The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1132 Three heads and six arms! ! ! 【2 more】

Menacing and aggressive!

But at this moment, the circle of heaven and earth that had flown out before turned back again, and became bigger with a bang.


The enlarged Qiankun Circle hit the three men in black robes, causing them to stop their offensive and instead block the falling Qiankun Circle.

The Qiankun Circle originated from the Kunlun Mountains. It was also the most precious treasure of the teachings, that is, the treasure in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, and was later given to Nezha by Zhenren Taiyi.

The Qiankun Circle looks like just a golden ring, but it is extremely lethal.

Without spiritual power, just in terms of its hardness, it can kill a Taiyi Golden Immortal alive.

Combined with Hun Tian Ling, the power is doubled!

One of Nezha's four magic weapons, it is well-deserved.

Good boy. The leader of the black-robed man looked a little more ferocious, If you have the ability, don't use magic weapons.

Two of me, one of you. Nezha ignored him, his expression expressionless, If you can't beat him, hold on for a while, and I'll come and help you after I finish.

It is true that his cultivation has regressed, but a few Daluo Jinxian can't do anything to him.

The last time he was injured was because he was ambushed. In a head-on confrontation, these men in black robes could not hurt him.

Jun Muqian frowned: Can you handle two?

Hearing this, Nezha glanced at her and said in a bad tone, I have reason to suspect that you are attacking me elsewhere.

I swear, I didn't. Jun Muzhen raised her hand again and swore.

But I thought to myself, now that I am a child, where else can I go?

Nezha didn't know what he was saying. He flipped up his hair irritably, exposed his forehead, and stepped on the ground with his little feet.

Bang bang——

A series of sonic booms sounded, and there was only a sharp and sharp whoosh sound. Two flames flew quickly from the sky, rubbing against the air, sparking fire marks, which were reflected on the sky, like morning glow and wind. And return, igniting heaven and earth.

Hot Wheels!

The Hot Wheels are a pair of dual magic weapons. The two wheels contain the law of fire and the law of wind. They are Nezha's flying tools.

When you step on its wheel, fire breaks out on the wheel, wind forms under your feet, and it spins and moves.

It can go up to the sky and into the sea, and it can reach everywhere. It is so vast that it can be arbitrarily crossed.

Traveling a thousand miles in an instant, you can reach Kyushu in a moment!

The sound of wind and fire rises in the sky, traveling all over the world to the west and the east!

Just as the Qiankun Circle matches Hun Tian Ling, this Hot Wheel also matches the Fire Spear.

With these four magic weapons, Nezha's strength is very frightening. In addition, he is a spiritual bead descended from the earth, so he cannot be underestimated.

The three men in black robes who had knocked out the Qiankun Circle became cautious when they saw this scene.

They had fought against Nezha before and knew how powerful these four magic weapons were. This time, they had to be careful.

As soon as the hot wheel turned, Nezha rushed out first and faced the two black-robed men directly.

The fire on his body was fierce and majestic, and the temperature around him was gradually rising.

Jun Muqian glanced at the Seven-Star Moon Whip in her hand, and suddenly felt that she was a little poor.

How come she doesn't have a master to equip her with a set of equipment?

Although Master Taiyi cheated his apprentices, he was really rich.

Third brother, go ahead. The leader of the black-robed man said with a heavy gaze, You deal with that stinky girl first. We will kill Nezha together and present the body to the owner.

Upon hearing this, the man in black robe on the far right nodded hastily, turned around, and attacked in the direction of the woman in purple.

He clenched his palms into claws, and his attack was extremely ruthless, targeting the heart!

The man in black robe did not take Jun Muxian seriously. In his opinion, she was just a little girl who had just entered the Three Realms. With some cleverness, she got into the sight of her master and ordered them to come and kill her.

Hmph... he said with contempt, Suffer death!


Suddenly, a long purple whip shot out of the air, whipping out at extremely fast speeds. The man in black didn't even have time to react before it instantly caught his right arm.

Jun Muqian's eyes showed no fluctuation, and his wrist bones suddenly turned and flicked again.


The man in black robe let out a shrill scream and quickly backed away, covering his arm.

He suddenly raised his head, looked at the purple whip, and shouted in surprise: Seven-star moon whip?!

Hasn’t Nuwa’s treasure house been destroyed?

Why is the Seven Star Moon Whip still there!

Knowledge. Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows and narrowed her peach blossom eyes, Aren't you from the Wu tribe?

If it is a member of the Wu clan, the Seven-Star Moon Whip can directly break through all its defenses and directly attack the heart.

But obviously, this man in black robe was only physically injured and was eroded by the power of the lunar and stars. With his cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, he could easily recover.

A member of the Witch Clan? Despite the pain, the man in black robe did not forget to sneer and taunt, Without the master, the Witch Clan can still survive to this day? The Twelve Ancestral Witches are just a bunch of losers. It is a waste of resources for the master to resurrect them.

Is that so? Jun Muzhen protracted her voice, but her eyes were cold, It seems that the Wu Clan is just your minions?

Who is the real envoy?

What nonsense are you talking about? The man in black robe finally regained his composure, I am not a member of the Wu clan, and the Seven Star Moon Whip is of no use to me, but I can kill you and take the Seven Star Moon Whip away.

As he spoke, his hand reached out again, like an eagle's claw, attacking the purple-clothed woman's lifeline.

Every attack was directed towards the vital point.

Jun Muqian kept his composure, attacking and defending at the same time, and did not act rashly.

But after dozens of rounds, she could hardly hold on, and sweat broke out on her forehead.

The gap between Taiyi Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal is too big. No matter how many levels they go up, they can't get over it. This cannot be made up by cultivation or Xuan Tong.

Jun Muxian had no intention of using the Avenue of Heart to attack. Although she could easily win, it would also expose her to an extremely dangerous position.


Another round ended. Jun Muzhen turned her head and glanced at the battlefield to the left, her brows furrowed.

Nezha was one against two, and his situation was even worse than hers. She had to quickly deal with the man in black robes before she could help Nezha.

It was also at this moment that the third child in the black robe suddenly felt the pressure increasing. He gritted his teeth and said, You stinky girl, you are seeking death!

the other side--

Your Highness, Third Prince, don't waste your efforts. The leader of the black-robed man smiled coldly, We have all fought with you, so we naturally know what you are capable of. The master has long given us a magic weapon to restrain you. You will die today. No doubt!

Nezha is the incarnation of the lotus, not flesh and blood, so his spirit must be attacked.

Black Mist had already thought of this when he sent his men out.

And the inner demon happens to be an excellent weapon against the soul.

Nezha held the fire-pointed spear, panting slightly, and the blood on his face faded a lot.

There was a very light black mist floating around him, trying hard to penetrate into his skin, but it was blocked by the golden light.

It's just that the golden light is gradually weakening, and every time it weakens, the black mist becomes deeper.

Nezha also knew that he absolutely could not let this black mist invade his body.

Your Highness, Third Prince, actually the master appreciates you very much. The leader of the black-robed man stopped attacking at this time and turned to verbal persuasion, It's just that you are in the wrong camp. If you choose to join the master, the master can not only ban you Whatever you do as Marshal of the Middle Altar, the master can even make you Marshal of the Wilderness!

He was good at tempting: What have you gained from being under the Jade Emperor for so many years? But it will be different if you are on our side. The master will definitely help you go to a higher level. When the time comes, you can still Why not become the eighth heavenly saint?

Tsk. Nezha lowered his eyebrows and said coldly and indifferently, Working with you will reduce my intelligence, and what a master of yours...

He curled his lips and smiled sarcastically: I think you are hiding behind it because you don't want to see anyone at all, right? Are you so ugly that even your parents can't recognize you?

Bold! Nezha, you really don't have to drink the wine as a punishment. The voice of the leader of the black-robed man became completely darker. I want to see what you can do with such a child's body. sharp.

Since you don't want to surrender, then you'd better die completely!

With that said, the two men in black robes looked at each other and were about to attack again.

But at this moment, Nezha suddenly raised his head.

He pulled the corners of his lips, stared at the man in black robes, and sneered: What are you talking about, you idiot?

When the last three words were spoken out one by one——


The flames suddenly burst out, and the little figure was growing up rapidly at this moment!

From an immature boy to a handsome young man, what remains unchanged is that his body is still full of anger and overwhelming momentum.

And the next second!

With a click, the fire-tip gun split automatically from the middle and turned into two handles.

Immediately afterwards, there were a few more clang sounds, the sword was unsheathed, and the cold light flashed, sharp and fascinating.

What was even more shocking was that there was a clicking sound coming from the handsome young man's body, and he actually grew a few more arms and two more heads!


The Qiankun Circle, Hun Tian Ling, Gold Brick, two fire-tip spears, Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, and a pair of Yin-Yang Swords are each held in one hand, a total of seven types of eight weapons!

On one body, three pairs of eyes looked coldly at the three men in black robes, with murderous intent.

The men in black robes were all shocked to the spot, their eyes widened and their jaws dropped.

Three heads and six arms!'s not three heads and six arms, it's a higher level of three heads and eight arms!

Even when Sun Wukong was causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace and Nezha went out to fight, he had never used his three heads and eight arms!

With three heads and eight arms, that is a mysterious power that can block eight with one!

Three people, nothing to worry about.

What's more, the current Nezha is not at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but... the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal!

The leader of the black-robed man was shocked. He had no idea that Nezha would recover at this moment. He was just here to slap him in the face.

Regardless of how much his face hurt, the man in black robe blurted out: Quickly retreat——

Nezha looked at the many magic weapons coming out——

Lord: I’m crying, I’m so poor

Crowd: Can you say it again?

Let me tell you, Nezha has eight arms in The Romance of the Gods and six arms in Journey to the West. There is actually no difference. The magic weapons mentioned in the article are also in The Romance of the Gods.

Good night~

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