The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1105 Rong Qing’s shock! 【Additional update】

Huan, Chaos, Zhong!

Yuan Shi narrowed his eyes and stood up slowly.

There was no emotion of joy or anger on his face, but there was a kind of depression about to come, which made people unable to stay under his gaze for a while.

And the next second, Yuan Shi had disappeared from this magnificent palace.

In an instant, without even tearing apart the space, he came to Kunlun Xu, a land of bright ice and snow!

Yuanshi knew that the Chaos Bell was the seal created by his own hands.

In this vast wilderness, the only one who can break his seal is his master Hongjun.

But after his master combined his body with Taoism, he had long since escaped from the Three Realms, and even he didn't know where he was.

Maybe it's a corner in the chaotic galaxy, maybe it's a world created by Hongjun himself.

After all, the way of heaven in the prehistoric era also controls the way of heaven in the three thousand lower planes below it.

In other words, Hongjun not only has to manage the general plane, but also monitors all the lower planes in the chaotic galaxy.

Fortunately, there is not much friction between the several universes, otherwise they would have to establish diplomatic relations between the universes.

Therefore, when the chaos bell rings and the seal is broken, there is only one answer -

Donghuang Taiyi!

Yuan Shi's eyes were full of murderous intent. He moved again and instantly arrived at the place where he had sealed the Chaos Bell.

This place doesn't look hidden, but with his seal there, other demons can't find it.

As a result, beyond Yuanshi's expectation, he saw a figure that surprised him extremely.

Even this morning, this figure was still in his palace.

The wind and snow were blowing, but it did not hide the tall and tall man in scarlet clothes standing under the pine tree, his posture as tall as a pine tree.

Rong slightly leaned forward, stretched out his fingers, and quietly stroked the silent Chaos Clock, as if he didn't notice the arrival of Yuanshi Tianzun.

It turns out that His Highness Shaojun is here. Yuan Shi suppressed the murderous intent in his eyes and walked up quickly, Why is His Highness Shaojun here?

In the prehistoric times, Hongjun used his body to conform to the Tao and had the same status as the Tao of Heaven.

But in the Illusory Great Thousand, the two emperors of Tianyu control the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is under them.

The former is just an inspector selected by the chaos of the universe.

The latter is the real controller of chaos.

Even Dao Ancestor Hongjun naturally had to be courteous when he saw the two emperors of Tianyu.

Therefore, in such a comparison, Yuanshi Tianzun, as a disciple of Taoist Hongjun, is still weaker than Tianyu Shaojun.

Your Highness is not an exaggeration.

Moreover, the strength of Young Master Tianyu is still a mystery.

And because they are separated by a universe, the information controlled by Yuanshi Tianzun in this aspect is even less.

But Tianyu Shaojun's strength will not be lower than that of the Heavenly Saint, but will definitely be above him.

Even without the background of the Two Emperors of Tianyu, Tianyu Young Master will never tolerate provocation.

Rong Qing himself is the backstage!

Hearing these words, Rong Qing did not raise his head, still stroking the Chaos Bell, and asked lightly: Why can't I be here?

... Yuanshi couldn't help but be speechless.

He first covered the entire Kunlun Xu with his spiritual consciousness and confirmed that there was no one else here except Tianyu Shaojun. Then he said, I am just curious as to why His Highness Shaojun suddenly became interested in Kunlun Xu.

Rong Qing retracted his hand and finally glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun: I heard that the innate treasure Chaos Clock is here, just for fun.

Yuan Shi's eyes narrowed.

If it was Tianyu Young Master who ended up saying it so frankly, no one would be able to doubt it.

Your Highness, Shaojun, is joking. Yuan Shi glanced at the Chaos Bell and said calmly, This Chaos Bell is Taiyi's companion magic weapon. Even Master can't use it.

The implication is that even if you want to play, you can't.

Naturally, only the owner of the companion magic weapon can use it.

Oh? Rong Qing seemed to smile, But Taiyi is dead, so according to you, this Chaos Clock is a useless clock.

Yuan Shi was a little confused about Rong Qing's attitude, but he still nodded and said, That's it.

Rong Qing looked indifferent: Since it is a useless clock, you will have nothing to say if I take this Chaos Bell away.

Hearing these words, Yuan Shi's eyes turned cold: Your Highness, Shaojun, after all, this is something from ancient times. If it goes to the Illusory Great Thousand, it will inevitably not attract the attention of Infinite Tribulation.

The immeasurable calamity has arrived early. How will His Highness Shaojun explain it to the billions of people in the illusory universe?

You don't have to worry about whether I can bear it or not. Rong Qing said, lifting the Chaos Bell. But I want to take the Chaos Bell away. At least, you can't stop me.

In fact, this is indeed an exaggeration at the moment.

Rong Qing's current cultivation level is still that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But Yuanshi Tianzun didn't know that Rong Qing's cultivation had been blocked by his mother Qing Yunge when he came to the Great Desolate World. Only after Jun Muqian broke through, Rong Qing's cultivation would recover.

In the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, the young master of Tianyu is still the young master of Tianyu in his peak period.

What's more, a few years ago I heard that Tianyu Shaojun had successfully experienced a calamity in the lower plane, and his strength had skyrocketed again.

It may be possible to reach the level of the Twin Emperors of Heaven and Realm, but it is still unknown.

Yuan Shi was choked directly, and his face couldn't help but turn a little green.


He couldn't stop it.

Since Mr. Tianyu has the ability to come, he also has the ability to go back.

But he couldn't catch up to the Illusive Great Thousand, and he had the information to report. The nine lords of the Heaven Realm were all at least at the level of the Daoist Taoist.

It's just a joke. Rong Qing put the Chaos Clock down again, Don't mind.

Yuanshi: ...

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his veins jumped.

Is this a joke?

A killing joke?

Yuan Shi no longer wanted to stay. Since he had nothing to do with Donghuang Taiyi, there was no need for him to come out.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard the man in scarlet's voice say coldly: Aren't you leaving yet?

These three words contained some murderous intent, although it was shallow, it was deep to the bone.

Yuan Shi's eyes were sharp, and he thought that he might have misjudged Tianyu Shaojun's strength.

Sure enough, I couldn't stay any longer.

I wish His Highness Shaojun a pleasant stay. Yuan Shi nodded, When Your Highness Shaojun comes again someday, I will definitely hold a banquet to meet you.

Rong Qing didn't respond.

Yuan Shi turned around and disappeared from the place in an instant.

What Yuanshi Tianzun didn't know was that ten minutes after he disappeared -

With a swish sound, the cedar tree Rong Qing was leaning on shook and turned into a human form.

Jun Muqian rubbed her arms: There are still disadvantages to these seventy-two transformations. I have to hold up my hands to transform into a tree.

It's all because Yuanshi Tianzun stopped for so long, her arms were numb.

Rong Qing laughed and waved: I'll squeeze it for you.

As expected, Jun Muqian handed her arm over: Qingmei, here it is.

It's so nice to have a beautiful massage.

Jun Muqian expected that if the seal of the Chaos Bell came into contact, Yuanshi Tianzun would definitely feel it, so she had already been prepared.

However, she did not expect that her seventy-two transformations and Bai Ruo's tracking methods would hide it from even Yuanshi Tianzun.

Later, Donghuang Taiyi, Bai Che, and Bai Ruo also came out, and they were all moved into the Hunyuan Bell by Jun Muqian.

Donghuang Taiyi glanced at Jun Muxian who was enjoying Rong Qing's massage: In broad daylight, it's not appropriate!

Hurt your eyes!

Hearing this, Jun Muqian glanced at him sideways: You are jealous. You have been a bachelor for millions of years and you can't even find a female bird. It's embarrassing.

Donghuang Taiyi choked with anger.

He turned around and went on to unseal the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock has just been awakened. The Chaos Clock has been dormant for so many years. It is not easy to restore it.

He also needs to use the soul he has cultivated over hundreds of thousands of years to communicate with that part of the Chaos Clock.

Bai Ruo watched for a while and then raised his hand: Your Majesty Donghuang, do you need my help?

You? Donghuang Taiyi gave a look of disdain, Forget about your meager cultivation, you can at most cheer me on by the side.

Okay, okay! Bai Ruo didn't answer, Bai Che nodded repeatedly, Your Majesty, we are encouraging you, how can we encourage you?

With Donghuang Taiyi's thigh, it seems that it is not difficult for them to rebuild Qingqiu Kingdom.

You don't know how to do this? Donghuang Taiyi said, Praise, do you understand?

Bai Che was confused for a moment, and then realized: I understand, I understand!

Then, this scene appeared——

His Majesty Donghuang, you are the most beautiful man in the world.

His Majesty Dong Huang, you are truly a talented person, elegant, handsome, and graceful.

Your Majesty Dong Huang, the back of your head is also amazingly beautiful.

His Majesty Dong Huang...

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muqian couldn't listen at all. She blocked her hearing, and suddenly her soul sent a message: Young beauty.

This tone sounded a bit accusatory. Rong Qing couldn't help but be startled, and the movements of her hands slowed down a bit: What's wrong?

Do you know where you put your head on mine when you were leaning against the tree just now?

I dreamed that not only had I finished writing the book Lord, but I had also started a new chapter. I was so happy. When I woke up, I realized that I was indeed dreaming o(╯□╰)o

This chapter is updated for the birthday of reader [Qing Qian’s Cat] (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

To be honest, I really want to have a cat hahaha

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