? They almost caused His Majesty’s arrangement to fail!

Jun Muqian took the letter from Su Qingli and after reading it, she felt a little complicated.

No wonder Feng Yimo disappeared suddenly, because he was just the remnant soul of the Ancestor Styx. After his power was exhausted, he would naturally cease to exist. He would finally appear in Mount Xumi, presumably to lead Su Qing. Li found the two swords Yuan Tu and A Bi.

After crying heartily, Su Qingli quickly calmed down. She took a deep breath and immediately smiled: I choose to inherit the Asura clan. This is the hard work of my father and queen. I don't want to. Would watch it be destroyed.”

After saying this, she raised her hand, pricked her finger with spiritual power, and dropped a drop of blood on the bead.


All of a sudden——

The blood-red light was so powerful that it instantly illuminated the entire Netherworld Hall!

It’s also at this moment!

Above the entire Netherworld Blood Sea, beyond the six realms of reincarnation——


Ancestor Styx: Even if you have a bad boy, you can only get married.


Ancestor Styx: I didn’t beat you to death, I asked my daughter to come

Ksitigarbha, who has not yet shed his vest:?

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