The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1134 Who dares to hurt my junior sister! 【2 more】

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Shi's eyes changed, but his face was still cold, and he said calmly: That's right.

There was a wow sound in the wind!

It turned out that with a wave of Yuanshi Tianzun's sleeves, a platform with a height of thousands of feet was opened directly in front of the Yuxu Palace!

He moved and the next second he was sitting on the platform.

An obvious demonstration.

However, Patriarch Bodhi didn't seem to see it at all, and he didn't even move any faster.

He walked very slowly, and it took him ten minutes to reach the platform.

There is a jade table above the sitting platform, with soft futons on both sides of the stone table. On the stone table is a pot of wine and two cups, arranged neatly.

Looking at Bodhi sitting opposite him, Yuan Shi frowned and said unceremoniously: I'm most annoyed by your turtle-like temper.

Patriarch Bodhi was not angry, he was obviously used to it.

After all, when the saints of the way of heaven were still roaming the ancient times and creating living beings, Yuanshi Tianzun did not look down on the saints of the way of heaven except Taoist Hongjun and Taishang Laojun.

Bodhi still smiled lightly: Those who worship the Buddha do not care about speed.

Yuanshi said coldly: Jie Yin is not like you.

Heavenly Saints call each other by their first names.

In fact, Patriarch Bodhi is just an identity of Taoist Zhunti, not his real name.

Taoist Zhunti, as Patriarch Bodhi, recruits disciples in the three realms and teaches living beings in all directions. Therefore, the name Patriarch Bodhi spreads more widely, and other demon gods also use this honorific title.

Just like the Taoist Jie Yin, the name Amitabha is also more widely known.

Bodhi responded: Yun Yehe is more leisurely than me. He originally stayed well in Daleiyin Temple. If you hadn't invited him again and again, he wouldn't have come out to break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

The implication is, don't bother him.

Yuanshi choked and remembered this.

At that time, the Demon Ancestor Luohu used the essence, blood and resentment of the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn to break through Pangu's seal on the Zhuxian Sword Formation, causing the murderous spirit to cause cholera and floods, and the entire continent was devastated.

Zhunti, Jieyin, and Laojun joined forces with him to break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

In the end, it was his master Hongjun who took action personally and completely killed Demon Ancestor Luo Hu.

In millions of years, nothing has ever been beyond his control—

Demon Ancestor Rahu is the first!

Even though Yuanshi Tianzun is arrogant and ruthless, he has to admit that in terms of attack alone, he is indeed no match for Demon Ancestor Rahu.

What Demon Ancestor Rahu the way of killing!

Thousands of techniques are of course derived from the way of killing.

Fortunately, because he no longer has the status of a saint, Demon Ancestor Luohu cannot become a saint of heaven, so he can be killed by Hongjun.

A few years ago, Master sent you and Jie Yin to find the person with the Hongmeng aura. Yuanshi didn't want to mention Demon Ancestor Rahu. He raised his head and stared at Patriarch Bodhi with his sharp eyes, But you He Jingyin returned empty-handed.

Hearing these words, Bodhi's face showed fluctuations for the first time, but his voice was still calm: You want to raise an army to punish the guilty? Dao Patriarch didn't say anything.

You and I are in the same position, how can I dare to raise an army to investigate? Although he said this, Yuanshi said aggressively, Because you told the master that you have never found it, and I don't believe it.

As heavenly saints, they have existed before the creation of the world, and they can be said to be very sensitive to Hongmeng's aura, even if they are separated by a universe.

Bodhi smiled slightly: Whether you believe it or not, it's fine as long as Taoist ancestors believe it.

Yuanshi's voice suddenly turned cold: Do you know that if we can't find that person, the Great Desolate World will still perish?

It's determined by God. Bodhi looked at him, You and I are both in the way of heaven. We can't resist whatever God says.

It was obviously a very calm conversation, but there was an inexplicable tit-for-tat undertone.

The two heavenly saints looked at each other, neither of them looking away.

In just a few seconds, thousands of connections have been fought.

Suddenly, Yuan Shi sneered: You really didn't find it?

No. Bodhi's expression was calm, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his indifferent tone, This person has gone to the Illusory Great Thousand. Why do you think that I can snatch people from the hands of the two emperors of the heaven and domain?

Okay. Yuan Shi stared at Patriarch Bodhi for a few more seconds, then the smile on his face faded, Since I haven't found it, forget it. Today you are finally free to come. Let's catch up on old times.

The last four words were bitten hard by him.

Bodhi frowned.

What? Yuanshi looked calm, Are you in a hurry?

Before Patriarch Bodhi could answer, he added: If there is something urgent, you should leave first.

A few seconds later, Bodhi's eyebrows relaxed again, and he said calmly, No, please——




The sky and earth were dark, thunder and lightning flashed, and the air was extremely oppressive.

Jun Muqian looked at the men in black robes surrounding them, glanced at them, and already had an idea in her mind.

There are a hundred in total, ten of them are at the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the other ninety are at the peak of Daluo Jinxian!

Now she was absolutely sure that these men in black robes were all shadows.

There are only a handful of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the ancient times, so how could so many unknown people appear?

Jun Muqian clenched the Seven-Star Moon Whip in her hand and said in a deep voice, It's troublesome. There are too many people. Even with your three heads and eight arms, you can't deal with them.

Nezha is now at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation. He may be able to fight across levels with the help of magic weapons, but at most he can deal with two Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

And her trump cards were all used up, and the top ten Daluo Golden Immortals also tried their best.

This is a premeditated chase!

Nezha's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he frowned: Do you have any idea?

No. Jun Mu said calmly, But I will lead them to another place. Their goal is to kill me first, and I will be able to escape by then.

If we forcefully fight, you and I will both die.

As long as she leaves heaven, she has nothing to fear.

Even if she can die, she still has to protect Rong Qing and the little beauty.

Nezha was not willing, but after much deliberation there was no better way, so he had to agree: Okay, I will go and bring in reinforcements.

This place is not far from the Great Sun Shrine, so I don’t know if Ao Yue is here at the moment.

Jun Muqian nodded: Let's go!

But just when she was about to use the Earth Escape Technique to lure all the black-robed men away, the leader, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, seemed to have noticed her purpose, and suddenly stepped forward and grinned.

Little girl, don't even think about leaving. If you run away, we can't guarantee whether the people in this heaven will survive.

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly turned cold: You say it again?!

The sudden surge of momentum shocked the entire Nantianmen!

The space buzzed, countless space cracks burst open, and the world was in danger, as if it was about to collapse.


The black-robed man's pupils shrank, showing a bit of horror, but he still said with a serious face: What I said is very clear, don't even think about running away, the master has given a death order, you, and Lingzhu, must die.

By interfering with the master's plan, do you think you can still see the sun tomorrow?

The other men in black robes also slowly came forward, blocking all escape routes.

Seeing this, Nezha twitched his lips and took a step forward casually: It seems that there is no way to escape today. I am here. If I can kill you, just come.

What a loud tone. The man in black robe smiled contemptuously, You killed three of our brothers before you recovered your cultivation, but now, even if you are at the peak of your combat power, don't even think about taking out the palm of your master's hand. .”

Nezha said nothing, and he and Jun Muxian looked at each other.

The next second, both of them moved.

On one side, three heads and eight arms were spread out, and Hun Tian Ling was flying and circling.

On the other side, the talisman of destiny was condensed and formed, and the seven-star moon whip was thrown through the air.

Nine Heavenly Breathing Soil, Golden Phoenix Hairpin, Qingping Sword, Heart-piercing Lock, Banana Fan, Three Light Divine Water... In addition to the two top innate spiritual treasures, the Red Hydrangea and the Mountain and River Sheji Diagram, she has used all other innate spiritual treasures.

Suddenly, the entire air was filled with light emitted by various innate spiritual treasures. It was so dazzling that it was impossible to tell who was who. Only the sound of clang collision and fighting could be heard.

Nezha actually had time to turn around and was surprised: What are you carrying?

This weapon actually has more weapons than him?

The men in black robes were unable to dodge and were hit several times. Seeing this scene, they were simply shocked.

An innate spiritual treasure is already enough to make a wealthy person, but she actually has more than a dozen? !

are you crazy?

There was a bit of greed in the eyes of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian: Where did those innate spiritual treasures go? It turns out they are all on you. It seems that if you die today, I can still get a lot of benefits.

Jun Muqian remained silent. She flipped in the air and dodged a blow from a man in black.

After landing on a piece of gravel, he suddenly raised his head and said coldly: Purple Sky Divine Thunder!


Before the ink clouds condensed, the Purple Sky Divine Thunder fell from the sky. There was not even half a second of buffering time, and it fell on the hundreds of black-robed men one by one.


There was a scream, which sounded extremely sad.

But what made Jun Muqian's heart sink was that the Zixiao Divine Thunder only blasted a few Da Luo Jinxian with the weakest cultivation into ashes, and the others only suffered some flesh injuries.

But this injury made these men in black robes even more excited. They rushed forward with red eyes, completely unafraid of death.

What's even more frightening is that they are not just ferocious beasts who only know how to kill, but also have extremely high organizational skills and practical combat capabilities.

No matter how many weapons there were, Jun Muzhao and Nezha were still overwhelmed and could barely hold on.

The sweat on Jun Muqian's body had completely soaked her clothes, and there were many wounds on her body. She wiped a handful of blood from her lips, held the Seven-Star Moon Whip, and faced him again.

With three heads and eight arms around, Nezha's situation was much better than hers, but there was no way to distract her and help her.

With a bang sound, the leader Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was shocked and took a step back.

Jun Muqian's hands suddenly rested on the ground, and there was a sweet and fishy feeling in his throat, and every inch of his muscles trembled from the exertion of too much energy.

With some ability, he is worthy of being a disciple of Ancestor Bodhi. The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian looked at the woman in purple, and his expression finally changed, Such a talent, as the master said, no one in the world can match it.

His heart was twitching. This little girl was the pinnacle of Taiyi Golden Immortal. She could defeat him, the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

If she waits until she reaches Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, what will happen?

Tell your master. Jun Muqian took a breath and smiled coldly, If you can't kill me today, I will decapitate him tomorrow so that he can't even be a ghost!

You are so presumptuous! The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was furious, Okay, okay, since you are so arrogant and want to seek death, I will satisfy you now.

He formed seals with his hands, and unprecedented majestic power surged in his palms, causing thunder and lightning to explode, and strong winds to explode.

Suffer death!


Powerful spiritual energy soared into the sky, sweeping through a million miles of spiritual energy, converging into an attack and heading towards the purple-clothed woman.

Nezha turned his head and was startled. He shouted: Jun Muxian, be careful!

He wanted to go over, but because he was under siege, he couldn't escape at all. He could only watch helplessly as the attack quickly approached the woman in purple.

Jun Mu took a breath and was about to stand up.

Even if she died, she couldn't die here.

Then, suddenly!


There was a sharp crack, and the thick ink cloud suddenly broke open, and a strong light flashed, piercing people's eyes so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

At this time, a huge golden stick appeared out of thin air in the sky, and it hit the group of black-robed men hard.

The explosive roar resounded through the sky in an instant, shaking the heaven and the earth!

It was also at this moment that a loud shout came from above everyone's heads.

Who dares to hurt my junior sister!


Nezha: Monkey, you have changed. I am no longer your favorite person.

(It’s a joke, don’t take it seriously)

The plot that was set at the beginning of the article is finally written!

The charm value event expires at 10 o'clock tomorrow, and there are still free charm value babies who can help me improve my ranking (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

Good night~

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