The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1146 Su Qingli’s true identity! 【4 updates】

As soon as these words came out, the Asura clan members were surprised and some couldn't believe it.

Yes, the ancestor of Styx once made such a rule, but it was only limited to the princesses of the Asura clan.

It's just because when Patriarch Styx first used the law of creation to create creatures, he first used himself as a template to create the male Asura.

Although these male asuras have strange shapes, they were indeed created by the Styx Ancestor first-hand, and almost all the power of the creative laws was devoted to them. Apart from their appearance, these male asuras have no other shortcomings. , and its combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

Of course, living things need to reproduce, not only men but also women.

It is a pity that when Patriarch Styx created the female Asura, the power of the law was excessively consumed, and the female Asura was much weaker, with only 50% of the combat power of the male Asura.

After being passed down for many generations, the combat power has recovered, but it is only 70% at most.

With the female Asura's own strength alone, 90% of the time she would not be able to pass through the Asura Abyss.

The only person in the history of the Asura clan who could survive with their own strength was the wife of Bo Xun, the first of the four demon kings under the Styx ancestor, Tianfei Wumo.

Therefore, the ancestor of Styx made such a rule——

Regardless of whether they are within the clan or outside the clan, anyone who is the consort of a princess of the Asura clan can enter the Asura Abyss on her behalf. After passing through, the husband and wife will share the glory.

Before Ancestor Styx disappeared, there were many successful examples. However, after Ancestor Styx disappeared, the power of the bloodline was greatly reduced, and even the male Asura could not pass through the Asura Abyss.

How could a powerful foreigner set foot in such a barren land?

Over time, this rule became invisible and shelved.

And now someone actually wants to enter the Shura Abyss for their Princess Wuying?

The eyes of the demon officers from Tianfei's group were all bright, and they looked at the boy in white as if they were seeing a delicious piece of pastry.

Sun Wukong took in the expressions of these Asuras and frowned: Young junior sister, you won't want to help such a bird princess, will you?

No. Rong Qing smiled lightly, Mumu's friend is here, and she wants to help her friend.

Huh? Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, Is my junior sister originally related to the Asura clan?

Rong Qing pondered for a moment and asked, Senior brother, does he know what Mu Mu's identity is?

The Tianji shield is too heavy, and there is an extremely thick barrier blocking him. This barrier has become thicker in the prehistoric times, and it is impossible to see the truth behind the barrier.

I don't know. Sun Wukong didn't care much, and said in a lazy voice, No matter how earth-shattering the identity of the little junior sister is, she is also the junior sister of my old Sun. The master said, just protect her, why do you care so much?

Hearing these words, Nezha was slightly surprised: You have really cultivated your character in the lower planes for hundreds of thousands of years. If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I really couldn't believe what you said.

When the great sage heard this, he just said calmly: It's just that I used to think that this kind of mind is the most useless. I don't want to be controlled by anything, so I do whatever I want and do my own thing.

Nezha sighed: Hundreds of thousands of years are too long, we have all changed.

Maybe it’s because the way of heaven has polished off the edges, or maybe it’s because the loneliness and arrogance of the past have been contained in the heart. After all, isn’t the best thing in this world the best thing to do is to flatten the pride of practitioners?

Little Nezha, wake up. Sun Wukong knocked on Nezha's head, Now that you and I are considered the older generation, the prehistoric era will naturally be left to the younger generations. As long as the younger generations do not change, they will still be the same prehistoric generation.

The veins on Nezha's forehead twitched: If you keep talking about me, I will grow bigger and beat you to death!

Sun Wukong was very interested: How did you become bigger, oh? Do you know how to move the sky and the earth? But how can I remember that your fat master doesn't know this trick? If you change again, can you still be as big as me?

Nezha: ...

After not fighting for a long time, he really forgot that this monkey was really proficient in all mysteries and was a pervert.

This method is different from the seventy-two changes in the heavens and the earth, and there are even fewer people in the Three Realms who can use it. You can count them with just one slap, they are really only a handful.

The seventy-two transformations can change all things, but at most they can only change the height into a thousand feet, while the law of heaven, elephant and earth can reach a height of ten thousand feet.

You can go up to the thirty-three heavens, and you can go down to the eighteenth level of hell!

Although his other colleague Erlang Shen Yang Jian is also proficient in this mysterious power, he really doesn't have the seconds to use it like this monkey.

Become a fart.

Nezha said indifferently: Get out.

The Monkey King laughed and said, Don't talk until my old grandson becomes big.

Jun Muqian couldn't listen anymore.

Listen, what kind of talk are these?

But this thing about Fa Tian Xiang Earth... Jun Muqian thought thoughtfully. She broke through the seventh turn of the Nine Transformations of the God of Creation a while ago, which is Fa Xiang Heaven and Earth.

And after reaching the seventh level of cultivation, her physical body has reached the level of indestructibility. As long as it is not a top-grade innate spiritual treasure like Hetu Luoshu, no other weapons can hurt her.

It seems that this Nine Revolutions of Divine Art of Creation is indeed a collection of all the great mystical powers of the prehistoric times. I don't know what the eighth and ninth revolutions will be.

Amid Concubine Tian's ardent prayers, Jun Muxian finally responded: I have never heard of such a thing, but since I am here for the princess, if the princess has such a need, I will also I won’t refuse and I will try my best to complete it.”

Hearing this, Wu Ying almost went crazy with joy. If there weren't many demon officials here, she would definitely rush forward and throw herself into their arms right now.

Seeing that the young man in white agreed so quickly, the Concubine hesitated: Sir, do you know what the Shura Abyss is?

I didn't know. Jun Mu smiled lightly, I said that as long as the princess asks for it, I will do whatever it takes to go up to the mountain of swords or to the sea of ​​fire.

Okay! Tian Fei was touched and had no idea that the princess mentioned by the boy in white was actually someone else. In that case, I will wait for the good news from you, and only wait for you to successfully come out of the Shura Abyss. Then you can get married to Ying'er.

Wu Ying was so shy: Master Rong, Wu Ying believes in you.

Then what are you waiting for? Jun Muqian flicked his clothes, Where is the Shura Abyss? I will go now.

Hearing these words, Rong Qing's eyebrows frowned slightly, and then she relaxed again as if she thought of something, without stopping.

Go now? Concubine Tian was surprised, My lord, you must be exhausted after coming all the way. Why don't you rest for a few days and then...

No need. Jun Muqian interrupted, My master is busy with matters and needs to be resolved quickly. You can just send someone to me and take me to the Shura Abyss.

Then... At this point, Concubine Tian couldn't persuade her any more. She glanced at a corner of the hall intentionally or unintentionally, and said with a smile, Lord Indra has the highest status in our clan, so I invited him here. Come out and take you there.”

Indra is still alive?

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed, but before she could take a closer look, Indra had already arrived.

She looked up, her eyes suddenly cold.

It turns out that the elder Shura of Hongmeng Palace in the past was actually Indra, the leader of the four great demon generals of the Asura clan!

Hidden so deeply!

Yes, it seems that Ali was brought to the prehistoric world by Indra, which saved her from the collapse of the Wanling Continent. After all, she still needs to thank Indra.

With seventy-two transformations, Indra obviously did not recognize her, and his attitude was extremely cold. Without saying a word, he led her towards the Shura Abyss with a cold face.

The Shura Abyss is located in the northernmost part of the Asura clan, and is also the place closest to the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Not even recently, Jun Muzhen had already felt a strong death aura, and there was still a lot of lingering resentment.

She glanced around and saw many wandering souls between heaven and earth, and many Asura soldiers were capturing these souls.

We're here. Indra suddenly stopped and finally looked at the boy in white for the first time, Don't blame me for not reminding you, even if you are a disciple of the ancestor, you will not get any benefits from entering the Shura Abyss. , it’s best if you go back now and still keep your cultivation.”

When foreigners enter the Asura Abyss, they face greater challenges than the Asura people.

No need to worry. Jun Muqian curled her lips, I've made up my mind.

Hearing this, Indra sneered: Stubbornness does not mean strength. You don't even have the bloodline power of the Asura clan, so how can you pass? Even His Majesty's own daughter has entered hundreds of times, and His Majesty has personally passed it on. Bloodline, who do you think you are?

Jun Muzhen paused and turned around suddenly: What did you say? Whose daughter is Ali?

All characters start by taking off their vests (?

The update is finished today~ If you have the votes, come and join us, it’s humble. jpg

Good night(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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