The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1135 My grandson is here! ! ! 【1 update】

This loud roar burst into the air, and the roof of the house fell down, like thousands of bronze bells being struck at the same time!

The sky shook and the earth shook. In an instant, the ink clouds disappeared and they all retreated, as if to welcome the arrival of some terrifying existence.

The sky is vast and wide, but at this moment, all that can be seen is the huge golden stick swinging down, and with a violent smash, it is a huge wave that shakes the sky!

The unprecedented powerful energy exploded, directly shattering the space for hundreds of thousands of miles, like glass shattering inch by inch, reflecting dozens of pairs of frightened eyes.


The golden light rolled around and shattered into pieces in the sky, instantly!

It was so shocking that everyone fell on their backs!

With this strike, ten Daluo Golden Immortal peaks were killed at once!


The other men in black robes barely escaped because they were not in the center, but they also suffered various injuries due to the surge of spiritual power.

The first person to be affected was Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who attacked Jun Muxian.

Although he did not die, he was beaten on the Nantianmen with a stick.

Just hearing a boom explosion, the extremely solid Nantian Gate completely collapsed at this moment, turning into thousands of pieces and sliding around.

The rubble flew into the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The huge golden stick stood between the sky and the earth. The strong golden light flowed out, exuding a huge coercion that terrified everything in the world, and an unparalleled arrogance and loneliness.

The Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace, thousands of miles away from Nantianmen, suddenly stood up.

His face turned from blue to white, and he was sweating profusely in an instant, his robe was soaked, and he was trembling all over.

The Jade Emperor stared at the huge golden stick that was so clear even though it was so far away. His teeth chattered and creaked: He's back... He's back!

The Queen Mother also saw it, but after just one glance, her whole body was stunned.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother certainly knew that Nantianmen was destroyed, but none of them dared to go out. They could only stand here tremblingly and watch from a distance.

Among the rubble in the sky, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and said sternly: Who?!

Where did Shuzi come from to ruin my good deeds? Come out!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the huge golden stick quickly shrinking to a height of three feet. A chi sound came through the air and was thrown hard on his chest.


The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian flew out directly and hit a huge piece of gravel. With a pop, he vomited more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood and fell to the ground without getting up for a while.

When all the men in black robes were horrified, a voice sounded that made them even more frightened.

Hey...who is it?

When you see your Grandpa Sun, why don't you kowtow quickly?

The golden light fell, the clouds dispersed, and a figure descended and landed on a huge piece of gravel.

It was a golden monkey, tall and straight.

Wearing a purple-gold crown with phoenix wings, a golden armor with chains, and walking on lotus root silk, a long red draped behind him is dancing in the air.

As soon as he raised his hand, the golden stick that flew out was put into his palm with a click, and he lazily carried the golden stick on his shoulder.

He looked obviously lazy, but it made people feel a huge coercion approaching.


There was silence, like reaching the end of eternal nothingness.

At this moment, there was no sound, only the red cloak could be heard hunting in the air.

After a long time, Nezha finally came back to his senses. He opened his eyes and couldn't believe it: Monkey...monkey?

Jun Muqian was also shocked. She raised her head suddenly and looked at the golden ape, her pupils couldn't help but shrink.

And those men in black robes all reacted in unison, and instantly turned pale with horror.

Sun Wukong?!!

The Monkey King, the Monkey King, fights against the Buddha Sun Wukong!

For thousands of years after the Conferred Gods War, no one knew his name, and no one knew his achievements.

With one man and one stick, he single-handedly kills people in the sky. He changes in seventy-two ways and fights the entire heaven alone!

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals who were fighting side by side were beaten by him until they lost their armor and returned home defeated!

The four heavenly kings and the twenty-eight constellations surrounded Sun Wukong, but they could not defeat him.

All the gods in heaven are helpless.

In the end, it was the desperation of heaven that invited Tathagata Buddha to take action, and Sun Wukong was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

This pressure is five hundred years!

Later, due to Guanyin's enlightenment, Sun Wukong was able to leave the Five Elements Mountain. According to the meaning of the Western Paradise, he escorted the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, the second disciple of Tathagata Buddha, to the West to worship Buddha and learn scriptures.

After going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, he finally achieved the right result and was nicknamed The Victorious Buddha!

No one else has this legend!

This is a prehistoric myth!


The Great back!

These men in black robes are shadows, and they naturally have the memory of the deity in their minds. However, any demon god who is above Taiyi Golden Immortal will know about the Monkey King.

Damn it! A big Luo Jinxian looked a little more ferocious, gritting his teeth, more out of fear, How did this monkey come so fast?

Didn't it mean that this monkey was no longer in the wilderness at all, but had traveled to the Three Thousand Lower Planes?

Why did you come back suddenly? !

Idiot! Another Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian yelled angrily, You don't know about others, and you don't know about this monkey? If he just somersaults, he will be thousands of miles away!

The Somersault Cloud was taught to Sun Wukong personally by Patriarch Bodhi, and it can be activated with just a few mantras.

Jump up and do somersaults, covering a thousand miles.

This is the number one mysterious power among the laws of space!


The legend of Somersault Cloud was already hundreds of thousands of years ago. No one knows to what level it has evolved to now. If Sun Wukong was in the lower plane before and has just come to the main plane now, wouldn't it mean that his Somersault Cloud has already evolved? Can you perform a space jump?

Hey, you want to kill my junior sister? The golden monkey king carried the golden cudgel, with a murderous look in his eyes, and smiled coldly, I don't want to ask about your grandpa's reputation!

The pressure was so great that the legs of several Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian were shaking.

The leader Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian even screamed: have advanced again?!

Sun Wukong's talent is indeed very good. He is only three hundred years old and is already at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

When he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor once sent Erlang Shen, the True Lord of Qingyuan Miao Dao, to challenge him. Erlang Shen, who was born orthodox and had been practicing since childhood, could only resist. However, Erlang Shen was much older than Sun Wukong. No wonder Heaven is not afraid.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed now...

The corners of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's mouth twitched fiercely, and he immediately lost the confidence to fight, and shouted: Quickly leave!

No need for him to say anything, the other men in black robes were already thinking of escaping. As soon as he said this, they ran away frantically in all directions.

Let's go? Where to go! Seeing this, the Monkey King raised his eyelids and sneered, Keep them all for your grandpa!

He leaped into the air in an instant, and with powerful spiritual power, he directly sealed the world!


White mist suddenly came from the distance, gathered at the Monkey King's feet with a swish, then expanded rapidly, carrying him away violently.

Somersault cloud!

The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who was being chased was desperate. He stared with his eyes wide open and tried to speed up. The next second, his way forward was blocked.

The Monkey King actually raised his hand and picked him up. He narrowed his eyes, still looking lazy, but said in a cold voice: You want to kill my junior sister?

This Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian opened his mouth: I'm not...

He was beaten to death by the golden cudgel before he even finished speaking.

Bad luck, really bad luck. The Monkey King threw away the black sticky substance in his hand with disgust, turned around, and locked onto another Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was stunned for a moment, and then started to run away frantically.

The battlefield became chaotic again, with one person beating hundreds of people unilaterally.

Huh... Nezha put away his three-headed and eight-armed Xuantong, put away his weapons, lifted up his clothes and sat down.

Seeing that the woman in purple was still standing, he was slightly surprised: Sit down, what are you doing standing there? It's more convenient to sit and watch the battle.

Jun Muxian: ...

She also sat down silently, wondering if there was something wrong with this.

The monkey doesn't need to cooperate. Nezha saw her thoughts and said lightly, He is used to fighting alone. Cooperating with anyone will only reduce his combat effectiveness.

Jun Muxian thought for a while: That makes sense.

There are very few people who can cooperate with her. Apart from Rong Qing, the only one left is Ying Zijin.

But the latter was honed through many times of cooperation, and it was still one step short of being completely compatible with Rong Qing.

If the cooperation is not good, it is really better to fight alone.

It's quite easy. Nezha yawned, Don't worry, as long as the monkey is here, these things will die.

Jun Muqian looked at the golden monkey king who was killing everyone, touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: Lingzhuzi, you said that our master is such a quiet and indifferent person, how come he teaches all the weapons to kill?

She is, Kong Xuan is, Sun Wukong is still.

... Nezha choked, How do I know this?

Jun Muqian sighed: It's probably the opposite of everything.

It didn't take more than a moment, and only a few of the men in black robes died.

Seeing that the Monkey King was about to swing another stick, the leader Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian gritted his teeth and roared: Shengfa... Shengfo! If you have to be merciful, please be merciful. What happened today is our fault. Leave now, I won’t hurt Shengfo’s junior sister any more!”

I can also speak kind words in front of my master. It will be much easier to win over the Buddha in the future!

However, after saying this, the surroundings suddenly became silent.

The leader, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, raised his head tremblingly and saw that the Monkey King had indeed stopped.

It's so miserable. However, when he saw this, Nezha clicked his tongue, He is going to be finished. He will die miserably.

Jun Muqian agreed: How can senior brother take their master so seriously?

That's not the reason. Nezha shook his head slightly, as if he remembered something, and laughed a little, I forgot, you are still young, you may have never heard a word.

Jun Muqian thought to herself that if she included the time when she was a Hunyuanqi, she was quite old, but she said on her face: I have never heard of it, please tell me.

Back then, after the monkey became a Buddha, he stayed in the wilderness for tens of thousands of years. Nezha said, At that time, anyone who saw him would call him Great Sage or Victorious Buddha, but guess what?

Jun Muqian was curious: Senior brother is happy?

She also heard a few words from Patriarch Bodhi that the Great Sage is very concerned about face.

Are you happy? Nezha smiled, If you call him Great Sage, he will naturally be happy, but if you call him Victorious Buddha, I'm afraid he will be beaten to the point where he won't even recognize his own mother.

Jun Muqian was stunned.

So, Honghuang left a sentence. Nezha narrowed his eyes and said lightly, I only recognize the Saint Qi Tian in the East, but not the Dou Zhan Buddha in the West.

He raised his eyebrows: If anyone dares to call him a Buddha in front of a monkey... this person will be dead.

The leader Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and a rare smile appeared on his face: It's better to defeat the Buddha and understand the truth, so let's end it today.

He didn't see it at all. From the moment he said the first Victory Buddha, the Monkey King's eyes became colder inch by inch, as ice as cold springs.

The leader of the group, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, just wanted to escape quickly, so he bit the bullet and said, Goodbye, Shengfo.

But at this moment, the tall and straight Monkey King suddenly showed a smile, but this smile made the men in black robes feel cold all over, and they almost knelt down and kowtowed.

The leader Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian felt something was wrong, and he tremblingly said: Win, win over the Buddha?

I don't call it fighting to defeat the Buddha. The Monkey King slowly raised the golden cudgel, and his black eyes were burned by the fire in an instant, burning up the world, My name is the Great Sage Qitian——





It took me more than three hours to write this chapter o(╯□╰)o. I have classes in the evening. I don’t know what time it is. I want to say good night first.

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