The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1102: No control in broad daylight [2 updates]

The seven colors of sunlight refracted through the snowflakes fell on the tall and straight body of the man in scarlet clothes, as if a layer of fireflies had fallen on him, misty and misty, like the fantasy moon in a dream.

His side face is extremely captivating. Against the background of Fei Yi, the whiteness of his skin color becomes even more evident. The sharpness and softness are intertwined, making him so beautiful that he is stunned by all living beings.

But this beauty was obviously coming with force, and in the next second, the woman in the red skirt was locked by her throat!

As long as the slender hand exerts a little force, it can be pinched off.

The scarlet-clothed man's expression was dull, and there was no emotion in his brows, but the movements of his hands were extremely decisive.

Wait a minute! Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, then spoke up in time, Qingmei, don't kill her yet.

Hearing this, Rong Qing's hands relaxed.

But the figure of the woman in the red skirt was still fixed in place, unable to move. She was obviously controlled by Rong Qing.

I don't need your kindness. The woman in the red skirt said coldly, Kill or behead him, whatever!

She could see that the man who suddenly appeared was very powerful, probably at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. She could not escape even if she tried her best to resist.

It was also because she was too careless and would come out rashly just because of an unpredictable aura, which is why she ended up like this.

You have some backbone. Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and gestured lazily, What do you think if I cut a knife here on your face?

The woman in the red skirt was stunned for a moment, then she held on and said, I told you, it's up to you.

Jun Muqian ignored her and turned to look at Rong Qing, opening her arms: Beauty Qing, just now the little beauty said he missed you.

Yes. Rong Qing reached out and hugged her, his eyelashes drooped, and the snow and frost fell, he said, I heard it.

So you came back at the right time. Jun Muqian raised her eyes, looked him up and down, and gave him a rare compliment, You did a good job this time. You didn't get hurt at all. It deserves praise.

Rong slightly raised his eyebrows: If you are injured, how can I protect you?

Just protect yourself. At this point, Jun Mu Qian's eyebrows danced, and after recounting what happened ten days ago, he said, Qingmei, you haven't seen that their faces were so heavy that they could pinch themselves. The water is out.”

Hearing this, Rong Qing frowned and said calmly: Mumu, what did you say before I left?

Say- Jun Muqian was about to reply, but suddenly realized something was wrong, and reluctantly said, Just run away if you say you can't beat me. Don't show off.

She paused and refused to admit defeat: But haven't I fought before?

Rong Qing looked at her, his eyes narrowed slightly: Huh?

Three seconds later——

Jun Muqian surrendered, she raised her hands: Qingmei, I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again.

Every time he looked at her with this look, it was killing him, he was clearly trying to seduce her.

Rong Qing pinched his eyebrows and said, You are not allowed to use your spiritual power for a month.

Jun Muxian: ...Oh.

It depends on her mood.

The woman in the red skirt who was immobilized on the side was almost angry to death from the interaction between the two. She suppressed her annoyance and said: Can you move to another place to fall in love? I'm blind.

What kind of evil had she committed? She had been practicing in Kunlun for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one disturbed her purity. As a result, a man and a woman were born, and they were still so ignorant in public.


I'm sorry. Jun Muqian really remembered that there was someone else here. She was very calm, I forgot about you.

The woman in the red skirt: ...

It would be more satisfying to kill her directly.

The woman in the red skirt gritted her teeth: Stop talking nonsense, either let me go or kill me. I don't want to see you.

Jun Muqian looked at her for three seconds and suddenly smiled: You are the great elder of the nine-tailed white fox clan, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, the look of the woman in the red skirt suddenly changed, and her eyes were as sharp as a knife: Who are you?

You don't need to know who I am. Jun Muqian said lightly, As long as you know that I have never killed any of your people.

No wonder, neither she nor Rong Qing noticed the woman in the red skirt. If the woman in the red skirt was the elder of the nine-tailed white fox clan, everything would make sense.

Donghuang Taiyi had just said before that the great elder of the nine-tailed white fox clan cultivated the way of tracking.

This tracking naturally includes counter-tracking, and it is normal that it cannot be detected.

The three thousand avenues are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other. There is no one avenue that can absolutely suppress the other avenues.

Although the Avenue of Heart she cultivated was strong, it still ranked first among the three thousand avenues, but on the other hand, the Avenue of Heart also had its nemesis.

Why should I trust you? The woman in the red skirt said in a cold tone, You clearly have the aura of the nine-tailed white fox in you. My nine-tailed white fox clan is full of treasures. You are a human being. Will you resist killing me?

Jun Muqian pondered seriously for two seconds: You are right, I really wanted to peel off his skin and make a piece of clothing.

Woman in red skirt: ???

Still so confident?

Rong Qing thoughtfully said: That male fox?

I'm awake now. Jun Muqian nodded, I'm with Dong Huang.

After saying that, she waved her hand, and a golden rope appeared in her palm.

Golden rope!


The golden rope slipped away, instantly tying up the woman in the red skirt.

She was furious: What did you do?

Jun Muqian looked at it and commented: Not bad.

After Jiang Qingxue died, this golden rope also came into her hands. It was indeed more convenient to use to tie people up than the seven-star moon whip.

Qingmei, let's go. Jun Muqian waved, Go find those two animals.

Rong Qing nodded.

The woman in the red skirt didn't want to live or die, but she was dragged away forcefully.

When Jun Muzhen returned, Bai Che had his two fox ears drooped, listening to His Majesty Donghuang's teachings sadly, his eyes constantly wandering.

After seeing the woman in purple, he almost cried with joy and ran over with a cry: Little beauty, you are finally back. I love you so much...

The voice suddenly stopped, and Bai Che saw the slight murderous intent in the scarlet-clothed man's eyes, and promptly changed his words: I love your husband.

Wuwuwu scares the fox to death every time.

Jun Muxian: ???

She stood in front of Rong Qing vigilantly: Don't even think about it, it's a dream! I want to skin you again!

She almost forgot that the nine-tailed white fox is bisexual and can change gender freely. If Bai Che really fell in love with Rong Qing, she would make him into a fox fur coat.

Bai Che: ...

They are both so fierce and a perfect match!

Only then did Bai Che notice the existence of the woman in the red skirt. He was stunned: Are you kidnapping another beauty?

How could there be such a beautiful woman in the barren mountains and the ice and snow?

Seeing Bai Che, the woman in the red skirt showed a shocked look for the first time, and blurted out: Sister?!

This sound scared Bai Che half to death. He retorted loudly: I'm a man! I'm a man!

He is male and likes women!

It's not your eldest sister, but he should be your eldest sister's biological son. Donghuang Taiyi walked over slowly, Bai Ruo, I haven't seen you for a million years. I hope you are fine.

Bai Ruo's expression was still a little dazed. When he saw Donghuang Taiyi, he directly attacked him without thinking: Who are you?

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

What a mistake. He doesn't look like his original self now. I really don't expect this hot-tempered fox to recognize him.

Oh? Jun Muqian raised an eyebrow and looked at Bai Che, Fox, you are the son of the leader of the Nine-tailed White Fox Clan?

Bai Wei, the leader of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, and Bai Ruo, the great elder, are biological sisters. Both sisters are very powerful.

Ah? Bai Che was also confused, I don't know, my inherited memory didn't tell me.

Yes, yes! Bai Ruo was in a daze for a while, then he realized, You must be my eldest sister's son, you must be! You and eldest sister look almost exactly the same.

Bai Che immediately retorted: I'm not, I didn't, you're talking nonsense, how can I look the same as a woman if I'm so handsome?

Donghuang Taiyi was confused and interrupted: Bai Ruo, aren't you dead? Why are you in Kunlunxu?

You're dead. Don't talk to me like a green onion. Bai Ruo was in a state of excitement. She stared at Bai Che and suddenly burst into tears. There is no extinct descendant in our nine-tailed white fox clan. There is no extinct descendant. ah!

Bai Che panicked and felt uncomfortable for some reason: No, don't cry. What's going on?

Jun Muxian was also confused: Bai Wei and Fox lived in very different eras. How could they become mother and son?

Rong Qing pondered for a moment: There is a method, but I don't know if it is the same one.

Don't cry, I don't cry, I'm just so excited to see you. Bai Ruo wiped her tears, her eyes were still red, I didn't expect that you are still alive, you must be the eldest sister...

Time goes back to two hundred thousand years after the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation——

Donghuang Taiyi: Please call me Donghuang.

Good night~

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