The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1104 Yuanshi Tianzun is coming! 【2 more】

Xihe is the Queen of Heaven, also known as the Sun Goddess.

After the three-legged Golden Crow was born, she also drove the ten suns to Tanggu before dawn, and picked them back from Yuyuan after sunset. This happened every day, over and over again.

The moon god Wangshu is just the opposite of her. Wangshu is responsible for transporting the moon and lighting at night.

Yeah, what's wrong? Bai Ruo glanced at Donghuang Taiyi, Why are you reacting so loudly?

Who is this onion?

Hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi sneered: I just thought that I never taught him that cross-species love is fruitless.

Bai Ruo: ???

Is this green onion crazy, saying all these things, and calling himself the emperor?

Jun Muxian: ...

She was really curious about how many lower planes Donghuang Taiyi had traveled to before. This skill of blaming people was a bit too strong.

Jun Muqian lowered her voice: Qingmei, you don't know. Before this, I always thought Wangshu was a woman.

Therefore, even if she could guess that the red turtle was someone from the prehistoric times, she would never think about the innate demon gods.

But then it all makes sense.

The red turtle said that it had seen the Seven-Star Moon Whip. Wangshu was the moon god and belonged to the ancient heaven. At that time, the treasure house of Nuwa Palace had not yet been destroyed. As Wangshu, he could naturally see it.

It asked her to help find its sister. Wangshu was Xihe's younger brother, so it was fitting.

Bai Wei clearly gave the inner elixir to Wangshu, but she got it from the red cockroach. If the red cockroach was Wangshu, the logic would be the same.

Why is Wangshu in Huaxu Continent, and who has the ability to turn him into a red turtle?

No matter how bad Wangshu is, he is still an extremely powerful innate demon.

Jun Muqian suddenly thought that she found something else at the bottom of the lake where she met Wangshu——

Sunlight Divine Water in Sanguang Divine Water!

The Three Light Divine Water was originally placed in the eight-treasure glass bottle held by Yuanshi Tianzun!

Is it Yuanshi Tianzun again?

Jun Muqian frowned, but only the Tiandao Saint was so powerful.

Apart from Yuanshi Tianzun, she really couldn't think of anyone else.

Young beauty. Jun Muqian Yuan Shen sent a message and asked, Did you meet Yuanshi Tianzun this time with the burning lantern offering to the Buddha?

Rong Qing nodded: Yes, I saw him. He told me that Honghuang is busy with affairs and he can't get away for the time being. When he has some free time, he will go to the Illusory World to visit his parents.

So calm? Jun Muzhen was a little surprised, Does he have the aura of the inner demon in him?

Nothing. Rong Qing lowered her eyes and thought deeply, then added, There is nothing wrong with him.

There is no problem, that's the biggest problem. Jun Muqian's eyebrows showed a bit of coldness, However, this is also good news. At least he is afraid of his parents and will not do anything to you, the beautiful girl.

The couple was talking, but on the other side they were about to start a fight.

Bai Che looked at him in bewilderment as his aunt grabbed His Majesty Donghuang's collar with one hand and said harsh words: You little onion, I tell you, stop saying a few words, or I'll beat you until you can't live. Take care of yourself.”

Donghuang Taiyi looked arrogant and unmoved: I would also like to see who among these monsters dares to attack me.

This fox was so tired of living that he didn't even bother to fight a crazy woman.

Hearing this, Bai Ruo's temper that he had not been able to express for a million years exploded. When he was about to take action, Bai Che was shocked and held down Bai Ruo's hand.

Great Elder, this is actually... Jun Muqian pinched the center of his eyebrows and said feebly, His Majesty the Eastern Emperor.

What? Bai Ruo was stunned, You said this green onion is His Majesty the Eastern Emperor?

Jun Muqian nodded.

Bai Che was about to cry but had no tears: Auntie, please don't hit us. If you hit us, we won't be able to build the Qingqiu Kingdom again.

Why is he, the same nine-tailed white fox, so weak and helpless, while his aunt is so powerful?

Really? Bai Ruo was suspicious, But His Majesty Donghuang doesn't look like this at all. I have met His Majesty Donghuang. Even if he is alive, let alone him, he is not so good-looking.

Jun Muxian: ...

This nine-tailed white fox family is a bit interesting.

Presumptuous! Donghuang Taiyi was angry now, and the veins on his forehead were twitching, Back then, I was ranked second among the most beautiful men in the ancient world!

Second, did you hear it? !

Jun Muxian: ...

She originally thought that this ranking of handsome men was just a wild ranking, but she didn't expect that both Kong Xuan and Donghuang Taiyi would remember it so clearly in their hearts.

Bai Ruo said warily: I didn't vote for you.

Donghuang Taiyi choked suddenly and became even more angry: Who did you vote for?

Bai Ruo said proudly: Of course he is the first one, I'm not blind.

Bai Che: ...

His aunt, his biological aunt!

Can you say a few words less!

Seeing that the topic had strayed, Jun Muqian stopped in time: Great Elder, even if you don't recognize His Majesty Donghuang's face, your spiritual sense should recognize his soul, right?

That's the truth. Bai Ruo thought thoughtfully, I'll take a look first.

The result is incredible.

Through Mu Ying's body, Bai Ruo suddenly saw a golden bird, burning with blazing fire, looking in all directions, showing its kingly aura and supreme majesty.

If not the Eastern Emperor who once conquered the wilderness, who else could it be?


Bai Ruo withdrew his hand at lightning speed and said: I'm sorry, His Majesty the East Emperor. I dared to offend you. I hope His Majesty the East Emperor will forgive me.

After all, she actually called Donghuang ugly in front of him. Even if it was the truth, it really hurt Donghuang's lungs.

Excuse me? Donghuang Taiyi was very angry, his eyes were cold, The first rule of the demon clan's laws is that you are not allowed to slander the emperor.

Jun Muxian: ???

And this kind of law, she lost.

Bai Che looked at that one and then this one, caught in the middle, even more weak and helpless.

Earlier, I wanted to ask the fox to help His Majesty Donghuang find his bell, but the fox doesn't know how to track him. Jun Muqian sighed and said, Now that I happened to meet the great elder, why not ask the great elder to How about using the tracking method to find this bell for His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, and it will be forgiven?

Looking for something? Bai Ruo thought for a moment, I'm the best at finding things.

Dong Huangtai narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile: Little girl, you will make decisions for me. How about waiting for the restoration of the ancient heaven in the future, and I will grant you a document?

Jun Muqian glanced at him: Brother, it's too late to pamper me. You still want me to help you with things?

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

He waved his hand irritably: Okay, let's do it, but breaking the law is breaking the law, and you still have to do it according to the law.

Jun Muqian thought to herself that it's not up to you. When the time comes to find the Chaos Clock, why don't you just stuff it in?

However, she still asked one more question: What is the punishment for breaking this law?

Donghuang Taiyi: Tell me a hundred times that I am the most beautiful.

Bai Ruo: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...


Bai Ruo and Bai Wei are both innate demon gods, that is, the first generation of nine-tailed white foxes, but they are not as powerful as Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shi Qilin, and are weaker in terms of blood.

The innate demon god is born to control a great path, and Bai Ruo has been practicing in Kunlunxu for millions of years, and is extremely accomplished in the path of tracking.

With her help, it didn't take long to find the location of the Chaos Clock.

Fortunately, the Great Elder is here. Jun Muqian breathed a sigh of relief, Otherwise, I wouldn't have known how to find the Monkey Year and the Horse Moon.

She didn't want to care about Donghuang, but she couldn't ignore Mu Ying and Lingyin.

Finding the Chaos Bell will save more than just Donghuang Taiyi.

It's a small thing, Bai Ruo said, You found Che'er for me, and I haven't thanked you yet. This is such a small thing, it's not worth mentioning.

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly, and with the power of his soul, he shook away the ice and snow in front of him.

The ice and snow fell, revealing a three-meter-high ancient bronze bell.

Just by looking at the appearance of this ancient clock, you can't tell that it is the Chaos Bell of the three innate treasures.

It stands here quietly, like a stone statue without spirit, waiting for the end of time.

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes narrowed, he put his hand on the clock face and sighed softly: Old man, I've suffered a lot for you.

If the Chaos Bell hadn't preserved another part of his soul at that time, even if he relied on Emperor Jun's body to recuperate for many years, he wouldn't have been able to become the Eastern Emperor again.

Jun Muqian looked at the motionless Chaos Clock: Qingmei, can you unlock the seal of Yuanshi Tianzun?

Rong glanced at it lightly and said, I don't need to solve it. The companion magic weapon will automatically solve it when it meets its owner.

As soon as she finished speaking, Jun Muzhen saw the Chaos Clock tremble slightly, and at the same time, she heard a soft muffled sound.

Extremely subtle, almost inaudible.


But it was at this moment when the Chaos Clock made its first sound!

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was located outside the Three Realms and in the void, suddenly opened his eyes.

I’m a bit stuck _(:з ∠)_, and I promised readers that the birthday update will be at noon tomorrow, good night~

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