The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1147 The first person among saints! 【1 update】

The only one who can be called His Majesty by Indra is the Patriarch of Styx!

It has nothing to do with you. Indra still didn't recognize who the young man in white in front of him was, but he still became a little suspicious because of that title. His voice was cold, You want to help Wuying enter the Shura Abyss, I can't stop you. , but you’d better not disturb His Highness.”

If something happens to Your Highness, no matter how much my ancestor protects you, I will kill you at all costs!

These words made Jun Muqian suppress the murderous intent in her eyes. She smiled half-heartedly: It seems that you are quite loyal to Ah Li?

No wonder that when she was still in Wanling Continent, she felt that Shura's attitude towards the little queen was not right. She was like a relative and a subordinate at the same time. It was a very strange feeling.

It turns out that he is Indra, and Indra is the right-hand man of the ancestor of Styx.

Having been in the Great Wilderness for so long, Jun Muzhen now has a rough ranking of the combat prowess of the ancient demon gods in the Great Wilderness.

There is no need to say that the saints of heaven are the strongest.

But there are actually two views on this first person among the saints.

One said, it was Donghuang Taiyi.

Because Donghuang Taiyi is not only the extremely powerful Great Sun Golden Crow, but the accompanying treasure Chaos Bell is also one of the three innate treasures. It is more powerful than the top ten innate spiritual treasures, and its defensive power is absolutely No. 1!

It can be said that if it were not for the lack of the holy title, Donghuang Taiyi would definitely be able to become a saint.

These two theories are the ancestors of Styx.

Pangu died after the creation of heaven. His body transformed into many demon gods, such as Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Tongtian Cult Leader and Twelve Ancestral Witches, and a ball of dirty blood in his body fell near the earth.

This dirty blood is the sea of ​​blood in the underworld.

There is a saying in ancient times - the sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river Styx never dies!

A placenta was conceived in the sea of ​​blood in the underworld, and this placenta became the ancestor of Styx in the future. His application of the law of creation was only lower than that of Emperor Wa, the sect of all spirits. He created the Asura clan and gave birth to the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The path of Asura in the world.

Ancestor Minghe also has two major killing weapons, one is Yuantu and the other is Abi. These two swords kill people without any causal effects, and there will be no karma or backlash from heaven.

Ancestor Minghe himself is immortal, and he has two swords, Yuantu and Abi, so his strength is not weaker than that of Donghuang Taiyi.

Both demon gods are quasi-sages, but since neither one can break the other's defense, the first person under the saint has not yet been able to determine the winner.

But no matter what, the ancestor of Styx was an extremely terrifying existence in the ancient times, and his strength was far ahead of all the innate gods.

Jun Muqian only guessed that Su Qingli might have some involvement with Ancestor Minghe, otherwise her spiritual vein would not be the Shura spiritual vein whose inheritance god is Ancestor Minghe, let alone Yuan Tu, Abi is in control.

But she really didn't guess that the little queen was directly the biological daughter of Patriarch Styx!

What's going on?

Jun Muqian frowned.

Could it be said that Feng Yimo was no different to Su Qingli than Mu Chenbai was to her?

Is it just a cover to hide your true identity?

But where did Feng Yimo go?

It's still a mystery.

You... Indra's expression was a little confused, and he felt that the boy in white was becoming more and more familiar, What on earth are you...

Jun Muqian's eyebrows did not move, he raised his hand lightly, and stepped into a barrier around him.

In order to prevent the Asura clan from having minions of the black mist, she also asked Hunyuan Ling to strengthen her barrier to ensure that no one would hear the following conversation.

After that, she stopped performing the seventy-two transformations.

Indra's eyes widened as he watched the handsome boy in white suddenly transform into a slender woman in purple.

The face was naturally very familiar to him. Once he saw such a stunning face, he would never forget it.

Indra blurted out: Are you Mu Qian?!

It's me. Jun Muqian looked up at him, Now, does it have something to do with me?

Indra was extremely unbelievable. He did not answer but asked instead: Why are you here? You shouldn't be here. Didn't you go to the illusory universe?

I think there is no need for me to explain my affairs to you. Jun Muqian narrowed her peach blossom eyes, You only need to answer me, is Ali the daughter of Ancestor Styx?

Indra frowned tightly, and suddenly realized: You are here for His Highness?

Cut the nonsense. Jun Muzhen knocked the purple whip in her hand, Isn't that right?

Indra was silent for a long time before sighing: Yes.

What's going on? Jun Muqian not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became worried. Her eyes were fixed, Ali was born and raised in Huaxu Continent, and Huaxu Continent has nothing to do with the prehistoric times.

Even the human race derived from the Wanling Continent has nothing to do with the prehistoric times. The only connection is the divine vein.

Indra didn't speak for a long time this time.

Jun Muqian could see his doubts at a glance, and she said calmly: Don't worry, no one will hear our conversation. If you don't speak out, how can I help Ali?

...Okay. Indra struggled for a while, exhaled, and then made up his mind and said, Princess Qingli is your Majesty's daughter. I didn't know at first that Princess Qingli used the Shura spirit vein. , I just found out about this.”

Jun Muqian's eyes were fixed: Did he use the law of time, or did he reincarnate for several lives?

For example, Bai Che, the leader of the Nine-tailed White Fox Clan, Bai Wei, placed the law of time on the egg so that it would hatch again after millions of years in order to preserve the bloodline of the Nine-tailed White Fox royal family.

It is also possible that like Mu Ying, after the soul is broken, he will be reincarnated, over and over again, until he finally awakens.

None of them. Indra shook his head, Princess Qingli is the child of your majesty and your empress. Princess Qingli's current age is also real.

Hmm -? Jun Muzhen was stunned for a moment, Didn't your ancestor disappear for a long time? How can he be reborn?

The little queen's current age is only twenty-five or six years old at most, which is too far behind the time when the Styx Ancestor disappeared. Could it be...

She looked at Indra suddenly, with slight disbelief in her eyes.

Indra nodded at this time, confirming her idea.

Jun Muqian frowned: Does Ali know?

His Highness doesn't know her identity yet. Indra smiled bitterly, If His Highness knows, I'm afraid he will lose a lot of fighting spirit, and your Majesty's inheritance will no longer exist. I can't watch the Asura clan perish.

Your Majesty finally had his only heir and preserved his bloodline. Before Princess Qingli fails to obtain all of your Majesty's inheritance, this matter must not be known to anyone else.

... Jun Muqian pondered, I understand. As long as she passes through the Shura Abyss, Ali can inherit her father's inheritance?

The inheritance of Ancestral Dragon can make Ao Lie ascend to the level of Daluo Jinxian in one step, how can the inheritance of Ancestor Minghe be weak?

This is just the first step. Indra sighed, Now the Asura clan is different from the past. The power is controlled by Wu Jiao, and His Majesty's inheritance is also enshrined in the Asura Hall.

If the Asura clan members had not had the idea of ​​betraying Your Majesty, they would have died instantly. Your Majesty's inheritance must have been given to Wu Ying by Wu Jiao.

Jun Muqian nodded, puzzled: But you are also the leader of the four great demon generals, so you still need to be afraid of the Concubine?

Indra fell silent again, and after a long while, he said softly: Although I escaped by chance back then, my origin was also injured. Now my strength is only that of the Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage. Wu Jiao has Da Luo Jinxian under his command. The pinnacle.”

Then you are... Jun Muqian stopped talking, Forget it, I will go into the Shura Abyss first to help Ali out.

I learned from Indra that the Asura Abyss can be entered and exited, but this is for the Asuras themselves.

If a foreigner enters, they will either pass successfully or die inside. There is no third way.

The Asura Abyss is the place of trial for the Asura clan, but what the trial is can only be known after entering it, because each trialist encounters a different trial, which prevents future trialists from being able to advance in advance. Control the possibility of intelligence clearance.

Master Mu, although you are here for His Highness, I still want to advise you. Indra stopped her again, This Shura Abyss is really dangerous. I have gone in before and only managed to come out the third time.

But at that time, I was still at the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal, and with His Majesty's guidance, Mr. Mu, your current cultivation level - He glanced at it, and said with some embarrassment, You are at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is estimated that if you enter the periphery...

The most obvious difference between Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian is the great road.

With the power of Dao Dao alone, Daluo Jinxian can easily kill Taiyi Jinxian instantly.

And in this Shura Abyss, there must be a place to test the avenue.

Don't worry. Jun Muqian remained calm, If I want to come out, the Shura Abyss cannot stop me.

Seeing that Indra was still hesitant, she added: Did you also see what happened in the palace today? You have no ability to stop Wu Jiao now, so Ali cannot fail this time.


Indra finally put down his hand. He stood silently aside. Suddenly, he knelt down on one knee and said in a heavy voice: Master Mu's kindness will never be forgotten by the Asura clan. If Master Mu needs help in the future, I will never forget it. The Shura clan will definitely go all out!

Even though the Asura clan is declining now, it is still a force that cannot be ignored.

It's not like Tianting didn't try to recruit the Asura clan, but all failed.

And because Patriarch Styx and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva are mortal enemies, the relationship between the Asura clan and the Western Paradise is not very good.

If anyone can obtain the Asura clan, he will naturally be able to gain a foothold in these three realms.

You are wrong. However, Jun Muqian just said lightly, The Asura clan has nothing to do with me. The person I helped was only Ali from the beginning to the end.

But in the future, it is impossible for you Asura clan to live in a corner.

The destruction of the ancient world is something that no living creature can escape.

Indra was stunned for a moment. He moved his lips, and when he was about to say something, he saw that the woman in purple had already entered the teleportation array.

A dark light flashed past, and there was no figure in front of him.


The sound of the wind gradually subsided, and the sight slowly returned to clarity and openness.

Jun Muqian opened her eyes and glanced at the place where she was.

After entering, she suddenly discovered that the Shura Abyss was not a bottomless valley, or some lifeless dark place.

This is a huge pavilion, made of stone, divided into countless rooms.

Looking from the bottom up, it is almost impossible to see the top.

The doors to each room are exactly the same, except for the different numbers on them, there is no difference.

Obviously, there are trials in this room, and you have to pass all the trials before you can successfully pass through the Shura Abyss.

Jun Muqian looked up and found a stone tablet floating in the air. There was a line of words on the stone tablet -

Su Qingli, three hundred and eighty-four, six days.

Jun Mu Qianmei's heart skipped a beat.

The little queen has risen to three hundred and eighty-four, but she is not the highest yet?

How many rooms are there in here?

However, Indra said that the flow of time in the Asura Abyss is much slower than that in the outside world. One day in the outside world takes at least one year in the Asura Abyss.

And Su Qingli has entered here hundreds of times. Counting the time in Shura Abyss, she has been fighting for countless years. Every time she comes out, she is seriously injured and almost ready to die.

Jun Muzhen's eyes were a little colder. She thought for two seconds and then walked to the door of the first room.

However, after putting his hand up, it penetrated directly through the door.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and knew that this was another formation, and there was a blinding method on top of the formation.

She didn't hesitate and stepped straight in.

The first level is the easiest, which is a bonus. Asuras of the Asura tribe who have just grown up can pass the first level safely.

And just when Jun Muzhen stood still, a cold voice sounded.

When entering the Shura Abyss, you are not allowed to use any magic weapon. Anyone who violates this will die.


Donghuang: Fart, I am the first person among the saints, this is not negotiable

Styx: I have a daughter

Donghuang: I am still the second most beautiful man in the list

Styx: I have a daughter

Donghuang: Shut up


Hmm... I don’t know if you still remember Feng Yimo. Yes, he started filling in ancient sinkholes again_(:з」∠)_

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