The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1131 Lord Nezha joins forces! 【1 update】

The golden Qiankun Circle shot out instantly, blocking the sudden attack and making a crisp collision sound.

Jun Muqian also had a stern look on his face, picked up Nezha and quickly stepped back.


In less than half a second, the place where she and Nezha were sitting collapsed.

The area where Nantianmen is located suddenly shook, and even the columns of the long bridge in front almost cracked, and cracks could be seen faintly spreading upward.

When Jun Maqian and Nezha arrived here, Nezha had already cleared away the heavenly soldiers and generals stationed here.

The strongest Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are only Taiyi Golden Immortal. With Nezha guarding Nantianmen, naturally no one would dare to invade.

There are four heavenly gates in the east, west, south and north of heaven. The south gate is the main entrance of heaven, which leads directly to the Lingxiao Palace of the Jade Emperor and the Dayin Dynasty. It is also the only passage for living beings in the human world to enter the heaven. It is very important. .

Therefore, the construction of Nantianmen is much stronger than the other three Tianmen.

When Sun Wukong caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he did not destroy the Nantianmen.

Even if a hundred peak Taiyi Golden Immortals attack together, they cannot shake the foundation of Nantianmen.

But now, Nantianmen is damaged!

Jun Muqian's eyes changed suddenly, the spiritual energy in his fingers began to flow, and his vigilance was raised to the highest level.

However, the strange thing is that after that sudden move, Nantianmen fell silent again, as if the previous attack was just a dream.

Put me down. Nezha's face wrinkled and turned dark, You already have a son, and you still want to treat me as your son?

Ahem! Jun Muzhao was choked. She put Nezha down decisively and raised her hand, I swear, I really don't have this idea. Although you look like a child, you I really don’t dare to reach higher than my age.”

Nezha snorted coldly: I know, you are attacking my age.

Jun Muxian: ...

It's better that her little beauty doesn't even need to be coaxed by her, she will coax her in turn.

It's really hard to coax a child. What are the side effects of Taiyi Zhenren's elixir? It can even return his personality?

She wanted to ask for advice on this alchemy technique.

Hehehe... At this moment, a faint laughter rang out, As expected of His Highness the Third Prince, at this time, you are still chatting leisurely. I admire you.


As soon as the words fell, the wind surged up, and the next second!

Three more figures appeared in front of the Nantian Gate. They were floating in the air, overlooking the bottom. Their whole bodies were covered in black robes, only two eyes were exposed, and they were pitch black.

There is a faint black mist surrounding the three men in black robes, which is difficult to detect with the naked eye.

What a strong aura of inner demons!

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly darkened. She had never seen such dense and dense inner demon energy.

The Avenue of Heart almost triggered automatically at this moment, but she suppressed it in time.

Patriarch Bodhi said that it is true that the Great Way of the Heart is a powerful weapon against witches and inner demons, but on the contrary, it is best not to use it until she has fully realized the Great Way of the Heart.

Nezha's eyes turned cold for a moment. He looked at the three men in black robes and said, It's you.

I didn't expect His Highness the Third Prince to have such a good memory. The leader of the black-robed man smiled and said, Yes, it's us. Your Highness the Third Prince is fine.

Nezha sneered: Screw you, don't try to get close to me.

Man in black robe: ...

Damn, what are these words?

Nezha ignored the ugly-looking man in black and turned to the woman in purple: These are the shameless ones who have been chasing me. Don't you want to see them? Now that you have seen them, are you happy?

Jun Muqian was silent for a moment and said sincerely: I'm not happy at all.

At this time, the pursuer suddenly appeared, and even a fool knew what was going on.

Moreover, it was obvious that these men in black robes were not coming for Nezha this time, but for her.

Jun Muqian frowned, and there was a hint of deep thought in his eyes.

Strange, why are these people covered in black robes?

And she couldn't clearly see the face under the black robe even with the power of her soul.

This proves that either the spiritual cultivation of these men in black robes is higher than his, or the black robes they wear are specially made and can block the detection of the power of the soul.

But either way, it's a bad situation.

Now Nezha's strength has also been compressed to the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal. She is the last phase of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

And these men in black robes can shake Nantianmen, and their strength is at least as strong as Daluo Jinxian!

Daluo Jinxian's understanding of the great road is much stronger than Taiyi Jinxian.

Moreover, the strange thing is that in these three men in black, Jun Muzhen not only felt the breath of the inner demon, but also noticed another familiar breath, but he couldn't catch it.

Hehehe... the leader of the black-robed man said with a smile, His Royal Highness the Third Prince still has the energy to yell and curse. It seems that the injury he suffered before has been completely healed?

It's ridiculous. Nezha sneered, It's just a tickle for me, do you really think of yourself as a thing?

His Royal Highness the Third Prince is really good at telling lies. The voice of the leader of the black-robed man became colder. If you hadn't entered the Heavenly Palace too fast, do you think you could have escaped last time?

Nezha said nothing, but sent a message to Jun Muqian Yuanshen: These guys are all as powerful as Daluo Jinxian. The one at the front is shameless, and his cultivation is at the level of the previous period.

They were not the ones who were chasing me. They chased me three times. It happened to be after I took the elixir made by my master and shrunk. Otherwise, their strength would not be enough.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed: Is it possible that your master...

No. Nezha said decisively without even thinking, With my master's brains, why would he go to the Wu Clan? He would have been killed long ago.

Jun Muxian: ...

It makes sense. I don't think Taiyi Zhenren would have taken refuge with the Wu clan.

She was still a little confused: But why does your master want to give you this kind of pill? Can't you avoid it?

Hearing this, Nezha sighed softly: I'm afraid the master knows something. He asked me to take the elixir to protect me, so that those people don't notice me, and I can be safe and sound.

It's just that Taiyi Zhenren still miscalculated, and the Wu clan simply won't stop killing the spirit beads.

Nezha said again: I don't want to worry the master, and I never told him that I was being hunted. I just let him happily refine elixirs in his Qianyuan Mountain. I was only slightly injured, so it's not in the way. , I haven’t fought in a long time, so just treat it as an experience.”

Jun Muqian was silent.

Master Taiyi wants to protect Nezha, and Nezha also wants to protect Master Taiyi.

She could also imagine that Master Yi Taiyi's temper would definitely turn against him and ask for an explanation if he knew that Yuanshi Tianzun was instigating everything behind his back.

At that time, how could Yuanshi Tianzun let Master Taiyi go?

The master-disciple dilemma.

Jun Muqian raised his head and said calmly: Lingzhuzi, please leave this time. They are coming for me, so you don't have to pay attention.

She couldn't retreat. Rong Qing and the little beauty were still in heaven. If she retreated, they would be in danger.

Refining a body is by no means easy. Having a human-creating whip is certainly not enough. It also requires a strong understanding of the laws of creation.

Rong Qing had just told her, asking her to protect herself, because once he started refining the body of the little beauty, his soul would be closed, and he would probably not be able to notice whether she was in danger.

True, she said yes.

But to her, Rong Qing and the little beauty were far more important than her own life, and she had to protect them.

What nonsense are you talking about? Nezha frowned, I, Nezha, have never been a deserter. I can't even betray my friends.

Jun Muqian said calmly: I can't do anything like dragging my friends into trouble.

Nezha's brows furrowed even more tightly: Jun Muxian, you...

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's such a touching brotherly love. The leader of the men in black robes interrupted with a sneer, Still trying to shirk each other? Today, none of you can even think of leaving. The master has given a death order, and you must die.

Oh? Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, Who is your master? Yuanshi Tianzun?

Yuanshi Tianzun? The three men in black robes looked at each other and did not deny it. You are about to die. Why are you asking so many questions?

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes.

It's not Yuanshi Tianzun, there is someone else!

Who is it?

Did you hear that? Nezha looked indifferent, Don't even think about running away if you are shamelessly clinging to these die-hards.

Jun Muqian pressed her eyebrows and said helplessly: Okay, then let's fight.

She was already on the Witch Clan's hunting list, and some of her trump cards were exposed.

What an arrogant tone. Another man in black robe snorted, How dare you, the little Taiyi Golden Immortal, be so arrogant in front of us.

The last man in black robe also smiled and said: I heard that this disciple of Patriarch Bodhi is even more talented than that monkey, so I just let us give it a try, because if we don't try, there will be no such person in the three realms in the future. No chance.

Ha ha ha ha--

If you want to fight, just fight. There's so much nonsense. Nezha raised his hand and held the fire-pointed spear that came out of thin air. If you say one more word, your head will be blown!

Jun Muxian: ...

This is called the level of the formation, it’s awesome.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the eyes of the three men in black robes all darkened.

His Royal Highness the Third Prince, if you had not rejuvenated, we might have really run away, but what about you now? The leader of the black-robed man said with a sneer, Now you, I can strangle you to death with one hand.

The fire-tipped spear in Nezha's hand was pointed directly at his eyebrows, and he said, neither salty nor bland, Then give it a try.

Yeah, let's try it. Jun Mu smiled lightly, Let's see who strangles who.

I don't know what's wrong! The leader of the black-robed man laughed ferociously, This time, we will send you, the Third Prince, and this beloved disciple of Patriarch Bodhi on their way!


The moment the last word was spoken, three men in black robes suddenly rose up.

The attack came down immediately!

Happy Goddess Day, babies~

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